Analysis of Starbucks' "Third Place" Cultural Experience Marketing Mode
Analysis of Starbucks' "Third Place" Cultural Experience Marketing Mode
Analysis of Starbucks' "Third Place" Cultural Experience Marketing Mode
Based on positioning the “Third Place”, Starbucks has occupied the major market with its ever growing share. Chosen
Starbucks as a case, we explore the marketing model of cultural experience as well as effects of “Third Place”. By
means of literature analysis, this paper conducts descriptive analysis of marketing model of Starbucks and interpretive
analysis of its cultural experience of the “Third Place”. According to the results, the cultural experience of the “Third
Place” includes style, emotion and service experience. In general, these three dimensions will enhance the brand
influence by affecting consumers' perception and experience in the consumption process. This paper makes up for the
gap in the field of cultural experience research. Meanwhile, it brings inspiration to the innovation of experiential
marketing mode of Starbucks for similar coffee brands.
demands [3]. A customer-centered service attitude of consumption of coffee in Starbucks’ case. Hickman
Starbucks brand has been established via such a history. describes that the “third place” performs a vital
The concept and requirements of the "Third Place" are functional role by providing residents with key
very consistent with this attitude. Although Starbucks recreational facilities, services, amenities, and "goods"
rarely sells coffee beans, we can see the embodiment as a social space [4] [5]. The second type of research
of the "Third Place" from the appearance of every store analyzes the effects of the “third place” on consumers.
of Starbucks. Starbucks' decorations primarily use soft Thompson highlights the broader issue of company
materials, i.e., give customers a sense of hospitality with image and how the “third place” is easily established in
the accompaniment of relaxing music and warm lights. other coffee shops [6]. However, there are seldom
In addition, Starbucks stores are generally located on the researches on cultural experience among lots of
first floor of supermarkets/office buildings, i.e., experiential marketing studies. The cultural experience
customers will access Starbucks stores to easily initiate is an important category of experience marketing. There
friendly interactions with their friends or clients. As the are many researches on "experiential marketing
largest consumer market globally, China's coffee market strategy" which can be divided into three types. The first
is proliferating every year. The growth of potential type of research introduces the concept of experiential
customers has spawned much competition that lots of marketing strategy. As proposed by Kai, experiential
newer coffee brands appear with completely different marketing strategy is a process that achieve customers'
marketing and operation modes e.g., "Luckin Coffee;". spiritual satisfaction by establishing events, scenarios
Older coffee brands (e.g., Blue Mountain) are also and experience[7]. Moreover, Xinrui stated that
starting to utilize new methods such as convenience experiential marketing strategy aims to prompts
online shopping platforms to attract customers. customers’ recognition and purchasing of a certain
However, Starbucks has not been suppressed in the product [8]. The second type of research analyses the
fierce competition in recent years but has developed causes of experiential marketing strategy. Rong suggests
better than before with a high-speed growth. The that experiential marketing emerged due to the
endurance of Starbucks' continued market dominance is improvement of social economic level and productivity
often attributed the "Third Place" marketing strategy, level. Rong introduces the four realistic factors leading
which may have a significant impact on consumer to the emergence of experience marketing: the progress
preferences. Therefore, we will focus on the analysis of of material civilization, the development of technology,
the marketing model of Starbucks' Third Place cultural the development of market economy, and the increase of
experience. leisure time [9]. The third type of research states the
advantages of experiential marketing strategy. Rong
Based on the phenomena and findings above, this
states that experiential marketing has four advantages:
paper is concerned about different aspects of the "Third
unique products and services, attracting more
Place" of Starbucks and the marketing models of each
customers, increasing customers' loyalty, and improving
"Third Place" aspects. Meanwhile, the paper argues the
the recognition of brand.. Similarly, Kai stated that the
impacts brought by the marketing model of the "Third
advantage of experiential marketing is the focus of
Place" cultural experience, the main factors affects the
customers' experience [7]. To sum up, the focuses of
formation of this cultural experience, and impacts on
research on the ‘experiential marketing strategy" are
Starbucks' brand management and operation.
definition, causes, and advantages.
