Worry-Free Services Suites: Trend Micro

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Trend Micro™


Simple and complete protection for your endpoints and beyond

As advanced threats are designed to bypass traditional cybersecurity defenses, Trend Micro™ Worry-Free™ Services
the rise of endpoint detection and response (EDR) has proven to be an Cloud-based protection for endpoint
important tool in the quest to seek out these advanced threats and eliminate and mobile devices.
them before they compromise data. But while EDR is a good first step, it only
focuses on endpoints. Trend Micro™ Worry-Free™ Services
Trend Micro™ Worry-Free™ Services is a suite of security solutions designed
Cloud-based protection for your business
to match the needs of your organization, using a blend of advanced threat
devices and email.
protection techniques to eliminate security gaps across any user activity across
the endpoint and beyond. Trend Micro™ Worry-Free™ XDR
Detection and response across email
Powered by XGen™ security, Worry-Free Services provides a cross-generational blend of threat
defense techniques and connected threat defenses that constantly learns, adapts, and automatically Trend Micro™ Worry-Free™ with
shares intelligence across your environment, giving you detection and response that is: Co-Managed XDR (for MSPs)
Detection and response across endpoint
and email, supported by Trend Micro
• Easy to install, simple to use, and won’t slow you down. threat experts.
• A single, intuitive web console for in-depth visibility and control across your entire organization.
• Manages multiple devices within a single agent.

• High-fidelity machine learning combined with other state-of-the-art detection techniques gives
you the broadest protection against ransomware and advanced attacks.
• Uses a blend of advanced threat protection techniques to eliminate security gaps across any
user activity, any endpoint, and any mailbox.

• Thanks to our up-to-the-second threat intelligence network, we protect more than
250M endpoints.
• Wards off threats while you focus on your business.


Worry- Free
Worry- Free Worry- with Co-
Free Services Free Managed
FEATURES Services Advanced XDR XDR*

Endpoint Security

Windows and Mac OS support a a a a

Anti-malware and behavior analysis a a a a
Predictive and runtime machine learning a a a a
Vulnerability protection/virtual patching a a a a
Full disk encryption a a a a
Application control a a a a
Integrated endpoint DLP a a a a
Device control a a a a
Web Security

Web reputation and URL filtering a a a a

Mobile Security and Management

Mobile security and management a a a a

Email and collaboration security

Cloud email gateway with DLP a a a

API-based Microsoft 365/G Suite protection a a a
Cloud sandboxing a a a
BEC and credential phishing protection a a a
Box & Dropbox protection a a a
Cross-Layer Detection and Response (XDR)

Correlates data automatically across email and endpoint in one console a a

Automated detection, sweeping, hunting, and root cause analysis a a
Advanced threat detection through cloud sandboxing a a
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

Detection: 24/7 critical alerting and monitoring​, IoC sweeping a

Investigation: Incident investigation, root-cause analysis a
Investigation: Cross-customer analysis for your customer base a
Response: Recommendations or authorized actions, monthly report a
* For MSPS only



Worry-Free Services
As most SMBs lack a dedicated security team and skillset, this leads to overworked IT teams. Trend Micro Trend Micro protects more than 250
Worry-Free Services helps lessen the workload by providing an all-in-one lightweight agent with an million endpoints globally
intuitive cloud-based console that gives you in-depth visibility and control across your entire organization.

Advanced protection
• High fidelity machine learning uniquely analyzes files, not only before execution but also IN 2019 GARTNER MAGIC QUADRANT
• More reliable detection of advanced malware, including fileless, cryptocurrency mining, PLATFORMS
ransomware, and more.
• Behavioral analysis against scripts, injection, ransomware, memory, and browser attacks.
• Vulnerability protection automatically shields endpoints from known vulnerabilities of Microsoft
applications, significantly limits the threat vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

Safeguards your sensitive data

• Integrated DLP, encryption management, and device control capabilities cover the broadest
range of devices, applications, and file types to ensure:
• M
 aximum visibility and control
• C
 onfidentiality and compliance with GDPR, HIPPA, and other rapidly evolving regulations
• G
 ranular policies for device control and data management
• M
 anagement and visibility for Microsoft® BitLocker®

Stops malicious software with application control

• Utilizes application monitoring, whitelisting, and lockdown.
• Blocks unauthorized or unknown applications from executing attacks, like ransomware.
• Enforces easy-to-manage, simple rules.
• Enables you to run only applications you have authorized.

Worry-Free Services Advanced

Email has quickly become the number one entry point for malware. According to Verizon’s 2019 Trend Micro Cloud App Security blocked
Data Breach Investigation Report, 94% of malware detected by an organization was delivered via 12.7 million high-risk email threats in
email1. Worry-Free Services Advanced provides cloud-based protection for your business devices 2019–in addition to those detected by
and email to stop email threats in the cloud before they reach your network and protect your
Microsoft 365 and Gmail built-in security
devices from spear phishing and advanced targeted attacks.

