European Radiocommunications Committee (ERC) Within The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT)
European Radiocommunications Committee (ERC) Within The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT)
European Radiocommunications Committee (ERC) Within The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT)
Table of contents
2 WARC-92, WRC-95, WRC-97 and WRC-2000
Following the World Administrative Radio Conference in 1992 which allocated spectrum to new
services in the 1 - 3 GHz frequency range CEPT began to develop a general plan to promote the
harmonised European use of frequencies within the band 1350 - 2690 MHz. Particular importance
was attached to the early development of such a general plan in order to provide a framework for
the implementation of the decisions of WARC-92 and the consequential changes required, in a
harmonised way, throughout CEPT member countries and to provide the necessary guidance for
European radio equipment manufacturers to commence production.
Since then CEPT has endorsed the principle of adopting a harmonised European Table of
Frequency Allocations and Utilisations by the year 2008. This work is being progressed by the
CEPT European Radiocommunications Office (ERO) through a series of Detailed Spectrum
Investigations (DSIs) which consider in turn different frequency ranges. The DSIs were
developed as a major open and transparent consultation process in close cooperation with industry,
organizations, administrations and users within the following frequency bands:
• The DSI Phase I covering the frequency range 3400 – 105 GHz developed in 1992-93
• The DSI Phase II covering the frequency range 29.7-960 MHz developed in 1994-95
• The DSI Phase III covering the frequency range 862-3400 MHz developed in 1998-2000
As a result of the DSIs the CEPT adopted the Harmonised European Table of Frequency
Allocations and Utilisations. The first table was agreed upon in June 1994 and several updates
have been agreed until the current version (Lisbon January 2002)
Due account has been taken of the relevant decisions of the World Radio Conferences WARC-92,
WRC-95 ,WRC-97 and WRC-2000 and of strategies developed by other international fora
concerning, in particular, the introduction and development of mobile and mobile-satellite
A European Table of Frequency Allocations and Utilisations for the frequency band 9 kHz to 275
GHz expected beyond the year 2008 has been developed and is attached as Annex 1 to this Report.
Although the implementation of this Table has been arranged for the year 2008 it is expected that
CEPT member countries will endeavour to implement, as soon as possible, as many parts of the
Table as they are able. It is also expected that the Table will be used as a source document by
CEPT member countries for the development of Recommendations, Decisions, and European
Common Proposals (ECPs) for future Radio Conferences of the ITU and as background for
development of national frequency allocation tables and national frequency usage plans.
This Report and its associated table will be reviewed periodically (once a year) and revised as
necessary by the ECC taking into account the results of World Radio Conferences, future DSIs,
ECC/ERC Decisions and other relevant developments.
During the preparation of the Table account was taken of work already completed by CEPT in
respect of systems expected to operate in this frequency range. The ECC/ERC Decisions and
ECC/ERC Recommendations, which are relevant to frequency management issues, have been
incorporated into the Table and are listed in Annex 4.
Liaison with military authorities from CEPT countries has also been necessary in view of their use
of, and requirements in, this frequency range. Although no single representative military body
exists for all CEPT member countries, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) has a Joint
Civil/Military Frequency Agreement (NJFA) which was felt to be a useful basis from which to
develop a view of military frequency requirements. A forum that allows both civil and military
frequency managers from all CEPT countries to meet has also been established by CEPT. This
forum established a project team (JPT1) which has looked in detail at the requirements for
harmonised military usage of spectrum to meet the needs of both NATO and non-NATO CEPT
countries. The results of the studies by JPT1 are reflected in the Table.
Military requirements vary both between activities and countries. In some countries national
requirements may be more than the harmonised band, in other countries for the time being there
may be no national requirements in a specific harmonised band.
In general, the harmonised military bands should provide a common military frequency resource
in order to allow systems to operate in common border areas, facilitate common exercises and
Peace Keeping Operations (PKO), include the core frequency assets for day-to-day training,
exercise, combat readiness and employment and support electronic countermeasures (ECM)
Any spectrum reorganisation should aim at a provision of a common military frequency resource
in accordance with the ECA.
The heading of this table includes a number of columns, with the following contents:
See Annex 3 for description of the RR Article 5 footnotes included in the table.
Mention of specific utilisations of a given service does not preclude the use of
other services mentioned in the European Common Allocation.
Column 5: EU footnotes
This column contains EU footnotes relevant to the particular utilization.
Column 7: Standards
This column contains information about the relevant standards.
For Harmonised Standards as defined in the R&TTE Directive see Annex 5
Column 5: Notes
This column indicates where appropriate in each frequency band:
Any other relevant information such as the nature of use of a major utilisation.
