How To Make Coffee

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Friday, the fifteenth of May

Test Your name and surname

I Read the article about coffee and look at questions 1-5. Having read the
article, choose the correct answer (A,B,C,D) for each question. There is one
task for each paragraph in the text.

How to Make Coffee

1. Legend has it that coffee was discovered by a goat. When an Ethiopian
farmer noticed how excited his goat was after eating coffee berries, he tried
some himself, and so coffee was born. Originally, coffee berries were mixed
with animal fat and eaten. It wasn`t until 1000AD that people from Arabia
began drinking coffee.

Who first started drinking coffee?

A) A goat.
B) An Ethiopian goat farmer.
C) Arabs.
D) Americans.

2. As Islam grew, so did the practice of drinking coffee. However, Arabs made
sure that no seeds or plants could be found outside of Arabia in order to keep
their secret safe. Reports of smugglers and thieves explain how coffee plants
can now be found growing in Brazil, Asia, the Caribbean and in other hot
tropical places.

What helped coffee plants to spread all around the world?

A) The growth of Islam.
B) Smugglers and thieves stole the coffee seeds to sell to non-Arab
C) The world`s climate became hotter and more tropical.
D) They normally grow everywhere around the middle of the world.

3. Coffee plants grow best between the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer, which
is known as the Bean Belt. The two main types of coffee plants are Arabica
and Robusta. Arabica is descended from the original Ethiopian coffee trees
and accounts for 70% of all coffee. The Arabica plant needs high rainfall
and mild temperatures and is normally found on mountain slopes. The
Robusta bean can grow at lower heights, higher temperatures and with less
rain. It doesn`t produce such a mild coffee as Arabica, but it does contain
more caffeine.

What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta coffee plants?

A) Arabica and Robusta coffee beans grow in different conditions.

B) Arabica and Robusta both grow in exactly the same places.
C) Robusta coffee can be grown in more places than Arabica.
D) Arabica and Robusta beans grow on the same plant; they are just roasted

4. Coffee is usually harvested once a year. Most of the picking is done by hand.
Once the coffee cherries have been picked, they must be processed
straightaway. This can be done by either the dry method, where the
harvested berries are left in the sunlight to dry out, or by the wet method,
where a machine washes off the hard outer skin of every coffee cherry. The
dry method is cheaper and more commonly used.

How are the coffee berries harvested?

A) Twice a year.
B) By hand.
C) Using the dry method.
D) By the wet method.

5. When the beans have dried, the coffee is known as the green coffee. Over 7
million tons of green coffee is shipped worldwide to coffee roasting houses.
Roasting is when the true flavor of the coffee is created. Green coffee is
roasted at a temperature of 288 degrees of Celsium until the coffee turns
brown and pops like popcorn. Coffee roasters use sound, sight and smell to
judge when the coffee is roasted to perfection.

What makes the flavor of the coffee during cooking?

A) How strongly it smells.

B) How loudly it pops.
C) How green the beans are.
D) How long it is roasted.
II Read the text and use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0).

The 0) beautiful Cornish peninsula, on Britain`s southwestern tip, is one of the
country`s most popular areas as far as 1) … is concerned.

Thousands of years ago, Cornwall was a center of Celtic culture. The Romans tried
without 2) … to conquer the region, and it managed to keep its traditional
way of life and its language. One of the area`s main tourist 3)… is now
ruined castle of Tintagel, where the legendary King Arthur and his Knights of the
Round Table are said to have lived.

4) … can still see the remains of the hall, which is 5) … intact.

Cornwall is also famous for its beaches on the English Channel, to the south-east,
and its spectacular 6) … scenery on the Atlantic, or north-west side.

The combination of a rich history and outstanding natural beauty make this area
worth visiting.

1. Tourist
2. Succeed
3. Attract
4. Visit
5. Large
6. Coast

III Read the article about how to deal with “know-it-alls”. For questions 1-5
choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

You know them. That friend who always likes 1)… their unsolicited advice,
who always has an opinion. Someone who always knows 2)… you do, even
when they don`t. And, while dealing with these people can be a little bit
overbearing, there are some things you can do. First, you might want to try
showing these people a little attention; after all, attention is what they`re really
after! And usually, when they receive the attention they want, they will be happy.
Be careful, though – if you make a habit of showing them too much attention, they
might not stop bothering you until they`re satisfied. Which, of course, will take a
lot more attention that it would have before you tried this method.

Another method is a bit different – try to understand 3)… person. If these

people knew how difficult they were being, they would act much differently! As
such, honesty may be a good approach to dealing with these people. Make an effort
to understand this person and how they feel. And then, respectfully share with
them how they are making you feel.

Again, be careful here. If they become upset, remind them that if they had been
more understanding, you wouldn`t have needed to talk to them like this. And,
moreover, if they had been more respectful, you wouldn`t need to be so direct now.
After the conversation, give them some space – they will probably be unhappy,
and they will need time 4)… their feelings. Afterward, if they still 5)…
how you feel, just repeat to them that if this behaviour didn`t make you angry, you
wouldn`t have needed to talk about it.

1. A) offer B) to offering C) to offer D) offered

2. A) the best B) best C) good D) better than
3. A) a B) this C) that D) the
4. A) working out B) for working out C) work out D) to work out
5. A) don`t understand B) didn`t understand C) haven`t understood
D) understand

IV In your English class you have been discussing different ways of studying
English. Your teacher has asked you to write a composition with the following
title “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Learning English Abroad
Compared to Learning it in Ukraine.

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