The Irregular Verbs: All The Irregular Verbs of The English Language Conjugation, Pronunciation, Translation and Examples
The Irregular Verbs: All The Irregular Verbs of The English Language Conjugation, Pronunciation, Translation and Examples
The Irregular Verbs: All The Irregular Verbs of The English Language Conjugation, Pronunciation, Translation and Examples
All the irregular verbs of the English language
Conjugation, pronunciation, translation and examples
verb list
present past past participle meanings
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
abide (abáid) abode (abóud) abiden (abíden) sufrir, soportar,
arise (aráis) arose (aróus) arisen (arísen) levantarse, surgir
awake (awéik) awoke (awóuk) awoken (awóuken) despertarse,
bear (ber) bore (bor) born (born) aguantar, soportar,
beat (bíit) beat (bíit) beaten (bíiten) golpear, derrotar,
become (bikám) became (bikéim) become (bikám) convertirse en,
llegar a ser,
volverse, ponerse
begin (biguín) began (bigáan) begun (bigán) empezar
bend (bend) bent (bent) bent (bent) doblar, torcer,
bet (bet) bet (bet) bet (bet) apostar
bid (bid) bid (bid) bid (bid) ofrecer, pujar,
bind (báind) bound (báund) bound (báund) atar, unir,
bite (báit) bit (bit) bitten (bíten) morder, picar
bleed (blíid) bled (bled) bled (bled) sangrar
blow (blóu) blew (blú) blown (blown) soplar
break (bréik) broke (bróuk) broken (bróuken) romper
breed (bríid) bred (bred) bred (bred) criar, engendrar
bring (bring) brought (brot) brought (brot) traer
broadcast (brodkást) broadcast* (brodkást) broadcast* (brodkást) transmitir
build (bild) built (bilt) built (bilt) construir
burn (bern) burnt* (bernt) burnt* (bernt) quemar
burst (berst) burst (berst) burst (berst) explotar, reventar
buy (bái) bought (bot) bought (bot) comprar
cast (kast) cast (kast) cast (kast) lanzar, echar,
catch (kach) caught (kot) caught (kot) atrapar, asir,
choose (chúus) chose (chóus) chosen (chóusen) elegir
clap (klap) clapt* (klapt) clapt* (klapt) aplaudir
cling (kling) clung (klang) clung (klang) agarrarse,
clothe (klóud) clad* (klad) clad* (klad) vestir, revestir,
come (kam) came (kéim) come (kam) venir
cost (kost) cost (kost) cost (kost) costar
creep (kríip) crept (krept) crept (krept) gatear, arrastrarse
cut (kat) cut (kat) cut (kat) cortar
deal (díil) dealt (delt) dealt (delt) tratar con,
repartir, dar
dig (dig) dug (dag) dug (dag) cavar
dive (dáiv) dove* (dóuv) dived (dáivt) zambullise,
sumergirse, bucear
do (du) did (did) done (dan) hacer
draw (dróo) drew (dru) drawn (dróon) dibujar, extraer,
dream (dríim) dreamt* (dremt) dreamt* (dremt) soñar
drink (drink) drank (draank) drunk (drank) beber
drive (dráiv) drove (dróuv) driven (dríven) conducir, ir en
coche, llevar en
dwell (duél) dwelt (duélt) dwelt (duélt) habitar, morar
eat (íit) ate (éit) eaten (íiten) comer
fall (fol) fell (fel) fallen (fólen) caer, caerse
feed (fíid) fed (fed) fed (fed) alimentar/se, dar
de comer
feel (fíil) felt (felt) felt (felt) sentir/se, palpar,
fight (fáit) fought (fot) fought (fot) pelear, combatir
find (fáund) found (fáund) found (fáund) encontrar
fit (fit) fit* (fit) fit* (fit) encajar, quedar
bien, instalar
flee (flíi) fled (fled) fled (fled) huir, huir de
fling (fling) flung (flang) flung (flang) echar, arrojar
fly (flái) flew (flu) flown (flóun) volar
forbid (forbíd) forbade (forbéid) forbidden (forbíden) prohibir
forecast (forkást) forecast* (forkást) forecast* (forkást) pronosticar,
