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Systems Data Sheet

Generator Efficiency: Calculations,

Test Methods and Interpretation

Synchronous machines are the most efficient electromechanical conversion devices. They typically
range from 80%-90% for output ratings less than 100 kW and 90%-98% for larger output ratings. To
improve a specific design a few tenths of one percent may require significant material and labor costs
and in some cases, operating performance may be impacted with negative results. This paper will
describe the variations in measurement and calculation that can vary the efficiency values.


The true or direct efficiency of a generator is the ratio of the power output to the power input under
specified conditions. This can be measured directly on small generators; however, large generators require
a conventional or indirect method based on segregated losses that is also called summation of losses. The
direct method can be greatly affected by metering inaccuracies. The summation of losses method has
different test methods, calculations and interpretations depending upon which industry standard and
manufacturer is performing the test.

Efficiency Calculations
The two standard methods of efficiency calculation are:

Direct Method: % Efficiency = (output kW/ input kW) x 100

Indirect Method: % Efficiency = (output kW/(output kW +losses)) x 100

Where: Losses = summation of six individual losses

Direct Method
The direct method requires a wattmeter measurement of the input and power. Even if the
connections to the wattmeter are made properly, an error is still present in its readings. This error is
caused by the power needed to maintain the magnetic field of the stationary coils and the power
consumed by the voltage drop across the voltage branch. The overall errors in commercially manufactured
dynamometer wattmeters run between +/-0.1 and +/-0.5% when operated between their specified
frequencies. Measures can be taken to reduce the error such as a compensation wattmeter. For example,
assume the wattmeters had an error of +/-0.5% and both direct and indirect calculations were compared.
Suppose a 100 kW generator has a theoretical efficiency of 96%, then the input kW would be 100/.96
or 104.167 kW. The theoretical losses would be 4.167 kW.

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Generator Efficiency: Calculations,
Systems Data Sheet Test Methods and Interpretation

The worst case direct efficiency would be:

Output kW = 100 x .995 = 99.5 kW
Input kW = 104.167 x 1.005 = 104.688 kW
Efficiency = (99.5/104.688) x 100 = 95.04%

The best case direct efficiency would be:

Output kW = 100 x 1.005 = 100.5 kW
Input kW = 104.167 x.995 = 103.646 kW
Efficiency = (100.5/103.646) x 100 = 96.96%

Using the direct efficiency calculation, the value can vary approximately 1%, as shown in the above

Indirect Method

The worst case indirect efficiency would be:

Losses = 4.167 x 1.005 = 4.187 kW
Efficiency = (100/(100 + 4.187) )X 100 = 95.98%

The best case indirect efficiency would be:

Losses = 4.167 x .995 = 4.146 kW

With the indirect method, the variation in indirect efficiency values is 0.02%, because a smaller
quantity is being measured.

Both "fixed" losses, which are independent of operating load, and "variable" losses, which are based
on load current, are used to determine the efficiency of a generator for the summation of losses test

Fixed losses are:

Friction and Windage (F&W)
Variable losses are:
Stray load
I2R of the armature
I2R of the field
Brushless exciter

Friction and windage losses are due to the bearings and the fans or blowers.

Core losses are dependent upon the low order harmonic losses, the grade of lamination steel,
magnetization level and the rotor surface loss.

Stray load losses are comprised of losses caused by the load current due to changes in the flux
distribution, eddy currents, and high order harmonics.

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Generator Efficiency: Calculations,
Systems Data Sheet Test Methods and Interpretation

The I2R losses are a function of the load and are calculated from the I2R formula where "I" is the
winding current of the armature or field and "R" is the DC winding resistance at a specified temperature.
Typically, generators are nameplated at 0.8 power factor and operate between 0.8 and 1.0 power factor.
When the load power factor increases, the excitation current to the rotor decreases for the same kW load.
Care must be taken when comparing different generator efficiency capabilities at various kW loads. The
power factor must also be known.

Brushless exciter losses are caused by the exciter and rectifier assembly and are usually less than 15% of
the field I2R losses.

After the losses are determined, the efficiency is calculated using the indirect method.

