Manual 1
Manual 1
Manual 1
© K. R. Williams 2002
This Manual is the first of three self-contained Manuals (Elementary, Intermediate and
Advanced) which are designed for adults with a basic understanding of mathematics to learn
or teach the Vedic system. So teachers could use it to learn Vedic Mathematics, though it is
not suitable as a text for children (for that the Cosmic Calculator Course is recommended). Or
it could be used to teach a course on Vedic Mathematics. This Manual is suitable for teachers
of children in grades 3 to 7.
The sixteen lessons of this course are based on a series of one week summer courses given at
Oxford University by the author to Swedish mathematics teachers between 1990 and 1995.
Those courses were quite intensive consisting of eighteen, one and a half hour, lessons.
All techniques are fully explained and proofs are given where appropriate, the relevant Sutras
are indicated throughout (these are listed at the end of the Manual) and, for convenience,
answers are given after each exercise. Cross-references are given showing what alternative
topics may be continued with at certain points.
It should also be noted that in the Vedic system a mental approach is preferred so we always
encourage students to work mentally as long as it is comfortable. In the Cosmic Calculator
Course pupils are given a short mental test at the start of most or all lessons, which makes a
good start to the lesson, revises previous work and introduces some of the ideas needed in the
current lesson. In the Cosmic Calculator course there are also many games that help to
establish and promote confidence in using the Vedic system.
Some topics will be found to be missing in this text: for example, there is no section on area,
only a brief mention. This is because the actual methods are the same as currently taught so
that the only difference would be to give the relevant Sutra(s).
1.1 Introduction - background information about Vedic Mathematics.
1.2 The Ten Point Circle – representing numbers on a circle.
1.3 Multiples of Ten
1.4 Deficiency from Ten – relating numbers to multiples of ten.
1.5 Mental Addition
1.6 By Addition and By Subtraction – of numbers near a multiple of ten.
Vedic Mathematics is the ancient system of mathematics which was rediscovered early last
century by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (henceforth referred to as Bharati Krsna).
The Sanskrit word “Veda” means “knowledge”. The Vedas are ancient writings whose date is
disputed but which date from at least several centuries BC. According to Indian tradition the
content of the Vedas was known long before writing was invented and was freely available to
everyone. It was passed on by word of mouth. The writings called the Vedas consist of a huge
number of documents (there are said to be millions of such documents in India, many of
which have not yet been translated) and these have recently been shown to be highly
structured, both within themselves and in relation to each other (see Reference 2). Subjects
covered in the Vedas include Grammar, Astronomy, Architecture, Psychology, Philosophy,
Archery etc., etc.
A hundred years ago Sanskrit scholars were translating the Vedic documents and were
surprised at the depth and breadth of knowledge contained in them. But some documents
headed “Ganita Sutras”, which means mathematics, could not be interpreted by them in terms
of mathematics. One verse, for example, said “in the reign of King Kamse famine, pestilence
and unsanitary conditions prevailed”. This is not mathematics they said, but nonsense.
Bharati Krsna was born in 1884 and died in 1960. He was a brilliant student, obtaining the
highest honours in all the subjects he studied, including Sanskrit, Philosophy, English,
Mathematics, History and Science. When he heard what the European scholars were saying
about the parts of the Vedas which were supposed to contain mathematics he resolved to
study the documents and find their meaning. Between 1911 and 1918 he was able to
reconstruct the ancient system of mathematics which we now call Vedic Mathematics.
He wrote sixteen books expounding this system, but unfortunately these have been lost and
when the loss was confirmed in 1958 Bharati Krsna wrote a single introductory book entitled
“Vedic Mathematics”. This is currently available and is a best-seller (see Reference 1).
The present author came across the book “Vedic Mathematics” in 1971 and has been
developing the content of that book, and applying the system in other areas not covered by
Bharati Krsna, since then. Anything in this book which is not in “Vedic Mathematics” has
been developed independently by the author in this way.
There are many special aspects and features of Vedic Mathematics which are better discussed
as we go along rather than now because you will need to see the system in action to appreciate
it fully. But the main points for now are:
1) The system rediscovered by Bharati Krsna is based on sixteen formulae (or Sutras) and
some sub-formulae (sub-Sutras). These Sutras are given in word form: for example By One
More than the One Before and Vertically and Crosswise. In this text they are indicated by
italics. The Sutras can be related to natural mental functions such as completing a whole,
noticing analogies, generalisation and so on.
2) Not only does the system give many striking general and special methods, previously
unknown to modern mathematics, but it is far more coherent and integrated as a system.
Many of the Vedic methods are new, simple and striking. They are also beautifully
interrelated so that division, for example, can be seen as an easy reversal of the simple
multiplication method (similarly with squaring and square roots). This is in complete contrast
to the modern system. Because the Vedic methods are so different to the conventional
methods, and also to gain familiarity with the Vedic system, it is best to practice the
techniques as you go along.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . .
Arithmetic is the study of the behaviour of numbers and just as every person is different and
special so it is with numbers.
Every number is special and when we get to know numbers they are like friends.
[Some discussion about numbers and where they appear could be introduced here.]
9 1
8 2
Sometimes it is useful to have the first ten numbers
around a circle like this:
7 3
6 4
We use nine figures, and zero. 5
For numbers beyond 9 we put two or more
of these together to make 10, 11, 12 and so on.
20 21
19 10 11
9 1
18 8
2 12
This circle can be used for adding on numbers, and for taking away, just as we use a number
line. Notice that the numbers on any branch all end with the same figure and that multiples of
ten all appear on the top branch.
9 1
8 2
7 3
6 4
Practice A
Complete the following additions:
a 6+4 b 4 + 16 c 5 + 25 d 13 + 7 e 22 + 8
f 38 + 2 g 54 + 6 h 47 + 3 i 61 + 9 j 85 + 5
a 10 b 20 c 30 d 20 e 30
f 40 g 60 h 50 i 70 j 90
a 37 + 23 b 42 + 28 c 54 + 16 d 49 + 21
e 45 + 35 f 72 + 18 g 38 + 22 h 35 + 35
a 60 b 70 c 70 d 70
e 80 f 90 g 60 h 70
The Vedic Sutra By the Deficiency relates to the natural ability to see how much something
differs from wholeness.
38 40 43
| | | | | | | |
We can imagine a number line, or draw one out or use the 10-point circle to add numbers like
Practice D
a 49 + 5 b 58 + 3 c 37 + 6 d 28 + 6
e 79 + 6 f 38 + 7 g 57 + 7 h 69 + 4
a 54 b 61 c 43 d 34
e 85 f 45 g 64 h 73
4 When an addition sum has a carry, like 56 + 26 you can add them in your head, like
In 56 + 26 you get 7 tens or 70. 5 6
Then in the units you have 6 + 6 = 12. And 70 + 12 = 82. + 2 6
So 56 + 26 = 82. 8 2
You could also write this as 56 + 26 = 712 = 82, writing the 12 as 12 to show that the
1 in the 12 has to be carried to the left.
You can write the extra step if you like but try to do the whole thing in your head if possible.
a 37 + 47 b 55 + 28 c 47 + 25 d 29 + 36
e 56 + 25 f 38 + 26 g 29 + 44 h 35 + 49
a 84 b 83 c 72 d 65
e 81 f 64 g 73 h 84
In the puzzle below you have to find three numbers that add up to 10.
There are eight answers to this puzzle and one of these is given to you:
1 + 2 + 7 = 10.
But you cannot have 2 + 1 + 7 = 10 as another answer: the numbers must be different.
And you cannot use nought, but you can use a number more than once.
1 + 2 + 7 = 10 + + = 10
+ + = 10 + + = 10
+ + = 10 + + = 10
+ + = 10 + + = 10
1+1+8 2+3+5
1+3+6 2+4+4
1+4+5 3+3+4
Where several numbers are being added it is a good idea to look for whole multiples of 10
(i.e. 10, 20, 30 etc.).
6 For example if you need to find 6 + 7 + 4 you would see that the 6 and 4 make a 10.
And you add the 7 on last to get 6 + 7 + 4 = 17.
7 Also in adding 3 + 6 + 2 + 5 you can see that the 3, 2 and 5 make a 10 so you add
these first and add the 6 on last to get 3 + 6 + 2 + 5 = 16.
Practice G Try these:
a 13 b 18 c 16
d 21 e 19 f 19
g 21 h 20 i 17
j 19 k 15 l 15
8 For example given 19 + 8 + 1 you can see that 19 + 1 makes a whole 20 so you add
these first and then the 8.
So 19 + 8 + 1 = 28.
33 + 28 + 4 + 32 = 97
Practice H Use this method of completing the whole to add the following numbers.
a 29 + 7 +1 + 5 b 16 + 3 + 6 + 17 c 8 + 51 + 12 + 3
d 37 + 7 + 21 + 13 e 13 + 16 + 17 + 24 f 12 + 26 + 34 + 8
g 33 + 25 + 22 + 15 h 18 + 13 + 14 + 23 i 3+9+5+7+1
j 27 + 15 + 23 k 43 + 8 + 19 + 11 l 32 + 15 + 8 + 4
m 24 + 7 + 8 + 6 + 13 n 6 + 33 + 24 + 17 o 23 + 48 + 27
a 42 b 42 c 74
d 78 e 70 f 80
g 95 h 68 i 25
j 65 k 81 l 59
m 58 n 80 o 98
Another way in which completing tens can be used is in adding columns of figures.
you look in the units column and see a 7 and 3 there, which makes 10, so that there is
a total of 17 altogether in this column.
You put this down, carrying the 1 to the left as shown:
2 7
3 5
6 3
8 2 +
Then you add the tens column, looking again for tens.
You see 2 + 8 = 10 and so the total is 19.
Adding the carried 1 you get 20 which you put down:
2 7
3 5
6 3
8 2 +
2 0 7
a 4 4 b 3 5 c 4 8 d 6 3 2 7 e 5 4 9
2 2 7 6 3 8 5 8 4 1 8 2
6 5 4 5 + 6 2 7 4 3 + 3 1 7
8 6+ 7 1+ 2 4 1
7 2 6
3 2 1+
You immediately see a 10 (4+6) in the first column. And there is also a 13 (5+8).
So 13 and 10 give 23 and so you put 3 and carry 2:
8 2 4
6 5 6
8 5
3 8 +
8 2 4
6 5 6
8 5
3 8 +
1 6 0 3
2 2
Finally we have 14 in the left column and the carried 2 makes 16, which you put
a 4 7 b 3 5 c 4 8 d 3 3 2 7 e 2 4 2
2 3 2 8 3 9 2 5 7 7 1 8 8
3 6 5 7 8 8 5 8 5 1 1 5
3 6+ 3 2 + 7 1+ 3 8 3 + 2 4 3
7 9 6
3 2 1+
Numbers like 9, 19, 18, 38, which are just under multiples of ten are particularly easy to add
and subtract (take away).
a 55 + 9 b 64 + 9 c 45 + 9 d 73 + 9
e 82 + 9 f 26 + 9 g 67 + 9 h 38 + 9
a 64 b 73 c 54 d 82
e 91 f 35 g 76 h 47
13 Similarly if you are adding 19, you can add 20 and take 1 away.
So 66 + 19 = 85.
Because you can add 20 to 66 to get 86 and take 1 off to get 85.
14 And to find 54 + 39 you could add 40 to 54 and take 1 off to get 93.
So 54 + 39 = 93.
Practice L
a 44 + 19 b 55 + 29 c 36 + 49 d 73 + 19
e 47 + 39 f 26 + 59 g 17 + 69 h 28 + 29
a 63 b 84 c 85 d 92
e 86 f 85 g 86 h 57
In a similar way you could add 18 to a number by adding 20 and taking 2 away.
15 So, for example, 33 + 48 = 81 as you would add 50 to 33 to get 83 and then take 2
away, because 48 is 2 below 50.
a 44 + 18 b 44 + 27 c 55 + 28 d 35 + 37
e 62 + 29 f 36 + 37 g 19 + 19 h 28 + 29
a 62 b 71 c 83 d 72
e 91 f 73 g 38 h 57
The sums below are like the ones above except that the number which is just below a multiple
of ten is the first number in the sum.
a 39 + 44 b 33 + 38 c 48 + 35 d 27 + 34
e 33 + 28 f 9 + 73 g 18 + 19 h 26 + 27
a 83 b 71 c 83 d 61
e 61 f 82 g 37 h 53
A similar method can be used for subtracting numbers which are just below a base.
18 And 61 – 38 = 23 because you take 40 from 61 (to get 21) and add 2 back on.
a 44 – 19 b 66 – 29 c 88 – 49 d 55 – 9
e 52 – 28 f 72 – 48 g 66 – 38 h 81 – 58
i 83 – 36 j 90 – 66 k 55 – 27 l 60 – 57
a 25 b 37 c 39 d 46
e 24 f 24 g 28 h 23
i 47 j 24 k 28 l 3
2.1 Doubling – multiplying by 2, 4, 8.
2.2 Halving – dividing by 2, 4, 8.
2.3 Extending your Tables – by using doubling and halving.
2.4 Multiplying by 5, 50, 25
2.6 Dividing by 5, 50, 25
Doubling and halving are very easy to do and can be used to quickly do many simple
2 So double 42 is 84.
Double 35 is 70.