foresee (forsíi) foresaw (forsó) foreseen (forsíin) preveer
foretell (fortél) foretold (fortóuld) foretold (fortóuld) predecir
forget (forguét) forgot (forgót) forgotten (forgóten) olvidar
forgive (forguív) forgave (forguéiv) forgiven (forguíven) perdonar
forsake (forséik) forsook (forsúuk) forsaken (forséiken) abandonar,
freeze (fríiss) froze (fróuss) frozen (fróussen) congelar
get (get) got (got) got/gotten (goten) conseguir, recibir,
ponerse, llegar
give (guív) gave (guéiv) given (guíven) dar
go (góu) went (went) gone (góon) ir
grind (gráind) ground (gráund) ground (gráund) moler
grow (gróu) grew (gru) grown (gróun) crecer, cultivar
handwrite (jand-ráit) handwrote (jand-róut) handwritten (jand-ríten) escribir a mano
hang (jáang) hung (jang) hung (jang) colgar
have (jáav) had (jáad) had (jáad) tener
hear (jíier) heard (jerd) heard (jerd) oír
hide (jáid) hid (jid) hidden (jíden) esconder/se
hit (jit) hit (jit) hit (jit) golpear, pegar
hold (jóuld) held (jeld) held (jeld) sostener, celebrar,
hurt (jert) hurt (jert) hurt (jert) herir, lastimar,
inlay (inléi) inlaid (inléid) inlaid (inléid) incrustar
input (ínput) input* (ínput) input* (ínput) entrar, introducir
keep (kíip) kept (kept) kept (kept) mantener,
continuar, criar
kneel (níil) knelt* (nelt) knelt* (nelt) arrodillarse, estar
de rodillas
knit (nit) knit* (nit) knit* (nit) tejer, tricotar
know (nóu) knew (niú) known (nóun) saber, conocer
lay (léi) laid (léid) laid (léid) poner, colocar
lead (líid) led (led) led (led) guiar, llevar,
lean (líin) leant* (lent) leant* (lent) apoyarse,
leap (líip) leapt* (lept) leapt* (lept) saltar
learn (lern) learnt* (lernt) learnt* (lernt) aprender,
leave (líiv) left (left) left (left) irse, dejar,
lend (lend) lent (lent) lent (lent) prestar
let (let) let (let) let (let) dejar, permitir
lie (lái) lay (léi) lain (léin) yacer, echarse,
light (láit) lit* (lit) lit* (lit) encender
lose (lúus) lost (lost) lost (lost) perder
make (méik) made (méid) made (méid) hacer
mean (míin) meant (ment) meant (ment) significar, querer
decir, tener la
intención de
meet (míit) met (met) met (met) encontrarse con,
melt (melt) melted (mélted) molten* (móulten) derretir
mislead (mislíid) misled (misléd) misled (misléd) engañar, despistar,
llevar por mal
mistake (mistéik) mistook (mistúuk) mistaken (mistéiken) confundir,
interpretar mal
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood entender mal
(misanderstánd) (misanderstúud) (misanderstúud)
mow (móu) mowed (móud) mown (móun) segar, cortar
overhear (ouverjíier) overheard (ouverjérd) overheard (ouverjérd) oír por casualidad,
oír sin intención de
overtake (ouvertéik) overtook (ouvertúuk) overtaken (ouvertéiken) sobrepasar
pay (péi) paid (péid) paid (péid) pagar
prove (prúuv) proved (prúuvt) proven* (prúuven) probar, resultar
put (put) put (put) put (put) poner
quit (kuít) quit (kuít) quit (kuít) abandonar,
rendirse, dejar
read (ríiid) read (red) read (red) leer
rid (rid) rid* (rid) rid* (rid) librar,
ride (ráid) rode (róud) ridden (ríden) andar en, pasear
en, montar
ring (ring) rang (raang) rung (rang) sonar, llamar por
rise (ráis) rose (róus) risen (rísen) levantarse, subir
run (ran) ran (raan) run (ran) correr
saw (so) sawed (sod) sawn* (sóon) serrar, serruchar
say (séi) said (sed) said (sed) decir
see (síi) saw (so) seen (síin) ver
seek (síik) sought (sot) sought (sot) buscar
