Chapter - 8: 8.1. Traffic Survey

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Chapter - 8

8.1. Traffic Survey:
Traffic survey is one of the most vital aspect of urban study as it depicts the degree of
urban mobility and interaction with surrounding areas. Road based, Mode based and Time
based traffic analysis have been conducted in three important Traffic Intersection Points
(TIPs) adjacent to the Nainital Lake.
A traffic survey was done at some major traffic intersection points in Nainital
along some major roads such Lower Mall Road , Upper Mall Road , Bhowali Road ,
Kathgodam Road , College Road and Snow view Road .
Some bar diagrams have been prepared to show the traffic flow variation at
three major traffic intersection points in Nainital. From these diagrams , it is clear that
the number of vehicles increase during peak time ( 10:00a.m. – 11:00 am .) in every
road. Especially the number of two wheeler increases during peak time. The total
number of vehicles decrease during off peak time (01:00 p.m.-02:00 p.m.) .
Some pie diagrams have been prepared to show the vehicular strength during
peak and off peak time. From these diagrams , it is clear that the number of vehicles
increase during peak time. It is seen that two wheelers are the dominant vehicle in
Snow view road. The number of taxi s and trucks increase in Bhowali road during
pick time. Four wheelers are dominant in College road. The total number of vehicles
decrease during off peak time in almost every road.
The diagram in Fig.3 shows the price of private cars from Nainital to some
other selected places. The diagram shows that it is most costly to go Corbett
National Park from Nainital in private car as the place having more route distance
from Nainital. The cost is increasing as per the distance increases from Nainital.
The diagram in Fig.4 shows the route distance from Nainital to some other
selected places. From this diagram , it is clear that New Delhi has the highest route
distance from Nainital. Himalaya Darshan has the lowest route distance from Nainital.
An accessibility map (Fig.5) has been prepared to show the accessibility from
Nainital to some major places. This map has been prepared through Detour Index. The
area having lowest value in Detour Index (New Delhi), is highly accessible. The area
having highest value in Detour Index (Bhimtal) , is very low accessible. Four
accessibility zone have been shown in this map. The zone having deepest colour in
map and lowest value in Detour Index , is very high accessible zone. The zone having
lightest colour in the map and highest value in Detour Index , is very low accessible
zone. The remaining two zones are high and low accessible zones .

8.2. Future Transport Development Plans in Nainital:

To design and suggest a better and safe transport system keeping in mind that Nainital
city is a prime tourist destination so large number of tourist visit Nainital. Given the
complexity of the problem due to more tourist, it is evident that isolated solution directed
several facts such as alternate new road, byepass, elevated road through Nala, road widening,
safety measures, sufficient parking lots, new Ropeway etc. will ease the traffic and
transportation system.

‘Efficient, Safe and Eco friendly to the

sensitive geological environmental nature of the area.’

The vision of the Road and Transport for the Nainital City is to provide with the safe and
reliable transport system that is sustainable, environmental friendly especially keeping in
mind the comfort of the visitors. Also to improve the share and quality of public transport
service that will improve the traffic management.

• Ensure free flow of traffic through junction improvement and providing sufficient off-street
• Ensure free and safe movement of pedestrian providing footpaths and Side Protection
• To provide alternate roads, elevated road through Nala and alternate ropeway
• To provide better and affordable public transport system

Major Initiatives/ Projects

Junctions Improvement

Following junctions are proposed for the improvements on the basis of observation and with
consultation of PWD Officer, Traffic Police of Nainital City.
• Tallital Bus stand junction
• Mallital Rickshaw stand junction
• Municipal council junction
• Telephone exchange junction
• Manu Maharani junction
• Sherwood junction
• Junction near Masjid
• Junction of Ramsay Road and Thandi Sarak (near Phansi Gadhera) Intersections must be
designed and operated for simplicity and uniformity. The design must keep the capabilities
and limitations of drivers, pedestrians and vehicles using intersections. It should be based on
knowledge of what a driver will do rather than what he should do. All the traffic information
on road signs and marking should be considered in the design stage prior to taking up
construction work. Any location having merging diverging or crossing maneuvers of two
vehicles is a potential conflict point. The main objective of the intersection design should be
minimising conflict points. The improvement measures normally include:

