Bhyve Bsdmag
Bhyve Bsdmag
Bhyve Bsdmag
Dear Readers,
In case you didn’t make it for MeetBSD held at U.C. Ber- CEO:
keley in California, Michael Dexter shared his “MeetBSD
2016 Report”. In a nutshell, it was a wonderful feeling to be Joanna Kretowicz
a part of the event.
Finally, you will find Rob’s Column. This time he is sharing
information about cyber fraud in the banking industry.
Hakin9 Media SK 02-676 Warsaw, Poland Postepu 17D Poland worldwide
We hope you will enjoy the issue as we approach the cold publishing
days of winter(at least in some parts of the world). Here, in
Denmark, we had snow at the beginning of November, Hakin9 Media SK is looking for partners from all over the world. If you are
which was very unusual. Winter and short cold days are interested in cooperation with us, please contact us via e-mail:
coming, thus, we would like to encourage you to once again
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News bhyve
BSD World Monthly News 4 bhyve: Introduction to Hypervisors 43
by Marta Ziemianowicz by Abdorrahman Homaei
This column presents the latest news coverage of A hypervisor or virtual machine monitor (VMM) is a
events, product releases and trending topics. computer software, firmware or hardware that cre-
ates and runs virtual machines. Actually, the power
FreeBSD Corner of VMM depends on the kernel model of the operat-
ing system. In general, there are three types of ker-
First Look at the Renewed CTL High Availability nel model, microkernel, monolithic and hybrid. Here
Implementation in FreeBSD 14 are pros and cons to each type.
by Brian Spector, CEO at MIRACL Over the weekend, Tesco Bank suspended online
transactions after an attacker gained access to over
Security on the Internet is long overdue for change. 20,000 accounts, with money being withdrawn
fraudulently in some cases. In another security inci-
Whether it’s by script kiddies or state actors, the Inter-
dent, the City of El Paso was the victim of CEO fraud
net has shown that it can be attacked in a myriad of worth over $3.2 million. What implications does this
new and inventive ways. This poses huge risks to paradigm shift towards online crime have for us as a
the future of our digital economy: nearly five billion society?
private data records have been exposed globally
since 2013, and barely a week goes by without a
new data breach or vulnerability being revealed.
Amazon's very own Linux is
now available for download.
Raspberry Pi continues to blaze new trails
In 2006, the Raspberry Pi Foundation was founded at Cambridge University with the modest goal
of getting more people to study computer science. The proposed solution, a small and cheap
Linux computer, was immediately familiar with a large number of individuals. Since 2012, educa-
tors, hobbyists and industrial users have been making the most of our range of devices and fund-
ing our education programs. All profits made by our trading subsidiary go to the Foundation.
Our mission is putting the power of digital making into the hands of people all over the world. We
do this by providing low-cost, high-performance computers that people use to learn, solve prob-
lems and have fun. Moreover, our outreach and educational awareness helps more people ac-
cess computing and digital making. We develop free resources not only to help people learn
about computing but also how to make things with computers. We also train educators to guide
other people to learn.
The Pi 3 is our headline product. It's a 64-bit with 1GB RAM, which is not just a good computer
for $35, it's a good computer, full stop.
The Pi Zero shook the world last year when we released it for just $5 and stuck a free one on the
front of our print magazine, The MagPi.
If you used a Pi in 2012, it might have felt a bit sluggish and looked a little ugly. Currently, it runs
fast and looks quite appealing. We just released the new Raspbian (our distro based
on Debian) with a
new desktop called
We provide a set of
f r e e l e a r n i n g r e-
sources on our web-
site. There are plenty
of fun activities of
things you can do
with a Pi. They're
free in every sense
of the word and you
can contribute on
Raspberry Jam
Raspberry Jams are community events set up around learning and sharing with the Pi. They're
family-friendly meetups and anyone can start their own. Have a look at our map and if there isn't
one near you, get in touch and I'll help you get started.
Code Club
Code Club is a network of after-school coding clubs for kids aged between 9 to11years. Anyone
can set up a Code Club, and we provide training, support, and resources. Check out the Code
Club World website for more information.
Snappy Ubuntu Core 16 Launched For IoT Devices, Raspberry Pi,
and Cloud With A Focus On Security
The Linux distro for IoT devices takes advantage of the Snap packages — a zip file containing all
the package data along with the details of running the application on the machine. The Snaps are
tamper-proof, developer-friendly and digitally signed. The Snappy package manager used to in-
stall and manage snaps has been developed by Canonical itself and it enhances security by ena-
bling sandboxing of the applications.
Ubuntu Core 16 has taken full advantage of the Snaps, even the kernel and the OS itself are de-
livered as Snaps. The Ubuntu Core OS contains just the base file systems. Its image size is al-
most half of the CentOS Atomic Host 7.
The transactional nature of the Snap package updates is a boon for developers. If the update
fails, an automatic rollback is initiated which encourages developers to update their applications
more often and without any fear of a crash. Using Update Control, they can validate an update in
the ecosystem before applying it.
The lightweight Ubuntu Core 16 also features a Snap app store that allows developers to publish
apps for various internet-connected devices. The Snappy Ubuntu Core 16 is intended for single
board computers, SoCs and cloud platforms. It has already been deployed in top-of-rack
switches, drones, radio access networks, gateways, etc. Here is a list of supported devices :
• Raspberry Pi 2 and 3
• Intel NUC
• Intel Joule
• Samsung Artik
You can download the Snappy Ubuntu Core 16 ISO on Ubuntu’s website.
Microsoft Releases Open Source Toolkit That Understands
Words Just Like Humans, Adds C++ & Python Support
The cognitive toolkit helps researchers with neural networks leading to the creation of their ma-
chine learning systems which can run on computers with traditional CPUs and GPUs. Data sets
of variety in size can be processed by the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit on either a single machine
or a series of computers in a data center. The toolkit enables improved performance on Pascal
architecture-based GPUs in the Nvidia DGX-1.
The updated toolkit can be used as a library with C++ and Python APIs. It also enables reinforce-
ment learning research for machine learning systems which involves training them to do a particu-
lar task by trial and error method. This would allow AI agents to take complex decisions.
