Stoltzfus (2011) Logreg
Stoltzfus (2011) Logreg
Stoltzfus (2011) Logreg
Regression techniques are versatile in their application to medical research because they can measure
associations, predict outcomes, and control for confounding variable effects. As one such technique,
logistic regression is an efficient and powerful way to analyze the effect of a group of independent vari-
ables on a binary outcome by quantifying each independent variable’s unique contribution. Using com-
ponents of linear regression reflected in the logit scale, logistic regression iteratively identifies the
strongest linear combination of variables with the greatest probability of detecting the observed
outcome. Important considerations when conducting logistic regression include selecting independent
variables, ensuring that relevant assumptions are met, and choosing an appropriate model building
strategy. For independent variable selection, one should be guided by such factors as accepted theory,
previous empirical investigations, clinical considerations, and univariate statistical analyses, with
acknowledgement of potential confounding variables that should be accounted for. Basic assumptions
that must be met for logistic regression include independence of errors, linearity in the logit for continu-
ous variables, absence of multicollinearity, and lack of strongly influential outliers. Additionally, there
should be an adequate number of events per independent variable to avoid an overfit model, with com-
monly recommended minimum ‘‘rules of thumb’’ ranging from 10 to 20 events per covariate. Regarding
model building strategies, the three general types are direct ⁄ standard, sequential ⁄ hierarchical, and step-
wise ⁄ statistical, with each having a different emphasis and purpose. Before reaching definitive conclu-
sions from the results of any of these methods, one should formally quantify the model’s internal validity
(i.e., replicability within the same data set) and external validity (i.e., generalizability beyond the current
sample). The resulting logistic regression model’s overall fit to the sample data is assessed using various
goodness-of-fit measures, with better fit characterized by a smaller difference between observed and
model-predicted values. Use of diagnostic statistics is also recommended to further assess the adequacy
of the model. Finally, results for independent variables are typically reported as odds ratios (ORs) with
95% confidence intervals (CIs).
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2011; 18:1099–1104 ª 2011 by the Society for Academic
Emergency Medicine
egression analysis is a valuable research method obscures the relationship between that independent
because of its versatile application to different variable and the outcome).1,3 This latter application is
study contexts. For instance, one may wish to especially useful in settings that do not allow for random
examine associations between an outcome and several assignment to treatment groups, such as observational
independent variables (also commonly referred to as research. With random assignment, one can generally
covariates, predictors, and explanatory variables),1 or exercise sufficient control over confounding variables
one might want to determine how well an outcome is because randomized groups tend to have equal or bal-
predicted from a set of independent variables.1,2 Addi- anced distribution of confounders.4 In contrast, observa-
tionally, one may be interested in controlling for the tional studies do not involve any experimental
effect of specific independent variables, particularly manipulation, so confounding variables can become a
those that act as confounders (i.e., their relationship to real problem if left unaccounted for—which is why
both the outcome and another independent variable regression analysis is very appealing in such settings.
a straight line (e.g., as calories consumed increases, accompanying beta coefficients (b) found in linear
weight gain increases). To assess the effect of a single regression. Indeed, a major advantage of logistic
independent variable on a continuous outcome (e.g., the regression is that it retains many features of linear
contribution of calories consumed to weight gain), one regression in its analysis of binary outcomes. However,
would conduct simple linear regression. However, it is there are some important differences between the two
usually more desirable to determine the influence of mul- equations:
tiple factors at the same time (e.g., the contribution of
1. In logistic regression, Ŷi represents the estimated
number of calories consumed, days exercised per week,
probability of being in one binary outcome cate-
and age to weight gain), since one can then see the
gory (i) versus the other, rather than representing
unique contributions of each variable after controlling
an estimated continuous outcome.
for the effects of the others. In this case, multivariate
linear regression is the proper choice.
2. In logistic regression, eb0 þb1 X1 þb2 X2 þ Xi represents
The basic equation for linear regression with multiple
the linear regression equation for independent vari-
independent variables is
ables expressed in the logit scale, rather than in the
^ ¼ b þ b X1 þ b X2 þ . . . b Xi : original linear format.