BENEFITS 1 Trend Micro Cloud App Security Report 2019

• Provides the same advanced protection, data defense, and application control capabilities as
Worry-Free Services, plus:
• Complete email and collaboration protection
• Trend Micro Email Security™, a cloud-based email gateway, to protect your on-premises email
• T
 rend Micro™ Cloud App Security, an API-based protection to protect your Microsoft 365® email and
Google G Suite™ Gmail™
• A
 dvanced threat and data protection for Microsoft 365, G Suite, and collaboration tools such as
Dropbox™, and Box™.
• Proven email and Microsoft 365 protection uncovers ransomware, business email compromise
(BEC), credential phishing, and advanced targeted attacks

1 Trend Micro Cloud App Security Report 2019


Worry-Free XDR
Even organizations with the most advanced protection layers aren’t immune to cyber threats, as WHY CHOOSE TREND MICRO FOR
there’s no such thing as 100% prevention. As there is very serious risks and costs associated with YOUR SECURITY PARTNER?
undetected, or slow to detect, threats in the organization, the goal is to detect and respond threats
as soon as possible, before significant damage is done. • 30+ years of security expertise for
business and consumers
Trend Micro Worry-Free XDR bundle provides detection and response capabilities across email and
endpoints to help you discover and respond to targeted attacks more effectively. By correlating • Worry-Free Business Security
threat data from endpoints and email, a clearer picture is available to determine the source and solutions that protect over 600,000
spread of advanced attacks. businesses worldwide
• Solutions that are powered by Trend
BENEFITS Micro™ Smart Protection Network™, a
• Combines Worry-Free Services Advanced and Trend Micro™ Endpoint Sensor to provide cloud-based global threat intelligence
automatic detection and response across email and endpoint, giving you: infrastructure supported by over 1,200
threat experts worldwide
• A
 utomatic data correlation from sensors that collect detection and activity data across
endpoint and email—the #1 threat vector To learn more, contact your trusted
IT partner or your local Trend Micro
• A
 utomated sweeping and root cause analysis, including step-by-step recommended actions,
allowing IT admin to mitigate issues quickly sales office.

• One console (Worry-Free Services) with native integration to endpoint and email
• Advanced threat detection through cloud sandboxing
See how we stack up
• Most advanced threats start with a phishing email, so combining advanced email protection
with the ability to trace a threat to its entry point is an effective defense against the latest in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise
email attacks Detection and Response, Q1 2020.

Worry-Free with Co-Managed XDR (for MSPs)

Worry-Free with Co-Managed XDR is a cross-product, cross-customer, and cross-partner detection WAVE
and response service, co-managed by Trend Micro and MSPs, helping to mitigate threats for LEADER 2020
customers while alleviating overburdened MSPs and elevating security offerings without
significant investment. Enterprise Detection
And Response

• Provides holistic threat visibility and correlation across endpoint and email, enabling proactive
Trend Micro is a leader in the Forrester Wave™
containment and intelligent response by Trend Micro’s threat experts.
for Enterprise Email Security, Q2 2019.
• In addition to what Worry-Free XDR provides, it adds co-managed detection and response
services for MSPs, along with:
• 2
 4/7 threat experts: Cuts through the fog of constant alerts to isolate genuine threats in their
earliest stages, providing MSPs with personalized remediation steps for their customers
• C
 ross-customer analysis: Ensures that MSPs proactively protect their entire customer base
from similar attacks. MSPs no longer need to log into each customer’s product console to
check logs and remediate threats, as the service automatically checks the MSP’s customer
base for the same threat and takes action to protect multiple customers at once.
• C
 ross-partner analysis: Threat analysts analyze similar threats across partners, especially
those in the same industry, to provide proactive response. Trend Micro is named a leader in The Forrester
• Incident response: Provides customized recommendations, or Trend Micro threat experts can Wave™: Endpoint Security Suites, Q3 2019.
conduct actions if authorized by MSPs
• M
 onthly summary report: Provides monthly reports to summarize case activity from the
preceding month

For full system requirements, visit https://docs.trendmicro.com/en-us/smb/worry-free-
Trend Micro, a global leader in cybersecurity, helps make the world safe for exchanging
digital information. Leveraging over 30 years of security expertise, global threat research,
and continuous innovation, Trend Micro enables resilience for businesses, governments, and
consumers by providing connected security across the IT infrastructure. www.trendmicro.com

©2020 Trend Micro Incorporated and/or its affiliates. All rights For details about what personal information we collect and why,
reserved. Trend Micro and the t-ball logo are trademarks or registered please see our Privacy Notice on our website at:
trademarks of Trend Micro and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other
countries. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their
respective owners. For more information, visit www.trendmicro.com.


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