2D 3D Verification Problems
2D 3D Verification Problems
2D 3D Verification Problems
Verification Problems
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Table of Contents
Verification Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Verification Problem 1: Truss Model Axial Forces Comparison .......................................................................... 2
Verification Problem 2: Cantilever Deflection ............................................................................................................. 4
Verification Problem 3: Hot Rolled Steel Frame Member Loads ......................................................................... 6
Verification Problem 4: Cantilever with Thermal Loads......................................................................................... 8
Verification Problem 5: Hot Rolled Steel Design Calculations ............................................................................ 10
Verification Problem 6: Curved Member Forces ...................................................................................................... 46
Verification Problem 7: Beam Frequency.................................................................................................................... 48
Verification Problem 8: Plate Deflections.................................................................................................................... 50
Verification Problem 9: Dynamic (Response Spectra) Analysis ........................................................................ 53
Verification Problem 10: Wood Design Calculations .............................................................................................. 56
Verification Problem 11: Tapered Hot Rolled Steel Frame Design ................................................................... 73
Verification Problem 12: P-Delta Analysis .................................................................................................................. 78
Verification Problem 13: Projected Loads .................................................................................................................. 84
Verification Problem 14: Solid Elements Comparison ........................................................................................... 87
Verification Problem 15: AISC 15th Edition Tension Members ......................................................................... 89
Verification Problem 16: AISC 15th Edition Compression Members ................................................................ 91
Verification Problem 17: AISC 15th Edition Bending Members .......................................................................... 93
Verification Problem 18: AISC 15th Edition Shear Members ............................................................................... 95
Verification Problem 19: AISC 15th Edition Combined Forces and Torsion.................................................. 97
Verification Problem 20: Aluminum Compression Members ............................................................................. 99
Verification Problem 21: Aluminum Bending Members .................................................................................... 103
Verification Overview
Verification Methods
We at RISA maintain a library of dozens of test problems used to validate the computational aspects
of RISA programs. In this verification package we present a representative sample of these test
problems for your review.
These test problems should not necessarily be used as design examples; in some cases the input
and assumptions we use in the test problems may not match what a design engineer would do in a
“real world” application. The input for these test problems was formulated to test RISA-3D’s
performance, not necessarily to show how certain structures should be modeled.
The RISA-3D solutions for each of these problems are compared to either hand calculations or
solutions from other well established programs. By “well established” we mean programs that have
been in general use for many years, such as the Berkeley SAPIV program. The original SAPIV
program is still the basis for several commercial programs currently on the market (but not RISA-
The reasoning is if two or more independently developed programs that use theoretically sound
solution methods arrive at the same results for the same problem, those results are correct. The
likelihood that both programs will give the same wrong answers is considered extremely remote.
If discrepancies occur between the RISA-3D and the SAPIV results during testing, we don’t
automatically assume SAPIV is correct. Additional testing and hand calculations are used to verify
which solution (if either) is correct. There are instances where SAPIV results have been proven to
be incorrect.
The data for each of these verification problems is provided. The files are Verification Problem
1.r3d for problem 1, Verification Problem 2.r3d for problem 2, etc. When you install RISA-3D these
data files are copied into the Documents\RISA\Model Files\Examples directory. If you want to
run any of these problems yourself, just read in the appropriate data file and have at it.
RISA-2D Verification
Due to the similarities in the two programs, this document can also be used to verify RISA-2D.
Therefore, we have created RISA-2D model files (.r2d files) for each two-dimensional verification
problem and have included them in the Documents\RISA\Model Files\Examples folder of your
RISA-2D installation.
Verification Version
This document contains problems that have been verified in RISA-3D version 17 and RISA-2D
version 16.0.1 (note RISA-2D will not support AISC 360-16, 15th Edition, checks until version 17).
Verification Problem 1
Problem Statement
This problem is a typical truss model (please see Figure 1.1 below). The members are pinned at
both ends, thus they behave as truss elements. This particular problem is presented as example 3.7
on page 171 of Structural Analysis and Design by Ketter, Lee, and Prawel. The text lists “Q” as the
load magnitude and “a” as the panel width. For this solution “Q” is taken as 10 kN and “a” is taken as
2 meters (standard metric units).
This problem provides a comparison of the stiffness method used in RISA-3D with the joint
equilibrium method used in the text. The joint equilibrium method may be used to solve statically
determinate structures only, while the stiffness method can solve wither determinate or
indeterminate models.
Validation Method
The model was created in RISA-3D using W10x17 steel shapes pinned at both ends. The end
supports were traditional pin and roller constraints. After solution, the axial force results calculated
by RISA-3D are then compared with axial force results presented in the text.
Axial Force Comparison (All Forces in kN)
Member RISA-3D Text % Difference
M1 39.131 39.131 0.00
M7 11.180 11.180 0.00
M13 5.590 5.590 0.00
M17 -23.750 -23.750 0.00
Table 1.1 – Force Comparison
Verification Problem 2
Problem Statement
This model is simply a cantilever with a vertical load applied at the end. The cantilever is 2499 feet
in length, modeled using a series of 2499 general section beams, each 1 ft in length (see Figure 2.1).