A Germany-based company, Liebherr, has tried to use the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit by installing
cameras in their refrigerators. The cameras can detect what food is present inside and an inven-
tory list created automatically. The prospects indicate shopping and meal planning based on the
monitoring of available food items.
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit has been used by the Bing team to understand the context of search
queries. For instance, when a user types “How to make an apple pie?”, Bing should be able to un-
derstand that the search is made for the recipe even though the word “recipe” isn’t included in the
search query.
Furthermore, Microsoft’s latest open source toolkit gives competition to existing developments
such as Google’s TensorFlow. The Toolkit allows a system to be scalable and reduces the training
time. The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit is available on GitHub as beta.
xfce4-panel 4.12.1 Released, Xfce 4.14 Still A Long Ways Out
Xfce4-panel 4.12.1 has been released as a "long overdue maintenance release" while Xfce 4.14
is still at its infancy.
Xfce4-panel 4.12.1 has translation updates, support for xfpanel-switch in the preferences and
some basic fixes. This comes a few weeks after the quiet bug-fix releases of xfce4-settings
4.12.1 and also joined by the xfconf 4.12.1 release this week.
But while it's close to two years since Xfce 4.12.0 was officially released, there is still no sign of
Xfce 4.14 release, and it appears to be quite a ways still out. Xfce 4.14 is still supposed to focus
on finishing the porting from GTK2 to GTK3, making use of GDbus, replacing deprecated widgets
and other modernization updates.
The Wiki Roadmap still doesn't have any dates firmed up for Xfce 4.14 targets.The page
seems to indicate as well that Xfce 4.14 won't be around the corner. But once there is something
new to report on Xfce 4.14, you can certainly expect to read about it on Phoronix while still being
fans of this lightweight GTK desktop. Albeit, a pity it's not yet fully living in a modern GTK3 world.
The year 2016 is about to end in a couple of months and Google is back with its fall Code-in rit-
ual. Just like the previous years, this year’s Google Code-in 2016 contest will involve numerous
bite-sized tasks from participating organizations that specialize in open source projects. They will
also act as the mentors for the pre-university students (aged 13 to 17) taking part in the contest.
Other than being a determined internet company, Google also loves open source and is among
the regular contributors to the open source community. They recently open sourced their Show
and Tell A.I system which can write captions for an image and new open source font called Noto
which supports 800+ languages.
The Google Code-in 2016 online contest will start on November 28, 2016 (17:00 UTC).
The participant kids will have to choose tasks (ranging between 3 to 5 hours) from one of the fol-
lowing categories:
• Coding
• Documentation/Training
• Outreach/Research
• Quality Assurance
• User Interface
The participant can seek help from mentor organizations whose task they’ve claimed and are
meant to submit it before the set deadline (January 16, 2017). Google has chosen a total of 17
open source organizations which include KDE, Wikimedia, OpenMRS, Drupal, Copyleft Games,
The tasks will be evaluated by the respective mentor organizations and participants with one suc-
cessful submission will receive a digital certificate. The ones with three or more will receive a t-
shirt. For each organization, five finalists will get a Google Code-in Hoodie.
The grand prize – for the two finalists in every organization – will earn a trip to Google’s Mountain
View Campus which will happen sometime in June 2017. The name of the finalists and the grand
prize winners will be announced on January 30, 2017.
Visit the Google Code-in 2016 website to know more about the contest.
In late 2013, it looked like Darling development stalled but in January of 2014; news concerning
the project had been refreshed. But that was the last time I had anything to report on the project.
Until recently, hearing from a Phoronix reader and saving it for an otherwise slow news day, that
Darling is in fact under development.
The Darling Git repository remains active. As of writing this article, there has been over 1,200
commits with the most recent activity being just two days ago. The most recent code additions
were adding an initial GDB JIT interface, adding a Ruby sub-module and some documentation up-
Darling is still progressing. Nonetheless, in its latest state, it cannot run any MacOS GUI applica-
tions but rather only basic command-line apps with both 32-bit and 64-bit capabilities. From the
Darling Shell, there is support for working with DMG images and even using Apple's Xcode tool-
chain for compiling basic "Hello World!" type applications for MacOS and running from a Linux
For more information on the Darling project, visit the project site at
Thank you!
The FreeBSD Foundation is grateful for all the generous donations from individuals, organiza-
tions and businesses over the years. The Foundation is fully funded by these donations and with-
out them, we would not exist.
So let’s see what has happened. According to the ctl(4) man page: “The ctl subsystem provides
SCSI disk and processor emulation” and “serves as a kernel component of the native iSCSI tar-
get”. Among other features, it has now reimplemented “High Availability clustering support with
ALUA”. See source code revision 287621 by Alexander Motin for more details on the change. Ac-
tually, this revision was done a year ago and the feature is available both in FreeBSD 11.0 and in
10.3 releases.
ALUA in storage world terminology means Asymmetric Logical Unit Assignment. In simple words,
this set of technologies allows a host to access any LUN via both controllers of a storage system.
FreeBSD ctl(4) man-page claims all possible modes are now available:
do basic
Now let’s see if it is reasonable to use this new HA storage functionality in the BeaST project.
As I still do not have any real hardware drive-enclosures, we will use Oracle Virtual Box and
iSCSI protocol. I have already deployed this environment for the BeaST development, so we can
use the similar, yet more simplified, template for the renewed CTL HA testing purpose.
We will run two storage controllers (ctrl-a, ctrl-b) and a host (cln-1). A virtual SAS drive (da0) of
256 MB is configured as “shareable” in Virtual Media Manager and simultaneously connected
with both storage controllers.
cln-1 -
% uname -a
Before doing anything else, let’s save CTL frontend ports states of both controllers to refer to
them later during our experiments:
Now we can start configuring controllers. First of all, add essential variables to the
/boot/loader.conf, then reboot both controllers:
ctrl-a ctrl-b
ctl_load="YES" ctl_load="YES"
Where: – configures default role for the node. So ctrl-a is set as 0 (primary
node), ctrl-b – 1 (secondary node). The role also can be specified on per-LUN basis which allows
to distribute LUNs over both controllers evenly.