• Proper channelisation for the free left turn

• Foot path on approaches of the junctions
• Planned pedestrian zebra crossing
• Shifting of electric poles and cutting of trees
• Land acquisition / removing structures
• No parking on the approaches of the junction for at least 50 m
• Adequate and safe turning radii
• Appropriate gradient of the road at the intersection

Traffic Improvement Plan and Traffic Enforcement

As it is observed that there is haphazard on street parking which reduces road capacity
causing traffic congestion. Following areas are proposed for No Parking Zone.
• Upper Mall Road
• Lower Mall Road
• Upper Kaladungi Road
• Middle Cheena Road
• Upper Cheena Road
• Ramsay Road
• East Laggan Road
• Osley Road
• Upper Ayarpata Road

Proposed One - Way, Clockwise Traffic Movement

It is proposed to make the loop starting from Municipal Council Junction, Masjid, Metropole
Hotel, Telephone Exchange, state Guest House (Nainital Club), Mohan Co., B D Pandey
Hospital and back to Municipal Council Junction as One - Way in the clockwise direction.
This would entail removal of the road barrier near State Guest House. With this One – way
system inforce, the congestion on the road between telephone exchange and B D Pandey
hospital would be removed. This system would necessitate removal of all encroachments and
construction of elevated side walks of minimum 1 m width over the drain on either side of
roads. Simultaneously the stretch of road between Mohan Co. and Municipal Corporation
Office can be widened by about 2.0 m by acquiring land from the raised land on the western
side which is presently only being used as a walk way by the abutting houses.

Traffic Restrictions
The traffic restrictions on the Mall Road to stay as present. However, in summer peak period,
during 1800-2100 ‘No Vehicle’ Period on Mall Road, 2 – Way Rickshaw movement may be
allowed on lower Mall Road.

Traffic Enforcement and Regulations

It is necessary to strengthen traffic police with trained manpower and equipments for
effective enforcement and monitoring of traffic. As per observation and discussion with
traffic police, there is huge gap between existing strength of traffic police and demand in the
city. To improve the improvement of traffic enforcement in the city, following are required;
• Independent consultants (to conduct study for 5 years)
• Development traffic education modules
• Development of traffic training park
• Traffic education programme for 10 years
• Mall Road to be declared as Zero Tolerance Zone
• Parking Restrictions to be strictly enforced with increased police patrol
• All roads to be cleared of encroachments. No fresh encroachments – even minor
ones such as encroaching upon drain/ footpaths to be allowed
• No overtaking to be allowed on Mall Road
• Rickshaws to be heavily challaned for overtaking and moving outside designated
rickshaw lane
• Creation of a special traffic cell from local agencies to monitor and implement
traffic control and road development measures
• Innovative and more comfortable rickshaw design to be explored

Pedestrian Facilities and Safety Measures

Pedestrians are most vulnerable road users in cities. It is therefore necessary to provide better
facilities for pedestrian movement in areas where pedestrian movement is predominant.
Pedestrian facilities in terms of providing footpaths free of encroachment. Barriers on side of
roads. On the basis of observation and discussion with PWD officers, following footpath,
guardrails, side protection barriers are proposed.

Most of the roads are having road between 2.0 m to 3.5 m therefore providing footpath is not

Side Protection Barriers

As most of the roads in Nainital city are having steep gradient and the width of the road is
also very less, therefore for the pedestrians the roads are not safe especially during rainy
season the roads become slippery. Side protection barriers are either absent or inadequate.
Therefore it is necessary to provide side protection barrier. Side Protection Barriers are
available on following Roads.