This problem tests the numerical accuracy of RISA-3D. Any significant precision errors would show
up dramatically in a model like this.
Validation Method
The RISA-3D solution will be compared with the theoretical displacement and rotation for a
cantilever with a load at its end (see Table 2.1). The equations are:
3∗ ∗
2∗ ∗
Cantilever Solution Comparison (Standard Skyline Solver)
Value RISA-3D Theoretical % Difference
Displacement (in) -8989.29 -8989.2 0.001
Rotation (rad) -0.4496 -0.44964 0.009
Cantilever Solution Comparison (Sparse Accelerated Solver)
Value RISA-3D Theoretical % Difference
Displacement (in) -8989.28 -8989.2 0.001
Rotation (rad) -0.4496 -0.44964 0.009
Table 2.1 – Results Comparison
As seen above, the results match exactly or have negligible difference.
Verification Problem 3
Problem Statement
This model is a small 3D frame with oblique members (see Figure 3.1). The purpose of this model is
to test RISA-3D’s handling of member loads. The members in this model are loaded with full
distributed loads, partial length distributed loads, point loads, joint loads, and moments in various
load combinations.
In some cases, the loads are used to test RISA-3D against itself. For example, the self weight
capability will also be tested by calculating a set of distributed loads equivalent to the member’s self
weight. The solution for these applied loads is compared to the RISA-3D automatic self weight
Validation Method
The RISA-3D results are compared with the solution of this model using the Berkeley SAPIV
program (see Table 3.1). SAPIV has been used widely in various forms for well over 20 years. Many
commercial programs currently on the market can be traced back to the original SAPIV program.
Member Force Comparison: RISA-3D vs. SAPIV
Member Load Combination Force RISA-3D SAPIV % Difference
M1 7 Axial (k) 8.878 * 0.056
M1 8 Axial (k) 8.883 * 0.056
M9 3 Axial (k) -17.359 -17.350 0.052
M9 5 Mz (k-ft) -10.151 -10.150 0.010
M9 6 My (k-ft) 7.535 7.530 0.066
M10 2 Mz (k-ft) 18.606 18.610 0.021
M10 6 Mz (k-ft) -31.711 -31.700 0.035
M11 1 Mz (k-ft) -10.690 -10.690 0.000
M11 5 My (k-ft) 2.460 2.450 0.407
M11 6 Z- Shear (k) -7.799 -7.800 0.013
M12 4 My (k-ft) 4.477 4.480 0.067
M12 5 Y-Shear (k) 3.880 3.880 0.000
Table 3.1 – Force Comparison
*These results are those in which RISA-3D tested against itself. Load Case 7 is the self weight
defined as applied loads. Load Case 8 is the automatic self weight calculation, so compare Load Case
7 results to those of Load Case 8.
As can be seen above, the results match very closely. Any slight variations in the results can be
attributed to round off differences.
Verification Problem 4
Problem Statement
This model is used to test the thermal force calculations in RISA-3D. The model is a five member
cantilever with a spring in the local x direction at the free end (see Fig. 4.1). As the model is loaded
thermally the spring resist some, but not all, of the thermal expansion.
Thermal loads cause structural behavior somewhat different from other loads. For gravity loads,
displacements induce stress; but for thermal loading, displacements cause stress to be relieved. For
example, a free end cantilever that undergoes a thermal loading would expand without resistance
and thus no stress. Conversely, a fixed-fixed member that undergoes the same thermal loading
would see a stress increase with no displacements.
This model uses a spring to provide partial resistance to the thermal load. This is realistic in that
members generally would have only partial resistance to thermal effects.
Validation Method
The model is validated by the use of hand calculations (see Table 4.1). The theoretically exact
solution may be calculated for comparison with the RISA-3D result. Following are those
Property Values:
Area (A) = 50 cm2
Young’s Modulus (E) = 70,000 MPa
Thermal Load (ΔT) = 300°
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (α) = 0.000012 cm/cm°C
Spring Stiffness (K) = 500 kN/cm
Length (L) = 10 meters
We’ll call the actual displacement of the member “∆Actual.” Now we’ll say “P” is the force in the spring,
=∆ ∗
So, using these formulations, the following is true:
∆ ∗ =∆ ∗ −∆
In other words, the “resisted expansion” of the member is the thermal expansion that is not allowed
to occur because of the spring and is equal to ∆Free*-∆Actual. Think of it as the spring force pushing the
member end back this resisted expansion distance.
Thermal Results Comparison
Solution Method Displacement (cm) Axial Force (kN)
Exact 1.482 741.20
RISA-3D 1.482 741.18
Table 4.1 – Results Comparison
As can be seen above, the results match exactly.
Verification Problem 5
Problem Statement
This verification model is a two bay, two story space frame. The model is comprised of WF, Tee,
Channel, and Tube members (see Fig. 5.1). Note the use of the inactive code “Exclude” to isolate
only those members to be checked.
This problem is used to verify the stress and steel code check calculations in RISA-3D. Both ASD and
LRFD codes will be checked.
