Histological Study of Common House Gecko (Hemidactylus Frenatus) Regenerated Tail

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Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry ISSN 2089-6514 (paper)

Volume 5, Number 2, 2016 | Pages: 49-53 | DOI: 10.14421/biomedich.2016.52.49-53 ISSN 2540-9328 (online)

Histological Study of Common House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus)

Regenerated Tail

Rakhmiyati1, Muhammad Jafar Luthfi2

Postgraduate Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jalan Ir. Sutami 36 A, Surakarta, 57126, Tel. +62271-646994, Fax. +62271-646655, Indonesia
Biology Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Kalijaga,
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. +62-274-540971, Fax. +62-274-519739

Author correspondency:


Common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) belongs to suborder Lacertilia that has capacity to shed its tail (autotomy) as a self-defense
mechanism. After autotomy, tail regeneration occurs. Axiale skeleton of an original tail is composed of bony vertebrae, whereas the the
regenerate one is comprised of cartilaginous tube. The purpose of this study was to determine the histological difference between axial
skeleton of the original tail and the regenerate one of the common house gecko. Twenty four individuals consist of twelve common house
gecko with original tail and twelve with regenerate tail were used. Microanatomical observations were carried on histological slide of
original and regenerated tail stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin and Mallory Acid Fuchsin. The results showed that the original tail
comprised of bony vertebrae whereas regenerated tail supported by cartilaginous tube.

Keywords: Common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus); autotomy; tail histology; cartilaginous tube of regenerated tail.

INTRODUCTION longitudinal bundles and each is limited by a septum

composed by connective tissue. Seosilo (1999), stated
Common house gecko belongs to the family Lacertidae that tail regeneration can occur when there is ependymal
that has the ability to autotomized its tail as defense layer on the remaining spinal cord.
mechanism. Caudal autotomy is the ability of an animal This study aimed to desribe histology of axial
to shed off the tail to escape from predator (Lutfi, 2002; skeleton and muscle of regenerated tail of common
Soesilo, 1992). After autotomy, regeneration occurs house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus).
(Kimball, 1983; Soesilo, 1992). The regeneration
processes consist of three stages, namely the wound
healing stage, blastema formation, differentiation and
tail growth (Soesilo, 1992). MATERIALS AND METHODS
The original tail of Lacertid is composed of vertebrae
caudales, the spinal cord located within the vertebral Twenty four common house geckos (body length ranges
canal, perivertebral fat tissue, muscle layers, blood from 6.5 to 7.5 cm, with intact tail) were used in this
vessels, nerve, skin and scales (White, 1925 in Soesilo, study.
1999). Histological slides were made using paraffin method.
The regenerated tail differs from the original one. Histological observation were done using light
According to Soesilo (1999), the tail differs mainly in microscopy on histological slides stained with
the structure of the vertebrae caudales and spinal cord. Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) and Mallory Acid Fuchsin.
Instead of vertebrae, regenerated tail is supported by
elongated cartilaginous tube, whereas the spinal chord is
replaced by ependymal cells, glia cells and nerve fibers RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
without nerve cell body (Soesilo, 1999).
The muscles of a regenerated tail also have a From observation of original and regenerated tail of
difference with the original tail muscle. Lacertid common house gecko it was found that there are
muscles arranged segmentally, consisted of 8 difference in histological structure.
50 Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry 5 (2), 2016: 49-53

Figure 1. Longitudinal section of original tail (magnification 4x10). Hematoxylin eosin (HE). 1. Skin; 2. Muscles; 3. Autotomy septum.

Figure 2. Longitudinal section of original (magnification 4x10). Mallory acid fuchsin. 1. Epidermis; 2. Perivertebral fat tissue; 3. Muscle segment; 4.
Scales; 5. Muscles; 6. Scale joint.

Autotomy plane is lied transversal (Figure 1).

Autotomy plane serve to facilitate tail sheding for
minimalized excessive blooding. Muscles pink colored
due to Eosin staining. The skin on the tail of common
house gecko is thin. In the original tail, skin has scales
and joints of the scales with thin epidermis (Figure 2).
Muscles are segmental. The vertebral fracture is seen in
Figure 1.

