Scott 1987 The Adolescence of Institutional Theory
Scott 1987 The Adolescence of Institutional Theory
Scott 1987 The Adolescence of Institutional Theory
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The Adolescence of To compare and contrast institutional theories used in or-
InstitutionalTheory ganizational analysis, the theoretical frameworks and ar-
guments of leading contributors to institutional theory are
reviewed and recent empirical studies using institutional
W. Richard Scott arguments are examined. Both approaches reveal consid-
StanfordUniversity erable variation in the types of concepts and arguments
employed, and it is argued that further improvement and
growth in institutional theory is dependent upon analysts
dealing more explicitly with these differences. In addition,
the relation between institutions and interests is explored
to show that institutional features of organizational envi-
ronments shape both the goals and means of actors. At-
tention is called to the two primary types of actors
shaping institutional environments in modern societies-
the state and professional bodies-and to the way in
which their interests and mode of action shape institu-
tional patterns and mechanisms.'
After a period of rapidgrowth and high creative energy, insti-
tutionaltheory in organizationshas apparentlyentered a
phase of more deliberate development, accompanied by ef-
forts aimed at self-assessment and consolidation.Recently,
several prominentinstitutionaltheorists-including DiMaggio
(1988) and Zucker(1987)-have momentarilysuspended their
efforts to expand the varietyand scope of institutionalargu-
ments and/ordevise new data sets and tests, in orderto step
back and take stock of the progress of this new perspective
to date. This paper is in that-same contemplativeand critical
To examine contemporaryinstitutionalanalysis, I review both
influentialtheoreticalstatements and recent empiricalwork.
The latter is surveyed in orderto gather more inductiveevi-
dence about the types of arguments that are currentlybeing
made in linkinginstitutionalfactors to organizationalstructure
and performance.
? 1987 by CornellUniversity.
0001-8392/87/3204-0493/$1.00. THEMANY FACESOF INSTITUTIONAL THEORY
S The concepts of institutionand institutionalization have been
Earlyversions of this paperwere pre- defined in diverse ways, with substantialvariationamong ap-
sented at the "Conferenceon Institutional
Change,"held at the Centerfor Advanced proaches. Thus, the beginning of wisdom in approachingin-
Study in the BehavioralSciences, Stan- stitutionaltheory is to recognize at the outset that there is not
ford,CA, May 15-16, 1987; and at a con- one but several variants.Some versions are much more care-
ference, "CriticalPerspectiveson
OrganizationalTheories,"sponsored by fullydefined and explicitabout theirdefinitionsand referents,
the International while others are less clear in conceptualization.Although
and held the ConferenceCenterDe
at there seems to be an underlyingsimilarityin the various ap-
Narwal,Wassenaar,The Netherlands,July
19-21, 1987. Thanksare due to the con- proaches, there is little agreement on specifics.
ference organizers:PaulJ. DiMaggioand
WalterW. Powell, StanfordConference; Without claimingto be definitiveor exhaustive, but ratheras
and to MarshallW. Meyerand Ad a way of illustratingthe present varietyof offerings available
Teulings,WassenaarConference.I also
wish to acknowledgethe helpfulcom- to scholars of organizations,I brieflyreview four sociological
ments receivedon earlierversions of this formulationsall claimingan institutionalfocus.1 The review
paperfrom RonaldL.Jepperson,John W. proceeds generally from the earlierto the more recent con-
Meyer,and WalterW. Powell.
Excludedfrom review are relateddevel- Institutionalization As a Process of Instilling Value
opments in politicalscience (e.g., March
and Olsen, 1984) and in economics (e.g., One of the earliest and most influentialversions of institu-
Williamson,1981, 1985). These variants tionaltheory in organizationsremainsthat associated with the
both drawon and departfromsociological
work in ways too complex to considerin work of PhilipSelznick and his students. Selznick borrowed
this essay. from Michels and Barnardin creating his somewhat distinc-
493/Administrative Science Quarterly,32 (1987): 493-511
tive model of institutionaltheory (Scott, 1987: 51-68). He
viewed organizationalstructureas an adaptivevehicle shaped
in reactionto the characteristicsand commitments of partici-
pants as well as to influences and constraintsfrom the ex-
ternal environment.Institutionalization refers to this adaptive
process: "Inwhat is perhaps its most significantmeaning, 'to
institutionalize'is to infuse with value beyond the technical
requirementsof the task at hand" (Selznick,1957: 17). Antic-
ipatinglater work, Selznick distinguishedbetween organiza-
tions as technicallydevised instruments, as mechanicaland
disposable tools, and organizationsthat have become institu-
tionalized,becoming valued, naturalcommunities concerned
with their own self-maintenanceas ends in themselves:
... organizationsare technical instruments,designed as means to
definite goals. They are judged on engineering premises; they are
expendable. Institutions,whether conceived as groups or practices,
may be partlyengineered, but they also have a "natural"dimension.