Validation Method
Following are the hand calculations for various members for various load combinations. The steel
codes used are the AISC 360-16 (15th Edition) ASD and AISC 360-16 (15th Edition) LRFD. Stiffness
Reduction per the Direct Analysis Method has been turned off for this example. At least one
member of each type (WF, Tee, Channel, and Tube) is validated. These hand calculation values are
used to validate the results given by RISA-3D (see Tables 5.1 and 5.2).
ASD Hand Calculations
Member M10, Load Combination 1:
Member M1, Load Combination 2:
Member M14, Load Combination 3:
Member M25, Load Combination 2:
Member M20, Load Combination 4:
Member M16, Load Combination 6:
ASD Results Comparison
ASD Unity Check Comparisons
Member Load Combination RISA-3D Hand Calculations % Difference
M10 1 0.063 0.063 0.00
M1 2 0.972 0.972 0.00
M14 3 4.840 4.840 0.00
M25 2 0.212 0.212 0.00
M20 4 0.447 0.447 0.00
M16 6 1.079 1.079 0.00
Table 5.1 – ASD Comparisons
As can be seen in the chart above, the results match exactly.
LRFD Hand Calculations
Member M10, Load Combination 10:
Member M1, Load Combination 11:
Member M14, Load Combination 12:
Member M25, Load Combination 11:
Member M20, Load Combination 13:
Member M16, Load Combination 15:
LRFD Results Comparison
LRFD Unity Check Comparisons
Member Load Combination RISA-3D Hand Calculations % Difference
M10 10 0.058 0.058 0.00
M1 11 0.783 0.783 0.00
M14 12 3.913 3.913 0.00
M25 11 0.174 0.174 0.00
M20 13 0.374 0.374 0.00
M16 15 1.215 1.215 0.00
Table 5.2- LRFD Comparisons
As can be seen in the chart above, the results match exactly.
Verification Problem 6
Problem Statement
This problem is a spiral staircase model solved using both RISA-3D and GTStrudl. The structure is a
series of short concrete steps, modeled as beams (see Figure 6.1). Uniform loads and self-weight are
The primary use of this problem is to validate RISA-3D against an accepted program other than
SAPIV. RISA-3D, SAPIV, and GTStrudl were independently developed and thus can be validated
against one another. SAPIV and GTStrudl were both originally developed as mainframe programs
using the FORTRAN language, while RISA-3D has been developed as a microcomputer application
using the C language.
Validation Method
The member forces calculated by RISA-3D are compared with the GTStrudl member forces (see
Table 6.1). If the member forces match, it is reasonable to assume the joint displacements also
match since the member forces are derived from the joint displacements.
Force Comparison: RISA-3D vs. GTStrudl
Member Force RISA-3D Result GTStrudl Result % Difference
M1 Axial (k) 20.62 20.62 0.00
M5 Y-Shear (k) 8.94 8.94 0.00
M7 Z-Shear (k) -14.88 -14.88 0.00
M10 Torque (k-ft) -0.19 -0.19 0.00
M15 My (k-ft) -29.73 -29.73 0.00
M18 Mz (k-ft) 2.14 2.14 0.00
Table 6.1 – Force Comparison
As seen above, the results match exactly.
Verification Problem 7
Problem Statement
This problem is designed to test the dynamic solution. The first ten frequencies for a simply
supported beam, modeled as a series of 50 individual beam elements (see Figure 7.1), are
calculated. The beam is also modeled with nearly identical stiffness properties for its y-y and z-z
bending axes (Iyy = 20,000 in4 & Izz = 20,000.1 in4). This means each frequency calculated by the
Eigensolver should be duplicated (once for each bending axis). So, to get the first ten separate
frequencies, we ask for 19 frequencies to be calculated.
Validation Method
The frequencies calculated by RISA-3D will be compared to the “exact” frequencies presented by
Formulas for Natural Frequency and Mode Shape by Dr. Robert D. Blevins (see Table 7.1).
The equation presented by Blevins for the transverse frequencies is:
Г ∗
=' *∗+
2∗)∗ ,
=- .∗+
2∗)∗ /
Where: Г = i*π
m = mass per unit
µ = mass density
i = frequency number (i = 1, 2, 3 . . .)
For our model: E = 30,000 ksi
I = 20,000 in4
m = 0.10783 slugs/in
µ = 0.00074885 slugs/in3
Frequency Comparison: RISA-3D vs. Blevins
Frequency Blevins Value RISA-3D % RISA-3D %
No. (Hz) y-y Axis Values (Hz) Difference z-z Axis Values (Hz) Difference
1 0.643 0.643 0.000 0.643 0.000
2 2.573 2.573 0.000 2.573 0.000
3 5.790 5.789 0.000 5.789 0.017
4 10.292 10.292 0.000 10.292 0.000
5 16.085 16.082 0.019 16.082 0.019
6 23.158 23.158 0.000 23.158 0.000
7 31.521 31.520 0.003 31.520 0.003
8 41.170 41.168 0.005 41.168 0.005
9 41.699 41.692 0.017 - -
10 52.106 52.101 0.010 52.101 0.010
Table 7.1 – Frequency Comparison
*Note: Frequency No. 9 is the first longitudinal frequency, it appears only once; it is not duplicated.
As can been seen above, the results match almost exactly.