The thesis will revolve around the central discussion
Table 1: The corresponding relationship between
and analysis of Starbucks®, the most successful coffee
demand levels and economic times [9]
brand currently around the world. It will attempt to
thoroughly analyse and investigate one of their key Self- Advanced Experience
marketing strategies. "the third place". This thesis will fulfillment docking economy era
make use of a collection of a variety of secondary
Respect Intermediate Service
sources and combine this knowledge for the primary
docking economy era
method of approach. Thus, the formation, practical uses, social contact
and the significant effects of "the third place" marketing
strategy will be demonstrated. Safety Elementary Commodity
docking economy era
With regard to the research on the "Third Place" and
Comtemporarily, there are many researches about "cultural experience marketing strategy", the studies are
the “Third Place”, which can be divided in two extensive. The existing research can be divided into
categories. The first type of research introduces the three types. The first type of research defines the
definition of “Third Place” as well as its impacts on relationship between the “Third Place” and cultural
society. The “Third place” is a place where people experience marketing strategy. For instance, Yan
socially interact with each other, and with the suggested that the “Third Place” is providing the
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178
customers with a comfortable environment to make its definition as well as characteristics. Specifically,
customers enjoyable and the cultural experience most researchers focused on the importance of the wider
marketing strategy is encouraging a good interactive concept of experience marketing model, but there is
experience between customers and employees. The little detail analysis on the cultural experience, which is
combination of both makes a perfect advertisement for trendy and significant part of the experience marketing
Starbucks [10]. Additionally, Bei claims that the “Third model. Specific cultural experience marketing model
Place” is a comfortable environment and the cultural and specific case study method are not touched yet.
experience marketing is the relaxed atmosphere created Making up for the lack of pervious research, this paper
by the function of the stores of Starbucks and the nice takes Starbucks as the research object and explores its
attitude of service of clerks [11]. The second type of unique cultural experience marketing model in order to
research introduces the influence of the relationship discuss the characteristics and benefits.
between the “Third Place” and cultural experience
marketing strategy. For example, Xinxing demonstrated 3. THE MAREKTING MODE OF
that Starbucks offers employees humanized welfare to STARBUCKS
keep them passionate and creative,which form the
cultural experience strategy to meet the proposition of Starbucks’ marketing strategies are all about the
“Third Place” [12]. Moreover, Menghan suggests that consumer experience. The “Third Place” is one of the
Starbucks adopts the advertising strategy of "subduing most important parts in the experience marketing
others without fighting" to attract new audiences. strategy that has brought insurmountable aid to
Starbucks let customers create cost for each other, Starbucks’ market performance. Therefore, we need to
which reduces the cost of advertisement [13]. The third analyze the current condition of the “Third Place”. It is
type of research presents the implication of the realized that the cultural experience is the main focus of
relationship between the “Third Place” and cultural creating the “Third Place”. By creating a third space,
experience marketing strategy. For instance, Xiaoguo consumers will have an experiential feeling in such an
claims that Starbucks change their ways of service, e.g., environment, especially when it comes to cultural
warm stores to better fits customers’ needs of “Third experience. This is the most important reason for its
Place” [14]. Additionally, Jiaoyue thought that the unique and successful cultural model. Thus, it is
application of the “Third Place” including gentle music, necessary to dig deeper about the current condition
wood-made furniture, and elegant wall will fulfill the about the “Third Place” cultural experience.
customers’ needs for familial affection. Besides, it will
be a romantic place with gentle music and elaborate 3.1. The Evolution of Starbucks’ Marketing
snack, which fulfills the customers’ needs for a place of Strategies
developing romantic relationship [15]. To sum up,
researchers concentrate on the definition, influence, and Founded in 1971 in Seattle, Starbucks has grown
implication of the relationship between the "Third rapidly since its inception, reaching every continent in
Place" and "cultural experience marketing strategy". the world. Their far-reaching hand will face different
challenges due to the innate nature of differing
From the existing research, one find that a wide customers and cultures. In this case, regional marketing
range of “the Third Place” research aimed to define the strategies must be established to increase market share
“Third Place” and explained the specific “Third Place” of the coffee market effectively. For example, in China,
positioning of Starbucks by qualitative study. Starbucks combined an array of strategies to achieve
Meanwhile, exploratory research is conducted to total market dominance as of 2021 [16]. Starbucks
analyze the marketing model of cultural experience. In China introduces a tea-based drink brand to attract
detail, it includes the background introduction, the Chinese customers, and also several cultural adaptations
reasons for this marketing model, and the discussed to better suit the tastes of their target consumer base. By
competitive advantages for this business model. quickly introducing content to the desired target
Moreover, scholars explored the relationships of “the consumer base, Starbucks quickly gained dominance in
Third Place” and the cultural experience marketing the Chinese market. However, the main success is
model from definitions, the impacts and applications. behind the fundamental marketing strategy since 1971:
From the common conclusions, most research have the “third place” for “the people”.
