C172 Pilot Operating Manual
C172 Pilot Operating Manual
C172 Pilot Operating Manual
Cessna 172
Pilot’s Operating Manual
Author: Julian Lockwood (julian@x-plane.com)
The information contained in this document is for simulation use only, within the X-Plane flight simulator. This document is not
subject to revision, and has not been checked for accuracy. This document is intended for entertainment only, and may not to be
used in situations involving real-life aircraft, or real-life aviation.
This document may be copied and distributed by Laminar Research customers and developers, for entertainment. It may also be
distributed with third-party content developed for X-Plane 11.
Background: The Cessna 172 ................................................................................................................... 4
Cessna 172 Skyhawk Specifications ...................................................................................................... 5
The X-Plane C172 Skyhawk ...................................................................................................................... 6
Views and Controls .................................................................................................................................. 7
Creating “Quick Look” views ................................................................................................................ 8
Operating the controls ....................................................................................................................... 11
Assigning peripheral devices .............................................................................................................. 13
A Tour of the Cockpit ............................................................................................................................. 15
Primary Instruments .......................................................................................................................... 15
Secondary Instruments ...................................................................................................................... 18
Avionics ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Switch Panel ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Throttle & Mixture / Pedestal ............................................................................................................ 27
Annunciator Panel ............................................................................................................................. 29
Autopilot Operation .............................................................................................................................. 30
Flight Planning ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Fuel Calculation ..................................................................................................................................... 33
Taxi Fuel ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Taxi Fuel Table ................................................................................................................................... 33
Trip Fuel ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Trip Fuel Table ................................................................................................................................... 33
Weight & Balance .................................................................................................................................. 34
Total Weight ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Center of Gravity (CG)........................................................................................................................ 34
Weight and Balance Table ................................................................................................................. 34
Configuring the Weight and Balance in X-Plane.................................................................................. 39
Checklists .............................................................................................................................................. 40
Initial Cockpit Check .......................................................................................................................... 40
Pre-Flight Exterior Inspection............................................................................................................. 41
Before Starting Engines ..................................................................................................................... 43
Engine Start ....................................................................................................................................... 44
Before Taxi ........................................................................................................................................ 44
Before Takeoff ................................................................................................................................... 45
Takeoff .............................................................................................................................................. 45
Short-Field Takeoff ............................................................................................................................ 46
Climb ................................................................................................................................................. 46
Cruise ................................................................................................................................................ 47
Descent ............................................................................................................................................. 47
Before Landing .................................................................................................................................. 48
After Landing ..................................................................................................................................... 48
Engine Shutdown & Securing Aircraft ................................................................................................ 49
Operational Speeds ............................................................................................................................... 50
Background: The Cessna 172
The Cessna Corporation first
introduced the model 172 in 1955, as
a tricycle variant of their existing
model 170. The aircraft (seating four
persons) was equipped at the time
with a Continental O-300 piston
engine, and was an immediate
success. In 1956, its first year of
production, more than 1,400 were
Production halted for approximately ten years between the mid-80s and the mid-90s, and subsequently resumed with two models
offered – the 172R (Lycoming IO-160 / 160hp) and the 172S (again the Lycoming IO-160, but uprated to 180hp). Both variants
utilized a two-blade metal propeller. The 172S remains in production today.
172RG: Introduced in 1980, and featuring retractable gear (hence RG), this model was named the “172RG Cutlass”. The Cutlass
featured a variable-pitch/constant-speed propeller, and Lycoming IO-360 engine, developing 180 hp. Cruise speed increased to 140
knots, but the aircraft did not meet with success as a personal transport. However, it became very popular with flight schools for
“complex” aircraft training. A total of 1,177 models were built between 1980 and 1984.