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Generator Efficiency: Calculations,
Systems Data Sheet Test Methods and Interpretation

Test Methods
There are several methods for the summation of losses test; however, the industry standard
practice is the separate-drive method. There are two standard types of drive methods:

1. Using a drive motor through a belt or gear which is operating on the flat part of its efficiency
curve. The no load losses of the drive motor should be known and a curve of the losses vs.
input should be available to the customer upon request.
2. Using a dynamometer or a motor with a torque shaft as the driver. Only the speed
and torque are required to determine the input kW by using following equation:

kW = (n*T)/K where: n=rpm T=torque K=7043 if T is in ft-lbs

For details on other methods, refer to IEEE Std 115 or IEC publication 60034-2. For the purposes of
discussion and analysis, the summation of losses test using a motor and torque shaft will be used.

The summation of losses requires an open and a short circuit saturation test to be performed. An open
circuit saturation curve is obtained by driving the generator at rated speed without load and recording
twelve readings of torque, armature voltage and field current from zero excitation to approximately
120% excitation. Figure 1 shows the testing configuration for the open circuit core loss test.

Figure 1

The losses obtained with this test are the F&W and the core losses. The loss at zero excitation is the F&W
loss. By subtracting this loss from the combined losses, the core loss is obtained, and a core loss curve is
plotted. Figure 2 shows a typical core loss curve for a 480 kW, 4160 volt generator.

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Generator Efficiency: Calculations,
Systems Data Sheet Test Methods and Interpretation

Figure 2

Before this test is performed, the generator should have been operated a sufficient amount of time to stabilize
the bearing losses. All blowers, covers and filters should be in place to obtain normal airflow.

A short circuit saturation curve is obtained by driving the generator at rated speed with a three phase short
circuit and recording five readings of torque and armature and field currents from 25% to approximately
125% of rated current. Figure 3 shows the testing configuration for the short circuit stray load loss test.

Figure 3
The losses obtained with this test are the I2R of the armature, the stray load loss, and the F&W. The I2R
losses of the armature are calculated by measuring the winding resistance before any testing is performed
and recording the ambient temperature. During the test, the armature winding temperature must be
monitored and the average value is used to calculate the armature I2R loss. The armature I2R losses are
then subtracted, along with the F&W losses, from the combined losses to yield the stray load losses.

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Generator Efficiency: Calculations,
Systems Data Sheet Test Methods and Interpretation

Figure 4 shows a typical stray load loss curve for a 480 kW, 4160 volt generator.

Figure 4

Notice that the core loss varies exponentially with voltage. Broad range designs that can operate between
416 - 480 volts will exhibit higher core and I2R field losses at 480 volts and lower I2R armature and stray
load losses. At 416 volts, the core and I2R field losses will be lower, however, the I2R armature and stray
load losses will be higher.

It should be noted that the open and short circuit saturation curves should be performed with a separate
excitation source. If a direct connected exciter is used, its shaft power must be subtracted from the
total input when determining F&W, core and stray load losses.

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Generator Efficiency: Calculations,
Systems Data Sheet Test Methods and Interpretation

Performance Evaluation and Interpretation

I2R loss reference temperature for NEMA & IEC

The I2R losses are calculated at a specific temperature for both the field and armature. Measurements
of the winding resistance should be taken at a stabilized condition before testing begins. Depending upon the
insulation class and specification, the reference temperature where the efficiency is calculated at will vary.
NEMA MG 1.32.12 states:

“ In determining I2R losses, the resistance of each winding shall be corrected to a temperature equal to an
ambient temperature of 25 C plus the observed rated-load temperature rise measured by resistance. When the
rated-load temperature rise has not been measured, the resistance of the winding shall be corrected to the following

Class of Insulation System Temperature, Degrees C

A 75
B 95
F 115
H 130

If the rated temperature rise is specified as that of a lower class of insulation system, the temperature
for resistance correction shall be that of the lower insulation class.”