And double 26 is 52, because 26 + 26 = 52.
Practice A Double the following numbers. Just write down the answer.
a 24 b 41 c 14 d 45 e 15 f 25
g 36 h 27 i 18 j 29 k 34 l 48
a 48 b 82 c 28 d 90 e 30 f 50
g 72 h 54 i 36 j 58 k 68 l 96
Double 60 is 120,
double 8 is 16.
And adding 120 and 16 gives 136.
In the following exercise just write down the answers to the sums.
Practice B
Double the following numbers:
a 58 b 61 c 73 d 65 e 66
f 88 g 76 h 91 i 380
6 To double 636 you can double 600 and 36 to get 1200 and 72.
So the answer is 1272.
a 53 × 4 b 28 × 4 c 33 × 4 d 61 × 4
e 18 × 4 f 81 × 4 g 16 × 4 h 16 × 8
i 22 × 8 j 45 × 8
Practice E Multiply the following:
a 8½ × 4 b 11½ × 8 c 19½ × 4 d 2¼ × 4
e 5½ × 8 f 9½ × 4 g 30½ × 4 h 3¼ × 4
a 34 b 92 c 78 d 9
e 44 f 38 g 122 h 13
11 So half of 8 is 4.
Half of 60 is 30.
Half of 30 is 15, because two 15’s make 30 (or by halving 20 and 10).
a 10 b 6 c 40 d 14 e 50 f 90
a 5 b 3 c 20 d 7 e 25 f 45
12 Also half of 46 is 23 because you can halve the 4 and the 6 to get 2 and 3.
Practice G
Try some, halve these numbers:
a 36 b 28 c 52 d 18 e 34
f 86 g 56 h 32 i 62 j 98
a 18 b 14 c 26 d 9 e 17
f 43 g 28 h 16 i 31 j 49
15 To halve 178 you halve 100, 70 and 8 and add the results.
Practice H
Halve the following numbers. Try to do them in your head.
16 Divide 72 by 4.
17 Divide 104 by 8.
So 104 ÷ 8 = 13.
a 14 b 17 c 21 d 45 e 61
f 15 g 55 h 31 i 27 j 5½
20 Find 6 × 14.
The following questions assume you know your tables up to 10 × 10, but if you don't know all
these you should still be able to find your way to the answer.
Practice J
Find the following:
a 16 × 7 b 18 × 6 c 14 × 7 d 12 × 9
e 4 × 14 f 6 × 16 g 7 × 18 h 9 × 14
21 Find 14 × 18.
Halving 14 and 18 gives 7 and 9, and since 7 × 9 = 63 you double this twice.
That means you double and double again.
a 16 × 18 b 14 × 16 c 12 × 18 d 16 × 12
The numbers 2 and 5 are closely related because 2 × 5 = 10 and 10 is a base number.
22 Find 44 × 5.
23 Find 87 × 5.
a 68 × 5 b 42 × 5 c 36 × 5 d 426 × 5
25 Find 27 × 50.
27 Find 82 × 25.
25 is half of half of 100, so to multiply a number by 25 we multiply it by 100 and
halve twice.
So we find half of half of 8200, which is 2050. 82 × 25 = 2050.
a 46 × 50 b 864 × 50 c 72 × 25 d 85 × 25
29 85 ÷ 5 = 17.
An alternative method with a different Sutra may be used here (The Ultimate and Twice the
Penultimate). Since there are two fives in every ten, in the sum 85 ÷ 5 you may decide there
are 16 5's in the 80 and therefore 17 5's in 85. In other words you would double the 8 and add
1 on.
31 73 ÷ 5 = 14.6.
Similarly here double 73 is 146, and dividing by 10 gives 14.6.
Practice N Divide by 5:
k 52 l 22.2
a 13 b 27 c 75 d 94 e 101
f 801 g 247 h 1414 i 177 j 9.8
k 10.4 l 4.44
Doubling 750 gives 1500, and dividing this by 100 gives 15.
So 750 ÷ 50 = 15.
Again the alternative formula The Ultimate and Twice the Penultimate tells us to
double the 7 and add on the one extra 50, giving 15 again.
33 54.32 ÷ 50 = 1.0864.
Doubling 54.32 gives 108.64, and dividing by 100 gives 1.0864.
Divide by 25:
3.1 Adding Digits – obtaining digit sums.
3.2 The Nine Point Circle – representing numbers around a circle.
3.3 Casting out Nines – to simplify finding digit sums.
3.4 Digit Sum Puzzles
3.5 The Digit Sum Check – using digit sums to check addition and
multiplication sums.
3.6 The Vedic square – characteristics of the nine basic digits.
3.7 Patterns from the Vedic Square – using the Vedic Square to design patterns.
3.8 Number Nine
The word digit means a single figure number: the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0.
Sum means add.
The digit sum of a number is found by adding the digits in the number.
1 To find the digit sum of 17, for example, you just add the 1 and 7.
1 + 7 = 8, so the digit sum of 17 is 8.
Digit sums can be very useful: for checking calculations (see Sections 3.5, 8.1), in divisibility
testing, in finding square roots; and there is an algebraic form too (Section 11.5).
This means that any number of any size can be reduced to a single digit: just add all the digits,
and if you get a 2-figure number, add again.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 . . . . .
We are very familiar with the cycle of tens in our number system: 10, 20, 30 etc. and we have
seen this illustrated neatly in the circle of ten points.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 . . . . .
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3 . . . . .
and here we see another cycle contained within the cycle of ten: a cycle of nine.
We therefore also need to have a circle of nine points, and this has many uses, as we will see.
9 1
8 2
7 3
6 4
The 9-point circle is a circle whose edge is divided into 9 equal parts and as with the ten-point
circle you can continue numbering round the circle as shown below.
Notice here that on any branch the digit sum of every number is the same. For example on the
1-branch we get 1, 10, 19, 28 etc. all of whose digit sums are 1.
This shows that adding 9 to a number does not affect its digit sum.
And in fact it follows that adding any number of 9’s, or subtracting any number of 9’s will not
affect the digit sum of a number.
5 To find the digit sum of 3949 you can cast out the nines and just add up the 3 and
So the digit sum is 7.
Or using the longer method you add all the digits: 3+9+4+9 25 7 again.
Practice C Find the digit sums of the numbers below. Use casting out 9’s.
There is another way of casting out the nines from a number when you are finding its digit
6 To find the digit sum of 24701 you see that you have 2 and 7 which add up to 9 and
can therefore be cast out.
This leaves only 4 and 1 which add up to 5.
So the digit sum of 24701 is 5.
7 Similarly with 21035 you see that 1, 3 and 5 add up to 9 and so can be cast out.
This leaves only 2 and so this is the answer.
The digit sum of 21035 is 2.
Practice D Use casting out 9’s to find the digit sums of the numbers below.
Casting out of 9’s and digits totalling 9 comes under the Sutra When the Samuccaya is the
Same it is Zero. So in 465, as 4 and 5 total nine, they are cast out and the digit sum is 6: when
the total is the same (as 9) it is zero (can be cast out). Cancelling a common factor in a
fraction is another example.
8 The digit sum of a 2-figure number is 8 and the figures are the same, what is the
This is clearly 44.
9 The digit sum of a 2-figure number is 9 and the first figure is twice the second, what
is it?
This must be 63.
5 difference between the figures is 3 2 14 or 41
* Consecutive means one after the other. E.g. 6 and 7 are consecutive (or 7 and 6).
11 A 2-figure number has a digit sum of 5 and the figures are the same. What is the
5 is an odd number but looking at the 9-point circle we see that 14, which is also on
the 5-branch can be split into 7+7. So the number must be 77.
Practice F In the puzzles below you will need to choose the right branch and then
select the right answer from the numbers on that branch.
All answers are 2-figure numbers.
You can use digit sums to check that answers are right.
32 5
12 + 3 +
44 8
Practice G Add the following and check your answers using the digit sums:
a 66 b 57 c 94 d 304 e 787
77 + 29 + 58 + 271 + 176 +
__ __ __ ___ ___
Practice H Add the following and check your answers using the digit sums:
a 35 b 56 c 35 d 52 e 456 f 188
47 + 27 + 59 + 24 + 333 + 277 +
__ __ __ __ ___ ___
a 82 b 83 c 94 d 76 e 789 f 465
8+2=1 2+9=2 8+5=4 7+6=4 6+9=6 8+7=6
The Vedic formula The Product of the Sum is the Sum of the Products applies for all the digit
sum checks. For addition it would be The Total of the Digit Sums is the Digit Sum of the
Total. The formula has many other applications (see Reference 3), for example in finding
areas of composite shapes (The Area of the Whole is the Sum of the Areas).
However if you check the addition of the original sum you will find that it is incorrect!
This shows that the digit sum method does not always find an error. It usually works but not
Multiplying numbers, for example 38 × 3, is a straightforward process. You set the sum out as
shown below, and multiply each figure in 38 by 3, starting at the right:
15 Sum: 3 8 Check: 2
3 × 3 ×
1 1 4 6
The digit sum check has also been carried out above. The digit sums of the numbers being
multiplied are 2 and 3, and when these are multiplied you get 6. Since the digit sum of the
answer, 114, is also 6 this shows you that the answer is probably correct.
16 6 2 check: 8
4 × 4 ×
2 4 8 5 (since 8×4=32 and 3+2=5)
The check here confirms the answer, since the digit sum of 248 is the same as the
digit sum of 8×4.
17 3 8 3 9 Check: 5
6× 6 ×
2 3 0 3 4 3
5 2 5
For the check you get the digit sum of 3839, which is 5 and find that 5 × 6 3.
The digit sum of 23034 is 3, so the answer is confirmed.
Practice I Multiply the following numbers and check each one using the digit sums:
a 88 × 8 b 32 × 3 c 73 × 4 d 717 × 6
The multiplication table below has many interesting patterns and properties.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
We make the Vedic Square by replacing every number in the table above by its digit sum as
shown below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9
3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9
4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9
5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9
6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9
7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Each of the numbers 1 to 9 has its own pattern in the Vedic Square.
18 To draw the pattern for the number One, for example, we colour in every square that
has a “1” in it.
Alternatively, we can put a dot in the center of each square with a “1” in it and join
the dots to make a pleasing pattern.
Practice J Draw the patterns for the nine numbers using the Squares below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9
3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9
4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9
5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9
6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9
7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9
3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9
4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9
5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9
6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9
7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9
3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9
4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9
5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9
6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9
7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
The Vedic Square is also useful in the design of patterns. Below is the Square again with the
nine rows labeled A to I.
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
B 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9
C 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9
D 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9
E 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9
F 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9
G 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9
H 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9
I 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
To design a pattern we choose a line of the Square, a starting point in that line and an angle of
Take a sheet of graph paper and mark a point near the bottom left corner (you will
need 2cm to the left of this).
We always start by moving to the right and the numbers in the row we have chosen
tell us how many centimetres to move. (It is advisable to use a pencil for this at first)
So now we can draw the design: first we draw a line 4cm to the right,
then turn 90° anticlockwise (to the left) and draw a line 8cm up.
then turn 90° anticlockwise and draw a line 3cm long,
then turn 90° anticlockwise and draw a line 7cm long,
and so on.
When you come to the end of the row of numbers you start again at the beginning of
that row. Eventually you will return to your starting point and the design is complete.
Practice K
b Try another design using row D again (starting at the beginning) but now the rotation angle
can be 60° and so triangular spotty paper can be used instead of graph paper:
(With the long side of your sheet at the bottom mark a dot near the middle of the bottom
We start moving to the right again 4cm.
Then we turn 60° to the left and draw a line 8cm long.
Then we turn 60° to the left and draw a line 3cm long.
And so on, the same as previously but with a turn of 60° instead of 90°.)
c On another sheet of triangular spotty paper mark a point in the middle, and two rows down
from the top of the page. Choose row E this time (starting at the beginning) and a rotation
of 120° anticlockwise.
Draw the pattern for this.
(You can also use the columns and diagonals in the Vedic Square as well as the rows, or a
combination of them)
The diagram that appears at the beginning of each chapter of this book is formed by using the
Vedic Square in this way.
If you look at the answers you will see that in every case the digit sum is 9.
You may also see that if you read the answers as two columns the left column goes up (1, 2, 3,
. . .) and the right column goes down (9, 8, 7, . . .).
234 67 8 9
1 9 9 10
4.1 Addition: Left to Right
4.2 Multiplication: Left to Right
4.3 Doubling and Halving – converting harder products to easier ones.
4.4 Subtraction: Left to Right
4.5 Checking Subtraction Sums – using digit sums.
4.6 More Subtractions – subtracting longer numbers, left to right.
It is common to do calculations starting at the right and working towards the left.
This is however not always the best way.
Calculating from left to right is often easier, quicker and more useful.
The reason for this is that numbers are written and spoken from left to right.
Also in calculations we often only want the first one, two or three figures of an answer, and
starting on the right we would have to do the whole sum and so do a lot of useless work.
This also introduces flexibility into our work, which is a theme of the Vedic system.