explored how the brands built a “Third Place”, applied
the cultural experience approach and the impacts on Starbucks was able to pick up speed in the seventies
customer. It can be found out that customers have a and eighties because of their customer-oriented
positive perception on the brands which used the “Third approach, where a company prioritizes the needs of a
Place” as the cultural experience marketing model. It customer and their satisfaction. Schultz, the founder of
determined the importance of this marketing model for Starbucks, firmly believes that “we aren’t in the coffee
Starbucks. Nevertheless, most of the existing research business, serving people. We are in the people business,
focuses on the traditional marketing model, and studies serving coffee [17].” The germinal position of Starbucks
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178
gave them an initiative to invest in a “third place” Lujiang Road store in Xiamen is located opposite the
approach, i.e., the customer is always comes first. The beautiful Gulangyu Island. This third place integrates
rigidity of their resolve to maintain their style proved to the beautiful island and modern style in Xiamen sea area
be effective in setting up their future marketing strategy. [21]. Starbucks with different styles of the third space
The marketing strategy broadened because of this idea, will bring customers a different consumption experience
since their strategies can be service-related and not and a sense of freshness. Therefore, customers will be
restricted to only product-related. One of the key early intrigue in choosing Starbucks’ third space over other
strategies of Starbucks’ marketing is the positioning of third spaces. Thirdly, Starbucks doesn't allow take-out
Starbucks as a coffee shop [18]. Starbucks created new food to maintain the quality of the food and drinks
territory on the map and which made it stand out against served. One of the main reasons is that the taste of food
its competition. By redefining the “third place” and can affect the aroma of coffee. Some coffees use
providing top-quality services not previously seen in the ceramic cups because the ceramic is able to better
market before, Starbucks paved its own path to great develop the flavor of the coffee [22]. Starbucks
success. Starbucks is also well known for their good integrated the three aspects of smell, hearing and vision
customer service which is still the case even today. to create a high standard of the third space. These three
fixed standards also form the unique logo of Starbucks.
In terms of recent advancements in marketing
Such high standards also attract a lot of consumers and
strategy, Starbucks has not changed their central idea
increase the customer loyalty effectively. Whereas, with
since the beginning.Starbuckshas already created a top-
the increase of more and more third spaces in the
notch and temporarily “unwinnable” brand of coffee.
market, Starbucks' third spaces have lost its original
Starbucks has shifted from its already rather passive
advantages to a certain extent in recent years. Starbucks
marketing to even more passive marketing model,
should improve and keep up with people's demand for
relying on alliances e.g., PepsiCo for Starbucks
third spaces in time.
Frappuccino and opening shops in Barnes and Noble
[19]. It is at best temporary if Starbucks were to use
more of its existing brand image as a selling point and 3.3. The current situation of the experience of
marketing strategy. However, the third place and the “the Third Place” of Starbucks
improvement of other services may suffice to a
Cultural experience is an essential part of experience
resurgence of the growth of Starbucks.
marketing strategy. According to Ref. [23], cultural
experience is designed by enterprises in order to meet
3.2. The current situation of “the Third Place” the inner need of consumers. During the selling process,
of Starbucks brands plan and design a theme which aims to make
consumers experience the value of the merchandises and
Starbucks is the first brand in the catering industry to
brand connotation. Brands convey the message of core
propose the concept of "third space". Starbucks divides
strength, values, service and industrial quality to
people's daily space into home, office and other spaces.
customers through experiencing the “added value” of
Starbucks has created an intermediate state of "non-
cultural experience in order to enhance the
home, non-office", which is committed to seizing
competitiveness [23]. Similarly, Xing points out that the
people's "third space" [20]. Starbucks’ main goal of
application of cultural experience can be reflected as
creating “third place” is to provide people with a
creating a suitable theme, protruding the cultural design
relaxing space in their rapid speed lives. This idea has
of the products, selling environment and regional
extremely resonated with consumers and greatly
cultural characteristics [24]. Firstly, cultural theme is a
enhanced the user experience. More and more people
cultural system which is able to emphasize the brand
are now choosing Starbucks' third space in their leisure
image of quality experience. Cultural design of the
time, which has become one of the most popular third
merchandise is referred to brands add cultural quality
spaces among the middle class.