Verification Problem 8
Problem Statement
This problem is used to test plate/shell elements for bending, membrane action and “twist.” The
problem also gives a verification of a rectangular beam member for torsion. The model is of two
cantilever beams, the first modeled using a mesh of finite elements, and the second modeled using a
rectangular beam (see Figure 8.1). Three different loadings applied at the free ends of the
cantilevers are considered. These are an out-of-plane bending load, an in-plane, vertical membrane
load, and a torsional twisting moment.
Validation Method
This model is validated by comparing the deflections and rotations at the free ends of each
cantilever (see Table 8.1). These results will also be checked against theoretical hand calculations.
Following are these calculations:
Property Values:
Beam Depth (D) = 60 in
Beam Width (B) = 6 in
Area (A) = 360 in2
Length (L) = 30 ft
Young’s Modulus (E) = 4000 ksi
Shear Modulus (G) = 1539 ksi
Bending load applied at the free end (Pb) = 50 kips
Membrane load applied at the free end (Pm) = 5000 kips
Torsional load applied at the free end (T) = 625 k-ft (7500 k-in)
Moment of Inertia for the Bending Load (Ib) = 1080 in4
Moment of Inertia for the Membrane Load (Im) = 108,000 in4
Free End Deflection Comparison: Plates vs. Beams
Plates/Shells Beam
Loading (Node N8) (Node N2) Theory
Bending (Z) 179.738 in 180.038 in 180.038 in
Membrane (Y) 180.172 in 183.825 in 183.899 in
Torsion (X Rot.) 0.409 rad 0.434 rad 0.434 rad
Table 8.1 – Deflection Comparison
As can be seen above, the results match very closely.
Verification Problem 9
Problem Statement
This problem is used to test the Dynamic Analysis and the Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA)
features in RISA-3D. The model for this problem is essentially a flagpole with asymmetric triangular
projections at five elevations (see Fig. 9.1). The asymmetric projections of the “flagpole” will ensure
that there is a large amount of modal coupling between the lateral modes. This is desirable because
it will highlight any errors in the SRSS spatial combination. A model with no modal coupling will
give the same spatially combined spectral results using the SRSS rule or an absolute sum.
The model will be analyzed in all three global directions using the CQC modal combination method
with 5% damping. These spectral results will be added using the SRSS spatial combination option
and then compared to the results of the same model in SAP2000. The three separate results will
also be combined as an absolute sum and compared to the results of the SRSS reactions.
The 1994 UBC design spectra for soil type S1 will be the response spectra used to obtain the
spectral results. Multipliers were applied to the S1 spectra as follows: 1.0 for the SX, 0.5 for the SY,
and 0.3 for the SZ. The mass used for the dynamic solution consists of concentrated loads to all the
free joints. Self weight was not included in the model solution.
Validation Method
The model was built as shown above made up of rectangular steel sections with the J value assumed
to equal 182.52 in4. The frequencies, mass participation factors, the reaction at the free end, and the
spectral displacements at the tip of the upper triangle will be calculated by RISA-3D and then
compared against the same model run in SAP2000 (see Tables 9.1-9.4).
The comparison of the frequencies and the mass participation will be to check the dynamic solution
and RSA. The reactions at the fixed end and the displacements at the top triangle tip will check the
RSA and the SRSS combination feature.
Frequencies and Mass Participation Factors by Mode
RISA-3D Results SAP2000 Results
Mass Participation (%) Mass Participation (%)
Mode Freq. (Hz) SX SY SZ Freq. (Hz) SX SY SZ
1 0.44 47.60 16.93 0.64 0.44 47.59 16.94 0.64
2 0.44 16.15 49.37 0.85 0.44 16.16 49.37 0.85
3 1.89 0.41 1.73 1.89 0.41 1.73
4 2.49 18.47 0.04 1.36 2.49 18.48 0.04 1.36
5 2.67 0.14 18.14 0.27 2.67 0.14 18.14 0.27
6 5.12 0.94 1.29 5.12 0.94 1.29
7 5.95 4.11 0.35 0.91 5.94 4.11 0.35 0.91
8 6.56 0.02 3.83 0.03 6.55 0.02 3.82 0.03
9 7.76 0.46 0.39 7.75 0.46 0.39
10 8.77 1.05 0.31 1.03 8.77 1.05 0.31 1.03
11 9.19 0.22 0.07 0.12 9.18 0.22 0.07 0.12
12 10.31 0.25 0.08 10.30 0.25 0.08
13 10.55 0.03 1.93 0.12 10.54 0.03 1.93 0.12
14 12.89 3.61 26.53 12.87 3.61 26.46
15 14.05 1.96 9.94 14.02 1.95 9.99
16 16.08 0.49 1.14 0.51 16.06 0.50 1.12 0.51
17 16.92 1.03 0.29 0.06 16.88 1.01 0.31 0.05
18 20.90 1.18 0.10 1.78 20.84 1.18 0.10 1.78
19 22.37 0.13 0.47 22.34 0.12 0.48
20 25.70 0.46 0.18 0.99 25.61 0.45 0.18 0.98
21 28.87 0.06 1.53 15.94 28.78 0.06 1.56 15.44
22 29.56 0.01 0.73 15.41 29.48 0.01 0.69 15.81
23 33.96 0.01 1.00 33.83 0.01 0.99
24 34.94 0.01 0.32 34.80 0.01 0.33
25 36.20 0.02 0.01 0.04 36.06 0.02 0.01 0.04
26 52.37 14.81 52.26 14.92
27 66.96 0.07 0.01 66.63 0.07 0.01
28 73.01 0.17 0.11 72.59 0.17 0.11
29 79.31 0.10 75.76 0.10 0.01
30 81.55 0.05 1.11 80.96 0.05 1.10
Total -- 99.17 98.94 93.92 -- 99.16 98.93 93.86
Table 9.1 – Frequencies and Mass Participation Factors
As can be seen in the chart above, the frequencies and mass participation factors match almost
exactly for all modes.