Y 0 1 2 i
The reason for this logit scale transformation lies in
The components of this equation are as follows: 1) Ŷ the basic parameters of the logistic regression model.
is the estimated continuous outcome; 2) b0 + b1X1 + Specifically, a binary outcome expressed as a probabil-
b2X2 + …biXi is the linear regression equation for the ity must fall between 0 and 1. In contrast, the indepen-
independent variables in the model, where dent variables in the linear regression equation could
• b0 is the intercept, or the point at which the regres- potentially take on any number. Without rectifying this
sion line touches the vertical Y axis. This is consid- discrepancy, the predicted values from the regression
ered a constant value. model could fall outside the 0–1 range.1 The logit scale
• b1X1 + b2X2 + …biXi is the value of each indepen- solves this problem by mathematically transforming
dent variable (Xi) weighted by its respective beta the original linear regression equation to yield the logit
coefficient (b). Beta coefficients give the slope of or natural log of the odds of being in one outcome
the regression line or how much the outcome category (Ŷ) versus the other category (1 – Ŷ):
increases for each 1-unit increase in the value of ^ =1 Y
^ Þ ¼ b þ b X1 þ b X2 þ . . . b Xi :
the independent variable. The larger the beta coef- InðY 0 1 2 i
ficient, the more strongly its corresponding inde-
pendent variable contributes to the outcome. Within the context of these equations, logistic regres-
sion then identifies, through iterative cycles, the strong-
Despite its common usage, linear regression is not est linear combination of independent variables that
appropriate for some types of medical outcomes. For a increases the likelihood of detecting the observed
binary event, such as mortality, logistic regression is outcome—a process known as maximum likelihood
the usual method of choice. Similar to linear regression, estimation.2,3
logistic regression may include only one or multiple To ensure that logistic regression produces an accu-
independent variables, although examining multiple rate model, some critical factors that must be taken into
variables is generally more informative because it account include independent variable selection and
reveals the unique contribution of each variable after choice of model building strategy.
adjusting for the others. For instance, when evaluating
30-day mortality rates for septic patients admitted
through the emergency department (ED), are patient
characteristics (e.g., age, comorbidities) more important 1. Selection Criteria. Carefully selecting one’s indepen-
than provider practices, treatment protocols, or hospi- dent variables is an essential step. While logistic regres-
tal variables such as ED sepsis case volume? If so, how sion is quite flexible in that it accommodates different
much more do patient characteristics contribute com- variable types, including continuous (e.g., age), ordinal
pared with other variables? If not, which variables are (e.g., visual analog pain scales), and categorical (e.g.,
better associated with sepsis-related mortality? Using race), one must always justify variable selection using
this example, one can easily see the importance of well-established theory, past research, clinical observa-
assessing multiple independent variables simulta- tions, preliminary statistical analysis, or some sensible
neously, rather than looking at each variable in isola- combination of these different options. As an example,
tion, since a condition such as sepsis obviously involves one could start with a large number of potential inde-
many different factors. pendent variables based on previous studies as well as
Detecting these sorts of independent variable contri- one’s own clinical experience in the ED and then
butions in logistic regression begins with the following analyze differences between groups using univariate
equation: statistics at a more relaxed Type I error rate (e.g.,
eb0 þb1 X1 þb2 X2 þ Xi p £ 0.25) to determine which variables belong in the
^i Þ ¼
Probability of outcomeðY logistic regression model. Incorporating a less stringent
1 þ eb0 þb1 X1 þb2 X2 þ Xi
p-value at this stage guards against exclusion of poten-
Readers will notice that this equation contains similar tially important variables. Alternatively, one could
configurations for independent variables (X) and choose to include all relevant independent variables
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • October 2011, Vol. 18, No. 10 • 1101
regardless of their univariate results, since there may outcome. If there are too many such outliers, the mod-
be clinically important variables that warrant inclusion el’s overall accuracy could be compromised. Detection
despite their statistical performance. However, one of outliers occurs by looking at residuals (i.e., the differ-
must always keep in mind that too many independent ence between predicted and actual outcomes) with
variables in the model may lead to a mathematically accompanying diagnostic statistics and graphs.2,3 One
unstable outcome, with decreased generalizability would then compare the overall model fit and estimated
beyond the current study sample.2,3 beta coefficients with versus without the outlier cases.