172R: Introduced in 1996, the 172R was powered by a fuel-injected Lycoming IO-360 producing 160 hp. Additional improvements
included a new interior, sound-proofing, improved ventilation, a factory-fitted four-person intercom system, and inertia-reel seat-
172S: Introduced in 1998, this is the variant modeled in X-Plane 11. Like earlier models, the 172S was powered by a Lycoming IO-
360, rated at 180hp. However, the maximum engine RPM was increased from 2,500 rpm to 2,700 rpm, which yielded an additional
20hp. Maximum takeoff weight correspondingly increased to 2.550 lb. (1,157 kg.). This model is marketed under the name
“Skyhawk SP”, and remains the only model currently in production. The aircraft is offered with the option of a Garmin G1000
avionics package.
During its lifetime, competitors of the 172 included the Beech Musketeer, Grumman AA5, Piper Cherokee and (more recently) the
Diamond DA40.
Based on the number of units sold, the Cessna 172 is currently the most successful aircraft in history. As of 2015, more than 43,000
aircraft have been built.
Cessna 172 Skyhawk Specifications
The X-Plane C172 Skyhawk
Unlike other flight simulators, X-Plane
employs a technique called “blade element
theory. This technique uses the actual shape
of the aircraft (as modeled in the simulator),
and breaks down the forces on each part
separately. The force of the “air” acting on
each component of the model is individually
calculated, and combined, to produce
extremely realistic flight.
This means the fuselage, wings and tail surfaces must be the right size and shape, the center of lift and center of gravity must be in
the right places, and the engine(s) must develop the right amount of power. In fact, there are a great many properties th at must be
modeled correctly to achieve a high-fidelity flight model.
The Cessna 172 featured in X-Plane-11 is the “Skyhawk” variant. This aircraft has been modeled by our design team with a degree
of accuracy that ensures its flight characteristics are very like those of the real aircraft. However, despite this, some differences will
be apparent, because even the smallest factor plays into the ultimate behavior of the aircraft, both in real life, and in X-Plane. The
systems modeling of this aircraft involves some compromise too, because of the degree of complexity present in a real aircraft.
However, in most cases, the actual C172 procedures could be followed when operating the X-Plane version. Checklists are
presented later in this document (with modifications to suit a simulation platform). It is recommended that X-Plane pilots follow those
procedures to extract the maximum capability and enjoyment from this aircraft.
Views and Controls
The X-Plane C172 features a detailed 3-D cockpit with a great many of the primary controls and systems modeled, including: Flight
controls (yoke, rudder pedals, throttles, prop levers, condition levers), electrical systems, navigation aids, radios, autopilot,
instrument and cabin lighting, and fuel systems.
To best view some of the switches
featured in this aircraft, it is helpful to hide
the pilot and co-pilot yokes. This can be
accomplished by clicking the base of the
yoke, or by selecting “Joystick and
Equipment” from the “Settings” menu, and
assigning a button, or key, to the
Creating “Quick Look” views
Before discussing the controls, we suggest that the pilot establish a series of “Quick Look” views that will be helpful later when
interacting with this particular aircraft. If you are not familiar with this technique, more information is available in the X-Plane Desktop
The following “Quick Look” views are recommended for the C172, in a situation where the pilot is not using a Virtual Reality (VR)
headset, or a head tracking device. To some degree, these correspond (on the keyboard Number Pad) with their physical locations
in the cockpit, and are therefore logical and easy to recall later.
Center Console
(Trim, and Fuel
Pilot Switches
Throttle and
Flap Lever
Pilot’s Primary
Avionics Panel
ADF (Automatic
Direction Finder)
Pilot’s Left
Glance View
Pilot’s Right
Glance View
Operating the controls
This section covers the basics techniques for the operation of the controls that you will encounter in the cockpit of an X-Plane
aircraft. Control manipulators are consistent across all X-Plane 11 aircraft. However, the specific ILLUSTRATIONS in THIS chapter
may differ from YOUR aircraft.
Push buttons are operated by pointing and clicking
with the mouse.