Note, and are read-only parameters and must be set
only via the /boot/loader.conf file. Other useful variables we can put in
/etc/sysctl.conf but I choose only
FreeBSD CORNER"connect""listen"
As you can see, there is a remark sign before variable. It is done to prevent
an attempt to start CTL HA connection at boot: at this point LAN interfaces are not up yet, so the
connection will fail.
But we can lately start CTL HA interconnect manually from shell or by script:
ctrl-a ctrl-b
# sysctl sysctl"connect"listen""
The link states can be: 0 – not configured, 1 – configured but not established and 2 – established.
The link state information can be also checked via sysctl: 2
As we got link state 2, we can check what is going on the CTL frontend:
0 YES ha 1:ioctl 0 0
1 YES ha 1:tpc 0 0
2 NO ha 1:camsim 0 0 naa.50000006e879fb03
As you can see, HA interconnection is established. It means we can add some LUNs to use them
on our client host. Therefore, create simple /etc/ctl.conf to add appropriate definitions for
our iSCSI targets:
ctrl-a ctrl-b
portal-group pg0 { portal-group pg0 {
ctrl-a ctrl-b
listen listen
} }
lun 1 { lun 1 {
} }
} }
129 YES ha 2:tpc 0 0
0 YES ha 1:ioctl 0 0
1 YES ha 1:tpc 0 0
2 NO ha 1:camsim 0 0 naa.5000000d5de41b03
As new LUNs are shown, everything is going well right now. So we can start the client host and
establish iSCSI connection with our storage:
Note, sysctl kern.iscsi.fail_on_disconnection=1 on the client is needed to drop con-
nection with one of the controllers in case of its failure.
During this operation, we can see log updates with activity on iSCSI LUNs:
On ctrl-a:
On ctrl-b:
And on cln-1:
da0: <FREEBSD CTLDISK 0001> Fixed Direct Access SPC-4 SCSI device
da1: <FREEBSD CTLDISK 0001> Fixed Direct Access SPC-4 SCSI device
So we can state that the client has reached both LUNs (actually the client has accessed the
same physical drive through connections with two different controllers).
As we know that da0 and da1 on the client are the same drive, we can put them under multi-
pathing control:
Note, option -A enables Active/Active mode of multipathing, so the workload will be distributed
over both paths and controllers.
Check if we succeeded:
da1 (ACTIVE)
Now we can force the construction to work, so let’s continuously copy a file:
And check the results from the client side:
Now let’s check what is going on storage controllers (ctrl-a and ctrl-b):
As we have set full Active/Active CTL HA mode ( for the cluster, we
can see the similar picture on both controllers:
Now let’s see CTL LUN statistics on both controllers. So run:
# ctlstat -C
And it seems, the second node for the LUN responds slower (two times slower in our example).
Remember that enables Active/Active frontend, while the secon-
dary node forwards all requests and data to the primary one. I do not show screenshots, so you
have to believe me, but if we set this mode, the overall picture will be similar except that iostat -xd
5 on the secondary node shows zero disk activity and the primary node processes all the work-
Anyway, the full Active/Active CTL HA configuration ( runs well, utilizing
all available paths through both controllers. Now it’s time to test high availability of the new CTL
HA subsystem.
I have no idea of how to fail backend virtual link between the drive and SAS controller in Virtual-
Box environment, but we can easily simulate a crash of a whole controller. So, let’s just shutdown
a secondary node (ctrl-b) and see if the cluster can survive it:
And nothing bad has happened to the client. It has lost one iSCSI path (for the da1) but multi-
pathing works well, it is now forwarding all the data through the primary node (ctrl-a):
And on ctrl-a (primary node of CTL HA cluster), we can see that data is going to the da0:
Our next steps will be to boot the ctrl-b controller, restore our CTL HA cluster and start copying
ports.tar.gz file once again. But I’m not going to show it here to save time and space.
After restoring the cluster and starting iostat -xd 5 along with ctlstat -C, we can finally crash the
primary node (ctrl-a):
First of all, we have an active path, but traffic has absolutely stopped on the client (cln-1):
And the same picture of the LUN statistics on ctrl-b:
And finally, ctrl-b log is overwhelmed by this kind of message:
Note, that this message “Logical unit not accessible, asymmetric access state transition” is de-
scribed in the ctl(4) man page:
“If there is no primary node (both nodes are secondary, or secondary node has no connec-
tion to primary one), secondary node(s) report Transitioning state.”
Therefore, it looks like a “normal” ( shows the same results) behav-
ior of CTL HA cluster in a case of disaster and loss of the primary node. It also:
means that a very lucky administrator can restore the failed primary controller before timeouts are
Talking seriously, the failover can be done by setting primary role to the survived controller. So:
And the traffic starts flowing once again:
We won't dive into the reasons why you would want to use FreeBSD as your OS for production
(not the purpose of this post).
I have been lucky enough to participate in Google Summer of Code with the FreeBSD foundation.
I was amazed by the community surrounding it, which was noob friendly and very helpful (thank
you, FreeBSD <3).
I wanted to make a starting tutorial for people to write a simple module for kernel before diving in-
side more complicated kernel shizzle.
The kernel module that we will be working on is a simple event handler for the kernel. It will be
composed of two parts, the event handling function and the module declaration.
The module event handler is a function that handles different events for the module, like the mod-
ule being loaded, unloaded or on system shutdown.
You can find the different kind of events that the module can handle:
MOD_LOAD is set when the module is being loaded inside the kernel.
MOD_QUIESCE is set when the module is about to be unloaded.
The difference between MOD_QUIESCE and MOD_UNLOAD is that the module should fail MOD_QUI-
ESCE if it is currently in use, whereas MOD_UNLOAD should only fail if it is impossible to unload the
module, for instance, because there are memory references to the module which cannot be re-
int error = 0;
switch(event) {
uprintf("Hello World.\n");
return error;
Now that we have the events handling function ready. We need to declare the moduledata_t to
be able to use it inside DECLARE_MODULE macro and load it into the kernel.
It has the module name and a pointer to the event handling function.
