Preliminary Report: OCTOBER 2020
Preliminary Report: OCTOBER 2020
Preliminary Report: OCTOBER 2020
2.B. INSTITUTION: RV College of Architecture (lead institution) , IIT Madras
2.C. DIVISION: Educational Building
Name Studying Roles
Bhakti Munvar Architecture Team Leader, Energy Performance
Gurucharan G Architecture Working Drawings and Financial Analysis
Arivudainangai K Architecture Comfort and Quality of Space planning
Sharmila Joshi Architecture Innovation
Shreekara Guruprasad Mech. Engineering Engineering Support, Energy analysis
Jahnavi J Architecture Resilience and Architectural Design
Divya Ravi Architecture Sustainable Design Strategies and Water Conservation
Ankita L Architecture Analysis, Team Management
Pratik Tushar Architecture Context/Community Analysis, Presentation
Devayani M Architecture Architectural Design and Presentation
Fariah Inas Architecture Architectural and Interior Design, Passive Strategies
Nandita HL Architecture Architectural and Interior Design
Vaishnavi S Architecture Passive Design Strategies
Harshavardhan M Sali Elec. Engineering Electrical systems, Market Analysis and Air quality
Jyothsna BS Architecture Landscaping and Waste Management
The site is located in a corner lot, open from the North, West and East sides with East-West being the
longer corridor. The main access road is the 30m wide B.P. Wadia road to the South adjoining the M.N
Krishna Rao Park that forms the main landmark to the area. The soil type on site is red soil.
Floor area Occupant Load
Table 1. Occupant load of the building
The site area is 3249 sqm, but in the near future
the site is subjected to road widening. Considering Occupant load factor 4
a setback of 9 m, achieving the FSI of 3, and leaving
30m on the south side for road widening, the total Total occupant in one Floor 1488/4 372
estimated built up area is 7440sqm where each floor Total No. of occupants 372x5 1860
area is considered to be 1488 sqm.
Water Consumption
Table. 2 Water consumption calculation
Occupancy Occupant Floor No. of No. of occupant Total no. Water consumption per
load factor area floors in each floor of people head
School 4 1488 G+4 372 1860 0.045kL
Total = 83.7kL/day
Fire Fighting requirement: 50kL
Climatic Data
Table. 3 Consolidated climatic data for the site
Parameters Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Mean Maximum DBT ( C) 36.5
Mean RH (%) 65
Solar radiation-Mean highest and lowest Mean Highest = 522
(Wh/sq.m) Mean Lowest = 380
Wind speed- Mean highest and lowest (m/s) Mean Highest = 4.7 (July)
Mean Lowest = 2.2-2.5 (April and October)
From the mean maximum DBT, RH levels and NBC, it is understood that the city falls under Moderate
climate. 4188 comfort hours can be achieved annually with 22.2% of natural ventilation, as analyzed
from ASHRAE 55 comfort band & using climate consultant
Climate vulnerability, flooding, creating urban flood resilience and resilience to pandemic situations
would be the focus
•Erosion and sediment control, setting floor levels above designated flood levels
•Screening and remodeling the drains at the site edge for better runoff/sewage segregation
•Monitoring the waste levels and legal entry points of sewage and chemicals let off from the site into
the drain/neighboring areas/underground (during as well as after construction)
•Ecological resilience where the building remains in functional equilibrium even during situations of
pandemic or any such related events
•Countering the anthropogenic heat generated from vehicles and machines
•Including more grass patches and vegetation for infiltration of ground water and shading, thus
reducing the contribution to urban heat islands on site.
*Note: Bonafide for the student- Harshavardhan M Sali not obtained from IIT Madras