In respect of defence systems two terms are used with the associated
RR Region 1 Allocation and RR
footnotes relevant to CEPT and ECC/ERC
European Common Allocation Utilisation EU footnote Standard Note
frequency band document
10 February 2003 ERC Report 25 - European Common Allocation Table - Frequency Management Working Group - Lisbon 2002 - Rev Dublin 2003 Page 74
RR Region 1 Allocation and RR
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frequency band document
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frequency band document
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frequency band document
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frequency band document
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frequency band document
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frequency band document
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frequency band document
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frequency band document
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European Common Allocation Utilisation EU footnote Standard Note
frequency band document
10 February 2003 ERC Report 25 - European Common Allocation Table - Frequency Management Working Group - Lisbon 2002 - Rev Dublin 2003 Page 92
ERC Report 25 Annex 2
ECC DEC (02)04 Terrestrial (fixed service/broadcasting service) systems and uncoordinated Earth stations in the fixed satellite
service and broadcasting-satellite service (space to Earth) in the band 40.5 – 42.5 GHz
ECC DEC (02)05 Frequency bands for railway purposes 876-880/921-925 MHz
ECC DEC (02)07 Harmonised use of 1670-1675/1800-1805 MHz withdrawal of teh ERC Decision (92)01 TFTS
ERC DEC (00)01 Frequency bands for UMTS extending ERC DEC (97)07
ERC DEC (00)02 37.5-40.5 GHz for Fixed and Fixed Satellite Service
ERC DEC (00)07 Shared use of 17.7-19.7 GHz for Fixed and Fixed Satellite Service
ERC DEC (00)08 Use of 10.7-12.5 GHz by the Fixed and Broadcasting-satellite/Fixed-satellite service
ERC DEC (00)09 Use of 27.5-29.5 GHz by the Fixed and Fixed Satellite Service
ERC DEC (01)01 Non-specific SRD in 6765-6795 kHz and 13.553-13.567 MHz
ERC DEC (01)04 Non-specific SRD in 868-868.6 MHz, 868.7-869.2 MHz, 869.4-869.65 MHz and 869.7-870 MHz
ERC DEC (01)08 Movement Detection and Alert SRDs in 2400-2483.5 MHz
ERC DEC (01)10 Model control sRDs in 26.995, 27.045, 27.095, 27.145 and 27.195 MHz
ERC DEC (01)12 Model control in 40.665, 40.675, 40.685 and 40.695 MHz
ERC DEC (01)21 DMO frequencies for digital land mobile systems
ERC DEC (96)02 Frequency bands and implementation of standard for CEPT PR27 equipment
ERC DEC (97)03 S-PCS in 1610-1626.5 MHz, 2483.5-2500 MHz, 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz
12 February 2003 European Common Allocation Table - ECC Documents Page 180
ECCERC document ECCERC document title
ERC DEC (97)04 Transitional arrangements for Fixed and Mobile-satellite service in 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz
ERC DEC (99)15 Harmonised frequency band 40.5-43.5 GHz for MWS including MVDS
ERC DEC (99)17 Frequencies for Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS)
ERC DEC (99)25 Harmonised spectrum for UMTS in 1900-1980 MHz, 2010-2025 MHz and 2110-2170 MHz
ECC REC 01-04 Multimedia Wireless Systems in the band 40.5 - 43.5 GHz
ECC REC 02-06 Digital Fixed Services Systems operating in the frequency range 7125-8500 MHz
ERC REC 01-02 Channel arrangement for digital fixed service in 31.8-33.4 GHz
ERC REC 13-03 Use of the band 14.0-14.5 GHz for VSAT and SNG
ERC REC 70-03 ERC Recommendation relating to the use of Short Range Devices (SRD)
ERC REC T/R 02-02 Harmonised frequency band for the emergency services
ERC REC T/R 12-01 Channel arrangements for analogue and digital terrestrial fixed systems in 37-39.5 GHz
ERC REC T/R 13-01 Channel arrangement for fixed services in the range 1-3 GHz
ERC REC T/R 13-02 Channel arrangement for fixed services in the range 22.0-29.5 GHz
ERC REC T/R 22-03 Terrestrial fixed and mobile systems in 54.25-66 GHz
ERC REC T/R 22-05 Frequencies for mobile digital trunked radio systems
12 February 2003 European Common Allocation Table - ECC Documents Page 181
ECCERC document ECCERC document title
ERC REC T/R 22-06 HIPERLANs in the 5 GHz and 17 GHz frequency range
ERC REC T/R 25-05 Broadcasting and Land Mobile Service planning parameters for TV band I and III
ERC REC T/R 25-06 Broadcasting and Land Mobile Service planning parameters for TV band I and III
ERC REC T/R 25-08 Land Mobile Service in the range 29.7 - 960 MHz
ERC REC T/R 25-09 Frequencies in the 900 MHz band for railways
12 February 2003 European Common Allocation Table - ECC Documents Page 182
Harmonised Standards included in the ECA ERC Report 25 Annex 5
EN 300 390 PMR data and speech integral antenna EN 300 390-2
10 February 2002 European Common Allocation Table - Harmonised Standards Page 183
Standard name Harmonised Standard
Short Standard title
Art 3.2 of RTTE Directive
EN 301 423 TFTS EN 301 423
10 February 2002 European Common Allocation Table - Harmonised Standards Page 184
ERC Report 25 Annex 6