Lastly, we need to declare the module using the DECLARE_MODULE macro. Which has the follow-
ing structure:
name: The module name that will be used in the SYSINIT() call to identify the module.
sub: Since we are using a driver here, so the value will be SI_SUB_DRIVERS, this argument will
specify the type of system startup interface.
order: Represents the order of initialization within the subsystem, we will use the SI_OR-
DER_MIDDLE value here:
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/module.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
int error = 0;
switch(event) {
case MOD_LOAD:
uprintf("Hello World.\n");
return error;
View rawmodule.c hosted with ❤ by GitHub (
int error = 0;
Stay tuned for more in-depth tutorials about FreeBSD kernel code.
The Internet has changed enormously since it was first established, and the ways that we origi-
nally tried to secure it simply don’t work anymore. Take digital certificates, for example. While cer-
tificates once successfully authenticated servers, back when everyone was using a single device,
they don’t scale for the world we live in now. Certificates can’t authenticate users across apps
and mobiles, they don’t work with virtualized computing, and they certainly won’t scale for the
Internet of Things. With 25 billion new devices set to hit the Internet by 2025, the need for a better
worldwide cryptosystem for securing information is paramount. So the only question remaining is:
what does the future of security on the web look like?
In May of this year, together with NTT Innovation Institute and NTT Labs, we contributed authenti-
cation code to a new open-source project within the Apache Incubator called Apache Milagro (in-
cubating). The project seeks to provide an alternative to centralized certificates and passwords in
a world that has shifted from client-server to cloud, IoT and containerized applications. By elimi-
nating the need for a central trust authority and the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) model built 40
years ago for a client-server world, the new incubating project aims to provide a better framework
for blockchain applications, cloud computing services, mobile and containerized developer appli-
The new Internet security framework works by establishing a new series of cryptographic service
providers called Distributed Trust Authorities (DTAs) that independently issue shares of keys to ap-
plication endpoints that have embedded Milagro cryptographic libraries and applications. In a DTA
framework, the function of a pairing-based key generation server is split into three services, each
of which issues thirds of private keys to distinct entities. Since key generation services are under
separate organizational controls, current root key compromises and key escrow threats become
an order of magnitude more difficult because an attacker would need to subvert all three inde-
pendent parties to achieve the same result.
The project has the scope to expand for everyone, by creating a world without certificates, with-
out passwords, and without single points of compromise. As an open source project, anyone can
experiment with it, suggest changes and evaluate it for themselves. The following key compo-
nents are available now, meaning that developers and security engineers can integrate with or
build multi-factor authentication solutions into their existing Web properties or Web applications in
• The baseline Milagro Crypto Library (MCL) enables developers to build distributed trust sys-
tems and select from a choice of pairing-based protocols that deliver certificate-less key encap-
sulation, zero knowledge proof authentication, authenticated key agreement and digital signing
functionality. Using MCL, application developers can embed multi-factor authentication, secure
communications, and data protection methods that are robust enough to meet most require-
ments required by distributed ledger services, general on-line financial services, government
and healthcare industries.
• Milagro TLS, a pairing-based TLS library, enables encrypted connections with perfect forward
secrecy between mobile applications or IoT devices and backend infrastructures without the
need for certificates or PKI. Milagro TLS is a standalone library that uses MCL as its crypto-
graphic service provider, resulting in an implementation that is lean, yet high-performing enough
to run in constrained environments found in many IoT devices.
• Milagro MFA, a multifactor authentication platform that uses zero knowledge proof protocols to
eliminate the password and thus the threat of password database breach; Milagro MFA includes
client SDKs in JavaScript, C, iOS, Android and Windows Phone, as well as the Authentication
Server for Linux. Delivering 128-bit security but lean enough to even run in JavaScript, Milagro
MFA allows developers and security engineers to integrate easy-to-use multi-factor authentica-
tion capabilities into their mobile and web properties and applications in hours or less.
Renewing trust in the Internet is a herculean task and something that we can’t do alone. Trust, by
nature, should be based on communities rather than individuals. That’s why this project is a
community-led, community-built program that relies on the participation and contributions of us-
ers. To find out more about the Apache Milagro (incubating) project, and download the code com-
ponents, please visit the Milagro project page:
M i-
crokernel kernels are slower but are more secure and stable and extendable. It means that adding
a new feature to a monolithic kernel means recompiling the whole kernel, whereas with microker-
nels you can add new features or patches without recompiling.
Bear in mind that FreeBSD is not pure monolithic, it is modular monolithic and can load any driver
These hypervisors run directly on the host's hardware to control the hardware and to manage
guest operating systems. For this reason, they are sometimes called bare metal hypervisors. The
first hypervisors, which IBM developed in the 1960s, were native hypervisors.
Today there are many type-1 hypervisors, like Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, and VMware
Type-1 hypervisors can be monolithic or microkernel. For instance, Hyper-V is microkernel and
ESXi is monolithic.
In fact, there is a controlling function that controls all aspects of the hypervisor. Hyper-V imple-
ments the controlling function in its Windows OS and in ESXi, the controlling function is imple-
mented within the ESXi kernel.
A guest operating system runs as a process on the host. Type-2 hypervisors abstract guest operat-
ing systems from the host operating system. bhyve and kvm are in this domain.
It is difficult to say which design is better. However, there are a few advantages and disadvan-
tages associated with each of them. One of the advantages of using the microkernelized type-1
design is that you can assign different roles to your hypervisor, like DNS or web-server, but on the
other hand in this design, the system suffers from the lack of modern features, like a modern file-
In fact, performance and compatibility are not the only issue. In almost the same situation, simplic-
ity is more valuable. If you want to easily combine hypervisor with something like zfs or carp, ignor-
ing bhyve is so difficult.
What is Bhyve?
bhyve (pronounced "bee hive", formerly written as BHyVe) is a type-2 hypervisor/virtual machine
manager for FreeBSD that was introduced in FreeBSD 10.0 and supports most Intel and AMD
processors that report the "POPCNT" (POPulation Count) processor feature in dmesg(8).
The bhyve BSD-licensed hypervisor became part of the base system with FreeBSD
10.0-RELEASE. This hypervisor supports a number of guests, including FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and
many Linux distributions. Currently, bhyve only supports a serial console and does not emulate a
graphical console. Virtualization offload features of newer CPUs are used to avoid the legacy
methods of translating instructions and manually managing memory mappings.