A key part of the variable selection process is Depending on the magnitude of change, one could
acknowledging and accounting for the role of potential either retain outliers whose effect is not dramatic3 or
confounders. As described previously, confounding eliminate outliers with particularly strong influence on
variables are those whose relationship to both the out- the model.2,3
come and another independent variable obscures the In addition to checking that the previous assump-
true association between that independent variable and tions are met, one may want to consider including
the outcome.1,3 For instance, socioeconomic status interaction terms that combine two or more indepen-
(SES) could confound the relationship between race dent variables. For instance, it is possible that the
and annual ED visits because of its association with interaction of patients’ age and race is more important
both race (i.e., some racial groups tend to be more to explaining an outcome than either variable by itself3
heavily represented in certain SES categories) and ED (e.g., the association between age and trauma-related
visits (i.e., poorer patients may use the ED more fre- mortality is different for Asians, whites, and Hispanics).
quently for basic health care). However, since these However, since interaction terms can needlessly com-
sorts of causal associations may not be readily appar- plicate the logistic regression model without providing
ent, one should consider formally assessing them dur- much, if any, benefit,2,3 one should think carefully
ing the variable selection process to ensure that they about including them, getting guidance from statistical
are being appropriately characterized and subsequently diagnostics (e.g., seeing how much the estimated beta
modeled. Path analysis diagrams can be particularly coefficients, or slopes, change for one independent
helpful in this regard.1 variable when the other is added to the model), and
No matter how one goes about selecting indepen- assessing whether the interactions make sense
dent variables, basic assumptions for conducting logis- clinically.3
tic regression must always be met. One assumption is 2. Number of Variables to Include. As part of select-
independence of errors, whereby all sample group out- ing which independent variables to include, one must
comes are separate from each other (i.e., there are no also decide on an appropriate number. The challenge is
duplicate responses). If one’s data include repeated to select the smallest number of independent variables
measures or other correlated outcomes, errors will be that best explains the outcome while being mindful of
similarly correlated, and the assumption is violated.2 sample size constraints.2,3 For instance, if one selects
Other methods exist for analyzing correlated data 50 people for the study sample and includes 50 inde-
using logistic regression techniques, but they are pendent variables in the logistic regression analysis,
beyond the scope of this paper; for more information, the result is an overfit (and therefore unstable) model.
readers may refer to Stokes et al.,5 Newgard et al.,6,7 Generally speaking, an overfit model has estimated
and Allison.8 beta coefficients for independent variables that are
A second assumption is linearity in the logit for any much larger than they should be, as well as higher-
continuous independent variables (e.g., age), meaning than-expected standard errors.3 This sort of scenario
there should be a linear relationship between these vari- causes model instability because logistic regression
ables and their respective logit-transformed outcomes. requires that there be more outcomes than indepen-
There are different ways to check this assumption, with dent variables to iteratively cycle through different
a typical method being to create a statistical term rep- solutions in search of the best model fit for the
resenting the interaction between each continuous data through the process of maximum likelihood
independent variable and its natural logarithm. If any estimation.2,3
of these terms is statistically significant, the assumption What, then, is the correct number of outcomes for
is violated.2,3 Solutions include dummy coding the inde- avoiding an overfit model? While there is no universally
pendent variable,3 or statistically transforming it into a accepted standard, there are some common ‘‘rules of
different scale.2,3 thumb’’ based in part on simulation studies. One such
A third assumption is the absence of multicollineari- rule states that for every independent variable, there
ty, or redundancy, among independent variables (e.g., should be no fewer than 10 outcomes for each binary
since weight and body mass index [BMI] are correlated, category (e.g., alive ⁄ deceased), with the least common
both should not be included in the same model). outcome determining the maximum number of inde-
A logistic regression model with highly correlated inde- pendent variables.9,10 For example, in a sepsis mortality
pendent variables will usually result in large standard study, assume that 30 patients died and 50 patients
errors for the estimated beta coefficients (or slopes) of lived. The logistic regression model could reasonably
these variables.2,3 The usual solution is to eliminate one accommodate, at most, three independent variables
or more redundant variables.2 (since 30 is the smallest outcome). Some statisticians
A final assumption is lack of strongly influential recommend an even more stringent ‘‘rule of thumb’’ of
outliers, whereby a sample member’s predicted 20 outcomes per independent variable, since a higher
outcome may be vastly different from his or her actual ratio tends to improve model validity.11 However, the
issue has not been definitively settled, and some would with a nonsignificant contribution to the outcome
argue that fewer than 10 outcomes per independent are dropped one at a time until only the statistically
variable may be appropriate in certain research significant variables remain).1,3 Another model building
contexts.3 strategy that is conceptually similar to stepwise regres-
sion is called best subsets selection, whereby separate
Model Building Strategies models with different numbers of independent variables
In addition to careful selection of independent vari- (e.g., age alone, age plus comorbidities, comorbidities
ables, one must choose the right type of logistic regres- plus ED sepsis case volume) are compared to determine
sion model for the study. Indeed, selecting a model the strongest fit based on preset guidelines.3
building strategy is closely linked to choosing indepen- As a note of caution, although stepwise regression is
dent variables, so these two components should be con- frequently used in clinical research, its use is somewhat
sidered simultaneously when planning a logistic controversial because it relies on automated variable
regression analysis. selection that tends to take advantage of random
There are three model building approaches that apply chance factors in a given sample.2 Additionally, step-
to regression techniques in general, each with a differ- wise regression may produce models that do not seem
ent emphasis and purpose: direct (i.e., full, standard, or entirely reasonable from a biologic perspective.3 Given
simultaneous), sequential (i.e., hierarchical), and step- these concerns, some would argue that stepwise
wise (i.e., statistical). These model building strategies regression is best reserved for preliminary screening or
are not necessarily interchangeable, since they may hypothesis testing only,2 such as with novel outcomes
produce different model fit statistics and independent and limited understanding of independent variable con-
variable point estimates for the same data. Therefore, tributions.3 However, others point out that stepwise
identifying the appropriate model for one’s research methods per se are not the problem (and may actually
objectives is extremely important. be quite effective in certain contexts); instead, the real
The direct approach is a default of sorts, since it issue is careless interpretation of results without fully
enters all independent variables into the model at the appreciating both the pros and cons of this approach.
