Seaboard RISE: Five Dimensions of Touch Lesson Plans
Seaboard RISE: Five Dimensions of Touch Lesson Plans
Seaboard RISE: Five Dimensions of Touch Lesson Plans
Version 1.1
Introduction: 5D Touch
Unlike traditional keyboards and controllers, the
multidimensional Seaboard RISE lets you control sound
through Five Dimensions of Touch (5D touch). It moves far
beyond the expressive limitations of a standard keyboard,
opening up new ways to make and shape music through
intuitive gestures. The icons below depict the Five
Dimensions of Touch on the Seaboard RISE and its
accompanying software.
1: Strike
2: Press
4: Slide
5. Lift
Lift is the speed with which you lift your finger from a
keywave. A rapid lift can create a lingering resonance or a
hard pluck, whereas a slow lift may allow the sound to
decay naturally. For those familiar with the concept, Lift
corresponds to release velocity.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Strike Level Lightest Light strike Medium Light Medium Heavy Heavy Very Heavy
Finger Height Very low Low Med low Med high High Very high
Dynamic pp p mp mf f ff
Important vocabulary
Crescendo, Decrescendo,
Dynamics, Velocity, Modulation.
Five Dimensions of Touch: Lesson Plans 6
Practical Exercises
2. Etude 1: Strike
Important Vocabulary
Crescendo, Decrescendo,
Dynamics, Poly Aftertouch,
2. Etude 2: Press
Tip: Listen to the video performance carefully and try to mimic the
articulation of the performer’s 5th finger as it changes to the higher
2. Technique practice;
• Because there are so many different
techniques associated with Glide, it is
important to spend time getting
comfortable with all of them before
moving to the musical exercises.
Important Vocabulary
Vibrato, Glissando, Half Steps,
Pitch Bend, Semitones, Pitch
Bend Range.
2. Etude 3: Glide
Patch ____________________
Patch ____________________
Patch ____________________
Important Vocabulary
Filter, Oscillator, Reverb, X and Y
2. Etude 4: Slide
- Student will be able to understand and explain the
concept of Lift.
- Student will understand the impact of Lift on the sound
of various patches within Equator.
- Student will understand the relationship between
release velocity (Lift) and velocity (Strike).
- Student will perform basic preparatory exercise
featuring the Lift dimension.
- Student will perform Etudes featuring Lift in a musical
Introduction to Modulation
The modulation on various parameters via Lift is often
subtle. In order to better experience the effect of Lift, we
are going to make an alteration to our modulation list. This
is just one way to add a modulation source and target.
Patch ____________________
Patch ____________________
Patch ____________________
2. Etude 4: Lift