sell (sel) sold (sóuld) sold (sóuld) vender
send (send) sent (sent) sent (sent) enviar
set (set) set (set) set (set) poner, ambientar
sew (sóu) sewed (sóud) sewn* (sóun) coser
shake (shéik) shook (shúuk) shaken (shéiken) sacudir, agitar,
hacer temblar
shave (shéiv) shaved (shéivt) shaven* (shéiven) afeitarse, rasurar
shear (shíir) shore* (shor) shorn* (shorn) esquilar, cortar
shed (shed) shed (shed) shed (shed) derramar, mudar,
shine (sháin) shone (shóun) shone (shóun) brillar, lustrar
shoot (shúut) shot (shot) shot (shot) disparar, matar a
show (shóu) showed (shóud) shown (shóun) mostrar, exhibir
shrink (shrink) shrank (shraank) shrunk (shrank) encoger/se,
shut (shat) shut (shat) shut (shat) cerrar
sing (sing) sang (saang) sung (sang) cantar
sink (sink) sank (saank) sunk (sank) hundir/se
sit (sit) sat (sat) sat (sat) sentar/se
slay (sléi) slew (slúu) slain (sléin) matar
sleep (slíip) slept (slept) slept (slept) dormir
slide (sláid) slid (slid) slid (slíden) deslizar/se,
sling (sling) slung (slang) slung (slang) tirar, arrojar
slink (slink) slunk (slank) slunk (slank) moverse
slit (slit) slit (slit) slit (slit) rajar, cortar
smell (smel) smelt* (smelt) smelt* (smelt) oler
sneak (sníik) snuck* (snak) snuck* (snak) entrar/salir/poner
a hurtadillas
sow (sóu) sowed (sóud) sown (sóun) sembrar
speak (spíik) spoke (spóuk) spoken (spóuken) hablar
speed (spíid) sped* (sped) sped* (sped) acelerar, ir a toda
spell (spél) spelt* (spélt) spelt* (spélt) deletrear
spend (spend) spent (spent) spent (spent) gastar, pasar
spill (spil) spilt* (spilt) spilt* (spilt) derramar, volcar
spin (spin) spun (span) spun (span) girar, dar vueltas,
hilar, tejer
spit (spit) spat (spat) spat (spat) escupir
split (split) split (split) splite (split) partir, rajar,
spoil (spóil) spoilt* (spóilt) spoilt* (spóilt) estropear, echar a
perder, arruinar
spread (spred) spread (spred) spread (spred) extender,
desplegar, esparcir
spring (spring) sprang (spraang) sprung (sprang) saltar
stand (stáand) stood (stúud) stood (stúud) estar de pie,
pararse, soportar
steal (stíil) stole (stóul) stolen (stóulen) robar
stick (stik) stuck (stak) stuck (stak) pegar, clavar,
atascarse, asomar
sting (sting) stung (stang) stung (stang) picar, arder
stink (stink) stank (stáank) stunk (stank) apestar, oler mal
stride (stráid) strode* (stróud) stridden (stríden) andar con pasos
strike (stráik) struck (strak) struck/stricken (stríken) golpear, dar (la
string (string) strung (strang) strung (strang) encordar,
ensartar, atar
strive (stráiv) strove (stróuv) striven (stríven) luchar, esforzarse
swear (suéer) swore (suóor) sworn (suóorn) jurar, decir
sweat (suét) sweat* (suét) sweat* (suét) sudar
sweep (suíip) swept* (suépt) swept* (suépt) barrer, azotar
swell (suél) swelled (suéld) swollen (suólen) hincharse, crecer,
swim (suím) swam (suáam) swum (suám) nadar
swing (suíng) swung (suáng) swung (suáng) balancear, mecer,
take (téik) took (túuk) taken (téiken) tomar, llevar
teach (tíich) taught (tot) taught (tot) enseñar
tear (téer) tore (tóor) torn (tóorn) desgarrar, romper,
tell (tel) told (tóuld) told (tóuld) decir, contar
think (zink) thought (zot) thought (zot) pensar
thrive (zráiv) throve* (zróuv) thriven* (zríven) prosperar, crecer
throw (zróu) threw (zrú) thrown (zróun) tirar, arrojar
thrust (zrast) thrust (zrast) thrust (zrast) empujar con
fuerza, clavar
tread (tred) trod (trod) trodden (tróden) pisar, andar