same time and makes no assumptions about the order Therefore, if one does choose to create a stepwise
or relative worth of those variables.1,2 For example, in model, it is important to subsequently validate the
analyzing 30-day mortality in septic patients admitted results before drawing any conclusions. However, it
through the ED, if one identifies 10 different indepen- should be noted that all model types need formal vali-
dent variables for inclusion, all 10 variables would be dation before they are considered definitive for future
placed into the model simultaneously and have equal use, since models are naturally expected to perform
importance at the start of the regression analysis. more strongly with the original sample than with
The direct approach is best if there are no a priori subsequent ones.3
hypotheses about which variables have greater impor-
tance than others. Otherwise, one should consider Internal and External Model Validation
using sequential ⁄ hierarchical regression, whereby vari- When validating logistic regression models, there are
ables are added sequentially to see if they further numerous methods from which to choose, each of
improve the model based on their predetermined order which may be more or less appropriate depending on
of priority.1,2 As a hypothetical example, one might study parameters such as sample size. To establish
start by entering age into the model, assuming that it is internal validity, or confirmation of model results within
the strongest predictor of 30-day mortality in septic the same data set, common methods include: 1) the
patients admitted through the ED, followed by age plus holdout method, or splitting the sample into two sepa-
comorbidities, then by age, comorbidities, and ED sep- rate subgroups prior to model building, with the ‘‘train-
sis case volume, and so on. While the sequential ⁄ hierar- ing’’ group used to create the logistic regression model
chical approach is particularly useful in clarifying and the ‘‘test’’ group used to validate it;12,13 2) k-fold
patterns of causal relationships between independent cross-validation or splitting the sample into k-number
variables and outcomes, it can become quite compli- of separate and equally sized subgroups (or folds) for
cated as the causal patterns increase in complexity, model building and validation purposes; 3) ‘‘leave-
making it more difficult to draw definitive conclusions one-out’’ cross-validation, which is a variant of the
about the data in some cases.1 k-fold approach in which the number of folds equals
In contrast to the previous two methods, stepwise the number of subjects in the sample;13 and 4) different
regression identifies independent variables to keep or forms of bootstrapping (i.e., getting repeated sub-
remove from the model based on predefined statistical samples with replacement from the entire sample
criteria that are influenced by the unique characteristics group).13,14
of the sample being analyzed.2,3 There are different In addition to internally validating the model, one
types of stepwise techniques, including forward selec- should attempt to externally validate it in a new study
tion (e.g., age, comorbidities, ED sepsis case volume, setting as further proof of both its statistical viability
and other independent variables are entered one at a and clinical usefulness.12,15 If the results of either inter-
time into the model for 30-day sepsis mortality until no nal or external validation raise any red flags (e.g., the
additional variables contribute significantly to the out- model poorly fits a certain subgroup of patients), it is
come) and backward elimination (e.g., age, comorbidi- advisable to make adjustments to the model as needed,
ties, ED sepsis case volume, and other variables are or to explicitly define any restrictions for the model’s
entered into the model simultaneously, then those future use.15
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • October 2011, Vol. 18, No. 10 • 1103
Interpreting Model Output (1 – Ŷ) for each independent variable. The relationship
1. Assessing Overall Model Fit. After the logistic regres- between the OR and the independent variable’s esti-
sion model has been created, one determines how well mated beta coefficient is expressed as OR = ebi. Based
it fits the sample data as a whole. Two of the most com- on this formula, a 1-unit change in the independent var-
mon methods for assessing model fit are the Pearson iable multiples the odds of the outcome by the amount
chi-square and residual deviance statistics. Both contained in ebi.2,3
measure the difference between observed and model- For a logistic regression model with only one inde-
predicted outcomes, while lack of good model fit is pendent variable, the OR is considered ‘‘unadjusted’’
indicated by higher test values signifying a larger because there are no other variables whose influence
difference. However, the accuracy of these measures is must be adjusted for or subtracted out. For illustrative