Assigning peripheral devices
This section of the manual deals with an “ideal” scenario, in terms of the assignment of external computer peripherals to operate the
X-Plane C172 with the highest degree of realism. If you are missing some of these external peripherals, you may elect to choose a
different configuration that best suits your hardware.
More information is
available in the X-Plane
Desktop Manual.
The C172 has conventional
rudder controls, actuated by
the rudder pedals.
A Tour of the Cockpit
In this section of the manual, the cockpit will be broken down into distinct functional areas, and the controls that are featured in
those areas will be identified and described. This will assist in locating the necessary instruments and controls later, when working
through the aircraft check lists, and when flying the aircraft. Only controls that are operational within the X-Plane C172 will be
presented here.
Primary Instruments
Airspeed Indicator
This instrument displays the speed of the aircraft (in knots) relative to the air
moving past it (and not relative to the ground).
The green arc (48 to 129 knots) indicates the normal operating range.
The yellow arc (129 to 163 knots) indicates the smooth-air operating range. Do
not operate in this range when in turbulent air.
The white arc (40 to 85 knots) indicates full flap operating range.
Attitude Indicator (EADI)
This instrument displays the attitude of the aircraft relative to the horizon. This
informs the pilot whether the aircraft is flying straight, or turning, and whether the
aircraft is climbing, or descending. This information is crucial in “instrument
conditions” - when the outside horizon is not visible.
This instrument uses a gyroscope to maintain the correct heading, and must be
calibrated at the start of the flight by setting the heading to that indicated by the
magnetic compass. Use the rotary control at the lower-left (labeled ‘Push’) to
accomplish this. Because gyroscopes tend to ‘precess’ over time, the heading
should be periodically reset – again using the magnetic compass, when in level
The rotary control at the lower-right corner is used to set the ‘Heading Bug’. This
is used in conjunction with the autopilot (see later) to maintain the desired
Turn Coordinator This instrument informs the pilot of both the rate of turn, and whether the aircraft
is slipping sideways during a turn.
The “L” (left) and “R” (right) indicators at the four and eight o-clock locations on
the dial correspond with a “two-minute turn”, which is considered ideal when
maneuvering an aircraft in instrument conditions. When the wings of the white
aircraft in the center of the dial intersect with these markings (during a turn), it will
take exactly 2 minutes for the aircraft to make a 360 degree turn back to its
original course.
The floating ball is used to assist the pilot in making a “coordinated turn”, so the
aircraft does not slip to the side, but instead follows the desired course. If the ball
moves to the right, depress the right (rudder) pedal, until the ball is centered
again. Correspondingly, if the ball moves to the left, depress the left (rudder)
pedal, until the ball is centered again. When the ball is centered, the aircraft is
making a coordinated turn.
The altimeter displays the altitude above sea level (not the altitude above the
ground). This model uses a clock analogy – the ‘hour’ hand displays the altitude
in thousands of feet, and the ‘minute’ hand in hundreds of feet. In the example to
the left, the altitude is 2,250 feet.
This instrument informs the pilot of the rate of climb, or the rate of descent, in
hundreds of feet per minute.
Secondary Instruments
Also displayed are the outside air temperature (O.A.T) in degrees Fahrenheit,
and the battery voltage.
This instrument displays the fuel remaining (Gallons) in the left and right (wing)
Exhaust Gas Temperature and Fuel Flow Exhaust Gas Temperature is measured by a thermocouple that intrudes into the
exhaust stream. The red needle may be adjusted by the pilot to the peak
observed EGT (on this or previous flights) using the rotary control on the left-
side of the gauge. Once set, the optimum engine performance may be obtained
when the actual EGT is slightly below the peak.
EGT varies with the ratio of fuel and air, which is controlled by the aircraft’s
mixture control. When excess fuel is present, this is called “rich”, and when
excess air is present, this is called “lean”. EGT rises with leaner mixtures, and
falls with richer mixtures.
By adjusting the mixture until the EGT is slightly below the peak observed EGT
(manually set with the red needle), the optimum fuel-burn may be achieved.