and specify the “added value” when designing the
Additionally, Starbucks has integrated the concept of products. Besides, cultural atmosphere is used by the
the “third space” throughout the entire corporate brand to provide the spiritual pursuit through the well-
management plan and paid special efforts on providing designed environment (e.g. decoration, displays) for the
customers a good condition of the third place. Firstly, sake of stimulatinge customers emphasizing emotions.
the music in Starbucks’ Third Space is strictly selected At the same time, retailers will consider the regional
for light music to create a relaxed and comfortable factor, which means that they will develop different
atmosphere in the store. Secondly, the styles and themes to different areas according to the different
decoration of the third space of Starbucks are diverse. cultural features.
According to different environments and cultures,
Based on the current situation of Starbucks' third
Starbucks will choose the corresponding decoration
space mentioned above, it can be found that Starbucks
style for its third place. For instance the Starbucks store
has created a relatively comprehensive cultural
in Guiyang has a strong national flavor while the
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178
experience marketing system. The “Third Place” of exquisite style experience. The unique design makes it
Starbucks is a cultural theme, which offers a guide difficult for customers to have a similar experience
line for retail marketing activities. As Jia Can said in elsewhere, which ultimately attracts a loyal customer
Ref. [25], Starbucks embeds cultural atmosphere from base that enjoys the Starbucks design style. Through
product development to advertising. It enables such design, Starbucks can let consumers get the best
consumers to obtain cultural experience and spiritual visual enjoyment as well as, bring consumers exquisite
satisfaction while acquiring product entities. Starbucks style experience.
pays more attention to the emotional, aesthetic,
In the auditory style experience design, Starbucks is
symbolic and other cultural values of products and
also very outstanding. Starbucks makes use of its self-
demands [25]. Besides, Starbucks creates a relaxed and
developed music (e.g., the commonly heard baroque
casual atmosphere through the decoration style and
music), which has a strong sense of rhythm to arouse
selected music mentioned above. More importantly, as
people's emotions. As a consequence, people enjoy the
mentioned above, even Starbucks in China are
leisure feeling brought by the "third space", which
decorated variously. Since the company considers and
enhances consumers' loyalty and infatuated degree to
integrates local culture according to the differences in
the Starbucks environment [27]. By mean of playing
regional culture, it creat emotional resonance with
music, Starbucks has created a romantic and beautiful
consumers. In general, Starbucks creates a relatively
style experience for consumers. In this kind of relaxing
comprehensive system for cultural experience. This
experience, consumers are able to enjoy a comfortable
marketing model transcends material utility and gains
time, which has virtually become a way for Starbucks to
cultural and spiritual value. Starbucks has changed from
establish its unique brand image.
selling coffee to conferring cultural connotations of
enjoying coffee. In other words, it turns coffee From the olfactory observation of Starbucks' style
drinking into a kind of culture and allows consumers to experience, it is not difficult to find that Starbucks
experience value beyond the product in the consumption attaches great importance to the smell of the store
process of Starbucks. environment. No matter where we are, whenever we
open the door of Starbucks, we can smell the strong
4. ANALYSIS OF CULTURAL aroma of coffee. Martin Lindstrom has studied and
EXPERIENCE IN THE THIRD SPACE OF pointed out that "75 per cent of human emotions are
STARBUCKS generated by smell" [28]. The odor-receiving part of
the nose cuts an unobstructed path to the limbic system
4.1. The interpretative analysis of the style (an area of the brain that controls emotion, memory and
happiness) during smelling. " Through these
experience in Starbucks
regulations, Starbucks has created a pure space for
‘Style’ usually means the look and feel of this place consumers to taste coffee, allowing consumers to have a
when describing a place. ‘Style experience’ refers to the beautiful and exquisite style experience.