Comparison of the Fixed End Spectral Reactions
Program Node (k) (k) (k) MX (k-ft) MY (k-ft) MZ (k-ft)
RISA-3D N1 55.75 28.42 30.82 251.62 497.88 41.14
SAP2000 N3 55.94 28.52 30.82 254.30 502.90 41.50
% Difference -- 0.34 0.34 0.00 1.06 1.00 0.86
Table 9.2 – Spectral Reactions
Note: The signs of the RISA results have been adjusted to match SAP2000 sign convention
These reactions were obtained from the SRSS combination of all three spectral results (SX,SY,and
SZ). As shown above, the reactions at the fixed end are also almost identical.
Comparison of the Top Level Deflections (at the Tip of the Flagpole Projection)
Program Node X (in) Y (in) (in) ΘX (rad) ΘY (rad) ΘZ (rad)
RISA-3D N21 29.36 15.97 8.75 0.09 0.18 0.05
SAP2000 N78 29.79 16.17 8.85 0.09 0.18 0.05
% Difference -- 1.44 1.24 1.13 0.00 0.00 0.00
Table 9.3 – Tip Deflections
These reactions were obtained from the SRSS combination of all three spectral results (SX, SY, and
SZ). As shown above, the deflections at the tip of the top level are almost exactly the same.
Verification Problem 10
Problem Statement
This problem tests the ANSI/AWC NDS-2015 ASD code check. The two bay portal frame model (see
Fig. 10.1) is made up of several different shapes, species, and grades of lumber, with one bay braced
in the X-direction. The model is loaded with combinations of Dead Load, Live Load, and Lateral
(Wind) Load. A different CD (Load Duration) factor is used for each load combination.
Validation Method
Following are the hand calculations for various members for various load combinations. All code
check calculations and wood properties are from the ANSI/AWC NDS-2015 including the
Supplement (see Table 10.1). Several different situations commonly encountered in wood design
are shown here, such as columns, beams, and combined beam/column members. The member
stresses (axial, bending, and shear) will also be calculated as part of the verification.
Member M1, Load Combo 3: (DL +LL+Wind)
Member M2, Load Combo 2: (DL +LL)
*Note: For some members the limitations in section 3.6.3 control over any of the equations. This is
because in the Compression-Bending Interaction equation (Eqn. 3.9-3), if the bending goes to zero,
the equation will automatically square the compression portion, lowering it from what we know to
be the actual capacity ( fc/Fc’ vs. (fc/Fc’)2 ). This section allows us to use the compression portion
without squaring it to know the true capacity of the compression-only member.
Member M3, Load Combo 3: (DL +LL+Wind)
Member M5, Load Combo 1: (DL Only)
Member M6, Load Combo 3: (DL +LL+Wind)
*Note: For some members the limitations in section 3.6.3 control over any of the equations. This is
because in the Compression-Bending Interaction equation (Eqn. 3.9-3), if the bending goes to zero,
the equation will automatically square the compression portion, lowering it from what we know to
be the actual capacity ( fc/Fc’ vs. (fc/Fc’)2 ). This section allows us to use the compression portion
without squaring it to know the true capacity of the compression-only member.
NDS 2015 Wood Bending Check Comparisons
Member Load Combo RISA-3D Hand Calc % Difference
M1 3 0.313 0.314 0.32
M2 2 0.254 0.254 0.00
M3 3 3.047 3.047 0.00
M5 1 2.429 2.429 0.00
M6 3 0.529 0.529 0.00
Table 10.1 – Bending Unity Check Comparison
As seen in the chart above, the results match very closely. The cause for any slight differences can
be attributed to numerical round off.
Verification Problem 11
Problem Statement
This problem is used to test the tapered WF sections. A typical single bay with a sloped roof (see
Fig. 11.1) will be analyzed using tapered WF sections for the columns and beams. Loading will
consist of vertical member projected loads, lateral member distributed loads, and member point
loads. Gravity self-weight will also be applied.
Validation Method
The frame analyzed with tapered WF sections will be compared to a similar frame, which is
modeled with 14 piecewise prismatic sections for each tapered WF member in the original frame
(see Fig. 11.1). Since each tapered WF member is modeled internally as a 14 piecewise prismatic
“member,” the results should match very closely. Selected joint deflections, reactions, and member
section forces will be compared (see Tables 11.1-11.3). The ASD code checks on the tapered WF
sections (for member properties see Table 11.4) will be compared to hand calculations using the
AISC 360-16 (15th Ed.) ASD Steel Code and the AISC Design Guide #25: Frame Design Using Web-
Tapered Members.