The fuel flow gauge indicates the rate that fuel is flowing into the engine
(Gallons per Hour). This is impacted by both the throttle setting, and the mixture
Oil pressure is measured in PSI (pounds per square inch). Normal operating
range is 50 to 90 PSI. A low oil pressure indicates insufficient oil, and may be
the result of a leak, or under-filling. A high oil pressure usually occurs in cold
temperatures, or with thick oil. Excessive wear, or damage to the engine, may
occur if the oil pressure is not in the normal operating range.
Gyro pressure gauge, vacuum gauge, or suction gauge are all terms for the
same gauge - used to monitor the vacuum developed (in Inches of Mercury) by
the system that actuates the air driven gyroscopic flight instruments. When the
vacuum pressure is outside the normal operating range, one or more of the
primary flight instruments may become inoperable.
Propeller RPM and Hobbs Meter
This instrument displays the RPM of the propeller, which is controlled by the
throttle. The green band is the recommended operating range.
The Hobbs meter indicates the cumulative time the engine has been running.
This is needed for the engine maintenance schedule.
This instrument displays the course deviation from the desired radial of a VOR
transmitter, or ILS (Instrument Landing System). This is selected via the VLOC1
frequency of the Garmin G530 device.
In the case of the VOR, the desired radial is selected using the OBS rotary
control. The lateral course deflection is then displayed, providing the pilot with
the direction in which he needs to steer to intercept that radial. The “To/From”
indicator informs the pilot if he is flying towards, or away from, the VOR
In the case of an ILS, both the lateral and vertical course deflection is displayed,
providing the pilot with the direction to steer to intercept the localizer, and if the
aircraft is above, or below, the glideslope.
VOR2 Receiver
This instrument displays the course deviation from the desired radial of a VOR
transmitter. This is selected via the VLOC2 frequency of the Garmin G430
The desired radial is selected using the OBS rotary control. The lateral course
deflection is then displayed, providing the pilot with the direction in which he
needs to steer to intercept that radial. The “To/From” indicator informs the pilot
if he is flying towards, or away from, the VOR transmitter.
ADF (Automatic Direction Finder)
NDBs are simple radio transmitters. As such, the ADF instrument can also
provide bearing information to non-aviation related transmitters, such as
commercial radio stations, or any other radio source operating within the
appropriate bandwidth.
GNS 530
GNS 430 The GNS 430 is Laminar Research’s interpretation
of the Garmin 430 series of GPS (Global Positioning
System) receivers.
Autopilot Panel
Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) Panel
Switch Panel
Fuel Pump
Rotating Beacon
Landing Light
Taxi Light
- Comm Panel
- G530 GPS
- Transponder
- Autopilot
- VOR1 / ILS
- BUS2
BUS2 powers:
- G430 GPS
- VOR2
- VOR2
Throttle & Mixture / Pedestal
Throttle Lever
Mixture Lever
Elevator Trim
Fuel Selector
Used to select the desired fuel tank(s) supplying
fuel to the engine.
Options are:
- Both (tanks)
- Right (tank)
- Left (tank)
Annunciator Panel
This panel features a group of lights that indicate the status of the aircraft’s equipment or systems. Red indicators are warnings, and
amber indicators are cautions.
A test switch is located immediately to the right of the annunciator panel. Depressing this switch illuminates every light in the panel,
to confirm each one is working prior to the flight.
Severity: Caution
1 L FUEL R Left / Right Fuel Pressure: Indicates a drop in fuel pressure from either the left, or
right fuel supply. This usually occurs in the event of fuel starvation, a fuel leak, or
the failure of a fuel pump.
Severity: Warning
Oil Pressure: Engine oil pressure is low. This occurs when there is insufficient oil
present, or in the event of an oil-pump failure.