contingent upon having an adequate number of purposes, assume that the outcome is in-hospital
observations for the different patterns of independent mortality following traumatic injury, and the single
variables.3,16,17 independent variable is patient age, classified into
As another frequently used measure of model fit, the greater than or less than 65 years, with the latter cate-
Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit tests divide sample gory being the reference group (or the group to whom
subjects into equal groups (often of 10) based on their all other independent variable categories are com-
estimated probability of the outcome, with the lowest pared). An OR of 1.5 means that for older patients, the
decile comprised of those who are least likely to experi- odds of dying are 1.5 times higher than the odds for
ence the outcome. If the model has good fit, subjects younger patients (the reference group). Expressed
who experienced the main outcome (e.g., 30-day sepsis another way, there is a (1.5–1.0) · 100% = 50% increase
mortality) would mostly fall into the higher risk deciles. in the odds of dying in the hospital following traumatic
A poorly fit model would result in subjects being evenly injury for older versus younger patients.
spread among the risk deciles for both binary out- In contrast, if the logistic regression model includes
comes.2,3 Advantages of the Hosmer-Lemeshow tests multiple independent variables, the ORs are now
are their straightforward application and ease of ‘‘adjusted’’ because they represent the unique contribu-
interpretation.3,16 Limitations include the tests’ depen- tion of the independent variable after adjusting for
dence on how group cutoff points10,11 and computer (or subtracting out) the effects of the other variables in
algorithms are defined,17 as well as reduced power in the model. For instance, if the in-hospital mortality sce-
identifying poorly fitting models under certain circum- nario following trauma includes age category plus sex,
stances.3,16 Other less commonly used alternatives for BMI, and comorbidities, the adjusted OR for age repre-
measuring model fit are described by Hosmer et al.16 sents its unique contribution to in-hospital mortality if
and Kuss.17 the other three variables are held at some constant
While model fit indices are essential components of value. As a result, adjusted ORs are often lower than
logistic regression, one should also rely on diagnostic their unadjusted counterparts.
statistics before reaching any conclusions about the Interpreting ORs is also contingent on whether the
adequacy of the final model. These diagnostic statistics independent variable is continuous or categorical. For
help determine whether the overall model fit remains continuous variables, one must first identify a meaning-
intact across all possible configurations of the indepen- ful unit of measurement to best express the degree of
dent variables.3 Although a detailed overview of differ- change in the outcome associated with that indepen-
ent diagnostic methods is beyond the scope of this dent variable.3 Using the above in-hospital mortality
paper, one may refer to Hosmer and Lemeshow3 for illustration with age maintained in its original continu-
more information. ous scale and 10-year increments selected as the unit of
As a way to expand on the results of model fit and change, one would interpret the results as follows: ‘‘For
diagnostic statistics, one may also wish to evaluate the every 10 years a patient ages, the odds of in-hospital
model’s ability to discriminate between groups. Com- mortality following traumatic injury increase 1.5 times,
mon ways to do this include 1) classification tables, or by 50%.’’
whereby group membership in one of the binary out- Finally, 95% confidence intervals (CIs) are routinely
come categories is predicted using estimated probabili- reported with ORs as a measure of precision (i.e.,
ties and predefined cut-points,3 and 2) area under the whether the findings are likely to hold true in the larger
receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC), where unmeasured population). If the CI crosses 1.00, there
a value of 0.5 means the model is no better than may not be a significant difference in that population.
random chance at discriminating between subjects who For instance, if the OR of 1.5 for age has a 95% CI of
have the outcome versus those who do not, and 1.0 indi- 0.85 to 2.3, one cannot state definitively that age is a
cates that the model perfectly discriminates between significant contributor to in-hospital mortality following
subjects. The AUROC is often used when one wants to traumatic injury.
consider different cut points for classification to maxi-
mize both sensitivity and specificity.3,18 CONCLUSIONS
2. Interpreting Individual Variable Results. Within the
context of the logistic regression model, independent Logistic regression is an efficient and powerful way to
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