Comparison of Joint Deflections – Load Combination 1
Tapered WF Frame Equivalent "Piecewise" Frame
Node Direction Deflection (in) Node Direction Deflection (in)
N2 X -0.877 N7 X -0.877
N3 Y -3.002 N8 Y -3.002
N4 X 0.290 N9 X 0.290
Table 11.1 – Joint Deflections
The joint deflections were checked at the top left corner, peak, and top right corner, respectively. As
is seen in the chart above, the results match exactly.
Tapered Section Properties
Tapered WF Properties
Taper Start Taper End
Total Depth (in) 7 14
Web Thickness (in) 0.25 0.25
Flange Width (in) 6 6
Flange Thickness (in) 0.375 0.375
Table 11.4 – Section Properties
AISC 15th Ed. (and AISC Design Guide 25) ASD Code Check for M2, Load Combination 2:
As seen above, the results match the RISA-3D result within a reasonable amount of error.
Verification Problem 12
Problem Description
This problem represents a 10 story moment resistant steel frame. This model tests the first- and
second- order lateral displacements (see Figure 12.1) by using several different methods both in
RISA-3D and by hand. These methods are based on satisfying the new P-Delta design requirements
found in current design codes. The hand verification of this problem is similar to that given in The
Seismic Design Handbook by Farzad Naeim(Example 7-1).
A model was built per the description given in the text. The beams and columns were entered as the
given wide flange sections shown in Figure 12.3. The applied loads were entered as those given in
Figure 12.2.
The lateral displacements of each level were calculated using several different methods, first by
those presented in the example and then in RISA-3D. These values were then compared to one
another in order to examine the effect of P-Delta on the lateral displacement of frames.
P-Delta Displacements
Figure 12.2- Moment Frame Elevation with Applied Loads Shown
Figure 12.3 - Moment Frame Elevation with Member Sizes and Dimensions Shown
Validation Method
SDH Methods
The Seismic Design Handbook utilizes two methods for analyzing the second order P-delta effects.
The first is an iterative process where an analytical model is first used to compute the first order
displacements from the applied loads. These displacements are then re-applied to the model as
secondary shears giving the user a modified set of displacements. This process is repeated until a
reasonable convergence of data produces the final lateral displacement. See Table 12.2 for a
comparison of these deflections versus those of the RISA-3D P-Delta feature, below.
The second method, the Non-Iterative P-delta Method, is a hand calculated simplification of the
iterative method. Using the assumption that story drift at any level is proportional only to the
applied story shear at that level, the first order deflections are calculated using an applied lateral
load and then multiplied by a magnification factor to account for the second order P-delta effects.
Note: Because the example calculation does not account for axial shortening of the columns, the
elastic analysis in their methods differs by up to 2% from that of other methods outlined in this
SDH Comparison
The graph (Figure 12.3) below shows the minimal difference between the SDH Methods.
Deflection Results Comparison (inches)
SDH Modified Force RISA-3D* with P-
Level % Difference
Method Delta
10 8.6706 8.6853 0.170
9 8.1308 8.145 0.175
8 7.3534 7.3668 0.182
7 6.5166 6.5291 0.192
6 5.5394 5.5504 0.199
5 4.5622 4.5715 0.204
4 3.5614 3.5689 0.211
3 2.6412 2.6468 0.212
2 1.6856 1.689 0.202
1 0.8393 0.841 0.203
Table 12.1– SDH Deflection Comparison
*Results will differ in RISA-2D due to lack of rigid diaphragms
RISA-3D Methods
In RISA-3D, P-∆ effects are accounted for whenever the user requests it in the Load Combinations
spreadsheet. But because RISA-3D second order analysis is based entirely on nodal deflections, the
effect of P-δ is not directly accounted for. Therefore, the user must place additional nodes along the
column length to account for the P-δ effects. This can be done with any number of additional nodes;
with more nodes, the more accurate the solution. Please see Figure 12.4 below for a comparison of
these effects on the solution. TheRISA-3D (with P-∆ & P-δ) values in Table 12.3 are obtained using
2 intermediate nodes on each column.
The hand calculation method used to verify the program results is the Non-Iterative Method from
the Seismic Design Handbook. In this method, the first order lateral displacements are used to find
Ѳ, the Stability Index. The amplified shear values are then found by multiplying the first order
lateral displacements by 1/(1-Ѳ), see Table 12.1 below.
RISA-3D Comparison
The graph (Figure 12.4) below shows the minimal difference between the RISA Methods.
The program results match the textbook example within a reasonable round off error.
Verification Problem 13
Problem Statement
This model is a planar frame structure consisting of seven simply-supported W14x68 beams at a 30
degree incline to the vertical Y-axis (see Fig. 13.1 below). A 0.1ksf area load is applied to the frame
in the Z direction. Some of the beams are rotated about their local x-axis as noted below. Here we
test distribution of member area loads for the Projected Area Only option, using both global and
projected directions.