They are productsof interactionand adaptation;they become the
receptacles of group idealism; they are less readilyexpendable.
(Selznick,1957: 21-22)
Selznick's institutionalapproachalso emphasized the impor-
tance of history-the "naturalhistory"of the evolutionof a
livingform that is adaptivelychanging over time, and he
stressed a holistic and contextual approach.As Perrow
(1986: 157-158) noted:
Forinstitutionalanalysis, the injunctionis to analyzethe whole orga-
nization.To see it as a whbie is to do justice to its "organic"char-
acter. Specific processes are, of course, analyzedin detail, but it is
the nesting of these processes into the whole that gives them
Selznick's distinctive brandof institutionaltheory was applied
by him to the analysis of the Tennessee ValleyAuthority
public corporationand by his students-including, most no-
tably, BurtonClark,Charles Perrow,and MayerZald-to a
number of educational,service, and voluntaryorganizations.
The typical research methodology is that of the case study,
with an emphasis on adaptive change.
At the riskof oversimplifyingSelznick's rathercomplex views,
his primaryemphasis appears to have been on institutional-
izationas a means of instillingvalue, supplyingintrinsicworth
to a structureor process that, before institutionalization,had
only instrumentalutility.By instillingvalue, institutionalization
promotes stability:persistence of the structureover time.
Selznick (1957: 16) clearlyviewed institutionalization as a
"process," as something "that happens to the organization
over time." He observed the extent of institutionalization to
vary across organizations-for example, those with more
specific goals and those more specialized and technical in
operationwere seen to be less subject to becoming institu-
tionalizedthan those lackingthese features. In his early, more
descriptive work, Selznickemphasized the cressive, un-
planned, and unintendednatureof institutionalprocesses
(e.g., Selznick, 1949). By contrast, in his later, more prescrip-
tive writings, following the lead of Barnard(1938), he em-
braced an "enacted" conception, emphasizingthat effective
leaders are able to define and defend the organization'sinsti-
tutionalvalues-its distinctivemission (e.g., Selznick, 1957).
494/ASQ, December 1987
Institutional Theory
Organizations and Interests
The institutionalfeatures of environmentsare receivingin-
creasing attention, in ways I have tried to document, as im-
portantdeterminantsof the structureand functioningof
organizations.Untilthe introductionof institutionalconcep-
tions, organizationswere viewed primarilyas production
systems and/orexchange systems, and their structures were
viewed as being shaped largelyby their technologies, their
transactions, or the power-dependency relationsgrowing out
of such interdependencies. Environmentswere conceived of
as task environments: as stocks of resources, sources of in-
formation,or loci of competitors and exchange partners.
While such views are not wrong, they are clearlyincomplete.
Institutionaltheorists have directed attentionto the impor-
tance of symbolic aspects of organizationsand their environ-
ments. They reflect and advance a growing awareness that
no organizationis just a technical system and that many or-
ganizationsare not primarilytechnical systems. All social
systems-hence, all organizations-exist in an institutional
environmentthat defines and delimits social reality.And just
as with technical environments, institutionalenvironmentsare
507/ASQ, December 1987
multiple,enormously diverse, and variableover time. To ne-
glect their presence and power is to ignore significantcausal
factors shaping organizationalstructures and practices: to
overlookthese variablesis to misspecify our causal models.
In his recent paper, DiMaggio(1988: 4-5) argued that institu-
tional theory tends to "defocalize"interests in the explanation
of human behavior.Ratherthan assuming the common utili-
tarianposition that actors attempt to pursue their interests,
he suggested, institutionalarguments emphasize (1) factors
such as norms or taken-for-grantedassumptions "that make
actors unlikelyto recognize or to act upon their interests" and
(2) circumstances such as behavioralconstraintsor cognitive
limitations"that cause actors who do recognize and try to act
upon their interests to be unable to do so effectively."
By contrast, based on the review reportedabove, it does not
seem to me correct to conclude, as did DiMaggio,that most
institutionalarguments deny "the realityof purposive,in-
terest-driven"behavioreither on the partof organizationsor
their participants.Rather,institutionaltheory reminds us that
interests are institutionallydefined and shaped (cf. Friedland
and Alford,1987: 20). Institutionalframeworksdefine the
ends and shape the means by which interests are determined
and pursued. Institutionalfactors determine that actors in one
type of setting, called firms, pursue profits;that actors in an-
other setting, called agencies, seek largerbudgets; that
actors in a thirdsetting, called politicalparties, seek votes;
and that actors in an even stranger setting, research universi-
ties, pursue publications.
