Transcultural NSG SAS 19
Transcultural NSG SAS 19
Transcultural NSG SAS 19
Multiple Choice
1. This refers to the ability of health care providers and organizations to understand and respond effectively
cultural and linguistic needs of clients
a. Cultural humility
Cultural awareness
C Cultural competence
d. Cultural diversity
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RATIO: InAvlt provi din
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RATIO: Auotin b
3. Which of the following is true regarding the 2012 National Healthcare Disparities Report?
a. Health care quality and access are suboptimal, especially for minority and low-income groups.
b. Overall quality is improving, access is getting worse, and disparities are not changing.
of diabetes care, maternal and
C. Urgent attention is warranted to ensure continued improvements in quality
child health, cancer care, quality of care among states in the South
All of the above
ANSWER: he on nHDR
RATIO: hege a 7 the hemes
4. Which of the following healthcare disparities are seen in Asians as compared to Whites?
Maternal deaths per 100,000 live births
Adults age 50+ who ever received colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or proctoscopy
Adjusted incidence of end-stage renal disease due to diabetes per million population
d. Hospital patients with heart attack who received fibrinolytic medication within 30 minutes of arrival
ANSWER:. hta Ith Ctt ponie s Seen (a A s n dnportA o ahies
RATIO: his dhe h
5. Which ofthe following healthcaredisparityis not TRUE regarding Hispanics as compared to non-Hispanic
a. Home health care patients who have less shortness of breath
b. Advanced stage invasive breast cancer incidence per 100,000 women age 40+
C. Adults age 40+ with diagnosed diabetes who received 2 or more hemoglobin A1c measurements in the
calendar year
d.Hispanic patient with heart attack who received fibrinolytic medication within 30 minutes of an
RATIO: tion 3 hwthcae ds9m nApncan AnenM r m pored t vhIR
6. In Bolman and Deal's Organization Culture Perspective, which of the following emphasizes power and problems
are viewed as "turf issues
a. Human resource frame
b. Structural frame
C. Political frame
RATIO: ono ome ppuer andd pncs Ynolons art
7. The structuralframe of Boimanand Deal's Organizational Perspective focuses on which of the following
a. Facilitating the fit between person and organization
b. Power and politics
Following an organization's rules or protocols
d. Rituals, ceremony, and myths in determining appropriate
ANSWER telis On sol nyliot
RATIO:he smchup frone follow Phoceclues
8. Schein hasdescribed organizational culture in several levels which include (Select all that apply)
a. Observable artifacts
. Values
C. Rituals, ceremonies, and myths
d. Inclusive workplace
e. Basic underlying assumptions
RATIO ohn dcLon be s Orm ani tanonat dalhu Mree auels ind Ob&erul e
Vohye hd i horl in aCSOmption S._
9. The platinum
rule in an inclusive workplace means
a. Treat others as you wish to be treated
b. Treat others as they wish to be treated
C.What you upon others, you wish upon yourself
d.._Do not treat others in ways that you would not like to be treated
ANSWER: he trest othea baed on haT
RATIO:Fis a om oyoldon wle J0A hat ya Shevld
Your instructor will
now rationalize the answers you. You can now ask questions and debate among
for yourselves. Write
#ho ocrraat ancwar end correctladditional ratio in the space provided.
LESSON WRAP-UP (5 minutes)
students track
Teacher directs the student to mark (encircle) their place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to helpthe
This tracker will be part of student
how much work they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
activity sheet.
You are done with the session! Lef's track your progress. *************************************
******** *******
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