What'S In: Visual Arts Literacy Arts Audio - Visual Arts Contemporary Art

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Name: Lloyd Juniel Pilare

Grade & Section: XII – Oganesson

Subject: Contemporary Arts

Direction: Create your own graphic organizer by defining the following concepts: CONTEMPORARY ART
& ART FORMS. After illustrating your graphic organizer, explain and analyse it.

Contemporary Art Visual Arts Audio -Visual Arts Literacy Arts

Contemporary art as the

art of today is more of the - Forms perceived by - Known as performing
creative and critical self- the eyes arts - Art forms that are
expression of the artist. presented in the
- Known as spatial arts - Art forms perceived written mode and
Culture can contribute to
because it is an art by both ears (audio) intended to be read
the emerging art works
form that occupy space and eyes (video)
that can instill different
- Example: Prose
perspective among the - Includes: Painting, - Examples: Music, Novels, Essays, and
enthusiast and viewer of Sculpture and Dance, Social, and Poetry
the art. Architecture Drama

To understand
contemporary art forms,
you need to revisit the
Philippine Art aesthetic
timeline from most primal Graphic Arts Plastic Arts
to its contemporary form.

- Visual art forms with - Visual arts with

length and width length, width and
known as two- volume known as
dimensional arts (2D three- dimensional arts
Art) (3D Art)

- Flat art can be seen - Example: Sculpture,

on flat surface Architecture,
example: billboards Landscape
and advertisement in Architecture, City
magazine and print Planning Design, Set
ads, painting, printing, Design, Theater
drawing, sketching, Design, Industrial
mechanical processes, Design, Crafts and
computer graphics and Allied Arts.
Activity 1.
Answer the discussion questions.

1. How can you infer the birth of various contemporary art forms in our country?

There has a various contemporary art form in our country such as painting, sculpture,
photography, and video art which was developed through time. Philippines has a large variety of
contemporary arts influenced by the foreign country since Spaniard’s era until now. The Art was
developed from a simple carvings and paintings to photography, video art, or something with the use of
technology. It’s wonderful how the simple art became more and more modern and explorable unlike the
ancient times that there has only small variety of forms used in making art. It is also easier now since
there already a gadget uses to make an art like Photoshop or editors.

2.How can you advocate our various contemporary art forms from different regions?

Learning a different forms of art from our different regions is fun and has a lot of benefits. Art is
a way of expressing oneself to the world and also a way of avoiding stress but we usually used the way of
foreign country in making arts, so why not we try to learn the art of our own, there is a lot of
contemporary arts from our own regions. First learn how to love our own piece before others, we should
be proud on our own culture and arts because how can you advocate to others something if you, yourself
don’t do it. We can advocate those regional contemporary arts just by making them and showing them
to our family, friends or in sharing them in social media. We can tell how wonderful the history, and the
way of making those art to others, especially when they are best to kill time and worth it or simply
putting them as a design.

3.How will you show appreciation to the various contemporary art forms in our country?

Our country is rich and varied when it comes to culture, literature, and arts but sometimes its
appreciated less, so how will we show our appreciation to the various contemporary arts in our country.
We can show our appreciation toward arts by simply going to an exhibit or museum of regional arts and
identify the meaning behind those arts.
Activity 2.
Analyze the following visual art forms. Answer the succeeding columns.

Visual Art Category Art Style Symbolism Era Significance

Silent air, The ability to

pale woman shift
Japanese art surrounded creatively
Surrealistic style and by trees 1975 through
patters emphasize different
hiding the painting
emotions styles

Poetry, femininity,
drama, and Life and work religious
story Oil on canvas of Julie Lluch 1901 conviction,
social mores

Endurance, Main for the

Modern strength and most famous
Philippine architecture indomitable New era arena in the
Arena spirit of the Philippines


Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. What contemporary art form classification is the most prevalent art form in our country and why?

For me, and I think the most common contemporary art form classification in our country is
audio visual arts because it is popular to use technology or gadgets nowadays and most people
especially teenagers and kids uses and spend their time using gadgets and its more enjoyable for the to
make an art using technology especially now that kids and teens are most likely to watch cartoons and

2. What is the importance of the contemporary art form classification in today’s society?

Arts has a wide variety and it’s not really hard to classify arts. By identifying the different
classification arts, it is easier for you to know the meaning behind the art or the expression used in the
artwork. It will make you observe more about the artwork, if you know what is that artwork. And by
knowing the kind of artwork you are looking at, you will know its difference from the other

3. What are the advantages in learning the different art forms in the Philippines?

Not really advantage, but benefits. Learning from the different art forms of the Philippines is for
us Filipinos to express the cultural richness of the archipelago in all its diversity. And to know the beauty
and goodness of the arts of the Philippines.

Activity 1. Let us reflect. Draw a symbol that signifies your feelings after discovering the Philippine Art
History and the different contemporary art forms. Write 5 to 10 sentences on how you value this new
knowledge based from the symbol that you draw.

As a student, I'm constantly captivated by how an artist imparts their

message through different form of arts. Thus, by offering appreciation
to art and its history, gaining more knowledge about it, and
endeavoring to make it, I can esteem and like it. Numerous people
are unconscious of the importance of art. Subsequently, I'd prefer to
be a supporter of art, especially those made by Filipinos. It's
something we can be glad for, and it can assist us with getting global

Direction: Multiple Choice: Write the letter (in Capital) of the best answer onthe space provided before
the number.

C 1. It is known as a contemporary art form that are presented in written mode

and intended to be read.

A. Audio-Visual Arts B. Plastic Arts C. Literary Arts D. Visual Arts

A 2. What is the common theme for Okir which is known as the flower symbol of

the ancestral home of the highest title holder in a Maranao village?

A. Torogan B. Naga C. Pako D. Sarimanok

B 3. Which of the following is the BEST example of graphic arts?

A. Poem B. Photograph C. 3D Art D. Farce

D 4. Which of the following is the known as the pre colonial art?

A. Handicraft B.Ceramics C. Clay D.Tattoo

C 5. Which of the following is the best characteristic of plastic arts?

A. Length B. Width C. Volume D. Art

C 6. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the pre-colonial art form?

A. Religious symbols B. Animistic C. Baroque D. Trader’s influences

A 7. During the neolithic era, shells were fashioned into tools as well as

ornaments. The oldest known ornaments made from cone shell were found

in 1960 in the grave of an adult male in a cave. Where do these ornaments

can be found?

A. Palawan B. Cagayan C. Sgagada D. Zambales

A 8. It is known as an attempt at contextualizing art made in today’s global

context as a reaction against standardization and commercialism.

A. Altermodernism B. Neorealism C. Postmodernism D. Contemporary

B 9. Which of the following is NOT a popular art style during the Philippine

Colonial American period?

A.Manila City Hall C. National Museum

B. Cultural Center of the Philippines D. Metropolitan Theater

D 10. Who is known as the father of the Filipino painting? He is also the first

Filipino to paint his face, the first self-portrait in the Philippines.

A. Juan Luna B. Felix Hidalgo C. Jose Rizal D. Damian Domingo

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