In this lesson all the calculations will be done mentally: we write down only the answer.
This is easy enough to do mentally, we add the first column and increase this by 1 if there is a
carry coming over from the second column. Then we tag the last figure of the second column
onto this.
3 6 6 5 5 8 4 5 6
2 8 + 3 5+ 5 8 + 9 6 +
9 4 9 0 1 4 2 1 5 2
8, 1 4 = 94 8, 1 0 = 90 1 3, 1 2 = 142 1 4, 1 2 = 152
e 3 9 f 2 7 g 7 7 h 6 3
4 9 + 5 6 + 8 8 + 7 4 +
Here the three column totals are 5, 12 and 13 so two carries are needed.
The 1 in the 12 will be carried over to the 5 making it a 6.
So when the 5 and the 12 are combined we get 62.
The 1 in the 13 is then carried over and added onto the 2 in 62, making it 63.
So combining 62 and 13 gives the answer, 633.
It is important to get the idea of doing this mentally from left to right:
First we think of 5, the first total.
Hold this 62 in the mind, and with the third total we have 6 2, 1 3
which becomes 633.
5 7 7 7
4 5 6 +
The first two columns give 1 1,1 2 which becomes 122.
Then with the third column we have 12 2,1 3 which is 1233.
6 5 5 5 5
3 1 3
6 2 4 +
Starting at the left we have 5,1 4 = 64.
Then 64,8 = 648 (there is no carry here as 8 is a single figure).
Finally 64 8,1 2 = 6492.
e 3 4 5 f 1 3 6 9 g 9 6 3 1 h 4 4 4 4
9 3 7 + 3 8 8 3 + 8 7 0 9 + 4 8 3 8
5 5 5+
In all these sums the numbers are held in the mind (On the Flag) and built up digit by digit
until the answer is complete.
Mental mathematics obviously relies more on the memory than conventional methods where
every step is written down. Young children have very good memories and mental
mathematics helps to strengthen the memory further. (This means that Vedic Mathematics is
good for adults too, whose memory may not be so good.) This also gives confidence and
teaches self-reliance, showing that we do not need pencil and paper or calculator for every
sum but can find an answer without any external help.
Again we build up the answer mentally from the left: first 4, then 4,6=46,
then 4, 6,1 4 = 474.
then 16 1,4 2 = 1652.
g 6 4 2 h 2 5 6 i 7 4 1 j 2 2 3
4 × 3× 3× 9×
k 1 0 5 9 l 8 6 3 1 m 5 4 3 2 n 4 0 9 7
7× 4 × 8× 7 ×
10 Find 35 × 22.
We can use doubling and halving in this sum to get a much easier sum.
We double 35 and halve 22 and this gives us 70 × 11 which has the same answer as
35 × 22.
So 35 × 22 = 70 × 11 = 770.
11 Find 35 × 64.
So 35 × 64 = 70 × 32 = 2240.
a 15 × 18 b 15 × 24 c 46 × 15
d 82 × 35 e 66 × 15 f 124 × 45
g 15 × 54 h 55 × 16 i 75 × 18
j 446 × 15 k 132 × 35 l 85 × 18
m 16 × 4 12 n 24 × 3 12 o £4.50 × 32
In this section we show a very easy method of subtracting numbers from left to right that you
have probably not seen before.
12 Find 63 – 37.
So in this method you start at the left, subtract, and write this down if the subtraction in the
next column can be done.
If it cannot be done you put down one less and carry 1, and then subtract in the second
a 6 2 b 7 5 c 5 1 d 6 7
– 4 7 – 2 8 – 1 5 – 3 8
e 4 6 f 6 5 g 9 0 h 8 2
– 2 5 – 3 7 – 6 2 – 3 8
a 15 b 47 c 36 d 29
e 21 f 28 g 28 h 44
Recall the 9-point circle and that 9’s in a number can be cast out when finding digit sums.
This means that in digit sums 9 and 0 are the same.
You will see them together in the circle below.
You will also remember that it is sometimes useful to use the numbers on the second ring,
which are 9 more than those in the inside ring.
Note that you subtract the digit sums, because this is a subtraction sum.
14 74 2
– 58 – 4
16 7
Here we have 2 – 4 in the digit sum check so we simply add 9 to the upper figure
(the 2) and continue: 11 – 4 = 7, which is also the digit sum of 16, so the answer is
15 56 2
– 29 – 2
27 0
Practice F Check your answers to Practice E by using the digit sum check.
This subtraction method can be extended to the subtraction of numbers of any size.
You subtract in each column starting on the left, but before you put an
answer down you look in the next column.
If the top is greater than the bottom you put the figure down.
If not, you reduce the figure by 1, put that down and give the
other 1 to the smaller number at the top of the next column.
If the figures are the same you look at the next column to decide
whether to reduce or not.
Practice G Subtract the following from left to right (check your answer):
There are many advantages to left to right calculation as we pronounce and write numbers
from left to right. Also, sometimes we only need the first two or three significant figures and
would waste a lot of time and effort if we found all the figures of a long sum by starting at the
right. Division is always done from the left, so all calculations can be done left to right, which
means we can combine operations and, for example, find the square root of the sum of two
squares in one line (see Manual 2). For finding square roots, trig functions and so on there is
no right-hand figure to start from anyway, so there is no option but to start at the left (see
Manual 3).
5.1 Applying the Formula
5.2 Subtraction – of numbers from a base.
5.3 Money – an application of subtracting numbers from a base.
All From 9 and the Last From 10 is a useful formula, as we will see.
1 2 4
you get 124,
because you take 8 and 7 from 9 and the 6 from 10.
Practice A Apply All from 9 and the Last from 10 to the following:
3 Applying the formula to 470 or any number that ends in 0 we need to be a bit
Ignore the 0 and take 7 as the last figure: apply the formula to 47 and simply put
the 0 on afterwards. So you get 530.
4 Similarly with 28160 you get 71840 (just apply the formula to 2816),
with 4073100 you get 5926900 (just apply the formula to 40731).
If you look carefully at the pairs of numbers in Example 2 you may notice that in every case
the total of the two numbers is a base number: 10, 100, 1000 etc.
This gives us an easy way to subtract from base numbers like 10, 100, 1000 . . .
5 1000 – 864 = 136 Just apply All From 9 and the Last From 10 to 864.
8 from 9 is 1, 6 from 9 is 3, 4 from 10 is 6.
100 – 76 = 24,
In every case here the number is being subtracted from its next highest base number.
In all of the above sums you may have noticed that the number of zeros in the first number is
the same as the number of figures in the number being subtracted.
For example 1000–481 has three zeros and 481 has three figures.
You put the extra zero in front of 43, and then apply the formula to 043.
7 10000 – 58.
In the following exercise you will need to insert zeros, but you can do that mentally.
i 1000 – 8 j 10000 – 3
So 600 – 77 = 523
The 6 is reduced by one to 5, and the All from 9 . . . formula is applied to 77 to give
Practice E Try these:
When you have a sum like 8000 – 4222 where both numbers have the same number of
reduce the first figure of the first number by one more than the first figure of the
second number to get the first figure of the answer.
And apply the formula to the remaining figures.
You will see here that you have a 2-figure number to subtract from 6000 which has
three zeros.
The sum can be written 6000 – 032.
Then 6000 – 032 = 5968.
The 6 is reduced to 5, and the formula converts 032 to 968.
Practice G Subtract the following:
The type of subtraction we have been doing is very useful for checking change.
13 Suppose you buy a computer game for £7.53 and you pay with a £10 note.
How much change would you expect to get?
You just apply All From 9 and the Last From 10 to 753 to get £2.47.
14 What change would you expect from a £20 note when paying £3.46?
The change you expect to get is £16.54 because £3.46 from £10 is £6.54 and there is
£10 to add to this.
Practice H Do the following money subtractions in a similar way.
This subtraction method leads to a general subtraction process (see Lesson 9).
Practice I Subtract:
6.1 Addition – splitting difficult sums into
} easy ones, all done from left
to right.
This is a very useful device for splitting a difficult sum into two or more easy ones and comes
under the formula By Alternate Elimination and Retention.
For quick mental sums number splitting can considerably reduce the work involved in a
a 3 4 5 6 b 1 8 1 9 c 6 4 4 6 d 8 3 2 1
4 7 1 7 1 7 1 6 2 8 3 8 1 8 2 3
e 7 6 7 f 3 8 3 g 4 4 4 h 8 8 8
6 1 6 3 8 4 2 4 6 7 0 7
i 5 5 1 j 4 5 5 4 k 1 2 3 4 l 5 2 3 4
6 6 2 3 6 3 6 4 9 4 4 9 3 9 3
Practice B Subtract the following. Split each sum into two easy ones.
a 3 2 4 3 b 4 4 4 4 c 7 0 7 0 d 3 7 2 1
1 3 1 9 1 8 2 8 1 5 2 6 1 9 0 9
e 6 8 8 9 f 8 5 2 g 7 7 7 h 6 6 6 6
1 9 3 6 1 3 9 5 8 5 2 9 3 8
This same splitting technique can be applied in multiplication and division as well.
4 352 × 2
You can split this sum like this: 35 / 2 × 2 = 704. (35 and 2 are easy to double.)
You can split the number any way you like, but it is best to:
split the number so that the parts can be multiplied easily, without a carry.
k 3193 × 3 l 131415 × 3
6 The division sum 2)4 3 2 can be split into: 2)4 / 32 = 2/16 = 216.
Practice D continued
Practice D continued
t 3)1 5 0 1 5 u 13)3 9 1 3 5 2
7.1 Times Tables – avoiding multiplication tables above 5 × 5.
7.2 Numbers just Over Ten – multiplying numbers close to and over ten.
7.3 Multiplication Table Patterns – patterns of tables on the 9-point circle.
7.4 Numbers Close to 100 – multiplying numbers near 100.
7.5 Larger Numbers – multiplying larger numbers.
7.6 Proportionately – a further extension of the method.
7.7 Multiplying Numbers near Different Bases
7.8 Squaring Numbers near a Base
7.9 A summary – of all multiplication devices so far.
Finally, just multiply vertically, 3 × 2, to get 6 for the second part of the answer.
5 6 So 7 × 8 = 56.
So to sum up: 1) put the differences of the numbers from 10: 3 and 2 above,
2) cross-subtract: 7–2 = 5 or 8–3 = 5 and put this down,
3) multiply vertically: 3×2 = 6 and put it down.
So we have: 6–4
Then just multiply 4 × 3 to get 12 for the second part of the answer.
But here, as 12 is a 2-figure number you need to carry the 1 over to the 3:
3 2 = 42 So 6 × 7 = 42.
a 7 b 8 c 9 d 7 e 8
× 9 × 8 × 6 × 7 × 9
f 8 g 9 h 6 i 7 j 6
× 6 × 9 × 6 × 5 × 5
a 63 b 64 c 54 d 49 e 72
f 48 g 81 h 36 i 35 j 30
So in the Vedic system multiplication tables above 5×5 are not essential.
See the note on Russian Peasant Multiplication on Page 69.
The method used in the last section can also be used for numbers just over 10 rather than
numbers just under 10.
Suppose you want to multiply 12 and 13, which are both close to 10.
3 For 12 × 13 you notice the numbers are close to 10 and that 12 is 2 over ten, and 13
is 3 over ten.
So set the sum out as before except that because the numbers are over ten you put a
plus instead of a minus:
12 + 2
× 13 + 3
Practice B This is the same as before except that we cross-add. Try some.
There is a carry in the sums in the second row.
a 13 b 12 c 11 d 13 e 11
× 11 × 12 × 15 × 13 × 11
f 13 g 12 h 14 i 16 j 13
× 14 × 16 × 14 × 16 × 18
In the 3-times table the answers are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 . . .
If you find the digit sums of these numbers you get 3, 6, 9, 3, 6, 9, 3, 6, 9 . . .
Start at 3 and draw a line to the next number, 6
(go over the line in a colour).
Then from 6 draw a line to the next number, 9.
Then from 9 draw a line to the next number 3.
From then on the pattern goes over itself because 3, 6, 9, 3, 6, 9 . . . keeps
So this is the pattern for the 3-times table and it is shown above.
Practice C
a Draw the pattern for the 6-times table on the right-hand circle above.
b Draw the patterns for the 4 and 5, 1 and 8, 2 and 7 and the 9 times tables on the circles
This 9-point circle has many uses including representing recurring decimal cycles (see
Manual 2 or The Cosmic Calculator, Books 2, 3).
. .
For example: = 0.142857
which means the cycle of figures 142857 repeats itself indefinitely.
We draw this pattern by starting at 1 and drawing a line to 4 and so on until we have six lines
and the pattern starts to repeat itself. This converts the arithmetic pattern to a geometrical
In fact any sequence can be represented on the circle: square numbers, triangular numbers,
prime numbers, the fibonacci sequence etc.
The simple method for multiplying numbers like 7× 8 shown in Section 7.1 can be extended
to easily multiply bigger numbers.
Usually a sum like 88 × 98 is considered especially difficult because of the large figures, 8
and 9.
But since the numbers 88 and 98 are close to the base of 100 it is in fact very easy to find the
5 88 × 98 = 8624.