The IEC publication 60034-2 states:

"When the rated load test resistance Rn cannot be measured directly, the winding
temperature shall be assume equal to the reference temperature of the rated thermal class
as given” below

Thermal Class Reference Temperature - °C

130 (B) 95
155 (F) 115
180 (H) 135

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Generator Efficiency: Calculations,
Systems Data Sheet Test Methods and Interpretation

IEEE 115 vs IEC 60034-2

Most manufacturers provide efficiencies based either on IEEE or IEC calculation methods. IEEE 115 refers
to NEMA MG1 for the reference temperature. Table 1 shows the other differences between IEEE 115 and
IEC 60034-2

Component IEEE IEC Method
Friction/Windage X X Product of the open-circuit speed and torque (power) @ rated freq without excitation
Product of open-circuit speed and torque (power) @ rated frequency and voltage, less
Iron Core X X
FW measurement
Apparent stray (at each short-circuit load current) is the difference between measured
X X power (torque x speed) and the summation of FW and (uncorrected temperature)
armature and field I R
The sum of apparent stray, load point armature I R and FW are plotted for 25-150%
load points against the square of rated current
X Linear regression made with y-intercept set as measured FW
Stray 2
X The summation of I R and stray are normalized on slope of regression
2 2
Armature I R @ rated load and temperature is subtracted from normalized stray+I R
leaving stray at rated load
X Apparent stray plotted for 25-150% load points against the square of rated current
X Linear regression made
X Normalized stray calculated from regression
Armature I R X X Product of the square of rated current and resistance at rated load and temperature
Main Field I R X X Product of the square of the field current and resistance at rated load and temperature
Product of the square of the exciter field/armature current and resistance at rated load
Exciter X X
and temperature
Summation of X No tolerance on loss summation
Losses X 10% tolerance on loss summation
FW = Friction & Windage
Table 1

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Generator Efficiency: Calculations,
Systems Data Sheet Test Methods and Interpretation

Table 2 shows the difference of the IEEE and IEC calculation methods on the generator efficiency by
comparing two different generators operating at the load points listed below. The main difference in the
calculations is the determination of the stray load losses and the added tolerance on the losses.

Table 2

Many generator manufacturers publish an expected or nominal efficiency value. These values are
calculated based on a design model that attempts to predict all of the losses mentioned earlier in this
paper. For a guaranteed value, the manufacturer considers the specific request and application. The
design may be optimized for efficiency by sacrificing certain attributes that are not important for the
application. An example would be to magnetically de-saturate the machine in order to improve iron
losses at the expense of motor starting capability. By consideration of each design on a case by case
basis, the manufacturer is able to better understand the application, review historical data and furnish a
guaranteed efficiency value.

There are two guaranteed values: Guaranteed per IEEE 115 or IEC 60034. IEEE 115 -1995 references
both NEMA MG1 and the applicable ANSI C.50 standards. In 2005 IEEE Std C50.13-2005 was
released as a consolidation of the previously separate ANSI C50.10, ANSI C50.13, ANSI C50.14 and
ANSI C50.15 standards and applies to 10 MVA and larger cylindrical rotor synchronous generators.
IEEE C50.12-2005 was released in 2005 and is the revised version of ANSI C50-13-1989 and applies to
5 MVA and larger synchronous salient pole generators. The ANSI C50 standards did not address
tolerances associated with power losses. The 2005 IEEE C50 standards were developed to harmonize
with the IEC 60034 standards, so they include a 10% tolerance on the power losses; however, as of this
writing there is no C50 standard that applies to any generator less than 5 MVA. A guaranteed value
per IEEE implies that it will be a “not less than” value for ratings less than 5 MVA and above 5 MVA a
10% tolerance may be applied to the losses. A guaranteed value per IEC will have a 10% tolerance
allowed on the losses; therefore, the generator may not produce the stated IEC efficiency but the losses
should be within the 10% tolerance.

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Generator Efficiency: Calculations,
Systems Data Sheet Test Methods and Interpretation

This paper described the two test methods for determining the efficiency of a synchronous generator.
The summation of losses method has been determined to be the most accurate. The two different
interpretation methods, IEC and IEEE, both above and below 5 MVA, were also described. Over the
past several years, these two standards have become more harmonized with the key differences being
the stray load loss calculation and the tolerance adder to the losses.

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