RA 11332 Handouts

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RA 11332

⮚ Repealing the RA 3573, Law on reporting communicable diseases

⮚ Also known as the Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health
events of Public Health Concern Act
⮚ List of Notifiable Diseases in PH
o Category 1 – Immediately reportable diseases/syndromes/events
1. Acute flaccid paralysis “hot case”
2. Anthrax
3. Human avian influenza
4. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
5. Adverse event following immunization (AEFI)
6. Any disease outbreak
7. Any clustering of patients with similar disease, symptoms or
8. Meningococcal disease
Immediate reporting upon laboratory confirmation
1. Poliomyelitis
2. Cholera
3. Measles
4. HIV/AIDS (HIV Registry)
o Category 2 – Weekly reportable diseases/syndromes/events
1. Acute bloody diarrhea
2. Acute hemorrhagic fever syndrome
3. Acute viral hepatitis
4. Acute flaccid paralysis
5. Bacterial meningitis
6. Cholera
7. Dengue
8. Diphtheria
9. Influenza
10.Japanese encephalitis
13.Neonatal tetanus
14.Non-neonatal tetanus
15.Paralytic shellfish poisoning
18.Typhoid and paratyphoid fever

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