We set the sum out as shown below:
88 is 12 below 100, so we put –12 next to it,
98 is 2 below 100 so we put –2 next to it.
The answer 8624 is in two parts: 86 and 24.
88 – 12
98 – 2
86 / 24
cross-subtract multiply vertically: 12 × 2 = 24
that is 88 – 2 = 86 or 98 – 12 = 86
(whichever you like),
We call the 12 and 2 deficiencies as the numbers 88 and 98 are deficient from the
unity of 100 by 12 and 2.
7 For 98 × 97: 98 – 02
97 – 3
95 / 06
Note the zero inserted here: the numbers being multiplied are near to 100, so two
digits are required on the right, as in the other examples.
In fact once we have got the deficiencies we apply the Vertically and Crosswise method:
we cross-subtract to get the left-hand part of the answer and
we multiply vertically in the right-hand column to get the right-hand part of the answer.
a 94 × 94 b 97 × 89 c 87 × 99 d 87 × 98 e 87 × 95
f 95 × 95 g 79 × 96 h 98 × 96 i 92 × 99 j 99 × 99
8 For 89 × 89: 89 – 11
89 – 11
78 / 1 21 = 7921
Here the numbers are each 11 below 100, and 11 × 11 = 121, a 3-figure number.
The hundreds digit of this is therefore carried over to the left.
Practice D continued
k 88 × 88 l 97 × 56 m 44× 98 n 97 × 63
(1) 88 × 98 = 88 × 100 – 88 × 2
= 8800 – (100 × 2 – 12 × 2)
= 8800 – 200 + 12 × 2
= 8600 + 24 = 8624
88×98 is the area of a rectangle 88 units by 98 units so we begin with a square of side 100:
A 98 2 B
8800 200
From this we subtract the strip on the right side, the area of which is 200:
so 8800 – 200 = 8600.
This leaves the required area but we have also subtracted the area of the small rectangle
shown shaded above on the right. This must therefore be added back on and since its area is
12×2=24 we add 24 to 8600 to get 8624.
You can probably see that this procedure will work for any product when the numbers are
close to 100 and just below it.
where x is the base (in this example 100) and a and b are the deficiencies of the numbers from
the base (in this case 12 and 2).
The numbers being multiplied are thus (x – a) and (x – b); (x – a – b) is one number minus the
other deficiency; and the x outside the bracket on the RHS has the effect of moving the
quantity (x – a – b) to the left as many places as there are zeros in the base.
88 – 12
98 – 2
86 / 24
The most efficient way to do these sums is to take one number and subtract the other
number’s deficiency from it: 88–2=86, or 98–12=86.
Then multiply the deficiencies together: 12×2=24.
We mentally adjust the first part of the answer if there is a carry figure.
Practice E Multiply these numbers mentally, just write down the answer:
a 87 b 79 c 98 d 94
97 98 93 95
e 96 f 88 g 89 h 93
96 96 98 96
i 93 j 97 k 96 l 95
99 97 67 75
m 89
8277 find the missing numbers
Multiplying numbers that are over 100 is even easier than multiplying numbers just under
Suppose we want 103 × 104.
and 4 × 3 = 12.
So now we cross-add, and multiply vertically.
The Vedic techniques are so easy that the system of Vedic Mathematics is really a system of
mental mathematics. This has a number of further advantages as pupils seem to make faster
progress and enjoy mathematics more when they are permitted to do the calculation in their
head. After all, the objects of mathematics are mental ones, and writing down requires a
combination of mental and physical actions, so that the child’s attention is alternating between
the mental and physical realms. This alternation is an important ability to develop but working
only with mental objects also has many advantages.
Mental mathematics leads to greater creativity and the pupils understand the objects of
mathematics and their relationships better. They begin to experiment (especially if they are
encouraged to do so) and become more flexible. Memory and confidence are also improved
through mental mathematics.
This is using the fingers for multiplication of numbers between 5 and 9 by numbers between 5
and 9, and it is very similar to the Vedic method shown here.
9 98 7 6
5 9 9 5
The fingers are numbered as shown with the thumbs counting as 5 and the little fingers as 9.
The palms are upward. To multiply, say, 8 by 7, put together the ‘8 finger’ on the left hand
and the ‘7’ finger on the right hand. Then count the fingers above the touching fingers: there
are 5, and multiply the number of other fingers on the left hand by the number of other fingers
on the right hand: 2 × 3 = 6.
So 8 × 7 = 56.
Now, what about numbers close to other bases like 1000 10,000 etc?
568 – 432
998 – 2 The method here is just the same, but we allow 3 figures
566 / 864 on the right as the base is now 1000.
68777 – 31223
99997 – 3
68774 / 93669
The number of spaces needed on the right is the number of 0's in the base number.
Practice G
Practice H
Proportionately just means that you can get an answer by doubling (or trebling etc.) another
Practice I
16 Find 47 × 98.
Here you should double 47 to 94 because both the numbers are then close to 100.
So you find 94 × 98 and halve the answer.
94 × 98 = 9212
And half of 9212 is 4606.
Again use number splitting: to halve 9212 (think of 92/12).
So 192 × 44 = 96 × 88 = 8448.
Practice I continued
Another way of using the Proportionately formula further extends the range of application of
this multiplication method.
We see here that the numbers are not near any of the bases used before: 10, 100,
1000 etc.. But they are close to 200, with differences of 13 and 3 as shown above.
The usual procedure gives us 216/39 (213+3=216, 13×3=39).
Now since our base is 200 which is 100×2 we multiply only the left-hand part of
the answer by 2 to get 43239.
19 29 × 28 = 812.
So these are just like the previous sums but with an extra multiplication
(of the left-hand side only) at the end.
20 Find 33 × 34.
In this example there is a carry figure: 33 + 3
34 + 4
3 37 / 1 2 = 111 /12 = 1122
Note that since the right-hand side does not get multiplied by 3 we multiply the left-
hand side by 3 before carrying the 1 over to the left.
m 63 × 61 n 23 × 24 o 79 × 77
Sometimes we need to multiply numbers that are each near a different base.
In the example below one number is close to 10,000 and the other is close to 100.
21 9998 × 94 = 9398/12
Here the numbers are close to different bases: 10,000 and 100,
and the deficiencies are –2 and –6.
We write, or imagine, the sum set out as shown: 9998 –02
94 – 6
9398 / 12
It is important to line the numbers up as shown because the 6 is not subtracted from
the 8, as usual, but from the 9 above the 4 in 94. That is, the second column from the
left here.
So 9998 becomes 9398.
Then multiply the deficiencies together: 2×6 = 12.
Note that the number of figures in the right-hand part of the answer corresponds to the
base of the lower number (94 is near 100, therefore there are 2 figures on the right).
You can see why this method works by looking at the sum 9998 × 9400, which is 100 times
the sum done above:
9998 – 0002
9400 – 600
9398 / 1200
This also shows why the 6 is subtracted in the second column from the left.
Practice K Find:
a 97 × 993 b 92 × 989 c 9988 × 98 d 9996 × 988
In the next example the numbers are close to different bases, but they are over the base rather
than under.
Practice L Find:
This is especially easy and is for squaring numbers which are near a base.
You will recall that squaring means that a number is multiplied by itself (like 96 × 96).
This method is described by the sub-formula Reduce (or increase) by the Deficiency and also
set up the square.
23 962 = 92/16.
96 is 4 below 100, so we reduce 96 by 4, which gives us the first part of the answer,
The last part is just 42 =16, as the formula says.
24 10062 = 1012/036.
Here 1006 is increased by 6 to 1012, and 62 = 36: but with a base of 1000 we need 3
figures on the right, so we put 036.
e 98 f 88 g 91 h 10006
m 111 n 13 o 987
e 21 f 72 g 4012 h 511
There are many special multiplication methods in the Vedic system: see Lesson 10. And the
general method (Lesson 11) is always there if no special method comes to mind.
Here we can summarise the various methods of multiplication and squaring encountered so
1. Multiplying by 4, 8 etc. we can just double twice, 3 times etc. E.g. 37×4.
2. We can use doubling to extend the multiplication tables. E.g. 14×8.
3. We can multiply from left to right using On the Flag. E.g. 456×3.
4. We can use All from 9 and the Last from 10 for multiplying numbers near a base.
E.g. 98×88, 103×104, 203×204.
5. And we can also multiply numbers near different bases. E.g. 998×97.
6. The same Sutra can be used for squaring numbers near a base. E.g. 97², 1006², 203².
Practice O The following exercise contains a mixture of all the different types of
multiplication we have seen so far:
a 654 × 3 b 86 × 98 c 97 × 92
d 73 × 4 e 7 × 22 f 16 × 24
s 1023 × 102
8.1 Digit Sum Check for Division – checking division sums.
8.2 The First by the First and the Last by the Last – more checking
8.3 Divisibility by 4
8.4 Divisibility by 11
1 Find 3456 ÷ 7.
7)346 52 6
4 9 3 remainder 5
The division is done in the usual way: 34÷7 = 4 rem 6, placed as shown,
65÷7 = 9 rem 2, placed as shown,
26÷7 = 3 rem 5, as shown.
So 3456 ÷ 7 = 493 rem 5.
We can check that 493×7 + 5 = 3456 is correct by changing each number to its digit sum:
493 has a digit sum of 7, 3456 has a digit sum of 9.
So 493 × 7 + 5 = 3456
becomes 7 × 7 + 5 9
(An alternative to the above line would be: 7×7 + 5 = 54, 549.)
2 Find 70809 ÷ 6.
6)71 04 80 00 9
1 1 8 0 1 rem 3 this is the answer and for the
check you show that 11801× 6 + 3 = 70809 is true in digit sums.
This becomes 2×6 + 3 6 in digit sums and it is correct
since 2×6=3 in digit sums and 3 + 3 = 6.
Practice A Divide the following and check using the digit sums:
g 9)1 0 0 1 h 2)3 4 5 6 7
The First by the First and the Last by the Last is useful for giving approximate answers.
Sometimes you may only want to find the first figure of an answer and the number of noughts
following it, rather than work out the whole sum. Then you can use this method.
3 32 × 41 is approximately 1000.
By multiplying the first figure of each number together you find that 32 × 41 is
approximately 30 × 40, which is 1200.
So you expect the answer to be about 1000, rounding off to the nearest thousand.
You want the first figure of the answer and the number of 0's that come after it.
Since 600 × 80 = 48,000 and you know the answer will be more than this you can
say the answer is about 50,000 (to the nearest 10,000).
400 × 90 = 36,000 and the answer must be below this because both 400 and 90 are
above the original numbers, so you can say 383 × 88 30,000.
So you see that The First by the First gives us the first figure of the answer; and the number
of figures in the answer is also evident.
You may not always be certain of the first figure (as in the last example) but you will never be
more than one out.
g 1812 × 1066
The Sutra (in fact it is a sub-Sutra) The First by the First and the Last by the Last is used in
many ways. For example in measuring or drawing a line with a ruler (or an angle with a
protractor) we line the first point of the line with the first mark on the ruler and note the
position of the last point on the ruler.
See also Section 10.4. This Sutra is also useful in recurring decimals, divisibility and
factorizing quadratics, cubics etc. (see Reference 3).
The last figure of a calculation can be seen by looking at the last figures in the sum.
7 72 × 83 ends in 6.
by multiplying the last figure of each number together you get the last figure of the
2 × 3 = 6.
9 23 × 48 × 63 ends in a 2.
a 2 b 1 c 4
d 6 e 4 f 3
The formula The Ultimate and Twice the Penultimate can be used to test whether a number
can be divided exactly by four.
10 So in the number 12376 the formula tells you to add up the 6 and twice the 7.
This gives you 20, and since 4 goes into 20 it will also go exactly into 12376.
11 In the number 5554 the formula gives us 4 plus twice 5, which is 14.
But 4 will not divide exactly into 14 so 5554 is not divisible by 4.
Practice D For each of the numbers below, write down the totals this formula gives you
and then write down whether 4 divides into the number or not.
a 246 b 656 c 92
Testing for divisibility by 11 is particularly easy and comes under the formula By Addition
and by Subtraction.
You have just seen, in the last exercise, that we find if a number is divisible by 11 by adding
alternate figures and subtracting.
You can add 11 to this –7 to get 4 as the smallest remainder (either –7 or 4 will do
Practice F Find the remainder from 11 for each of the following numbers:
a 5 b 6 c 5 d 1
e 8 f 0 g 1 h –9 or 2
i –3 or 8 j –1 or 10 k 0 l –2 or 9
You are already familiar with the digit sum check which helps to show if a calculation is
For example, 2434 × 32 = 77888 is confirmed by the digit sums because adding the digits
gives 4 × 5 2, which is correct in digit sums.
This works because adding the digits in a number gives the remainder of the number after
division by 9.
A similar method works by using the remainders of numbers after division by 11 rather than
We find the remainders for each of the 3 numbers as in the exercise above.
Practice G Which of the following sums are correct according to the alternative digit
sum check?