Severity: Caution
Left / Right Vacuum system pressure is low. Indicates a drop in vacuum pressure
from the left or right vacuum pump. This may occur at low engine RPM, or when
there is a legitimate failure of the vacuum system. In the event of a failure, the
following instruments will be affected:
- Airspeed Indicator
- Altimeter
- Vertical Speed Indicator
- Attitude Indicator
- Heading Indicator
- Turn Coordinator
Severity: Warning
4 Low Voltage: Indicates the alternator is not generating enough voltage to keep the
battery charged. This may indicate an alternator failure. The battery will gradually
deplete, leading to an electrical system failure.
Autopilot Operation
Autopilot On/Off
This is a toggle button, used to engage and dis-engage the autopilot system
1 AP respectively.
When the autopilot is initially engaged, the pilot still has full manual control of the
aircraft, because no autopilot mode has yet been selected.
Heading Mode
Navigation Mode
Approach Mode(近进模式)
The autopilot will capture the localizer and glideslope associated with the chosen
4 ILS frequency, provided the G530 is in VLOC mode. When the aircraft captures
the glideslope, and begins descending, the pilot is responsible for managing the
airspeed (using the throttle).
Note: The autopilot may not capture the ILS if extreme maneuvers are required to
accomplish this. The pilot should therefore position the aircraft close to the
localizer and glideslope, and in stable flight, before engaging APR mode.
Reverse Mode
Use this mode when flying an ILS-localizer back-course. The principle is otherwise
the same as APR (Approach) Mode.
Altitude Mode
Select this mode to hold the current altitude. This may also be accomplished using
VS mode (where VS is set to ‘00’).
Caution is required when using this mode, to maintain a safe airspeed. The
selected rate of climb/descent may exceed the performance capability of the
aircraft, resulting in airspeed that is too low, or too high. The pilot must manage
this manually.
Flight Planning
Flight planning is the process of determining a route from origin to destination that considers fuel requirements, terrain avoidance,
Air Traffic Control, aircraft performance, airspace restrictions and notices to airmen (NOTAMS).
Flight plans can be generated by onboard computers if the aircraft is suitably equipped. If not, simulation pilots may elect to use an
online flight planner. A web search for the phrase “Flight Planner” will yield a great many options, many of which are free s ervices.
A good online flight planner will utilize the origin and destination airports, together with the aircraft type and equipment, the weather
conditions, the chosen cruise altitude, known restrictions along the route, current NOTAMS, and other factors to generate a suitable
flight plan. The waypoints incorporated into the flight plan can be subsequently input into the aircraft’s Flight Management Computer
(FMS), or Global Positioning System (GPS). Some online flight planners provide the option to save the plan as an X-Plane
compatible file, with an ‘fms’ extension. A saved flight plan can be loaded into the GPS or Flight Management Computer unit
featured in the C172.
It is recommended the pilot generate a flight plan for the chosen route before using the GPS units.
Instructions for operating the Laminar Research GPS units can be found in separate (dedicated) manuals.
Fuel Calculation
Note: All calculations here are based on the X-Plane C172, and NOT the real-life C172. Differences may exist.
Taxi Fuel
The estimated fuel required to taxi from the startup location to the active runway at the origin, plus the estimated fuel required to taxi
from the active runway to the shutdown location at the destination. This is dependent on the ground route that will be followed, and
the traffic at the airports in question. The pilot must use his or her judgement to determine the total taxi time. Once this has been
estimated, use the following lookup table to determine the amount of fuel required.
Taxi Time (minutes) Fuel Flow (lbs. / hour) Total Fuel Weight (lbs.)
10 24 4
20 24 8
30 24 12
40 24 16
50 24 20
60 24 24
Trip Fuel
The estimated fuel required to complete the cruise portion of the trip. This will be a factor of the expected elapsed time for the flight,
which will be provided by your chosen online flight planner. Once this has been calculated, use the following lookup table to
determine the amount of fuel required.
Flight Time (minutes) Fuel Flow (lbs. / hour) Total Fuel Weight (lbs.)