The bhyve design requires a processor that supports Intel Extended Page Tables (EPT) or AMD
Rapid Virtualization Indexing (RVI) or Nested Page Tables (NPT)
It runs FreeBSD 9+, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Linux and MS Windows desktop (versions Vista, 7,
8/8.1/8.2 and 10), as well as MS Windows Server (versions 2008/2008R2, 2012/2012R2 and
2016 Technical Preview 2 and 3) guests.
Lately, libvirt supports bhyve as well, but personally, I prefer to utilize bhyve from shell. There are
also FreeBSD packages that were created to make life easier, like CBSD and VM-Bhyve.
Recently, the bhyve hypervisor supports Unified Extensible Firmware Interface Graphics Output
Protocol or "UEFI-GOP". It means that you can easily run any modern OS without pain.
Bhyve Configuration
The first step to creating a virtual machine in bhyve is configuring the host system. First, load the
bhyve kernel module:
#kldload vmm
Then, create a tap interface for the network device in the virtual machine to attach to. In order for
the network device to participate in the network, also create a bridge interface containing the tap
interface and the physical interface as members. In this example, the physical interface is igb0:
# sysctl 0 -> 1
# ifconfig bridge0 up
Create a file to use as the virtual disk for the guest machine. Specify the size and name of the vir-
tual disk:
# fetch
FreeBSD comes with an example script for running a virtual machine in bhyve. The script will
start the virtual machine and run it in a loop, so it will automatically restart if it crashes. The script
The script will start the virtual machine and run it in a loop, so it will automatically restart if it
crashes. The script takes a number of options to control the configuration of the machine: -c con-
trols the number of virtual CPUs, -m limits the amount of memory available to the guest, -t de-
fines which tap device to use, -d indicates which disk image to use, -i tells bhyve to boot from the
CD image instead of the disk, and -I defines which CD image to use. The last parameter is the
name of the virtual machine, used to track the running machines. This example starts the virtual
machine in installation mode:
The virtual machine will boot and start the installer. After installing a system in the virtual ma-
chine, when the system asks about dropping in to a shell at the end of the installation, choose
Yes. A small change needs to be made to make the system start with a serial console. Edit /etc/
ttys and replace the existing ttyu0 line with:
Reboot the virtual machine. While rebooting the virtual machine causes bhyve to exit, the script runs bhyve in a loop and will automatically restart it. When this happens, choose
the reboot option from the boot loader menu in order to escape the loop. Now the guest can be
started from the virtual disk:
Starting a virtual machine with bhyve is a two step process. First a kernel must be loaded, then
the guest can be started. The Linux kernel is loaded with sysutils/grub2-bhyve. Create a that grub will use to map the virtual devices to the files on the host system:
(hd0) ./linux.img
(cd0) ./somelinux.iso
Use sysutils/grub2-bhyve to load the Linux kernel from the ISO image:
This will start grub. If the installation CD contains a grub.cfg, a menu will be displayed. If not, the
vmlinuz and initrd files must be located and loaded manually:
grub> ls
grub> ls (cd0)/isolinux
grub> boot
Now that the Linux kernel is loaded, the guest can be started:
The system will boot and start the installer. After installing a system in the virtual machine, reboot
the virtual machine. This will cause bhyve to exit. The instance of the virtual machine needs to be
destroyed before it can be started again:
Now the guest can be started directly from the virtual disk. Load the kernel:
grub> ls
(lvm/VolGroup-lv_swap) (lvm/VolGroup-lv_root)
grub> ls (hd0,msdos1)/
grub> boot
Linux will now boot in the virtual machine and eventually present you with the login prompt. Login
and use the virtual machine. When you are finished, reboot the virtual machine to exit bhyve. De-
stroy the virtual machine instance:
1. Install FreeBSD 11.0
You can also install FreeBSD 11.0 or any of the latest builds.
We must to install “bhyve-firmware”. The best way to achieve this goal is to install with port
mechanism. This process is very time-consuming and requires a lot of user-interaction, but with
some tricks, we do it very easy:
# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/bhyve-firmware
-DBATCH force port building process to not prompt you for confirmation and do it automatically.
# kldload vmm
this command creates a file with 50GB size.
# bhyve -c 2 -m 4G -w -H \
-s 0,hostbridge \
-s 3,ahci-cd,/path/to/windows-2012R2.iso \
-s 4,ahci-hd,disk.img \
-s 5,virtio-net,tap0 \
-s 29,fbuf,tcp=,w=800,h=600,wait \
-s 30,xhci,tablet \
-s 31,lpc -l com1,stdio \
-l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI.fd \
his command makes a virtual machine(vm0) with cores CPU and with a display resolution of 800
by 600 that can be accessed via VNC at:
The fbuf wait parameter instructs bhyve to only boot upon the initiation of a VNC connection, sim-
plifying the installation of operating systems that require immediate keyboard input. This can be
removed for post-installation use.
The xhci,tablet parameter provides precise cursor synchronization when using VNC, but is not
supported by FreeBSD.
Desktop versions of Microsoft Windows require the presence of a CD/DVD device, which can be
an empty file created with touch(1).
-H Yield the virtual CPU thread when a HLT instruction is detected. If this option is not specified,
virtual CPUs will use 100% of a host CPU.
-w Ignore accesses to unimplemented Model Specific Registers (MSRs). This is intended for de-
bug purposes.
5. Connect to VM with VNC client
# vncviewer
In VNC Client screen, you can see what is happening, also mice are supported. I prefer to use
“tightvnc”. My hypervisor IP is “” and I have a DHCP on my network so Windows gets
the IP address automatically.
6. Setup Process
Setup process needs to restart vm. After each restart, you must run it again until the setup com-
7. Virtio is a virtualization standard for network and disk device drivers where just the guest's de-
vice driver "knows" it is running in a virtual environment, and cooperates with the hypervisor.
This enables guests to get high performance network and disk operations, and gives most of
the performance benefits of paravirtualization.