9.1 Removing Bar Numbers – converting numbers containing a negative digit to positive
9.2 Subtraction – a general subtraction method.
9.3 Creating Bar Numbers – removing digits over 5 from a number.
9.4 Using Bar Numbers – some applications of bar numbers.
1 7 2 = 68,
86 1 = 859, because 6 1 = 59 (the 8 is unchanged),
127 2 = 1268, because 7 2 = 68,
6 3 0 = 570, because we have 600 – 30 (or because 63 = 57).
a 61 b 82 c 33 d 57 e 46 2
f 999 1 g 12 h 11 1 i 12 3 j 34 0
a 59 b 78 c 27 d 43 e 458
f 9989 g 8 h 109 i 117 j 260
The best way is to split the number into two parts: 5 1 /3.
Since 5 1 = 49, the answer is 493.
If a number has a bar number in it split the number after the bar.
3 7 3 1 = 7 3 /1 = 671,
52 4 2 = 52 4 /2 = 5162,
a 61 4 b 42 3 c 52 5 d 31 7
e 45 2 3 f 333 2 3 g 5 1 32 h 6 273
i 21 1 j 41 3 1 k 1 3151 l 131
Next suppose the bar spans more than one digit in a number.
6 4 23 1 = 3771.
Here we can split the number after the bar: 4 23 /1.
4 23 changes to 377, and we just put the 1 on the end: 4 23 1 = 3771.
7 Similarly 5 12 4 = 5 12 /4 = 4884,
3 11 33 = 3 11 /33 = 28933,
5 123 = 4877,
3 1431 31/ 431 = 29369.
a 6 12 b 7 33 c 5 11 d 9 04 e 72 41 f 333 22
Bar numbers are an ingenious device which we will be using in later work. Their main
advantages are:
8 444
286 –
286 –
242 and 2 42 is easily converted into 158.
9 Similarly 6767
1908 –
5 2 6 1 = 4859
239 = 24 1 because 39 = 4 1 ,
508 = 51 2 08 becomes 1 2
a 49 b 58 c 77 d 88
e 69 f 36 g 17 h 359
m 609 n 708
a 51 b 62 c 83 d 92
e 71 f 44 g 23 h 361
i 852 j 7721 k 332 l 33341
m 611 n 712
One of the main advantages of bar numbers is that we can remove high digits in a number.
For example writing 19 as 21 means we do not have to deal with the large 9.
i 299 j 98 k 87 l 888
“And, in some very important and striking cases, sums requiring 30, 50, 100 or
even more numerous and cumbrous “steps” of working (according to the current
Western methods) can be answered in a single and simple step of work by the Vedic
method! And little children (of only 10 or 12 years of age) merely look at the sums
written on the blackboard (on the platform) and immediately shout out and dictate
the answers from the body of the convocation hall (or other venue of
demonstration). And this is because, as a matter of fact, each digit automatically
yields its predecessor and its successor! and the children have merely to go on
tossing off (or reeling off) the digits one after another (forwards or backwards) by
mere mental arithmetic (without needing pen or pencil, paper or slate etc)!”
From “Vedic Mathematics”, Page xvii.
Finally here are a few examples showing where bar numbers might be used.
13 29 + 48 = 77.
Writing 29 as 31 , or 48 as 52 : 29 31
52 + 48 +
77 77
15 5032 + 7489 – 2883 = 10438 = 9638. We just add up the first digits of the first and
second numbers and subtract the first digit of
the third number. Similarly with the second,
third and fourth digits.
16 29 × 3 = 31 × 3 = 93 = 87.
17 87 ÷ 3 = 93 ÷ 3 = 31 = 29.
18 41 ÷ 7 = 6 remainder 1 .
These bar numbers can be very useful in more advanced work (see Manuals 2 and 3).
10.1 Multiplication by 11
10.2 By One More than the One Before – a special type of
10.3 Multiplication by Nines
10.4 The First by the First and the Last by the Last – a special type of multiplication.
10.5 Using the Average – of numbers to find their product.
10.6 Special Numbers – spotting factors of certain special numbers in a multiplication sum.
If there is an easy way to do a particular sum, rather than using the general method, we call it
a special method. For example to multiply a number by 10 we do not use ‘long
multiplication’. In the Vedic system there are many special methods, which adds to the fun:
the general method is always there but there is often a quick way if you can spot it.
The special methods play a large part in encouraging mental mathematics. Everyone likes a
short cut, whether it is a quick way to get from one place to another or an easy way of doing a
particular calculation. Life is full of special methods: to tackle all similar situations in the
same way is not the way most people like to function. Every mathematical calculation invites
its own unique method of solution and we should encourage children to look at the special
properties of each problem in order to understand it best and decide on the best way forward.
This is surely the intelligent way to do mathematics.
The 11 times table is easy to remember, and multiplying longer numbers by 11 is also easy.
If you want, say, 52×11 you want eleven 52's.
This means you want ten 52's and one 52 or 520 + 52: 520
5 7 2 note how the 2 and the 5
get added in the middle column.
1 Find 52 × 11.
To multiply a 2-figure number, like 52, by 11 you write down the number being
multiplied, and put the total of the figures between the two figures: 572.
a 23 × 11 b 61 × 11 c 44 × 11 d 50 × 11
And so we can often quickly tell if a number can be divided exactly by 11.
You can see that the middle number is the sum (total) of the outer numbers:
4 + 3 = 7.
In the example above you also know how many times 11 divides into 473.
It must be 43 because 43 × 11 = 473.
Going back to multiplication by 11, there can sometimes be a carry, as the next example
3 Find 58 × 11.
58 × 11 = 5138 = 638.
4 Find 47 × 11.
47 × 11 = 4117 = 517.
a 68 × 11 b 79 × 11 c 47 × 11
d 86 × 11 e 55 × 11 f 93 × 11
To multiply this 3-figure number by 11 you put the first and last figures of 234 as the
first and last figures of the answer:
2 3 4
2 ? ? 4
Then for the second figure you add the first two figures of 234,
And for the third figure you add the last two figures of 234:
2 3 4
2 5 7 4
So 234 × 11 = 2574.
When you add the first or last two figures you could get a 2-figure number, so that there is a
carry figure.
The method above gives: 714147 = 8547. We simply carry the 1’s over, as before.
This can be extended to numbers of any size and also to multiplying by 111, 1111 etc.
This multiplication is useful in percentages work since if we want to increase a number by
10% we multiply it by 1.1, similarly with other percentage changes (see Manual 2 or The
Cosmic Calculator, Book 2).
This special type of multiplication is for multiplying numbers whose first figures are the same
and whose last figures add up to 10, 100 etc.
For example, 52 × 58, where both numbers start with 5 and 2 + 8 = 10.
7 Suppose we want to find 43 × 47 in which both numbers begin with 4 and the last
figures (3 and 7) add up to 10.
a 73 × 77 b 58 × 52 c 81 × 89 d 104 × 106
e 42 × 48 f 34 × 36 g 93 × 97 h 27 × 23
10 93 × 39 may not look like it comes under this particular type of sum,
but remembering the Proportionately formula we notice that 93 = 3×31,
and 31 × 39 does come under this type:
31 × 39 = 1209 (we put 09 as we need double figures here)
so 93 × 39 = 3627 (multiply 1209 by 3)
The thing to notice in the last example is that the 39 needs a 31 for the method to work here:
and then we spot that 93 is 3×31.
a 64 × 38 b 88 × 46 c 33 × 74 d 66 × 28
The Vedic formula By One Less Than the One Before, which is the converse of the formula
By One More than the One Before comes in here in combination with All From 9 and the Last
From 10.
The number being multiplied by 9's is first reduced by 1: 763–1 = 762. This is the
first part of the answer.
Then All From 9 and the Last From 10 is applied to 763 to get 237, which is the
second part of the answer.
Here, as 1867 has 4 figures, and 99999 has 5 figures, we suppose 1867 to be 01867.
This is reduced by 1 to give 1866 for the first part of the answer.
Then applying All From 9. . . to 01867 gives 98133 for the last part of the answer.
a 89 × 99 b 82 × 99 c 19 × 99 d 45 × 99
Products like 43 × 47 are easy to find because the first figures are the same and the last figures
sum to 10.
Similarly products like 27 × 87 are also easy to find because the last figures are the same
and the first figures add up to 10.
This comes under the Vedic formula The First by the First and the Last by the Last.
14 27 × 87 = 23/49.
So we multiply the first figure of each number together and add the
last figure: 2 × 8 = 16, 16 + 7 = 23 which is the first part of the answer.
Multiplying the last figures together: 7×7 = 49: which is the last part of the
15 69 × 49 = 3381.
a 38 × 78 b 26 × 86 c 91 × 11 d 59 × 59
e 63 × 43 f 24 × 84 g 88 × 28 h 29 × 89
i 97 × 17 j 64 × 44
The following can also be done like this if you use the Proportionately formula as well:
k 31 × 42 l 46 × 83 m 93 × 71 n 88 × 32
Here we look at a neat and easy way of multiplying numbers by using their average.
This comes under the formula Specific General.
17 Now consider 28 × 32. Again 30 is their average. 28 × 32 = 896 and this is 4 below
And 37 × 33 = 352 – 22 = 1225 – 4 = 1221. See Section 12.1 for squaring numbers
that end in 5.
This method is available for the product of any two numbers. Even if the average is not a
very attractive number this method is still often better than multiplying the numbers. For
example, for 67 × 69 it is easier to find 682 – 1 than to multiply 67 by 69.
Practice J Find:
a 49 × 51 b 27 × 33 c 57 × 63 d 64 × 66
e 85 × 65 f 55 × 95 g 33 × 47 h 91 × 99
i 44 × 48 j 43 × 47 k 74 × 86 l 98 × 102
m 62 × 38 n 48 × 72 o 73 × 93 p 196 × 204
30 3
(a + b)(a – b) = a2 – b2, where a is the average and b the difference of each number from the
average. So (a + b) is the higher number and (a – b) is the lower number.
20 23 × 101 = 2323.
To multiply 23 by 101 we need 23 hundreds and 23 ones, which gives 2323.
The effect of multiplying any 2-figure by 101 is simply to make it repeat itself.
22 47 × 1001 = 47047.
Here, because we want to multiply by 1001, we can think of 47 as 047.
So we get 047047, or just 47047.
24 28 × 10101 = 282828.
Practice K Find:
25 43 × 201 = 8643.
Here we bring in the Proportionately formula: because we want to multiply by 201
rather than 101 we must put twice 43 (which is 86) then 43.
Practice L Find:
a 54 × 201 b 32 × 102 c 333 × 1003 d 41 × 10201 e 33 × 30201
Now it is possible for a sum to be of the above type without it being obvious: it may be
If we know the factors of some of these special numbers (like 1001, 203 etc.) we can make
some sums very easy.
Suppose for example you know that 3 × 67 = 201.
27 93 × 67 = 6231.
Since 3 × 67 = 201,
therefore 93 × 67 = 31 × (3 × 67)
= 31 × 201
= 6231.
In other words, we recognise that one of the special numbers (201 in this case) is contained in
the sum (as 3 × 67).
28 24 × 37 = 888.
We know that 3 × 37 = 111, which is a number very easy to multiply.
So 24 × 37 = 8 × (3 × 37)
= 8 × 111
= 888.
29 38 × 63 = 2394.
If we know the factors of these special numbers we can make good use of them when they
come up in a sum, and they arise quite frequently.
30 62 × 39 = 2418.
We see 31 × 13 contained in this sum: 62 × 39 = 2×31 × 3×13
= 2×3 × 31×13
= 6 × 403
= 2418.
a 29 × 28 b 35 × 43 c 67 × 93 d 86 × 63
e 77 × 43 f 26 × 77 g 34 × 72 h 57 × 21
i 58 × 63 j 26 × 23 k 134 × 36 l 56 × 29
m 93 × 65 n 54 × 74 o 39 × 64 p 51 × 42
11.1 Revision
11.2 Two-Figure Numbers – multiplying 2-figure numbers in one line, from left to right.
11.3 Moving Multiplier – multiplying long numbers by a 2-figure number.
11.4 Extension – multiplying 3-figure numbers.
11.5 Multiplying Binomials – using the same pattern.
11.6 Multiplying 3-Figure Numbers – extension of previous pattern.
11.7 Written Calculations – from left to right.
We have seen various methods of multiplication but they were all for special cases, where
some special condition was satisfied, like both numbers being close to 100 for example.
We come now to the general multiplication technique, by which any two numbers can be
multiplied together in one line, by mere mental arithmetic.
First let us briefly revise how we multiply by a single figure number (as in Section 4.2).
You may wish to begin this lesson with written calculations rather than mental: if so go to
Section 11.7, but you will need the methods described in Sections 11.2, 11.3, 11.6.
1 Find 74 × 8.
We multiply each of the figures in 74 by 8 starting at the left:
7 × 8 = 56 and 4 × 8 = 32.
These are combined by carrying the 3 in 32 over to the 6 in 56: 5 6,3 2 = 592.
The inner figures are merged together. So 74 × 8 = 592.
2 Find 827 × 3.
The three products are 24, 6, 21.
The first two products are combined: 24,6 = 246 no carry here as 6 is a single
figure, then 246 is combined with the 21: 24 6,2 1 = 2481. So 827 × 3 = 2481.
