CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL) : Class XI Code XI-L-01 Listening Test

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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL)

Class XI Code XI-L-01

Time: 45 min Max. Marks: 20

Task 1 5 marks

You will hear five people talk about children and life in the media. Read the statements
below, then listen to the extracts and match each statement A-G to each speaker 1-5.
There are two statements you do not need. You will hear the recordings twice.

Statements Speaker No.

A. Nobody pays attention to the rights of child performers.
B. Children grow up too soon when they get into the media.
C. Short-lived fame and glory often unsettle child stars.
D. Young actors cannot make up the loss of regular schooling.
E. It is parents who push their young ones into the media.
F. Too much money too soon can affect young artistes.
G. Shows that test ability can be too stressful on young participants.

Task 2 6 marks
You will hear two students talking about children’s fashion. Read the sentences below,
then listen to the conversation and choose ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ for each sentence. You will hear
the recording twice.
1. The girl thinks that children’s fashion today is
a. mainly patronised by rich parents.
b. greatly advertised and popularised.
c. influenced and designed by children themselves.
Central Board of Secondary Education Trinity College London

2. The girl feels children are so aware of fashion because

a. of the presence of many stores and malls.
b. of easy online shopping options.
c. of the need to follow trends.

3. Many Indian designers like children to

a. dress like their parents.
b. be dressed in natural fabrics.
c. wear fabrics from their respective states.

4. The girl says Indian designers are different because they

a. create an awareness of the fabrics of India.
b. experiment with new designs and colours.
c. make comfortable and easy-to-maintain clothes.

5. New designers of children’s wear in India

a. use their imagination to great effect.
b. design similar clothes for parents and children.
c. revive ancient Indian weaving techniques.

6. Indian designers of children’s clothes are successful because they

a. work with local craftsmen and local fabrics.
b. know and understand the mindset of the Indian buyer.
c. have transformed dressing for important occasions.

Task 3 4 marks
You will hear a speech on peer education. Read the statements below, then listen to the
extract and choose four of the options A–G which are correct. Write the correct letters in
the blank boxes. You will hear the recording twice.
Which FOUR of the following statements are true?

Central Board of Secondary Education Trinity College London

A. Peer lessons can cover academics, health, ethics and other teenage issues.
B. Peer educators are young students who volunteer to counsel adults.
C. Counselling by peers succeeds due to its authenticity and sensitivity.
D. Peer discussions move from pairs to small groups to larger groups.
E. Young people are motivated by the expectations of their peer educators.
F. Peer training may be done voluntarily or on a subsidised remuneration.
G. Open-minded peer dialogues can alter conduct, beliefs and attitude to life.

Task 4 5 marks
You will listen to two students, a boy and a girl, debate about reading e-books and
printed books. Read the sentences, then listen to the speakers and complete the
sentences with one or two words only. You will hear the recording twice.

1. The girl prefers to have a __________ library by reading on screen.

2. The boy likes the __________ of the pages against his fingers.

3. One can easily __________ and choose books when they are digitised.

4. The __________ made to the physical copy of a book, inspires the reading habit.

5. The __________ __________ of a book is only in its printed form.

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