Figure 4. Cross section of original tail (10x10 magnification). Mallory

acid fuchsin.1. Muscles; 2. Spinal chord; 3. Centrum vertebrae; 4. Caudal
artery; 5. Perivertebral fat tissue.

The muscle in the original tail is divided into 8

bundles and between bundles separated by septum
(Figure 3). The transverses process is located at both
Figure 3. Cross section of original tail (10x10 magnification).
side of vertebra. The original tail has a caudal artery.
Hematoxylin eosin (HE). 1. Centrum vertebrae; 2. Spinal cord; 3. Centrum vertebrae are lied between the caudal artery
Transverse process; 4. Muscles. and the spinal cord (Figure 4). The regenerated tail has a
cartilaginous tube as a substitute for bony vertebrae and
Rakhmiyati & Luthfi – Histological Study of Common House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) … 51

also has ependymocyti (Figure 5). The regenerated tail

does not have a tranverse process like the original one.
The figure shows that the cartilaginous tube has

Figure 5. Longitudinal section of regenerated tail (20x10 magnification). Figure 8. Cross section of regenerated tail (10x10 magnification). Mallory
Hematoxylin eosin (HE). 1. Muscles; 2. Perivertebral fat tissue; 3. acid fuchsin. 1. Perivertebral fat tissue; 2. Nerves; 3. Cartilago pipe; 4.
Cartilaginous tube; 4. Meninx; 5. Ependymal cell. Meninx; 5. Ependymocyti; 6. Septum; 7. Muscles; 8. Myotomes; 9.
Myoseptum; 10. Myotube.

The cartilaginous tube is surrounded by perivertebral

fat tissue in which there are nerve cells (Figure 7).
Figure 8 shows that perivertebral fat tissue surrounds the
cartilaginous tube and in the fatty tissue there are nerve
cells. There are ependymocyti in regenerated tail which
play a role in cartilage formation.

Observation of Cross and Longitudinal Sections on

the Original Tail of the Common House Gecko
(Hemidactylus frenatus)
Observation of cross and longitudinal sections on the
Figure 6. Cross section of lizard tail that has undergone autotomy (4x10 original tail of the common house gecko (Hemidactylus
magnification). Coloring: Mallory acid fuchsin. 1. Skin; 2. Muscles; 3. frenatus) stained with Mallory Acid Fuchsin and
Perivertebral fat tissue; 4. Muscle segment; 5. Cartilago pipe. hematoxylin-eosin showed autotomy plane and
transverse process on vertebrae caudales.
Autotomy plane is located along the tail from the
base of the tail to the tip of the tail. The autotomy pane
lies transversely and divides the vertebra and fat tissue
into two parts: the anterior and posterior.
Vertebrae caudales of the original tail is surrounded
by muscles. The muscle on the tail is a striated muscle.
According to Irianto (2005), striated muscle is a muscle
attached to the skeleton that can be moved. This muscle
contracts quickly and strongly. In addition, striated
muscles are also very sensitive to stimuli. The muscle of
the regenerated tail is composed of multiple myotubes
that merge into a myotomes. Myotomes are separated by
myoseptum. The muscles of a regenerated tail are
divided into 16 bundles. According to research
conducted by Rachman & Hadi (2008), the posterior
Figure 7. Cross section regenerated tail (10x10 magnification).
part of original tail muscle of a lizard (Mabouya
Hematoxylin eosin (HE). 1. Perivertebral fat tissue; 2. Cartilaginous tube; multifasciata Kuhl) has its origo on the chevron bone,
3. Nerves; 4. Septum; 5. Meninx; 6. Ependymocyti; 7. Muscles; 8. spina neuralis, and transverse process, whereas the
Myotomes; 9. Myoseptum; 10. Myotube. anterior part of the muscle inserted in the septum.
Muscle of original tail is divided into 8 bundles.
52 Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry 5 (2), 2016: 49-53

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