3 Find 77 × 4.
The products are 28, 28.
And 2 8,2 8 = 308 (the 28 is increased by 2 to 30). So 77 × 4 = 308.
The Vertically and Crosswise formula gives us the pattern for multiplying any numbers.
For 2-figure numbers it works like this.
4 Find 21 × 23.
Think of the numbers set out one below the other: 2 1
2 3 ×
5 Find 14 × 21.
1 4
2 1 ×
29 4
This is of course very easy and straightforward and is just mental arithmetic. We should now
practice this vertical and crosswise pattern to establish the method.
a 2 2 b 2 1 c 2 1 d 2 2 e 6 1 f 3 2 g 3 1 h 1 3
3 1× 3 1× 2 2× 1 3× 3 1× 2 1× 3 1× 1 3×
The previous examples involved no carry figures, so let us consider this next.
6 Find 23 × 41.
2 3
4 1 ×
7 Find 23 × 34.
2 3
3 4 ×
782 The steps are: 6
6,1 7 = 77
7 7,1 2 = 782
8 Find 33 × 44.
3 3
4 4 ×
1452 The steps are: 12
1 2,2 4 = 144
14 4,1 2 = 1452
You can now multiply any two 2-figure numbers together in one line.
g 2 2 h 3 1 i 4 4 j 3 3 k 3 3 l 3 4
5 6 7 2 5 3 8 4 6 9 4 2
m3 3 n 2 2 o 3 4 p 5 1 q 3 5 r 5 5
3 4 5 2 6 6 5 4 6 7 5 9
s 5 4 t 5 5 u 4 4 v 4 5 w 4 8 x 3 4
6 4 6 3 8 1 8 1 7 2 1 9
You may have found in this exercise that you prefer to start with the crosswise
multiplications, and put the left and right vertical multiplications on afterwards.
So this easy multiplication method, which is quite general, is also easy to understand. It can
be done from left to right or right to left (see Section 11.7) it applies to algebraic expressions
just as well (see Section 11.5) and it can be reversed to give a simple division method (see
Section 16.4).
We can now explain the special method of multiplication under By One More than the One
Before from Section 10.2 for multiplying numbers like 72 × 78 in which the first figures are
the same and the last figures add up to 10.
7 2
Using the present sutra for 72 × 78: 7 8
5 6 71 1 6
We see that the cross-product is eight 7’s and two 7’s, that is ten 7’s, or 70. The zero here
ensures that the 2-digit product 2 × 8 = 16 can go straight into the last two places, and this
will always happen when the conditions for this type of product are met. The 7 in 70 means an
extra 7 in the left-hand product: so there are eight 7’s altogether.
As the method of squaring numbers that end in 5 is a special case of the above (see Section
12.1), this can also be explained this way.
In multiplying a long number by a single figure, for example 4321 × 2, we multiply each of
the figures in the long number by the single figure. We may think of the 2 moving along the
row, multiplying each figure vertically by 2 as it goes.
These 5 results (in bold), 12,17,12,7,2 are combined mentally, as they are obtained,
in the usual way:
1 2,1 7 = 137
13 7,1 2 = 1382
1382,7,2 = 138272
So we multiply crosswise in every position, but we multiply vertically also at the very
beginning and at the very end.
We can split the numbers up into 12/3 and 13/2, treating the 12 and 13 as if they
were single figures:
12 3 Vertically 12 × 13 = 156,
13 2 crosswise 12 × 2 + 3 × 13 = 63,
162 3 6 vertically 3 × 2 = 6.
d 112 e 421
123 22
In the Vedic system we do not have one method for multiplying numbers and another for
multiplying algebraic expressions. The same Vertically and Crosswise pattern can be used for
both cases.
Practice G Multiply:
a (x + 5)(x + 6) b (x + 2)(x + 9) c (x + 10)(x + 1) d (x + 20)(x + 20)
i (3x + 3)(4x + 5) j (2x + 3y)(2x + 5y) k (5x + 2y)(2x + 5y) l (4x + 3y)(7x + y)
So, unlike the current system, we use the same method for algebraic products as for arithmetic
Vertically: x × x = x². x – 3
Crosswise: –6x –3x = –9x. x – 6
Vertically: –3 × –6 = +18. x² – 9x + 18
Practice I Multiply:
a (x + 3)(x – 5) b (x + 7)(x – 2) c (x – 4)(x + 5) d (x – 5)(x – 4)
3 2 1
3 2 1 × The 5 results are 9,12,10,4,1.
103041 The mental steps are 9
9,1 2 = 102
10 2,1 0 = 1030
1030,4,1 = 103041
“We thus follow a process of ascent and descent (going forward with the digits
on the upper row and coming rearward with the digits on the lower row).”
From “Vedic Mathematics”, Page 42.
e 2 1 2 f 1 2 3 g 2 1 2 h 2 2 2
3 1 3 3 2 1 4 1 4 3 3 3
i 2 4 6 j 1 0 5 k 1 0 6 l 5 1 5
3 3 3 5 0 7 2 2 2 5 5 5
m4 4 4 n 3 2 1 o 1 2 3 p 1 2 4
7 7 7 3 2 1 2 7 1 3 5 6
21 Find 42 × 31.
The sum is set out as before:
A. We multiply vertically on the right: 2×1 = 2,
and put this down as the right-hand figure of the answer. 4 2
3 1
B. Then we multiply crosswise and add to get 4+6 = 10. 1 3 0 2
So we put down 0 and carry 1 to the left.
C. Finally we multiply vertically on the left: 4×3 = 12,
12 + the carried 1 makes 13, which we put down.
22 Find 86 × 23.
A. The method is as above: vertically on the right, 6×3 = 18,
put down 8 carry 1.
B. Crosswise, 24 + 12 = 36, 36 + carried 1 = 37, 8 6
put down 7 carry 3. 2 3
C. Vertically on the left, 8×2 = 16, 16 + carried 3 = 19, 1 9 7 8
3 1
put down 19.
We simply do the same operations as shown in Section 11.6 but start at the right
4×4 = 16, put down 6 and carry 1 to the left.
3×4 + 4×3 = 24, 24 + carried 1 = 25, put down 5 and carry 2.
And so on.
d 52 × 53 e 54 × 45 f 78 × 33
g 17 × 71 h 88 × 88 i 231 × 32
Other ways of setting the sums and answers out are possible and may be preferred.
12.1 Squaring Numbers that end in 5
12.2 Squaring Numbers Near 50
12.3 General Squaring – from left to right.
12.4 Number Splitting – to simplify squaring calculations.
12.5 Algebraic Squaring
12.6 Digit Sums of squares – properties of square numbers.
12.7 Square Roots of Perfect Squares – where the answer is a 2-figure number.
12.8 3 and 4-Figure Numbers – squaring bigger numbers.
The formula By One More Than the One Before provides a beautifully simple way of squaring
numbers that end in 5.
1 In the case of 752, we simply multiply the 7 (the number before the 5) by the next
number up, 8. This gives us 56 as the first part of the answer, and the last part is
simply 25 (52).
So 752 = 56/25 where 56=7×8, 25=52.
4 Also since 4½= 4.5, the same method applies to squaring numbers ending in ½.
So 4½2 = 20¼, where 20 = 4×5 and ¼ = ½2.
Even for large numbers like, say, 635, it is still easier to multiply 63 by 64 and put 25 on the
end than to multiply 635 by 635.
Algebraic Proof: (ax + 5)2 = a(a + 1)x2 + 25, where x = 10. See also end of section 11.2.
a 55 b 15 c 8½ d 95
6 53² = 2809.
Practice B Find:
f 62² g 51²
8 47² = 2209.
Similarly, for numbers below 50 we take the deficiency from 50 (3 here) from 25, to
get 22 in this case, and put the square of the deficiency, 9.
In the proof above ‘a’ would take negative values for numbers below 50.
a 46 b 44 c 42 d 39 e 43
f 49 g 41 h 37
The Vertically and Crosswise formula simplifies nicely when the numbers being multiplied
are the same, and gives us a very easy method for squaring numbers.
a 5 b 23 c 55 d 2
e 14 f 77 g 26 h 90
a 25 b 12 c 50 d 4
e 8 f 98 g 24 h 0
9 432 = 1849.
Working from left to right there are three duplexes in 43: D(4), D(43) and D(3).
D(4) = 16, D(43) = 24, D(3) = 9,
combining these three results in the usual way we get 16
16, 2 4 = 184
184,9 = 1849.
10 642 = 4096.
D(6) = 36, D(64) = 48, D(4) = 16,
So mentally we get 36
3 6,4 8 = 408
40 8,1 6 = 4096.
Algebraic proof: (10a + b)2 = 100(a2) + 10(2ab) + b2. This method can also be explained by
multiplying a number by itself using the general multiplication method.
a 31 b 14 c 41 d 26
e 23 f 32 g 21 h 66
i 81 j 91 k 56 l 63
m 77 n 33
12: SQUARING 123
You may recall that we could sometimes group two figures as one when we were multiplying
two 2-figure numbers together (see Section 11.4). This also applies to squaring.
11 1232 = 15129.
Here we may think of 123 as 12/3, as if it were a 2-figure number:
D(12) = 122 = 144,
D(12/3) = 2 × 12 × 3 = 72,
D(3) = 32 = 9.
Combining these:
14 4,7 2 = 1512, and 1512,9 = 15129.
Practice F Square the following, grouping the first pair of figures together:
The other way of splitting the numbers, shown in Section 11.4 can also be used here.
12 3122 = 97344.
Here we can split the number into 3/12 but we must work with pairs of digits:
Exactly the same method we have been using for squaring numbers can be used for squaring
algebraic expressions.
13 Find (x + 5)2.
This is just like squaring numbers: we find the duplexes of x, x+5 and 5.
D(x) = x2, D(x+5) = 2×x×5 = 10x, D(5) = 52 = 25.
So (x + 5)2 = x2 + 10x + 25.
15 Find (x – 3y)2.
Similarly: D(x) = x2, D(x–3y) = 2×x×–3y = –6xy, D(–3y) = 9y2.
Investigations of square numbers can make interesting and useful lessons, leading for example
to the following results.
This means that square numbers cannot have certain digit sums and they cannot end with
certain figures.
In the exercise below some numbers cannot be square numbers according to the above results.
Practice I Which are not square numbers (judging by the above results)?
a, d, f, g
If a number has a valid digit sum and a valid last figure that does not mean that it is a square
number. The last number in the exercise, 75379, is not a square number even though it has an
allowed digit sum of 4 and an allowed last figure of 9.
16 Find 6889 .
First note that there are two groups of figures, 68’89, so we expect a 2-figure answer.
Next we use The First by the First and the Last by the Last. Looking at the 68 at the
beginning we can see that since 68 is greater than 64 (8²) and less than 81 (9²) the
first figure must be 8.
There are two easy ways of deciding. One is to use the digit sums.
If 872 = 6889 then converting to digit sums we get 62 4, which is not correct.
But 832 = 6889 becomes 22 4, so the answer must be 83.
The other method is to recall that since 852 = 7225 and 6889 is below this
6889 must be below 85. So it must be 83.
17 Find 5776 .
The 57 at the beginning is between 49 and 64, so the first figure must be 7.
742 = 5776 becomes 22 7 which is not true in terms of digit sums, so 74 is not the
762 = 5776 becomes 42 7, which is true, so 76 is the answer.
Alternatively to choose between 74 and 76 we note that 752 = 5625 and 5776 is
greater than this so the square root must be greater than 75. So it must be 76.
In the following exercise try to find the answers mentally if you can, writing down only the
m 9604 n 5929
a 46 b 73 c 38 d 82
e 59 f 67 g 94 h 19
i 28 j 61 k 47 l 65
m 98 n 77
As you will have seen, square numbers ending in 5 must have a square root ending in 5, there
is only one possibility for the last figure.
a 9 b 24 c 56 d 1 e 128
f 25 g 72 h 3 i 24 j 49
k 20 l 12 m 6 n 5 o 25
As with 2-figure numbers the square of a number is just the total of its duplexes.
18 3412 = 116281.
Here we have a 3-figure number:
D(3) = 9, D(34) = 24, D(341) = 22, D(41) = 8, D(1) = 1.
Mentally: 9, 2 4 = 114
114, 2 2 = 1162
1162,8,1 = 116281.
12: SQUARING 129
19 43322 = 18766224.
D(4) = 16, D(43) = 24, D(433) = 33, D(4332) = 34,
D(332) = 21, D(32) = 12, D(2) = 4.
Mentally: 16, 2 4 = 184
184,33 = 1873
1873,34 = 18764
18764,21 = 187661
187661,12 = 1876622
1876622,4 = 18766224.
13.1 One-step Equations
13.2 Two-Step Equations
13.3 Three-Step Equations
} – mental, one-line solutions.
Equations like x + 39 = 70, x – 7 = 8, 3x = 15 and 7 are easily solved using the Vedic
formula: Transpose and Apply.