style experience that the surrounding environment
brings to the parties through unique features or specific 4.2. The interpretative analysis of the emotional
designs during the process of an activity. Starbucks has experience in Starbucks
created a distinctive third space for consumers at the
level of style experience. Generally speaking, style Emotional experience means that in the process of
experience should include visual, auditory and olfactory marketing, the seller should touch the inner feelings of
aspects. consumers and create emotional experience by
resonating with them. Starbucks has created a new third
Starbucks excels at visually creating a stylish space for consumers in terms of emotional experience.
experience for consumers. Starbucks is known to In other words, besides your office and home, Starbucks
change the interior and exterior decoration according to can give you another place to enjoy life and a place to
the overall style of the environment in different areas to place your emotions [29]. No matter whether they care
better integrate into the local environment [26]. Taking for customers' humanity, trust and proper care, they can
the flagship store of Starbucks in the Puxi Urban Best heighten a unique situational experience of Starbucks.
Practice Area of Shanghai World Expo as an example,
Starbucks designed the building shape into a simple There are many examples for Starbucks humanly
glass square box and set the interface facing the park as treating to its customers. For example, they will have a
a huge floor-to-ceiling glass. The aim is to fit the buffet area for the ingredients. The autonomous station
modern style and entertainment experience atmosphere is very convenient and fast for consumers. They will
of this cultural and creative block. This design meets the provide self-help items (e.g., straws) to go with various
needs of consumers to enjoy the delicious coffee while drinks, brown and white sugar, hand-carried reusable
appreciating the beautiful scenery outside,i.e., customers bags, heat-resistant coasters and napkin. This is a very
will get the best visual enjoyment and enjoy the personal area, because some of the customers are a little
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178
bit nerdier. Besides, they might want to double the experience includes three aspects: service attitude, high
brown sugar or there are environmentalists who may level of professionalism of staffs, and considerate heart
protect the environment by not using straws. These are toward customers.
the rights of consumers to choose. Starbucks' emotional
The service attitude is one of the key factors that
experience of this kind of human interest will more
determine the success of the service experience in
attract consumers' consumption desire. People feel like
Starbucks. In most stores of the Starbucks, there will be
they're being cared for or taken care of every time they
six staffs in the counter. Two of them are in charge of
walk to the Starbucks buffet. If this feeling continues,
helping customers order their coffee, three of them are
customers will become dependent on Starbucks for its
in charge of making coffee, and one of them will be in
service and want to be cared for again.
charge of fulfilling customers’ needs of carrying coffee.
The emotional experience of Starbucks is also Since it shows the whole process of making coffee,
reflected in its sense of trust with its customers. customers feel comfortable about watching the
Starbucks launched a customer satisfaction producing process and proud about the ways of service
questionnaire on social media to collect consumers' of Starbucks on account of the transparency of the
consumption experience and effective suggestions, i.e., Starbucks’ service in the counter. Then, customers will
consumers could better participate in the construction of bring their families and friends to the Starbucks if they
drinks and Starbucks culture. Meanwhile, it is also a have needs of an elegant and peaceful place. The
reflection of Starbucks' sense of trust to consumers. In families and friends of the customers will also feel
addition, Starbucks has also set up a feedback card for impressive and surprised about the great memory of the
customers' opinions [30], i.e., obtains timely feedback menu from the two staffs in the front of the counter, the
information from consumers to improve the cultural high efficiency of making coffee of the six employees,
experience based on consumers' opinions. Every time and humanized package of the coffee. In this case, it
Starbucks collects experiential information, consumers strengthens customers’ recognition about Starbucks and
will feel trusted or preferred. As a result, they may be increases the popularity of Starbucks. With the augment
more careful to fill in the questionnaire in turn. This will of sales, Starbucks can hire more employees while
make the quality of Starbucks drinks and the customer providing them with professional training. Thus, it
experience better and better. makes customers feel impressive about the service
experience every time when they order their coffee.
