The Use of Multimodal Text in Enhancing Engineering Students' Reading Skill
The Use of Multimodal Text in Enhancing Engineering Students' Reading Skill
The Use of Multimodal Text in Enhancing Engineering Students' Reading Skill
International Journal of language Education, Vol. 2 No.2 pp. 65-73
assumed that engineering students’ the world since 20th century (Elley, 1991;
difficulties in their reading speed and Mason &Krashen, 1997; Nation, 1997; Day
comprehension were the causes of their low &Bamford, 2000, Nakanishi, 2011).
TOEIC scores. Therefore, this study The meaning of Extensive reading (ER)
attempted to analyze the effect of using has been defined by many researchers around
extensive reading program in boosting the world during these recent years. In 1990,
students’ TOEIC scores. In this case, this Susser and Robb define extensive reading as
study aimed to find out whether there were “reading (a) of large quantities of material or
significant differences in engineering long texts; (b) for global or general
students’ reading comprehension skills (as understanding; (c) with the intention of
measured by TOEIC) between the students getting pleasure from the text”. However,
who read non-printed multimodal text, and Richard Day and Julian Bamford (2002) has
linear text after the Extensive reading expanded this definition and explained in
program. Moreover, this study also reveals more details by listing 10 basic principles of
the students’ responses on the use of non ER.
printed multimodal texts during the extensive To attract students’ interests in
reading program. performing extensive reading program, the
use of non-printed multimodal text as the
LITERATURE REVIEW reading materials was implemented during
Indeed by implementing extensive the program. Walsh (2006) characterizes
reading program, students could develop multimodal texts as the texts which consist of
their reading skills by a lot of reading more than one “mode” (a kind of meaningful
practices. As reported by Morgan and Fuchs sign or symbol) so that the meaning of the
(2007) that many students who spend little text can be conveyed through a
time in involving with reading activities “synchronization of modes”. It means that
usually are not able to increase their reading the meaning of multimodal texts can be
skill as “skilled readers”. It means that understood by bringing together all of the
students need a lot of practices to read in different modes included in that text. In this
order to improve their reading speed. Thus, case, students may read the multimodal text
by receiving a lot of exposure of English on a piece of paper (printed) or on the
texts, students can obtain a lot of electronic screen (non-printed) such as
‘vocabulary, syntax, and other language computer which also include sound.
expertise’ that can assist them in using the Furthermore, Bearne (2007) describes any
target language. multimodal text might combine elements of
Moreover, one of the reasons why this a variety of semiotic resources including
study implemented extensive reading “gesture, movement, posture, facial
program was also caused by the minimum expression, images (moving and still, real or
input of English received by the students. In drawn), sound (spoken words, sound effects
reality, students did not often take any and music), writing (including font and
initiative in getting English courses outside typography)”.
their classroom. They only obtained English The reasons of this present study in using
during the lesson in the classroom. As a non-printed multimodal text from authentic
result, considerable input is necessary for the materials from the internet during extensive
students to boost their language skill reading program were supported by much
especially reading skill. It means that research. One of the researchers, Gilmore
meaningful comprehensible input that can be (2007), states that authentic materials are
obtained through extensive reading is what is “inherently more interesting than contrived
needed by students. In fact, the advantages of ones because of their intent to communicate
extensive reading program have already been a message rather than highlight target
acknowledged by many researchers around language”. It means that authentic materials
Desi Tri Cahyaningati, & Lies Amin Lestari, The Use of Multimodal Text in…
are more preferable than the deliberately 20 minutes before every English lesson was
created materials. Moreover, Floris (2008) performed in experimental group classes.
indicates the need for implementing However, the second activity of this program
authentic materials in the course design took place outside the classroom (Out of
because authentic materials are “interesting, Class ER).