Transpose means "reverse" and in solving equations Transpose and Apply means :
Practice A Solve the following equations, check each answer to make sure it is right:
a x + 3 = 10 b x – 3 = 10 c 20 + x = 100 d x – 19 = 44
i 5x = 35 j 2x = 26 k 3x = 960 l 2x = 76
x x
m 40x = 120 n 2½x = 10 o =7 p =5
7 4
a 7 b 13 c 80 d 63
e 12 f 8 g 877 h 3.7
i 7 j 13 k 320 l 38
m 3 n 4 o 49 p 20
This is, of course, just a matter of mental arithmetic, and can be taught as such.
Sometimes two or more applications of the Transpose and Apply formula are needed, as the
following examples show.
1 Solve 2x + 3 = 13.
2 Solve 5x – 4 = 36.
3 Solve + 3 = 5.
Here we take 3 from 5 to get 2,
then multiply 2 by 7, so x = 14.
4 Solve = 4.
Multiply 3 by 4 to get 12,
then 12÷2=6, so x = 6.
5 Solve = 5.
Because all the left side is divided by 4 we begin by multiplying 5 by 4,
then we add 3 to the result giving x = 23.
a 3x + 7 = 19 b 2x + 11 = 21 c 4x – 5 = 7 d 3x – 8 = 10
x x 2x x4
e +4=6 f –8=2 g =8 h =5
3 2 3 7
x 21
i =1 j 2x + 1 = 3.8
a 4 b 5 c 3 d 6
e 6 f 20 g 12 h 31
i 31 j 1.4
Sometimes we need to take three steps to solve an equation. But it still just a matter of mental
6 Solve + 4 = 10.
First 10 – 4 = 6, then 6×5 = 30, then 30÷3 = 10 so x = 10.
3x + 2
7 Solve = 8.
First 8×4 = 32, then 32–2 = 30, then 30÷3 = 10 so x = 10.
The bracket here indicates that 3x + 4 is being multiplied by the number outside the
bracket, which is 2.
So we begin by dividing 38 by 2.
First 38 ÷ 2 = 19, then 19 – 4 = 15, then 15 ÷ 3 = 5 so x = 5.
2x 1 2x 3 5x 2 6x 1
e =4 f =3 g =9 h =5
3 5 3 7
a 6 b 15 c 6 d 8
e 5.5 f 9 g 5 h 6
i 4 j 5 k 2 l 12
14.1 Vertically and Crosswise – addition and subtraction of fractions.
14.2 A Simplification
14.3 Comparing Fractions
14.4 Unification of Operations: +, –, ×, ÷ of fractions are all simply related.
Addition and subtraction of fractions are usually found to be very difficult as the method is
complicated and hard to remember. But the Vertically and Crosswise formula gives the
answer immediately.
1 Find +1
3 7
The reason why this works is that in order to add the fractions we must get the denominators
to be equal, and we do this by multiplying top and bottom of 2 by 7 (to get a denominator of
21) and the top and bottom of by 3 (to get the same denominator of 21). So each numerator
gets multiplied by the other denominator, and this is exactly what we did.
2 Find 7 4 + 2 1 .
5 3
7 4 + 2 1 = 9 17 = 10 2
. Here we can add the whole parts and the fractions
5 3 15 15
separately: for the whole ones 7+2 = 9 and for the fractions: 4×3 + 1×5 = 17, the
numerator, and 5×3 = 15, the denominator.
3 Find a –1 b 54 –13 c 41 –12.
7 4 5 4 3 5
a Subtraction is the same except we cross-multiply and subtract rather than add.
Be sure to start at the top left.
– 1 = 6 4 - 1 7 = 17
7 4 74 28
b 5 4 – 1 3 = 4 4 4 - 35 = 4 1
Similarly here but deal with the whole parts
5 4 5 4 20
c 4 1 – 1 2 = 3 1 5 - 2 3 = 3 1
= 2 14 Here we get a negative numerator, but it is
3 5 3 5 15 15
easily dealt with by taking from one of
the whole ones.
Alternatively, to avoid the minus number here, put both fractions into top-heavy
form and subtract. This will mean dealing with larger numbers however.
Practice A Combine the following , cancelling down your answer or leaving as mixed
numbers where necessary:
a +1 b 3 2
+ c 1
+2 d 11+ 21
5 4 8 5 2 5 3 4
e 3 3 +2 1 f 3 2
– g 8
–1 h 3
– 1
4 3 5 7 9 2 4 20
i 53–21 j 10 2 – 1 4 k 5
+ 7
5 2 3 5 12 18
13 31 9
a 20 b 40 c 10 d 3 127
e 6 121 f 11
35 g 7
18 h 7
i 3 101 j 8 13
15 k 29
a ad + cb
Algebraic proof: +c = .
b d bd
Exactly the same pattern can be used for algebraic fractions as is used for numerical fractions.
# We may note here that fractions are often written horizontally, for example 23 is written
2/3. This is more consistent with the ratio notation (2:3) and place value. If fractions are
written in this way then crosswise and horizontally (see Example 1) becomes crosswise
and vertically.
So for 23 17 :
1/7 +
17 / 21
In the last question of the last exercise you did (and in question h) the numbers were rather
large and some cancelling had to be done at the end. Where the denominators of two fractions
are not relatively prime the working can be simplified as shown in the next example.
5 7
4 The denominators in + are not relatively prime: there is a common factor of 6.
12 18
We divide both denominators by this common factor and put these numbers below
the denominators:
5 7 53 7 2 29
12 + 18 =
12 3
( 2) (3) 36
So we put 2 and 3 below 12 and 18.
Then when cross-multiplying we use the 2 and 3 rather than the 12 and 18.
For the denominator of the answer we cross-multiply in the denominators:
either 12×3 or 18×2, both give 36.
Subtraction of fractions with denominators which are not relatively prime is done in just the
same way, except we subtract in the numerator as before.
1 4 3 1 3
a + b + c +3 d 5
3 9 8 6 5 10 6 4
e +3 f 5
–1 g 33 – 11 h 7
– 11
6 4 18 27 4 8 36 60
7 13 9 1
a 9 b 24 c 10 d 12
e 1 127 f 54 g 2 58 h 1
Sometimes we need to know whether one fraction is greater or smaller than another, or we
may have to put fractions in order of size.
4 2 5
5 Put the fractions , , in ascending order.
5 3 6
2 5 5
Doing this with and we find that 2×6 is less than 5×3, so is greater than 2 .
3 6 6 3
4 5 5
If we now cross-multiply with we find that is greater.
5 6 6
2 4 5
So in ascending order the fractions are: , , .
3 5 6
a 1
3 , 52 b 8
11 , 43 c 7
12 , 32 , 43 d 58 , 56 , 76
6 Find a ×3 b 3
2 4 4 5
a 1
× 3 = 1 3 = 3 We simply multiply the numerators to get the numerator of
2 4 24 8
the answer, and multiply the denominators to get the
denominator of the answer.
b 3
÷ 2 = 3 5 = 15 = 1 7 We simply cross-multiply and put the first product
4 5 24 8 8
over the second product.
The four operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are now seen to have a
much more unified relation.
4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1
5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3
15.1 Division by 9
15.2 Division by 8 etc.
15.3 Division by 99, 98 etc.
15.4 Divisor Below a Base Number
15.5 Divisor Above a Base Number
As you have seen before, the number 9 is special and there is a very easy way to divide by 9.
1 Find 23 ÷ 9.
9) 2 3
2 r5
So 23 ÷ 9 = 2 remainder 5.
It is easy to see why this works because every 10 contains a 9 with 1 left over.
So 2 tens contains 2 nines with 2 left over.
The answer is the same as the remainder, 2.
And that is why we add 2 to 3 to get the remainder.
Practice A Divide by 9:
a 5 r6 b 3 r7 c 1 r8 d 4 r8
e 6 r6 f 7 r8 g 2 r8 h 4 r10 = 5 r1
It can happen that there is another nine in the remainder, as occurred in the last question of the
last exercise and as the next example shows.
2 Find 66 ÷ 9.
9)6 6
6 r 12 = 7 r 3
3 Find 58 ÷ 9. 9)5 8
5 r 13 = 6 r 4
Remember you are trying to find the number of nines in 66 and the first answer you get is 6
remainder 12. So there are 6 nines with 12 remaining. Since there is another nine in the 12
you therefore have 7 nines altogether and 3 remaining.
You can also get the final remainder, 3, by adding the digits in 12.
a 6 r3 b 8 r5 c 6 r4 d 5 r4
e 7 r1 f 9 r7 g 10 r6
The unique property of number nine, that it is one unit below ten leads to many of the very
easy Vedic methods, as in Sections 15.2, 15.3, 15.4 following. See also the methods of
converting fractions to their recurring decimal form in Manual 2 (or References 1 and 3), as
well as corresponding algebraic applications.
2 5
2 5 5
2 5 5 r6
The first figure of the number being divided is the first figure of the answer,
and each figure in the answer is added to the next figure in the dividend
to give the next figure of the answer.
The last number we write down is the remainder.
a 235 r8 b 34 r6 c 1244 r6
d 47 r8 e 558 r8 f 78 r5
g 22556 r6 h 18 r2 i 3448 r0
In the method of division by 9 which you have used it can happen that a 2-figure number
appears in the answer.
5 Find 3172 ÷ 9.
9) 3 1 7 2
3 4 1 1 r 13 = 352 remainder 4
We can avoid the double figures that crop up in some of these sums.
Let us do Example 5 above again.
6 Find 3172 ÷ 9.
9) 3 1 7 2
3 5 2 r4
Then add 5 to 7 to get 12, but as the 1 has already been carried over we only put the
2 down. Finally, 2+2 = 4.
7 Find 777 ÷ 9.
9) 7 7 7
8 6 r3
If we put 7 for the first figure we get 14 at the next step, so we put 8.
8+7 = 15 and the 1 has already been carried over.
Now, if we put the 5 down we see a 2-figure number coming in the next step, so we
put 6 down.
6+7 = 13 and the 1 has been carried over, so just put down the 3.
8) 3 1
a 8) 2 2 b 8) 1 5 c 8) 2 5 d 8) 5 1
a 2 r6 b 1 r7 c 3 r1 d 6 r3
8) 2 1 1
2 5 r 11 = 26 r3
a 8) 1 1 1 b 8) 1 5 1 c 8) 1 0 0 d 8) 2 1 4 e 8) 1 1 2 1
a 13 r7 b 18 r7 c 12 r4 d 26 r6 e 140 r1
10 Now, in dividing by 7 which is 3 below 10 we must treble the last answer figure at
each step.
7) 1 1 and 7) 1 2 3
1r4 1 5 r18 = 17 r4
a 7) 1 3 b 7) 3 1 c 7) 2 3 d 7) 4 0
e 7) 1 0 3 f 7) 1 1 1 g 7) 1 0 0
a 1 r6 b 4 r3 c 3 r2 d 5 r5
e 14 r5 f 15 r6 g 14 r2
This is very similar to division by 9, but because 99 has two 9's we can get the
answer two digits at a time.
Think of the number split into pairs: 12/13/14 where the last pair is part of the
Then put down the 12 as the first part of the answer: 99) 12 / 13 / 14
Then add the 12 to the 13 and put down 25 as the next part: 99) 12 / 13 / 14
12 / 25
Finally add the 25 to the last pair and put down 39 as the
remainder: 99 ) 12 / 13 / 14
12 / 25 / 39
So the answer is 1225 remainder 39.
f 11221122 (this has 4 pairs, but the method is the same) g 3456 (this has 2 pairs)
a 1226 r42 b 2152 r93 c 3355 r66 d 2856 r84 e (3670 r102) 3671 r3
f 113344 r66 g 34 r90
Dividing by 98 is similar.
We need to know how many times 88 can be taken from 235 and what the remainder
Since every 100 must contain an 88 there are clearly two 88's in 235.
And the remainder will be two 12's (because 88 is 12 short of 100) plus the 35 in
So the answer is 2 remainder 59 (24+35=59).
8 8)2 3 5
We separate the two figures on the right because 88 is close to 100 (which has 2
Then since 88 is 12 below 100 we put 12 below 88, as shown below.
8 8)2 3 5
1 2 2 4
2 5 9
We bring down the initial 2 into the answer.
This 2 then multiplies the flagged 12 and the 24 is placed under the 35 as shown.
We then simply add up the last 2 columns.
Note that the deficiency of 88 from 100 is given by the formula All from 9 and the Last from
Note also that the position of the vertical line is always determined by the number of
noughts in the base number: if the base number has 4 noughts then the vertical line goes 4
digits from the right, and so on.
This is easily understood since when we bring the initial 2 down into the answer we are
expecting to find two 88’s in 235. And as there is one 88 in every hundred and 12 left over, in
two hundreds there will be two 88’s and two 12’s remainder, which must be added to the 35
to give 59 as the full remainder.
7887)3 1 3 1 3
2 1 1 3 6 3 3 9
3 7 6 5 2
Applying All From 9 and the Last From 10 to 7887 gives 2113.
Bring the 3, (the first figure of 31313) down into the answer.
We now multiply this by the flagged 2113 and put 6339 in the middle row.
Then adding up the last four columns gives the remainder of 7652.
Here we consider the case where the answer consists of more than one digit.