undergo (andergóu) underwent (anderwént) undergone (anderwént) sufrir, ser
sometido a, recibir
understand (anderstáand) understood (anderstúud) understood (anderstúud) entender
undertake (andertéik) undertook (andertúuk) undertaken (andertéiken) emprender,
upset (apsét) upset (apsét) upset (apsét) enfadar, trastornar
wake (uéik) woke (uóuk) woken (uóuken) despertar
wear (uéer) wore (uóor) worn (uórn) usar, vestir, gastar
weave (uíiv) wove (uóuv) woven (uóuven) tejer
wed (uéd) wed* (uéd) wed* (uéd) casarse, contraer
weep (uíip) wept (uépt) wept (uépt) llorar
wet (uét) wet* (uét) wet* (uét) mojar
win (wín) won (wán) won (wán) ganar
wind (wáind) wound (wáund) wound (wáund) dar cuerda,
envolver, enrollar
withdraw (widróo) withdrew (widrú) withdrawn (widróon) retirar, sacar
withhold (widjóuld) withheld (widjéld) withheld (widjéld) retener, ocultar,
no revelar
withstand (widstáand) withstood (widstúud) withstood (widstúud) resistir, aguantar,
wring (ring) wrung (rang) wrung (rang) torcer, retorcer,
estrujar, escurrir
write (ráit) wrote (róut) written (ríten) escribir
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
verb examples
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
abide (abáid) abode (abóud) abiden (abíden)
I cannot abide her constant unpunctuality.
The employees must abide by the rules of the company.
Bill always abides by his promises.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
The witness withheld crucial information from the police.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
A strong culture has bound the Chinese people together for many years.
The boxer had a black eye and his nose was bleeding.
Bill could have bled to death if the he had not received help.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
Please handle this vase with care or else you’ll break it.
The kid fell off the tree and broke his arm.
They ate all the food we had brought for the party.
The survivors built a raft and were able to get to the shore.
More and more hotels are built for tourists in this region.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
Susan burnt all the letters her boyfriend had written to her.
She told her grandson that she had bought a lot of candy for him.
The fisherman stopped his boat and cast the net into the river.
The news which had cast doubts on the president’s honesty was false.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
The thieves were caught when they were coming out of the shop.
She chose the most beautiful dress in the shop and bought it.
When the girl saw her gift, she clapped her hands in delight.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
She is feeling sad because nobody came to her party last night.
The camper crept into the tent as soon as the sun had set.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
The dog dug all the garden but couldn’t find its bone.
It was very hot, so we dove into the lake and swam for a while.
Lucy has dived with sharks many times since she came here.
The teacher wants to know who drew her caricature on the wall.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
The truck driver has driven the whole night and now he is exhausted.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
The farmer fed the horses before going out to the field.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
David tried the blue suit on, but it didn’t fit him.