engaging, and relevant”. This idea is also The LT group was provided some linear
supported by Huang (2005) who prefers texts material for the students to read in and
“current popular authentic materials, outside the classroom. There were three
because they are superior in relevance to kinds of linear texts that were given to the
learners' lives here and now as well as in students; short (max 4 pages), long (max 8
display of easy but realistic, ready-to-use pages) and book (max 100-250 pages) linear
language”. texts. On the other hand, the use of non
printed multimodal texts as the reading
METHODOLOGY material during the ER program made use of
This study was set in a quasi the technology to support the reading
experimental design because individual activities that take place in and outside the
randomization was quite difficult to be classroom. In this case, it was important to
applied. In this case, the subjects of this study make sure that the students were familiar
were two intact classes of engineering with the use of internet in finding some
students semester 6th. Each class of these articles or e book. Therefore, for the first 4
groups consisted of 30 students which were meetings, the teacher directly asked them to
selected because they had the same age, level open certain website containing some article
and the same engineering background. suitable with students’ needs. In this case,
To know students’ reading comprehension students were not asked to open different
skills, both groups were tested with the website during the first weeks of extensive
TOEIC test before and after the treatment. reading program until they are used to do the
This test consists of two sections; 100 searching on the internet. This activity was
questions for Listening and 100 questions for meant to make the students’ familiar with the
Reading with “minimum score of 200 to a online reading program.
maximum possible score of 990”. However, The reading activities in this program
this study only used the result of reading involved individual activity. It means that
section of TOEIC test because it focused on every student in the experimental group read
students’ reading skill. The results of the individually and reported the activity on the
reading section of TOEIC test were then students’ worksheet. After they ended the
analyzed by using the SPSS program (the reading activity, sometime the teacher asked
independent t-test for equality of means). them to share in front of the class about what
The second instrument used in this research they have already read. In this case, students
was students’ worksheet that should be filled must follow the teachers’ guidance regarding
by the students and submitted to the teacher the implementation of In Class ER whose
after the extensive reading program in the detail activities can be seen in table 1.
classroom (in Class ER) and once a week
during the out of class ER. The students’ Table 1: In Class Extensive Reading
worksheet provided information on students’ Activities
responses during the Extensive Reading
program. Non Printed Multimodal Text
There were two activities of extensive Ask the students to read on the computer
reading program that were performed by the some short non-printed multimodal text
students in this research. The first activity materials on the selected website for about
was performed in the classroom (In Class 4 meetings
ER) which took once a week in about 15 to
International Journal of language Education, Vol. 2 No.2 pp. 65-73
Ask the students to read on the computer Provide some selected e-books to be
some longer non-printed multimodal text read as the final assignment 4 meetings
materials on the selected website for about Linear Text
4 meetings Provide some short linear text (max 4
pages) to read at home for about 4 weeks
Ask the students to select and find their own
reading materials to read on the computer Provide some longer linear text (max 10
(based on given topics) for about 4 pages) to read at home for about 4 weeks
meetings Ask the students to select and find their own
reading materials based on given topics for
Linear Text about 4 weeks
Provide some short linear texts material Provide some selected books to be read as
(max 4 pages) for about 4 weeks. the final assignment (4 weeks)
Desi Tri Cahyaningati, & Lies Amin Lestari, The Use of Multimodal Text in…
International Journal of language Education, Vol. 2 No.2 pp. 65-73
Desi Tri Cahyaningati, & Lies Amin Lestari, The Use of Multimodal Text in…
International Journal of language Education, Vol. 2 No.2 pp. 65-73
articles. Therefore, students’ skills in using that have already done by other researchers
search engine should be prepared before using different kinds of reading text (linear
reading non-printed multimodal texts on text) such as reading short stories, novel or
internet. any interesting books. However, in assigning
the reading activities, teachers should
IMPLICATIONS consider students’ needs.
Based on the result of the research, there Hence, the last implication that all
are some implications that can be benefit to teachers should consider before
the English teachers especially those who implementing non printed multimodal text
teach engineering students. The first into extensive reading program is preparing
implication deals with the need in selecting the students to comprehend the strategies in
reading materials suitable with students’ reading online. In this case, teachers should
interest. In this case, teachers should find always perform experiments in the classroom
interesting materials which can stimulate and to find out the best approach to use with a
motivate learners. In fact, various constructs particular group and then adjust the learning
of reading motivation include the aspect of activities accordingly.
involvement which refers to “the pleasure
gained from reading a well-written book or REFERENCES
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