We set the sum out marking off two figures on the right and leave two rows as there
are to be two answer figures:
79)1 1 0 8
79)1 1 0 8
2 1 2 1
6 3
1 3 8 1
The initial 1 comes down into the answer and multiplies the flagged 1011.
This is placed as shown in the second row.
Adding in the second column we put 2 down in the answer and then multiply the
1011 by it. Put 2022 in the third row.
Adding in the third column we get 4 which we put down and also multiply by 1011.
So we put 4044 in the fourth row and then add up the last four columns to get the
Once the vertical line has been drawn in you can see the number of lines of
working needed: this is the number of figures to the left of this line (3 figures
and therefore 3 lines of working in Example 16 above).
a 8 9)1 0 2 1 b 8 8) 1 1 2 2 c 7 9)1 0 0 1
d 8 8)2 1 1 1 e 9 7) 1 1 1 1 f 8 8 8) 1 0 0 1 1
j 8 8 9 9)2 0 1 0 2 0
In these examples (and in the ones in the next section) the lines of working can be dispensed
with by using the Vertically and Crosswise formula. We use the vertical and crosswise
products in the flag and answer digits.
The first vertical product here gives 2×1=2 which is to be added in the second column of 1108
to give 3 as the second answer figure: 2 1
1 3
So now we take the cross-product 2×3 + 1×1 = 7 and add this to the 0 in 1108 to give 7 as the
first remainder figure.
Finally the vertical product on the right in 2 1
1 3
gives 1×3=3 to be added to the last figure of 1108 which makes 11 and gives the full
remainder of 711 = 81.
Similarly longer sums like Example 16 can also be dealt with in this way.
A very similar method, but under the formula Transpose and Apply allows us to divide
numbers which are close to but above a base number.
123)1 4 8 9
2 3 2 3
4 6
1 2 1 3 Bring the initial 1 down into the answer.
Multiply this 1 by the flagged 2 3 and write
down 2 , 3 .
Add in the second column and put down 2.
Multiply this 2 by the 2 3 and put 4 , 6 .
Then add up the last two columns.
The Sutra in use is Transpose and Apply, as stated above, because we are actually subtracting
from the digits 4, 8 and 9.
g 1 0 0 3)3 2 1 9 8 7 h 1 1 1)7 9 9 9 9
Two other variations, where negative numbers come into the answer or remainder are worth
noting next.
113)1 0 1 2 1
1 3 1 3
1 3
1 3
1 1 1 6 4
When we come to the second column we find we have to bring 1 down into the
answer, multiplying this by the flagged 1 3 means we add 13 in the third row (two
minuses make a plus).
The answer 1 1 1 we finally arrive at is the same as 100 – 11 which is 89.
112)2 2 1 1
1 2 2 4
0 0
2 0 3 1 = 20 rem 29 or 19 rem 83
j 1 2 1)2 6 5 2 k 1 2 3 1)3 3 0 3 3
“We go on, at last, to the long-promised Vedic process of STRAIGHT (AT SIGHT) DIVISION
which is a simple and easy application of the URDHVA-TIRYAK Sutra which is capable of
immediate application to all cases and which we have repeatedly been describing as the
‘CROWNING GEM of all’ for the very simple reason that over and above the universality of
its application, it is the most supreme and superlative manifestation of the Vedic ideal of the
at-sight mental-one-line method of mathematical computation.”
From “Vedic Mathematics”, Page 240.
16.1 Single Figure on the Flag – one-line division by 2-figure numbers.
16.2 Short Division Digression – choosing the remainder you want.
16.3 Longer Numbers – dividing numbers of any size.
16.4 Negative Flag Digits – using bar numbers to simplify the work.
16.5 Decimalising the Remainder
The general division method, also called straight division, allows us to divide numbers of any
size by numbers of any size, in one line. Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji, the man who rediscovered
the Vedic system, called this ”the crowning gem of Vedic Mathematics”.
It comes under the Vertically and Crosswise Sutra.
3 3 2 1
5 6 = 5 remainder 6
Then 6 into 32 goes 5 remainder 2, as shown, and answer, 5, times the flagged 3
gives 15 which we take from the 21 to leave the remainder of 6.
What we are doing here is subtracting five 60's from 321, which leaves 21 and then
subtracting five 3's from the 21. That means we have subtracted five 63's and 6 is left.
Since all of these are correct we can select the one which is best for a particular sum.
Practice B Copy each of the following sums and replace the question mark with the
correct number:
a 5) 2 1 b 7) 5 1 c 4) 3 0 d 3) 2 2
3 rem ? 6 rem ? 6 rem ? ? rem 4
e 5) 4 2 f 6) 3 9 g 5) 2 4 h 7) 2 6
6 rem ? 4 rem ? 5 rem ? 4 rem ?
a 6 b 9 c 6 d 6
e 12 f 15 g 1 h 2
If we proceed as before:
2 5 0 3
We find we have to take 14 from 13, which means the answer is 7 rem 1 .
If a negative number is not acceptable however we can say that dividing 7 into 50 in
the sum above is not 7 rem 1, but 6 rem 8:
2 5 0 3
6 71
Then we find we can take 12 from 83 to get the positive remainder 71.
This reducing of the answer figure by 1 or 2 is sometimes necessary if negative numbers are
to be avoided. But it worth noting that when the answer figure is reduced by 1 the remainder
is increased by the first figure of the divisor. So in the answer above the 7 rem 1 is replaced
by 6 rem 8: the remainder is increased by 7, the first figure of 72.
Continuing the above example with the first method we would get:
2 5 0 3
7 1 = 6 rem 71.
The 7 we get in the answer represents seven 72’s, so we take one of these (leaving 6 of them)
and add it to the negative remainder to get 72 + 1 = 71 for the remainder.
2 1 7 4 9 6
Note the diagonal of numbers: 2, 3, 4.
Next we multiply the answer figure 2 1 7 4 9 6
3 2
by the flag figure: 2×2=4, take this 7
from the 34 to get 30, and then divide by 7 2 4
again, to get 4 remainder 2, as shown.
÷ –
Although the divisor has three digits here dividing by 12 is not a problem and so
we can use the same procedure:
3 5 0 6 0 7
2 2 5
4 1 1 54
Practice D Divide the following (the remainder is zero for the first four sums, so you
will know if it is correct):
a 19902 ÷ 62 b 44749 ÷ 73 c 1936 ÷ 88 d 4032 ÷ 72
a 321 b 613 c 22 d 56
e 45r14 f 467r7 g 1461r11 h 2341r56
i 230r43 j 127r1 k 123r54 l 211r26
m 655737r43 n 219r2 o 104r32 p 292r30
q 7942r14 r 5380r11 s 7009r60 t 7832r21
When the flag number is large we often need to reduce more frequently. It is possible to avoid
these reductions however by using negative flag digits.
6 97 ÷ 28 = 3 remainder 13.
We have to reduce the answer digit from 4 to 3 so that the remainder is big enough.
These reductions occur more frequently when the flag number is large (8 here).
This can be avoided however by rewriting 28 as 3 2 :
2 9 7
3 13
3 into 9 goes 3 remainder 0.
We then multiply the 2 by 3 to get 6 and this is to be subtracted from 7.
But subtracting a negative number means adding it, so we get 7– 6 =13 for the
e 505 ÷ 78 f 543 ÷ 68
Straight division can also be demonstrated by reversing the vertically and crosswise
multiplication method.
We need the values of p and q so that the number pq multiplied by 72 gives 4032.
We see p must be 5 because p multiplied by 7 must account for the 40 in 4032 (or most of it).
And since 5×7=35 there is a remainder of 5.
So now we have: 5 q
7 2
4 0 53 2
We are left with 532 to be accounted for by the crosswise multiplication and the vertical
product on the right. Considering the crosswise part we see we have 5×2=10 and we can take
this off the 53 in 532 to leave 43: to be produced by the other part of the crosswise product,
7×q. This tells us that q must be 6 and there is a remainder of 1 from the 53:
5 6
7 2
4 0 53 1 2
The 12 now in the right-hand place is then fully accounted for by the vertical product on the
right, so there is no remainder.
All divisions can be done in this way, as a reversal of the multiplication process, and the on
the flag method in this chapter can be derived from it.
We can continue the division when the remainder is reached and give the answer to as many
decimal places as required.
3 4 0 3 4 2 .0 0 0 0 0 0
5 3 5 4 1 1 3 6 2
5 5 2. 6 3 0 1 3 7
To give an answer correct to 5 decimal places we should find 6 figures after the point
in case we need to round up. So we put a decimal point and six zeros after 40342.
The decimal point in the answer goes where the vertical line went before, one figure
to the left of the last figure of the dividend.
We proceed as usual: multiply by the flag, subtract, divide by 7 for each cycle.
e 78 ÷ 49 f 6.7 ÷ 88 g 19 ÷ 62 h 62 ÷ 19
This straight division method is developed further in Manual 2 (or see References 1, 3, 5).
By One More than the One Before
Ekadhikena Purvena
5 Sunyam
If the Samuccaya is the Same it is Zero
7 Sankalana
By Addition and by Subtraction
By the Deficiency
12 Sesanyankena
The Remainders by the Last Digit
1 Proportionately
5 By Osculation
By Mere Observation
9,0 9,0
8 1 8 1
7 2 7 2
6 3 6 3
5 4 5 4
9,0 9,0
8 1 8 1
7 2 7 2
6 3 6 3
5 4 5 4
9,0 9,0
8 1 8 1
7 2 7 2
6 3 6 3
5 4 5 4
1. Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji, “Vedic Mathematics”, published by Motilal Banarsidass, 1965.
ISBN 81-208-0163-6.
5. Nicholas A. P., K. Williams, J. Pickles. Vertically and Crosswise. Inspiration Books, 1984.
ISBN 1-902517-03-2.
6. Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji, “Vedic Metaphysics”, published by Motilal Banarsidass, 1978.
ISBN 0-89581-472-2.
All from 9 and the Last from 10 48-, 70, 77, 87, 90, 97, 147, 149
Vertically and Crosswise 60, 66, 72, 106-, 121, 135-, 152-
Transpose and Apply 130-, 150
When the Samuccaya is the Same it is Zero 28
If One is in Ratio the Other is Zero
By Addition and by Subtraction 11, 82
By the Completion or Non-Completion 4
Differential Calculus
By the Deficiency 5, 75
Specific and General 99
The Remainders by the Last Digit
The Ultimate and Twice the Penultimate 22, 81, 82
By One Less than the One Before 51, 52, 97
The Product of the Sum 32
All the Multipliers
The First by the First and the Last by the Last 79-, 98, 126
For 7 the Multiplicand is
By Osculation
Lessen by the Deficiency
Whatever the Deficiency lessen by that amount and set up the Square of the
Deficiency 75
by nines 94
Addition 4-, 54 by all from 9... 59
left to right 40 by first by first… 98
of digits 24 by observation 101
Algebraic products 112 by one more.. 96
Algebraic squaring 124 by using the average 99
by vertically and crosswise 59-, 105-
Bar numbers 85- checking 33
advantages 88 general 105-
Base multiplication 59- left to right 42
Base numbers 49 moving multiplier 109
near a base 59-
Casting out nines 26 near different bases 74
Checking calculations 79- near a temporary base 71-
Completion 4- number splitting 56
Crowning gem 152 reversing 158
right to left 116
Deficiency 5, 65 squaring 119-
Digit 24 tables 19, 59-
Digit sum 24-
check 31, 78, 84, 114 Mental addition 6
of squares 125 Mental arithmetic 41, 69
puzzles 29- Money 53
Divisibility 81- Moving multiplier 109
Division Multiples 4
by 5 etc. 21
by eight etc. 143 Nine point circle 26
by 99 etc. 145 Number splitting
by nine 139 addition 54
checking 78 division 18, 57
by numbers just over a base 150 multiplication 56
by numbers just under a base 146 squaring 123
general 152- subtraction 55
number splitting 57
Doubling and halving 14-, 43 Percentages 102
Duplex 121, 128
Recurring decimals 64
Equations 130- Repeating numbers 101
Extending tables 19 Russian Peasant Multiplication 69
Special division 139-
Fractions 134- Special multiplication 92-
comparing 137 Special numbers 101
Square roots of perfect squares 126
Halving 17 Squaring 119-
algebraic 124
Left to right calculations general method 121
addition 40 numbers near a base 75
advantages 47 numbers near 50 120
subtraction 44 numbers ending with five 119
multiplication 42 Straight division 105
Subtraction 12, 55
Moving multiplier 109 by all from 9... 49-, 88
checking 45
Multiplication from a base 49
binomials 112 left to right 44
by 4 etc. 16
by 5 etc. 20 Ten point circle 3
by eleven 92 Vedic Square 34-
Teacher’s Manual – Intermediate
This is similar to the elementary book but covers a greater range (aimed at teachers of 9 to 14 year old pupils)
including divisibility, square roots, applications of triples, further equations, combined operations etc. ISBN
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far less effort than conventional methods use. The easy text fully explains this method which has applications in
trigonometry (you do not need any of those complicated formulae), coordinate geometry (2 and 3 dimensions)
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pages, 24 x 16cm, paperback.