Guide Questions Answer

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Grade and Section:



Guide Questions ANSWER

1. What kind of writing
style do you think the
author used in the study?
2. What are/is the
independent and dependent
variable/s of the study.
Justify your answer
3. What is the main idea of
the Research
4. What is the research gap
of the research article
5. Provide three main
themes of the Review of
Related Literature and
discuss each theme
6. What do you think was
the research design that was
employed in the study? Cite
evidence to justify your
7. Do you think it was the
appropriate research design
for the study? Why or why
8. In a scale of 1 to 5. 5
being the highest and 1
being the lowest. What
scale can you give to the
research based on
relevance, uniqueness and
contribution? Justify the
scale you will be providing.

Rubric for Evaluation

5 The student shown excellent understanding of the reading material and questions
provided in the task. Able to provide in-depth and magnificent arguments, articulation
and synthesis of the content.
4 The student shown very good understanding of the reading material and questions
provided in the task. Able to provide substantive arguments, articulation and synthesis of
the content.
3 The student shown good understanding of the reading material and questions provided in
the task. Able to provide sufficient arguments, articulation and synthesis of the content.
2 The student shown lack of understanding of the reading material and questions provided
in the task. Able to provide insufficient arguments, articulation and synthesis of the
1 The student shown no understanding of the reading material and questions provided in
the task. Arguments are baseless, not shown any articulation and was able to provide a
synthesize of the content.
0 The content shows no sense.

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