Moreover,institutionaltheorists call attentionto the truththat
rules themselves are importanttypes of resources and that
those who can shape or influence them possess a valuable
form of power. As Burns (1986: 28-29) noted:
Rule systems as importantsocial technologies become resources
and stakes in social interactionand the strategic structuringof social
life. Thus, they cannot be viewed as simply "neutral"or "technical
means" of realizingcertain purposes.... [Theyconstitute] a power
resource which social agents utilizein their struggles and negotia-
tions over alternativestructuralforms and development of social
systems, serving their interests.
Institutional Actors and Interests
Shifting levels of analysis, institutionaltheorists can usefully
not only inquireinto the ways in which institutionalfeatures
shape organizationalstructures but can also examine the de-
terminantsof institutionalsystems themselves. This is a
broadand complex topic concerningwhich I offer here only a
few general observations.
DiMaggioand Powell (1983: 147) correctlyidentifiedthe na-
tion-state and the professions as the primarymodern shapers
of institutionalforms, as, in their terms, "the great rational-
izers of the second half of the twentieth century."While both
are forces for rationalization,that should not lead us to as-
sume that they share the same interests or that they will
necessarily espouse similarinstitutionalforms. Giventhe
power, state officials are more likelyto create bureaucratic
arrangementsthat centralizediscretionat the top of the
structureand allow relativelylittleautonomy to local man-
agers and providers(Simon, 1983). Professionalbodies, by
508/ASQ, December 1987
contrast, will generallypreferweaker and more decentralized
administrativestructures that locate maximumdiscretionin
the hands of individualpractitioners.Both forms embody ra-
tional assumptions and modes of consciousness but posit
different foci of discretion, giving rise to quite differentstruc-
turalarrangements (Scott, 1985).
The modes or mechanisms employed to disseminate struc-
tures are also expected to vary between the two classes of
actors. State actors are more likelyto employ coercion or in-
ducement in pursuingtheir ends, and they are more likelyto
attempt to create a formalorganizationalnetworkto carryout
their purposes. The professions are expected to rely primarily
on normativeand/ormemetic influences and to attempt to
create culturalforms consistent with their own aims and be-
liefs. Of course, to the extent possible, they will enlist the
backingof state authoritiesfor their models. Whether or not
state power is employed to support or undercutprofessional
patterns will vary over time and place. The examinationof
these struggles and alliances is an importantanalytickey to
understandingthe shaping of contemporaryinstitutionalenvi-
ronments (see, e.g., Larson,1977; Starr,1982; Friedson,
Which environmentalagents are able to define the reigning
forms of institutionalstructurewill be determined largelyby
politicalcontests among competing interests. The term "po-
litical"as employed here should be interpretedin the
broadest possible way, since outcomes will be influenced not
only by differentialresou`rcesand sanctioningfacilitiesbut will
also be strongly shaped by the agents' differentialabilityto
lay successful claim to the normativeand cognitive facets of
politicalprocesses: those identifiedby such concepts as au-
thority,legitimacy,and sovereignty. Outcomes will also be in-
fluenced by the structureof the state itself and its relationto
and penetrationof society (see, e.g., Berger, 1981; Burawoy,
1985; Evans, Rueschemeyer, and Skocpol, 1985).
To pursue these matters, organizationalscholars must in-
creasingly linktheir energies and interests with those of the
new breed of politicalscientist/sociologist, who is not only
"bringingthe state back in" as an importantinstitutionalactor
in its own rightbut reconceptualizingpoliticalsystems in
ways that reveal the varied role that politicaland legal struc-
tures play in shaping the institutionalframeworkswithin
which organizationsof varyingtypes operate. As with the in-
troductionof culturalinterests, institutionaltheorists are well
situated to providea vital bridge to bringthese insights into
the domain of organizationtheory.
A review of both institutionaltheories and recent empirical
studies employing institutionalarguments reveals much di-
versity. Differentdefinitionsare employed and a varietyof
causal arguments are subsumed underthis general perspec-
tive. I identifiedthese differences not to enshrine or condemn
them but to facilitateclarificationand orderlydevelopment. I
have also suggested that institutionalarguments need not be
formulatedin opposition to rationalor efficiency arguments
but are better seen as complementing and contextualizing
509/ASQ, December 1987
Throughout,I have attempted to sound an optimisticnote. In-
stitutionaltheory is at an earlystage of development. Adoles-
cents have their awkwardness and their acne, but they also
embody energy and promise. They requireencouragement as
well as criticism if they are to channel their energies in pro-
ductive directions and achieve their promise.
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