Emergency and Disaster

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According Cambridge Dictionary that an emergency is something dangerous or serious, such as an

accident, that happens suddenly or unexpectedly and needs fast action in order to avoid harmful

It’s a situation that requires a speedy response to save lives and to protect property.

These are events that first responders such as firefighters, police, and paramedics will respond to, on a
regular basis.

Such as an automobile collision, a house robbery, a person collapsing because of dehydration or a

residential fire.


Dangers to life[edit]
Many emergencies cause an immediate danger to the life of people involved. This can range from
emergencies affecting a single person, such as the entire range of medical
emergencies including heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrest and trauma, to incidents that affect large
numbers of people such as natural
disasters including tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, mudslides and outbreaks of diseases
such as coronavirus, cholera, Ebola, a
nd malaria.
Most agencies consider these the highest priority emergency, which follows the general school of
thought that nothing is more important than human life. [3]

Dangers to health[edit]
Some emergencies are not necessarily immediately threatening to life, but might have serious
implications for the continued health and well-being of a person or persons (though a health
emergency can subsequently escalate to life-threatening).
The causes of a health emergency are often very similar to the causes of an emergency threatening
to life, which includes medical emergencies and natural disasters, although the range of incidents
that can be categorized here is far greater than those that cause a danger to life (such as broken
limbs, which do not usually cause death, but immediate intervention is required if the person is to
recover properly). Many life emergencies, such as cardiac arrest, are also health emergencies.

Dangers to the environment[edit]

Some emergencies do not immediately endanger life, health or property, but do affect the natural
environment and creatures living within it. Not all agencies consider this a genuine emergency, but it
can have far-reaching effects on animals and the long term condition of the land. Examples would
include forest fires and marine oil spills.

An event that result in great harm, damage or death or serious difficulty

Disasters are much more serious events and threaten or cause widespread losses and damage.

Disasters will disrupt everyday life and essential functions.

Examples of disasters could be a flash flood in an urban place

A tornado in a populated area

A forest fire

Or the effect of an earthquake in a specific region.


There are 3 kinds of disaster

1. NATURAL- are usually caused by severe weather and includes floods, landslide, tornadoes,
earthquakes, infectious diseases or ice storms
2. MAN-MADE- are usually caused by humans, either by accident or on purpose and includes an
explosion, oil spill, train derailment, plane crash, power outrage or an industrial fire and
3. TECHNOLOGICAL- happen when there is a breakdown of modern systems, equipment or
engineering and include power plant failure or cyber security breach

An emergency is a sudden, urgent, unexpected event requiring immediate action, usually requiring
help. Sufficient RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE to deal with it.

Disaster is a calamitous event, especially one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life,
damage, or hardship. Sufficient RSOURCES ARE NOT AVAILABLE.

Source: https://www.oxnard.org/the-difference-between-emergency-and-disaster/#:~:text=An

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