Off Street Parking

The phenomenal growth of vehicles has lead to increased demand for parking. Being an
important tourist centre there is a sudden increase of floating population during summer. The
problem is further aggravated by the absence of adequate off street parking facility in the
proximity of hotels. Following off street parking lots are proposed to ease the acute parking
• Metropol Hotel has immediate available space for more than 250 car parking, The Nazul
land between Hotel Meteropol and Gadhera may be cleared of encroachments and stilted
parking may be constructed.
• On vacant hill side near St. Mary’s Convent School
• Land vacated by shifting out of Ghora stand along the Municipal Corporation Office
• Land between Municipal Office and Gandiel Road upto back of Ashok Cinema
• At Flats (Multi level) – on the land which is already in use for car parking
• Bus/ heavy vehicle parking on Haldwani Road. Construction of Bus/ heavy vehicle parking
with facilities of rest room is proposed on land near Dharamshala on Haldwani Road
• Bus/ heavy vehicle parking on Bhowali Road. Construction of Bus/ heavy vehicle
parking on land near pine and on Bhowali Road
Improvement of Existing Kharanja Road and Kutcha Road with CC
At present 7.26 km and 10.17 km roads are kharanja road with municipal Corporation and
PWD respectively. Similarly 1.51 km, 5.35 km road are kutcha with Municipal Corporation
and PWD. These roads need improvement. Improvement by laying cement concrete layers is

Passing Places on Existing Roads

The road width of most of the road is very less and it is not possible to wide these road
further therefore it is not proposed to provide passing places at appropriate places either by
hill side back cutting (possibilities is less) or by providing RCC cantilever.

Widening and Strengthening of Existing Road

The Upper Mall and the Lower Mall serve as the prime arterial road for the Nainital city. The
Upper Mall road is sinking and slopes have become negative in many places. The Lower
Mall road is very narrow at places and these bottle necks poses dangerous traffic hazards. It is
suggested to incorporate width adjustment between the two roads so as to widen the lower
Mall road at narrow stretches. Provide RCC R/W in places of existing R/W made of stone.
Similarly RCC R/W are required on the lower Mall road towards lake side as road is sinking
at many places. Then strengthen by overlaying. Thandi Sarak is at present kutcha road used
by resident / tourist for morning walk. It is proposed to lay interlock tiles to make it smooth.

New Bypass
To overcome congestion of Haldwani Road and to ease pressure of traffic on Mall Road, a
second entry from Haldwani Road is much required. It is proposed to construct a bypass from
Haldwani road (NH 87) near Baldiakhan which will join Kaladungi Road (SH 13) near
Sadiatal. Reserve Forest will come in the alignment of Byepass for which clearance from the
Forest Department will be needed. PWD Officers told clearance from the Forest Department
is already in process, hopefully clearance will be available within few months time.

New Road
New Road covering Nallah no. 23 from Flats (near masjid) upto Telephone Exchange
junction is proposed. The proposed majot roads and transport projects are shown in Map 7.1.

Elevated Road
As there is lot of traffic pressure on Mall roads at present. The problem will further aggravate
with traffic increase in future. Widening of these roads is not possible so elevated 2-lane road
with footpath parallel to lower Mall and bye passing the existing structure is proposed
through Lake.
Bus Stand
New Bus Stand can be located on Kaladhungi Road near Char Khet Village. The location will
be appropriate as proposed byepass joining Haldwani Road and Kaladhungi Road will be
about 2-3 kms from Proposed Bus Stand.

New Ropeways
With a view towards tourism development and giving an alternate mode of transport to the
local population following new ropeways are proposed. Harinagar – Hanumangarhi – Tallital;
Kilburg – Barapathar – Tiffin Top A circular Ropeway surrounding the lake at an elevated
level connedting zoo, tiffin top etc. is also proposed.

Intermediate Public Transport

Presently Intermediate Public Transport (IPT) system is absolutely missing in the city only
few taxis are available which charge very high tariff and cannot be afforded by the local
residents and even by budget tourists also. Few rickshaws are also available which are
operated on Mall road for restricted period. There is no local transport facility available from
3 entry points and from existing parking places. Therefore introducing low pollution light
good vehicles for intra city movement and good vehicles for inter city movement e.g.
between Bhowali, Bhimtal, Sattal, Nakuchiatal and Nainital etc. is also very much required.

Phased Intervention Programme

A phased programme of intervention has been worked out, the costing of which is presented
in Section 8, Table 8.5. All works mentioned above (except New Ropeways) are proposed
under Phase 1 (2007-13). The works for New Ropeways are proposed to be undertaken in
phase 2.

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