20 48 16
40 48 32
60 48 48
80 48 64
100 48 80
120 48 96
140 48 112
160 48 128
180 48 144
200 48 160
220 48 176
240 48 192
260 48 208
280 48 224
300 48 240
320 48 256
340 48 272
360 48 288
380 48 304
400 48 320
420 48 336
Weight & Balance
Proper weight and balance control is crucial to the safe operation of any aircraft. Two elements are vital in this process:
Total Weight
This must be no greater than the maximum allowed by the regulatory body that oversees the operation of the aircraft. In the United
States, this is the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The point at which all weight is concentrated. This must be within the allowable range published for the aircraft in question.
After calculating your fuel requirements (see Fuel Calculation), use the following table to determine the Payload Weight and Center
of Gravity (CG) for your flight. This assumes an average weight of 150 lbs. per person, and a baggage weight of 50 lbs.
Total Fuel Front Seat Rear Seat Payload
Bags Gross Weight X-Plane CG
Weight (lbs.) Occupants Occupants Weight (lbs.)
80 2 Y 350 2151 1.1
Total Fuel Front Seat Rear Seat Payload
Bags Gross Weight X-Plane CG
Weight (lbs.) Occupants Occupants Weight (lbs.)
160 1 150 2031 0.2
Total Fuel Front Seat Rear Seat Payload
Bags Gross Weight X-Plane CG
Weight (lbs.) Occupants Occupants Weight (lbs.)
224 2 1 Y 500 2445 3.5
Total Fuel Front Seat Rear Seat Payload
Bags Gross Weight X-Plane CG
Weight (lbs.) Occupants Occupants Weight (lbs.)
304 2 300 2325 0.4
Configuring the Weight and Balance in X-Plane
After calculating your fuel requirements (see Fuel Calculation), and referencing the Weight and Balance Table, you are ready to
configure the weight, balance and fuel for your upcoming flight. Select the Cessna 172 aircraft from the flight menu, and click on the
‘Customize’ button, followed by the ‘Weight, Balance & Fuel’ button. Now input the Center of Gravity, Payload Weight, Fuel Weight
(Fuel Tank 1) and Fuel Weight (Fuel Tank 2).
The example below is for the scenario highlighted in blue in the Weight and Balance Table.
The following check lists are designed with the convenience of the simulation pilot in mind, and customized to the X-Plane C172
aircraft. These differ from those of the real aircraft.
Parking Brake – ON
Master Switch – ON
Landing Lights – ON
Taxi Lights – ON
Navigation Lights – ON
Beacon – ON
Strobes – ON
Flaps – Extended
Pre-Flight Exterior Inspection
A Pre-Flight Inspection should always precede flight in any aircraft. The purpose of this inspection is to ensure the aircraft is in a
state of readiness for the upcoming flight.
In X-Plane, a pre-flight inspection is not merely undertaken to simulate reality, but does in fact have real purpose, because the
control surfaces of the aircraft interact directly with the airflow over and around them, just as in real life. As such, correct movement
of all control surfaces is necessary for normal flight.
Hold yaw axis at full deflection.
Visually check:
1. Beacon
2. Nav Lights
3. Strobes
4. Taxi Lights
5. Landing Lights
Parking Brake – ON
Lights – OFF
Power - IDLE
Engine Start
Throttle - OPEN ¼” TO ½”
Master Switch - ON
Fuel Pump - ON
Beacon – ON
Transponder – ON
Before Taxi
Brakes – CHECK
Before Takeoff
Altimeter – SET
Mixture – RICH
Magnetos – CHECK
Ammeter – CHECK
Throttle – IDLE
Transponder – ALT
Short-Field Takeoff
Flaps - 10°
Brakes – APPLY
Brakes – RELEASE
Airspeed – Vy
Mixture – RICHEN
Before Landing
Mixture – RICH
After Landing
Trim - RESET
Engine Shutdown & Securing Aircraft
Avionics – OFF
Operational Speeds