Validation Method
Envelope dimensions of the projected sections are used to calculate equivalent uniform member
distributed loads. The projected section depth and width:
CD EF G = C ∗ #!HI
Equivalent uniform member distributed loads can then be calculated for both the Global Z and
Projected Z directions:
XY Z E> = ∗`
[E G\ cos% &
XY a EF G [E G\
= CD EF G ∗`
Equivalent Uniform Member Distributed Loads, ωZ
Global Z (k/ft) Projected Z (k/ft)
Member Theoretical RISA-3D %Diff. Theoretical RISA-3D %Diff.
M1 0.135 0.135 0.000 0.117 0.117 0.000
M2 0.151 0.151 0.000 0.131 0.131 0.000
M3 0.096 0.096 0.000 0.083 0.083 0.000
Table 13.3 – Load Calculation Comparison
As seen in Table 13.3 above, the results match exactly.
Verification Problem 14
Problem Statement
This model is a comparison of a concrete beam cantilever created with solids elements versus one
modeled with the concrete beam element. Both are loaded with vertical point loads at the free end.
Validation Method
The deflections at the tip of each cantilever are compared to the values obtained by hand
calculations. Deflection at the tip of a cantilever beam is calculated as follows:
∆> bG bc =
3∗ ∗
P = 10 kips
L = 10 ft = 120 in
E = 3644 ksi (Conc4NW material)
I = 1152 in4
For this model:
As seen in Table 14.1 above, the results are within a reasonable difference from the hand
Verification Problem 15
Problem Statement
This model is a collection of members that verifies the AISC 360-16 specification for tension
members from the AISC Design Examples 15th edition. Each of these is using the ASD design
parameters and uses parameters from the individual problems.
Validation Method
In this example we are simply checking the tensile yield limit state. RISA does not know specific
bolt hole locations, therefore it does not check tensile rupture limit states.
For this model:
Value Value %
Example Shape (kips) (kips) Difference
D.1 W8X21 184.431 184 0.23
D.2 L4X4X1/2 80.838 80.8 0.05
D.3 WT6X20 174.85 175 0.09
D.4 HSS6X4X3/8 185.03 185 0.16
D.5 HSS6x0.500 222.838 223 0.07
D.6 2L4X4X1/2 (1/2" Gap) 161.677 162 0.20
Table 15.1 – Tensile Yield Capacity comparison
As seen in Table 15.1 above, the results are within a reasonable difference from the AISC hand
Verification Problem 16
Problem Statement
This model is a collection of members that verifies the AISC 360-16 specification for compression
members from the AISC Design Examples 15th edition. Each of these is using the ASD design
parameters and uses parameters from the individual problems.
Validation Method
In this example we are checking the compression capacity of members for all AISC limit states. In
many cases there is a “Table Solution” and a “Calculation Solution”. In each of these cases we are
listing the “Calculation Solution”.
This section is the tabular comparison of the RISA Program answers and the summary from the
detailed validation results.
Value Value %
Example Shape (kips) (kips) Difference
E.1A W14X132 593.89 594 0.02
E.1B W14X90 600.70 601 0.05
E.2 WF (Slender Web) 331.29 332 0.21
E.3 WF (Slender Flange) 211.22 211 0.10
E.4A W14X82 (Col B-C)* 625.80 626 0.03
E.5 LL4X3.5X3/8 (3/4" Gap) 84.47 85.0 0.63
E.6 LL3X5X1/4 (3/4" Gap) 45.61 45.4 0.46
E.7 WT7X34 85.07 85.0 0.08
E.8 WT7X15 24.30 24.4 0.43
E.9 HSS12X10X3/8 369.46 370 0.15
E.10 HSS12X8X3/16 100.68 101 0.32
E.11 Pipe 10 Std. 145.43 148 1.74**
E.12 Built-Up Unequal Flange 184.50 186 0.81
Table 16.1 – Compression Capacity comparison
*Note that the K for this shape was set to 1.568. The example defines K = 1.5. However, the
example yields a KL = 8.61’, but a conservative 9’ is used. By taking K in RISA-3D = 1.5*(9/8.61)
=1.568 we can approach the hand calculated value.
**Note that Table 1-14 in the AISC 360-16 reports r = 3.68” for a Pipe 10 Std. RISA-3D internally
calculates r as √(I/A) = √(151in4/11.5in2) = 3.62”.
As seen in Table 16.1 above, the results are within a reasonable difference from the AISC hand
Verification Problem 17
Problem Statement
This model is a collection of members that verifies the AISC 360-16 specification for flexural
members from the AISC Design Examples 15th edition. Each of these is using the ASD design
parameters and is built with the exact specifications from the example problems.
Validation Method
In this example we are checking the flexural strength of members subject to simple bending about
one principal axis as well as member deflections in some of the members.
