Department of Software Engineering Microprocessor & Embedded Systems Design Assignment # 1
Department of Software Engineering Microprocessor & Embedded Systems Design Assignment # 1
Department of Software Engineering Microprocessor & Embedded Systems Design Assignment # 1
1. Solve the following list of questions from the text book “PIC MICROCONTROLLER AND
EMBEDDED SYSTEMS – Using Assembly and C for PIC18‖ by Mohammad Ali Mazidi. (Pearson
Int. Ed.) , 2nd chapter page # 91 .
i. 38, 42, 49
2. Solve the following list of questions from the text book “PIC MICROCONTROLLER AND
EMBEDDED SYSTEMS – Using Assembly and C for PIC18‖ by Mohammad Ali Mazidi. (Pearson
Int. Ed.) , 3rd chapter page # 126.
ii. 12, 14