8. Setup NIC Driver
After first login, you must shutdown the vm and issue this command:
# bhyve -c 2 -m 4G -w -H \
-s 0,hostbridge \
-s 3,ahci-cd,/path/to/virtio-win-0.1.118.iso \
-s 4,ahci-hd,disk.img \
-s 5,virtio-net,tap0 \
-s 29,fbuf,tcp=,w=800,h=600,wait \
-s 30,xhci,tablet \
-s 31,lpc -l com1,stdio \
-l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI.fd \
After logging in to your desktop, you can easily find the proper driver and install it. Then you can
set IP and connect to your vm with remote desktop client. rdp is much faster than vnc.
As you can see, running virtual machine under FreeBSD’s bhyve is very easy. I also tested bhyve
with some gstrip RAID from five SSD hard disks with 120 GB size. Now I can boot Windows or
Linux in seven seconds.
FreeBSD's focus on performance, networking, and storage combines with ease of system admini-
stration and comprehensive documentation to realize the full potential of any computer.
Bhyvecon is a conference dedicated to BSD hypervisors. The third annual bhyvecon Tokyo will
take place on March 11th, 2016 from 16:15 to 21:30 at the Tokyo University of Science after the
BSD Vendor Summit.
Useful Links
Bhyve Website:
Odoo was created by Fabien Pinckaers/Odoo S.A and written in python. Currently, it’s available
and compatible with many operating systems, including Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. For
server installation, I will use Ubuntu 16.04. Odoo released version 9 of their ERP software on Oc-
tober 1, 2015.
Step 1 - Add the Odoo repository.
First, you will have to add the Odoo apt repository to your repository database file
/etc/apt/sources.list. In order to do this, add the Odoo key using this command:
Note: >> = Add the Odoo repository to the last line in sources.list file and update the Ubuntu pack-
age lists:
apt-get update
First, create a new user called odoo with home directory /opt/odoo and the group odoo. You can
do this using this command:
mkdir -p /var/lib/odoo
su - postgres
Now, create a role for Odoo. This will allow Odoo to access or connect to the PostgreSQL server
and to create, delete or modify the database. You will have to enter your password for security
reasons and also to have it private.
Finally, you can log out from the PostgreSQL shell by typing exit.
Odoo requires many python modules. To achieve this, just install all the packages below to fulfill
its prerequisites:
When the installation is complete, Odoo will be running on port 8069. You can check it using the
netstat -plntu
Once Odoo is installed, it runs on port 8069. We will run Odoo on local IP, because we will use
aNginx web server as a reverse proxy for Odoo.
vim /etc/odoo/openerp-server.conf
xmlrpc_interface =
xmlrpc_port = 8069
You can configure the system such that users can access an Odoo web panel via Nginx reverse
proxy. This will enable users to navigate the Odoo web interface faster, due to some Nginx fron-
tend caching, on standard HTTP ports without the need to manually enter the http port 8069 on
their browsers.
In order to configure this setting, you need to install and configure Nginx on your system by fol-
lowing these steps:
2. Next, open Nginx main configuration file with a text editor and insert the following block after
the line which specifies Nginx document root location.
# nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
location / {
roxy_redirect off;
Also, comment on Nginx location statement by placing a # in front of the following lines. Use the
screenshot below as a guide.
#location / {
3. This step is a security optional feature and implies the change of the network socket that Odoo
application is listening, changing the binding address from all interfaces (or address) to localhost
This change must only be done in conjunction with Nginx reverse proxy due to the fact that bind-
ing the application on a localhost implies that Odoo will not be accessible by users inside the
LAN or other networks.
xmlrpc_interface =
To reflect the changes, restart Odoo service by running the below command:
4. In case your machine has a network defense line provided by the firewall, issue the following
commands to open firewall ports to outside world for Nginx proxy:
Now that both Odoo and Nginx are installed, open a web browser and type in the Odoo URL.
You will be prompted to create a new database, configure your email address and password for
the admin account.
Proceed to enter the details for your installation and click on 'Create database'.
After Odoo has created a database, you can login to the Odoo admin dashboard. However, for se-
curity reason, you need to setup a master password for the Odoo database manager. Click on
'Manage Databases'
Type your password and click 'Continue'.
Here is the Odoo admin dashboard.
Odoo version 9 with Nginx has been successfully installed on Ubuntu 16.04.
VNC, or "Virtual Network Computing," is a connection system that allows you to use your key-
board and mouse to interact with a graphical desktop environment on a remote server. It makes
managing files, software and settings on a remote server easier for users who are not yet comfort-
able with the command line.
In this guide, we will be setting up VNC on an Ubuntu 16.04 server and connect securely through
an SSH tunnel. The VNC server we will be using is TightVNC, a fast and lightweight remote con-
trol package. This choice will ensure that our VNC connection is smooth and stable even on
slower internet connections.
• A local computer with a VNC client installed that supports VNC connections over SSH tunnels.
If you are using Windows, you could use TightVNC, RealVNC or UltraVNC. Mac OS X users
can use the built-in Screen Sharing program, or can use a cross-platform app like RealVNC.
Linux users have many options: vinagre, krdc, RealVNC, TightVNC, and more.
By default, an Ubuntu 16.04 Droplet does not come with a graphical desktop environment or a
VNC server installed. Thus, we'll begin by installing those. Specifically, we will install packages for
the latest Xfce desktop environment and the TightVNC package available in the official Ubuntu re-
To complete the VNC server's initial configuration after installation, use the vncserver command
to set up a secure password.
You'll be prompted to enter and verify a password, and also, a view-only password. Users who
log in with the view-only password will not be able to control the VNC instance with their mouse
or keyboard. This is a helpful option if you want to demonstrate something to other people using
your VNC server, but isn't necessary.
Running vncserver completes the installation of VNC by creating default configuration files and
connection information for our server to use. With these packages installed, you are now ready to
configure your VNC server.
First, we need to tell our VNC server what commands to run when it starts up. These commands
are located in a configuration file called xstartup in the .vnc folder under your home directory. The
startup script was created when you ran the vncserver in the previous step, though, we need to
modify some of the commands for the Xfce desktop.
