Argumentative E
Argumentative E
Argumentative E
XXI century
marked the Digital age in human history and humanity was introduced to the Internet It covers every
field of specialization today, starting at any information humanity ever acquired on out to online
communication between individuals. Access to the Internet requires interaction with a computer, that is
proved by numerous researches to be harmful health an often use. Usually it is linked to obesity,
irregular sleep cycles and shorter duration sleep, impaired vision, and loss of social skills and we should
to be anxious about our children's health. But there are potential and more dangerous threats the
Internet is linked to that we need to protect our children from. Protection of the personal information,
while you are searching the web, is critically important especially while using social networks like
Facebook as it is the most popular way of communication with other people. Kids often are unaware of
what information should shared with an online community, and in doing so, they can incur themseltes
to the danger that the internet possesses. Using this information sexual and other predators can stalk
children on the Internet, taking advantage their innocence, abusing their trust and perhaps, ultimately
luring them into hazardous personal encounters ( Teenagers and the Internet. 2017) Maybe it swould be
too harsh to track their activities on the intenet, without them lnowing because every individual has a
right to privasy, but it ia necessary to talk: with ehildren about possibie consequences of posting their
personal iniformation on the Internet As children grow and spend mors time at school, parents are ofien
afraid of them to fall into bad associations It happens because they den't lknow the difference benveen
right and wrong therefore they cannot distinguish a bad company from good. And if something like that
happet there could be a possibility that some of thei riends to convinse them to do drug,shoplift or do
something against family moral code. The better way of dealing with it would be to talk about it
objectively, but if nothing helps to oversee child's personal messages and to prevent it from happening if
suspicions are satisfied will be right decision. The more a child grows, the less he talks to his parents
about what is going on in his life, about his friends, and where he goes after school. There may be no
need to be worried, he merely visits the cinema with his friends and by not telling his parents he tries to
statc a right of privacy and protect it. But he also could be bullied and threatened at school and afraid to
complain to parents. More importantly, with the development of the technologies, such harassnent can
run on and on any place your child gocs and can happen 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It could be
rumors sent by email, mean text messages, emails or posted on social networks, along with
embarrassing images, vidcos, or fake profiles (Pogue, 2017). Whether done using technology or in
person, the effects of bullying are similar: they could be reaching for alcohol and drugs, or skipping
school, or have lower self- esteem, or even health problems (Cold et al., 2017). Whether a child suffers
from bullying or is a bully himself. parents should not make a hasty decision to spy a child's activity on
the intermet, as it will make things only worse. The best way is to have a comfortable cont ersation to
the kid asking guiding questions about what is going on in their lives and how to stand up to bullies or
why the behasior of harassing other children is not the best to establish social status Children may also
unvittingly expose their families to online risks by accidentally dosnloading malware. Malware is a
computer program that is installed without the knowledge or permission of the victim with an intention
to steal personal data from the computer like passwords, parent's bank account, and other sensitive
information (Teenagers and the Intermet.2017). This program downloads and installs cnto itself while
you are visiting untrusted sites or by phishing Phishing is the usc of eniails that try to trick people into
elicking on malicious links and attachments, usually containing offiers of things at a dramatically reduced
price or even for free With the development of targeted advertising, it became much easier to guess
what an individual is interested in, as it analyzes the browsing history on your computer Young people
are casy marks for scams becauscthey have not yet learned to be wary The Internet can pose dangers to
kids, but it is not the Internet to blame. In fact, it can open doors of wonder for children that previous
generations could not even have dreamed of The best foundation for protecting against internet threats
is educating your children and establishing comfortable communication with them fulfilled with trust
and understanding. so they are willing to talk about what is going on in their live
Borobudur Temple
Borobudur is a Buddhist temple. It was built in the ninth century under Sailendra dynasty of ancient
Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by the Gupta architecture of
India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 meter high and consists of eight steps like stone terrace.
The first five terraces are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Buddhist sculpture in bas-
relief. The upper three are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-stupa. The entire
upper structure is crowned by a large stupa at the center of the top circle. The way to the summit
extends through some 4.8 km of passage and stairways.
Candi Borobudur
Candi Borobudur merupakan sebuah candi Budha. Candi Borobudur dibangun pada abad ke-9 di
bawah dinasti Sailendra dari kerajaan Mataram Kuno. Candi Borobudur terletak di Magelang, Jawa
Tengah, Indonesia.
Candi Borobudur terkenal di seluruh dunia. Pembangunannya dipengaruhi oleh arsitektur Gupta dari
India. Candi tersebut dibangun di atas bukit dengan tinggi 46 meter yang terdiri dari 8 tingkat seperti
teras batu. Lima tingkat pertama berbentuk persegi dengan dikelilingi oleh dinding-dinding berhias
kan ukiran dengan patung Budah di relief. Tiga tingkat di atasnya berbentuk lingkaran. Di setiap
tingkatan itu terdapat stupa berbentuk lonceng. Di bagian paling atas seluruhnya dimahkotai oleh
stupa besar di bagian tengah pada lingkaran atas. Jalan menuju puncak candi ditempuh dengan
melalui jalan dan tangga sepanjang 4.8 km.
Desain Borobudur yang melambangkan struktur alam semesta dalam kosmologi budha. Hal ini
diyakini bahwa alam semesta dibagi menjadi tiga bidang spiritual, Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, dan
Arupadhatu. Bidang pertama, Kamadhatu, mewakili masing-masing bidang keinginan dimana kita
terikat dengan keinginan kita; bidang kedua, Rupadhatu, merupakan bentuk di mana kita
meninggalkan keinginan kita tetapi masih terikat nama dan bentuk; dan bidang terakhir, arupadhatu,
mewakili fase tak berbentuk di mana tidak ada lagi nama atau pun bentuk. Candi Borobudur yang
rededicated sebagai monumen Indonesia pada tahun 1983 adalah harta berharga bagi rakyat
Indonesia. Dengan ukuran yang megah dan arsitektur, tidak mengherankan bahwa Candi Borobudur
termasuk 7 keajaiban dunia.