The Jacksons fled to the U.S. when the war broke out.
When the police arrived, the driver had already fled the scene of the
The fugitive was caught by border guards while trying to flee the
As Peter arrives from work, he always flings his overcoat onto the
The kids flung themselves onto the bed and turned on the TV.
This pilot has flown large passenger airplanes for many years.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
Alice loved Mike and promised that she would never forsake him.
Mr. Blake gave his wife a ring for their wedding anniversary.
The Jacksons have always given food and clothes to the poor.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
My puppy has grown very quickly during the first seven months.
The mysterious note the Clarks received was handwritten but not
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
Mr. White had a lot of money years ago, but now he is very poor.
The old lady wears a hearing aid because she can’t hear very well.
The dog started barking when he heard footsteps around the house.
The old man hit the thief on the head with his walking stick.
As she was crossing the street, Susie held her dad’s hand tightly.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
Karen’s lies have hurt Steve so much that he’ll break the engagement.
All this data has already been input into the computer.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
Steve knew that he would not get any help from anybody .
The schoolboy laid his books on his desk and ran to the playground.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
The boss leant back in his chair and listened to his employee.
I’m sorry, Mr. Parker’s not in the office. He has already left.
Anne doesn’t have her bike because she lent it to her friend yesterday.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
Mary was nervous, so she took out a cigarette and lit it.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
I thought Dr. Evans was your physician. I must have misunderstood you.
I can feel the smell of grass. Dad must have mown the back yard.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
ring (ring) rang (raang) rung (rang)
The phone is ringing!
I rang the doorbell but there was nobody in the house.
Your aunt rang when you were taking a shower.
rise (ráis) rose (róus) risen (rísen)
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Has the cake risen? It’s been in the oven for 20 minutes.
When the judge walked into the courtroom, everyone rose.
run (ran) ran (raan) run (ran)
Sean ran to the station, but missed the train.
My brother can run 100 meters in 11 minutes.
The dog was panting because it had been running.
saw (so) sawed (sod) sawn* (sóon)
Lumberjacks sawed all the trees in this area last month.
Our gardener has sawn a large branch from this tree.
The carpenter is sawing some wood to make a cabinet.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
sell (sel) sold (sóuld) sold (sóuld)
My neighbours sold their house to Mr. Walker for $500,000.
Most record stores sell CD’s and DVD’s.
This novel has sold so well that it has been reprinted many times.
send (send) sent (sent) sent (sent)
Bob sent the parcel by mail yesterday
I need go to the post office to send a letter.
Alison hasn’t sent any e-mails yet.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
My niece shed tears when she heard that her cat had died.
The man pulled out a gun and shot the stranger who had entered
his house.
Oliver has shown his oil painting at an art gallery this year.
I’m a beginner. Could you please show me how to hold the racket?
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
Excuse me—you may not sit here because this seat is reserved.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
Barbara’s teacher has spoken to her mother about her low grades.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
Billy, your dictation isn’t very good. You spelt most words wrong.
Joe has spent all his savings and now he’s penniless.
Steve accidentally pushed Mary’s arm and made Mary spill her
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
They share an apartment and split the rent and all the bills.
The Masons spoil their child by giving her whatever she wants.
You spoiled the fish because you left it outside the fridge.
She spread her towel on the sand and lay down on it.
When they heard the whistle, the soldiers sprang out of their
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
We had to stride all day along the valley looking for a river.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
The saleslady was standing the whole day so her feet got swollen.
Betsy won’t get into the water because she can’t swim.
The sailor jumped from the boat and swam to the shore.
The door swung open and the cowboy walked into the saloon.
Sarah was playing with a sharp knife so I took it away from her.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
The student has just torn a sheet of paper from his notebook.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
Vivian got there two hours late and upset all our plans.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
The player will wet his head before running into the soccer field.
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb
present past past participle
* Could be conjugated as a regular verb