Predicting Student's Level of Reasoning Through The TOLT Test
Predicting Student's Level of Reasoning Through The TOLT Test
Predicting Student's Level of Reasoning Through The TOLT Test
Research has determined that the ability to reason formally is the strongest predictor
of successful achievement in science/physics. Formal reasoners have greater
comprehension and generalizing skills. To select appropriate topics, concepts and
teaching strategies for their classes, physics teachers need to have an understanding of
the levels and modes of reasoning of their students.
While teachers can do nothing to increase a student's mental capacity they can modify
their instructional strategies to make concepts easier to comprehend. This may be
accomplished through the use of concrete models, illustrations and diagrams and
hands on experiences. A student's cognitive developmental growth will increase
through exposure to activities requiring them to reason formally. Students, who use
integrated science process skills during science activities, increase the level of their
cognitive development.
The TOLT test evaluates five reasoning abilities which have relevance to the teaching
of science/physics. It is a multiple choice test that provides multiple justifications for
the selected answer. The TOLT test contains two items from each of the following:
proportional reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, controlling variable, correlational
reasoning, and combinatorial reasoning. Knowledge of students' proportional
reasoning ability is crucial in assessing their ability to work with and understand the
quantitative nature of physics. Students who can not reason proportionally have
difficulty understanding equations, functional relationships and topics such as
velocity, acceleration and density.
The process of identification of variables and variable control is the most important
process thinking skill that physics seeks to develop. In order to design experimental
investigations students must be able to determine, discriminate and manipulate
dependent and independent variables. This skill is necessary in comprehending time
and motion relationships. Probabilistic reasoning allows the student to understand the
need for repeated trials in investigations as well as the use of averages of collected
data from duplicated experiments. To identify and verify the relationships between
variables in solving problems, students must have correlational reasoning. To interpret
displacement versus time studies students must be able to determine the relationships
between variables from collected data.
A series of eight problems is presented. Each problem will lead to a question. Record
the answer you have chosen and reason for selecting that answer.
1. Orange Juice #1
Four large oranges are squeezed to make six glasses of juice. How much juice can be
made from six oranges?
Terjemahan : Empat jeruk besar diperas untuk membuat enam gelas jus. Berapa
banyak jus yang bisa dibuat dari enam jeruk?
a. 7 glasses
b. 8 glasses
c. 9 glasses
d. 10 glasses
e. other
1. The number of glasses compared to the number of oranges will always be in the
ratio 3 to 2.
1. Jumlah gelas dibandingkan dengan jumlah jeruk akan selalu berada pada rasio 3
sampai 2.
4. With four oranges the difference was 2. With six oranges the difference would be
two more.
Dengan empat jeruk perbedaannya adalah 2. Dengan enam jeruk bedanya akan dua
2. Orange Juice #2
a. 6 1/2 oranges
b. 8 2/3 oranges
c. 9 oranges
d. 11 oranges
e. other
1. The number of oranges compared to the number of glasses will always be in the
ratio of 2 to 3
2. If there are seven more glasses, then five more oranges are needed.
3. The Pendulum's Length
a. 1 and 4
b. 2 and 4
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 5
e. all
5. The pendulums should be different lengths but the numbers of washers should be
the same.
Pendulum harus berbeda panjangnya tapi jumlah mesin cuci harus sama.
4. The Pendulum's Weight
Suppose you wanted to do an experiment to find out if changing the weight on the end
of the string changed the amount of time the pendulum takes to swing back and forth.
Which pendulums would you use for the experiment?
a. 1 and 4
b. 2 and 4
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 5
e. all
1. The heaviest weight should be compared to the lightest weight. (Bobot terberat
harus dibandingkan dengan berat yang paling ringan.)
2. All pendulums need to be tested against one another. (Semua pendulum perlu diuji
coba satu sama lain.)
4. The number of washers should be different but the pendulums should be the same
length. (Jumlah mesin cuci harus berbeda tapi pendulumnya harus sama panjangnya.)
5. The number of washers should be the same but the pendulums should be different
Jumlah mesin cuci harus sama tapi pendulumnya harus berbeda panjangnya.
Seorang tukang kebun membeli sebuah paket berisi 3 biji labu dan 3 biji kacang. Jika
hanya satu benih dipilih dari kemasannya, berapakah kemungkinan benih itu adalah
biji kacang?
a. 1 out of 2
b. 1 out of 3
c. 1 out of 4
d. 1 out of 6
e. 4 out of 6
1. Four selections are needed because the three squash seeds could have been
chosen in a row.
Empat pilihan sangat dibutuhkan karena tiga biji labu bisa dipilih secara
2. There are six seeds from which one bean seed must be chosen.
Ada enam bibit benih benih yang harus dipilih.
3. One bean seed needs to be selected from a total of three.
Satu biji kacang harus dipilih dari total tiga ekor.
4. One half of the seeds are bean seeds.
Satu setengah dari biji adalah biji kacang.
5. In addition to a bean seed, three squash seeds could be selected from a total of six.
Selain biji kacang, tiga biji labu bisa dipilih dari total enam ekor.
Seorang tukang kebun membeli sebungkus 21 biji campuran. Isi paket terdaftar:
If just one seed is planted, what are the chances that the plant that grows will have red
a. 1 out of 2
b. 1 out of 3
c. 1 out of 7
d. 1 out of 21
e. other
1. One seed has to be chosen from among those that grow red, yellow or orange
3. It does not matter whether a tall or a short is picked. One red seed needs to be
picked from a total of seven red seeds.
7. The Mice
The mice shown represent a sample of mice captured from a part of a field. Are fat
mice more likely to have black tails and thin mice more likely to have white tails?
a. Yes
b. No
1. 8/11 of the fat mice have black tails and 3/4 of the thin mice have white tails.
2. Some of the fat mice have white tails and some of the thin mice have white tails.
3. 18 mice out of thirty have black tails and 12 have white tails.
4. Not all of the fat mice have black tails and not all of the thin mice have white tails.
8. The Fish
Are fat fish more likely to have broad stripes than thin fish?
a. Yes
b. No
1. Some fat fish have broad stripes and some have narrow stripes.
4. 3/7 of the fat fish have broad stripes and 9/21 of the thin fish have broad stripes.
5. Some fish with broad stripes are thin and some are fat.
Three students from grades 10, 11, 12 were elected to the student council. A three
member committee is to be formed with one person from each grade. All possible
combinations must be considered before a decision can be made. Two possible
combinations are Tom, Jerry and Dan (TJD) and Sally, Anne and Martha (SAM). List
all other possible combinations in the spaces provided.
More spaces are provided on the answer sheet than you will need.
Grade 10. . . . Grade 11. . . . . Grade 12
In a new shopping center, 4 store locations are going to be opened on the ground
COFFEE SHOP (C) want to move in there. Each one of the stores can choose any one
of four locations.
One way that the stores could occupy the 4 locations is BDGC. List all other possible
ways that the stores can occupy the 4 locations.
More spaces are provided on the answer sheet than you will need.