When VNC is first set up, it launches a default server instance on port 5901. This port is called a
display port and is referred to by VNC as 1. VNC can launch multiple instances on other display
ports, like: 2, 3, etc. When working with VNC servers, remember that: X is a display port that re-
fers to 5900+X.
Because we are going to be changing how the VNC server is configured, we'll need first to stop
the VNC server instance that is running on port 5901.
$vncserver -kill :1
Before we begin configuring the new xstartup file, let's back up the original.
$ mv ~/.vnc/xstartup ~/.vnc/xstartup.bak
Now create a new xstartup file with nano or your favorite text editor.
$ nano ~/.vnc/xstartup
Paste these commands into the file so that they are automatically executed whenever you start
or restart the VNC server. Finally, save and close the file.
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
startxfce4 &
The first command in the file, xrdb $HOME/.Xresources, tells VNC's GUI framework to read the
server user's .Xresources file. .Xresources is where a user can make changes to certain set-
tings of the graphical desktop, like terminal colors, cursor themes and font rendering. The second
command simply tells the server to launch Xfce, which is where you will find all of the graphical
software that you need to manage your server comfortably.
To ensure that the VNC server will be able to use this new startup file properly, we'll need to grant
executable privileges to it.
$ vncserver
Step 3 — Testing the VNC Desktop.
First, we’ll need to create an SSH connection on your local computer that securely forwards to
the localhost connection for VNC. You can do this via the terminal on Linux or OS X with the fol-
lowing command. Remember to replace user and server_ip_address with the sudo non-root user-
name and IP address of your server.
If you are using a graphical SSH client, like PuTTY, use server_ip_address as the connection IP
and setlocalhost:5901 as a new forwarded port in the program's SSH tunnel settings.
Next, you may now use a VNC client to attempt a connection to the VNC server at
localhost:5901. You'll be prompted to authenticate. The correct password to use is the one you
provided in Step 1.
Once you are connected, you should see the default Xfce desktop. It should look something like
Step 4 — Creating a VNC Service File
Next, we'll set up the VNC server as a systemd service. This will make it possible to start, stop
and restart it as needed, like any other systemd service.
First, create a new unit file called /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@.service using your favorite
text editor:
Copy and paste the following into it. Be sure to change the value of User and the username in the
value of PIDFILE to match your username.
PIDFile=/home/sammy/.vnc/ ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/vncserver
-kill :%i > /dev/null 2>&1 ExecStart=/usr/bin/vncserver -depth 24 -ge-
ometry 1280x800 :%i ExecStop=/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :%i
Next, make the system aware of the new unit file by typing this command.
Stop the current instance of the VNC server if it's still running:
$ vncserver -kill :1
by (uid=0)
Odoo is an open source application that helps you to manage your business. Odoo / OpenERP is
easy to install and configure and supports multiple operating systems. In Odoo, there are many
applications available such as billing, accounting, manufacturing, purchasing, warehouse man-
agement and project management. These apps can help you to manage and grow your business.
You should now have a secured VNC server up and running on your Ubuntu 16.04 server. Now,
you'll be able to manage your files, software and settings with an easy-to-use and a familiar
graphical interface.
Currently, I hold up to thirteen recognized certificates in Red Hat, Oracle Solaris, and Ora-
cle SPARC. Lastly, I held the highest and powerful certificate all over the world "RHCA"
and I was ranked number seven around Egypt and number fifteen around MENA.
General description:
This training class teaches the tools, best practices and skills to automate your
FreeBSD servers. Training will be loaded with practical real world tools and tech-
niques. This training will send you back to work with immediately useful hands
on experience to implement Devops in your IT projects.
Module 1: Introduction to Devops and Chef.
Module 8: Using syntax and linting tools like: Foodcritic and Rubocop
MeetBSD 2016
MeetBSD 2016
The first formal day of MeetBSD in-
cluded a VNET/Jails talk by Devin
Teske, a RISC-V talk by Krste Asa-
novic, a FreeBSD on Google Com-
puter Engine talk by Sean Chitten-
den, Matt Ahrens’ ZFS history les-
son and my talk on bhyve. Devin
and Sean presented compelling
cases for using FreeBSD as a
buzzword-free “cloud” platform and
we learned how the RISC-V Open
Source CPU design is coming along
nicely. Matt’s ZFS history talk in-
cluded a photo of the moment when
ZFS was first committed. My Monty
Python-themed “LIFE OF BHYVE” talk gave a similar history of bhyve and a list of upcoming fea-
tures. Day one was wrapped up at the famous Hillside club near the campus and we all had a
good time.
Day two of MeetBSD started with a history lesson by FreeBSD co-founder, Rod Grimes. His pres-
entation detailed the emergence of FreeBSD from various 386BSD patch kits. Being the first
FreeBSD release engineer, he made a point by referring us back then of *not* being the benevo-
lent dictator of the project, but rather opted for a “core” team of leaders. FreeBSD co-founder, Jor-
dan Hubbard, went on to give an
update on FreeNAS 10 plus a tour
of its virtualization features. Fre-
eNAS 10 is proving quite capable
and provides just about the easiest
way to try the bhyve hypervisor.
PC-BSD founder and BSDNow co-
host, Kris Moore, then gave a talk
about the evolution of PC-BSD into
TrueOS and demonstrated its latest
features such as “SysAdm” and the
Lumina desktop. The last formal
session was a panel discussion on
OpenZFS which included FreeBSD
ZFS importer, Pawel Dawidek, iX-
systems Storage Architect, Josh
Paetzel, ZFS Book co-author and
MeetBSD 2016
BSDNow co-host, Allan Jude and BSDCan organizer, Dan Langille. It’s obvious that MeetBSD
event was a who’s who of BSD Unix with an emphasis on FreeBSD, thanks to iXsystems’ strong
role in that community.
FreeBSD release engineer, he made a point by referring us back then of *not* being the benevo-
lent dictator of the project, but rather opted for a “core” team of leaders. FreeBSD co-founder, Jor-
dan Hubbard, went on to give an update on FreeNAS 10 plus a tour of its virtualization features.