Starbucks' proper concern for customers is an
Since the counter leaves the most impressive impression
indispensable part of the emotional experience. When
to the customers, customers have the highest chance to
they are face of different customer groups, Starbucks
come back purchasing if their first impression about the
clerks will recommend drinks suitable for customers
counter’s experience is good.
according to their different preferences. Moreover,
cashier orders will write the customer's name on the cup The high level of professionalism of staffs
when a for a customer. In addition, the shop assistant contributes to the effectiveness of service experience.
will write birthday wishes and sweet words on the cup Siyuan states that general employees can serve in
wall when a customer buys a drink on a birthday. Such a Starbucks only after receiving professional training [32].
deep concern for the consumer experience is a great The training contents include the cultural influence of
enjoyment. When consumers receive a drink filled with the enterprise, the way of coffee mixing, and the skills
birthday wishes, they will feel that Starbucks is a coffee of serving customers With this rule, the employees who
shop with human feelings. Furthermore, their favorable work in the stores of the Starbucks are well-trained and
degree to Starbucks will also rise straight every time offer customers high-quality customer experience by
that consumers receive high-quality service experience communicating patiently and sincerely with customers
and proper care. and meeting their needs considerately. Thus, the
customers feel trustworthy purchasing in Starbucks and
4.3. The interpretative analysis of the service willing to introduce Starbucks to more customers, which
experience in Starbucks makes customers themselves as advertisement of the
Starbucks. Accordingly, Starbucks save high amount of
The high quality of the service experience is an fund from advertisement. Thus, it is able to fund more
important step in experiential marketing. This strategy on the training program of employees to meet the needs
offers customers service that allows customers to watch of different markets, which increases the
the producing process of products and try the products competitiveness of Starbucks and achieves high level of
in a comfortable way. Therefore, customers can sales increment in every regional market.
perceive the products in a way of judge independently,
Last but not least, considerate heart toward
which increases the satisfaction of customers about the
customers is important for creating good service
products and the service [31]. Hence, customers’brand
experience. According to Ref. [33], the first requirement
will increase, which creates a long-term way of getting
in the training book for Starbucks’ staffs is respecting
the heart of customers. Generally, Starbucks' service
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178
each other. Besides, staffs are required to make eye experiences, and olfactory experiences. These
contact with their customers to form connections experiences allow Starbucks to become unique,
between customers and staffs. When employees of the exceptional, and ultimately standardized as they are
Starbucks communicates with customers, customers feel reciprocated throughout every chain in the world.
respect and tender about the attitude of employees Besides, ‘Style experience’ of Starbucks is a unique
owing to eye contactIt makes customers feel close but publicity method, which is conducive to attracting more
not embarrassed, i.e., meets their needs of making customers because of its special first impression of
personalized coffee or changing the environment to feel customers.Therefore, Starbucks can hold their dominant
comfortable. Hence, customers feel more humanized statue as the coffee shop that not only produces coffee
and favorable about the Starbucks’ service and but also offer great experience to the customers.
potentially its coffee products. Moreover, this kind of Customers will feel a sense of priority and proud about
favor encourages them to choose to meet other people, purchasing Starbucks, which largely increases the
(e.g. friends or clients) in Starbucks. These friends or Starbucks’ sales every year. Among the many
clients of customers become potential customers of experiences of Starbucks, emotional experience is an
Starbucks and they can feel the friendly and considerate indispensable part. This means that in the process of
atmosphere of stores of Starbucks, which introduce Starbucks marketing, stores need to touch consumers'
more potential customers to Starbucks. Therefore, inner feelings and resonate with consumers to create
Starbucks’ sales increases in a high rate every year that emotional experience. In this case, Starbucks’
results in more funds to develop itself in a better way to experience of customers become more enjoyable and
attract more customers. This is a positive feedback of relaxed, which meets the customers’ needs for a place of
which increases the sales for Starbucks every year. emotional recharge. Customers will promote this kind of
emotional experience to their friends and families,
5. CONCLUSION which reduces huge amount of cost of advertisement.
Service experience is the customers’ experience of the
In the process of the previous studies, there are some service and high-quality experience is important for
deficiencies, which still needs to be improved. From the creating cultural experience marketing strategy. High-
perspective of research methods, the data in this paper quality service experience can attract more customers,
are mainly from secondary data, which may not be so increases the sales, the recognition and popularity of the
accurate and comprehensive in data collection. This will brand, which reduces the cost of advertisement. It is a
interfere with our specific conduct analysis in the later long-term benefit for Starbucks that saves more funds to
stage, and may bring a certain impact on our focus on developing better service, which i.e., creates a
conclusions. With regard to marketing strategy of positive circle for developing the business in a better
Starbucks, our information is superficial. As for the way.
reasons and intentions behind such strategy, we cannot
get in-depth information without establishing direct
contact with the management of Starbucks. In addition,
from the aspect of processing and analysis the resource, REFERENCES
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