Example LC Capacity (k*ft) RISA Value AISC Value % Difference
F.1-1A 1 Mnz/Ω 251.996 252 0.00
F.1-2A 1 Mnz/Ω 201.268 201 0.13
F.1-3A 1 Mnz/Ω 191.206 192 0.41
F.2-1A 1 Mnz/Ω 91.257 91.3 0.05
F.2-2A 1 Mnz/Ω 87.148 87 0.17
F.3A 1 Mnz/Ω 264.775 265 0.08
F.4 1 Mnz/Ω 334.331 334 0.10
F.5 1 Mny/Ω 81.088 81.4 0.38
F.6 1 Mnz/Ω 4.796 4.79 0.13
F.7A 1 Mnz/Ω 39.79 39.7 0.23
F.8A 1 Mnz/Ω 30.864 30.8 0.21
F.9A 1 Mnz/Ω 54.142 54.1 0.08
F.10 1 Mnz/Ω 4.851 4.87 0.39
F.12 1 Mnz/Ω 33.683 33.8 0.35
F.13 1 Mnz/Ω 0.282 0.283 0.35
Table 17.1 – Flexural Capacity Comparison
Example Deflection (in) LC % Difference
Value Value
F.2-1A Live Load Deflection 2 0.664 0.664 0.00
F.3A Total Deflection 1 2.644 2.66 0.60
F.8A Live Load Deflection 2 1.04 1.04 0.00
Table 17.2 – Member Deflection Comparison
As seen in the tables above, the results are within a reasonable difference from the AISC hand
Verification Problem 18
Problem Statement
This model is a collection of members that verifies the AISC 360-16 specification for shear members
from the AISC Design Examples 15th edition. Each of these is using the ASD design parameters and
is built with the exact specifications from the example problems.
Validation Method
In this example we are checking the shear capacity of singly or doubly symmetric members with
shear in the plane of the web, single angles, HSS sections, and shear in the weak direction of
symmetric shapes.
Capacity RISA Value AISC Value
Example Shape % Difference
Value (kips) (kips) (kips)
G.1 W24x62 Vny/Ω 203.82 204 0.09
G.2 C15x33.9 Vny/Ω 77.605 77.6 0.01
G.3 L5x3x¼ Vny/Ω 16.168 16.2 0.20
G.4 HSS6x4x3/8 Vny/Ω 62.105 62.3 0.31
G.5 HSS16x3/8 Vny/Ω 142.132 142 0.09
G.6 W21x48 Vnz/Ω 125.756 126 0.19
G.7 C9x20 Vnz/Ω 28.312 28.3 0.04
Table 18.1 – Shear Comparison
As seen in Table 18.1 above, the results are within a reasonable round-off difference from the AISC
hand calculation.
Verification Problem 19
Problem Statement
This model is a collection of members that verifies the AISC 360-16 specification for design
members for combined forces from the AISC Design Examples 15th edition. Each of these is using
the ASD design parameters and is built with the exact specifications from the example problems.
Validation Method
In this example we are checking combined forces and torsion of the designed members. Some notes
about specific problems:
• Example H.2: RISA does not consider section H2 of the AISC 360-10 specification, so
example H.2 was omitted.
• Example H.4: Nodes were added along the length of the member in this example so that P-
little delta affects would be considered. Example H.4 uses the B1 amplifier to accomplish
Example RISA UC Max Value AISC Value Difference
H.1 0.930 0.931 0.11
H.3 0.876 0.874 0.23
H.4 0.983 0.982 0.10
Table 19.1 – Comparison
As seen in Table 19.1 above, the results are within a reasonable difference from the AISC hand
Verification Problem 20
Problem Statement
This model will be used to verify the design values for aluminum compressive members (columns).
Validation Method
The program results will be compared to the design value published in the 2010 Aluminum Design
Manual by the Aluminum Association. These examples were taken from Part VIII of the ADM,
examples 9, 11, 12, and 14.
For this model:
* Per section E.3 of the Design Manual, RISA is taking the largest kL/r value per sections E.3.1 &
E.3.2. However, it looks like the example is only taking the kL/r value per section E.3.1. Please see
the hand calculations below for further verification of how RISA calculates these values.
** The design example is rounding off by quite a bit in example 14 which is why the % difference is
so high. Please see the hand calculations below for an exact verification of how RISA calculates
these values.
Hand Calculations
Verification Problem 21
Problem Statement
This model will be used to verify the design values for aluminum bending members (beams).
Validation Method
The program results will be compared to the design value published in the 2010 Aluminum Design
Manual by the Aluminum Association. These examples were taken from Part VIII of the ADM,
examples 19 and 23.
Note: For example no. 23, comparisons were only made to the channel shape without stiffeners.
For this model:
Bending Governing
Strength about Moment Slenderness
Upper Limit
the Strong Axis Force
Mnz/Ω (k-in) M (k-in) S S2
RISA Model - Member M1 2.39 2.25 19.6 36
ADM Example 19 2.39* 2.25 19.6 36
% Difference 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bending Slenderness
Strength about Slenderness Lower
Upper Limit
the Weak Axis Limit
Mny/Ω (k-in) S S1 S2
RISA Model - Member M2 3.84 15 10.2 23
ADM Example 23 3.81 15 10.2 23
% Difference 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00
Table 21.1 – Slenderness and Strength Comparisons
As seen in Table 21.1 above, the results are within a reasonable difference from the hand
*This value was obtained by multiplying the Tensile Rupture allowable stress value from the
example by the section modulus.