FreeNAS 10 is proving quite capable and provides just about the easiest way to try the bhyve hy-
pervisor. PC-BSD founder and BSDNow co-host, Kris Moore, then gave a talk about the evolution
of PC-BSD into TrueOS and demonstrated its latest features such as “SysAdm” and the Lumina
desktop. The last formal session was a panel discussion on OpenZFS which included FreeBSD
ZFS importer, Pawel Dawidek, iXsystems Storage Architect, Josh Paetzel, ZFS Book co-author
and BSDNow co-host, Allan Jude and BSDCan organizer, Dan Langille. It’s obvious that
MeetBSD event was a who’s who of BSD Unix with an emphasis on FreeBSD, thanks to iXsys-
tems’ strong role in that community.
I truly appreciate the laid-back nature of MeetBSD because it shifts majority of the technical dis-
cussions to the hallway track, which is perfect in a sunny Berkeley. We didn’t have a Computer
Science Research Group tour. However, various people reported of meetings and meals they had
with people from “back in the day.” Moreover, I was delighted that authorities like Rod Grimes
joined the discussion once again. Both FreeBSD-centric and MeetBSD attracted a group of
OpenBSD users and developers, plus a few representatives of NetBSD and DragonFly BSD. Be-
ing at Berkeley turned out to be a time well spent, discussions even touched on DEC PDP-11 and
Apollo topics! I look forward to MeetBSD 2018 and vBSDcon 2017 in the interim. See you there!
iXsystems, Inc.
To those who are closely involved in IT secu- ployee’s bank accounts did armed robbery go
rity, it will come as no surprise that the sheer out of vogue. Very few employers nowadays
scale of online fraud continues to rise, with (if any) will pay an employee in cash. The indi-
larger and larger amounts of money involved vidual now bears the physical risk of visiting
and the tentacles of the black hats reaching that ATM on the dark street in that shady part
every section of society, from the individual to of town. The irony is, almost 50 years later,
the multi-national. As far as the banking sec- the criminals are back with a vengeance but
tor is concerned, there is more than a smatter- instead of shotguns and stocking masks, the
ing of irony here if we are to look back in his- tools are security scanners, proxies, social en-
tory to the 1970's. At that time (certainly in the gineering and scripts. The drive for efficiency
UK at least), there was an epidemic of armed and convenience has come full circle and the
robberies on banks and large employers with banks, the business and the individual are
cash payrolls, which led to a number of major once again a legitimate mass target.
changes to counteract the threat. The banking
sector spent millions on additional security, in- Financial or “white collar crime” has always ex-
stalling state of the art alarm systems, bullet isted, of course, but the shift of banking and
proof glass and automated shutters that de- electronic fund transfer to the global public
scended from the ceiling in the blink of an world of the Internet has been a game
eye. The security industry enjoyed a growth changer in increasing the risk footprint. In the
phase, and the judiciary handed out harsh pre-internet days, fund transfer was via dedi-
sentences (sometimes longer than that for cated secure lines and the banks had substan-
murder) as a deterrent to any that were fool- tial control as the customer was required to
ish enough to carry out such crimes. How- register their telephone number, otherwise
ever, it was not until the widespread adoption they could not log onto the system, and secu-
of salary payments being paid directly into em- rity was also enhanced with one
time passwords. On the downside, customer compromises the other party. The picture is
traffic was via the Plain Old Telephone Sys- further complicated as other parties need to
tem, the traffic was not encrypted and in the be security conscious as well. The customer
days prior to dedicated software for this pur- and organisation can take every reasonable
pose, all the customer needed was a suitable precaution, but this will be negated if the de-
modem and some terminal emulation soft- vice in question used to access the service
ware, the more advanced versions which has poor long term patch support from the
would allow you to capture then entire session manufacturer or is vulnerable to exploit. In a
to a text file, a major security risk. The consumer driven marketplace, it is unlikely
chances of a criminal gang from a foreign that this will be a concern to many outside the
country attempting to empty your bank ac- IT sector.
count was negligible, especially as the audio
quality of international telephone calls would The implications for both organisation and the
mean a large number of CRC data errors, and individual will be many, if indeed the whole is-
the cost of phoning the UK prohibitive. sue of cyber security is to be taken seriously.
In the instance of CEO fraud, apart from the
While automation and the Internet has played obvious tightening of internal procedures and
a part in making life easier for the masses, the improving email security by mitigating phish-
same applies to the cyber-criminal. The exact ing attacks, education, effective communica-
methodology used to gain access to the Tesco tion and culture are also critical factors in re-
accounts has not been disclosed, but this ducing risk. This will potentially also impact
could have been any number of ways. A com- suppliers, as they too need to be involved.
promised mobile application, an attack on the
website itself, a staff member or poor pass- As far as banking fraud is concerned, unlike
word hygiene on the part of the customer are the 1970's, we do not have the option of
all possible vectors. Coupled with even a mod- changing the method of payment. Much fur-
est bot-net, the opportunity for discovering ther investment is required in securing and
weaknesses in the system improves the odds testing websites, applications, devices and
considerably without resorting to the risky, procedures. Moving from the simple user-
time intensive, brute force attack, which hope- name / password / passphrase combination
fully would alert the victim to suspicious activ- to two or possibly even three factor authentica-
ity. tion would be a start, even returning to the
days of an additional one-time disposable key
Once again, it is ironic that the methods used via key fob. While these measures will im-
in the 1970's will be the most successful in de- prove security dramatically, there will always
feating the criminal, albeit with a modern tech- be a downside in that not only are they costly,
nological twist. The difference this time round but may be a barrier to entry and convenience
is that both the organisation and the customer is often preferred over integrity.
need to take steps to eliminate the risks; if ei-
ther side is lax in addressing security, this Increased auditing, limiting access to licensed
or approved devices / software and more strin-
gent vetting and checking of staff and busi-
ness partners are just the start. In the arms
race of business versus the hacker, security
does not come cheap, either in terms of finan-
cial cost or time to test adequately and high-
light vulnerabilities. We may even return to the
days of the hardware dongle, and mandatory
custom software for banking provided by the
banks themselves. While this might seem un-
thinkable in the age of the browser, it would
be a natural evolution to move towards closed
mobile / tablet applications if major improve-
ments in security can be demonstrated.