Iscipline and Ideas in Social Sciences Quarter 2: Week 11
Iscipline and Ideas in Social Sciences Quarter 2: Week 11
Iscipline and Ideas in Social Sciences Quarter 2: Week 11
Learning Competencies
Apply the Social Science Ideas and Its Importance in Examining Socio-Cultural,
Economic, and Political Conditions
Activity 1.
Directions: Analyse the picture collage below and explain how the three major Social
Science theories can be applied in each situation. You may use a separate
sheet for your answers if needed.
_____ .
Activity 2.
Directions: Using a concept table, determine the importance of the major Social
Science theories in examining socio-cultural, economic, and political
conditions of the society. You may use a separate sheet of paper for this
The Imposition of a
Enhanced Community
Quarantine (MECQ) in
high risk area
Activity 3
Directions: Make a research. Examine how the major social science theories
can be applied in the present situations or problems existing in our society.
Research on any of the issues or problems existing in our society. Apply any of
the three major social science theories in your theoretical framework. You are
given one week to finish your research. Follow the suggested research outline.
Research Outline
I. Research Title - choose one issue or problem existing in our society and make a
research title to study.
II. Introduction - present the research issue or problem existing in our society and
explain the relevance of the study.
III. Statement of the Problem (SOP) - Provide at least 3 questions related to the
IV. Theoretical Framework – Write an explanation about the theory you used in the
V. Data Presentation – Support the presentation of data by
using reliable and credible online sources.
VI. Conclusion – Write the results of findings based on your SOP
VII. References – use credible online sources. Follow the APA format
Directions: Put a check on the blank which corresponds to how well you
learned the lesson.
Items Strongly Moderately Disagree
Agree Agree
I learned the major social-science theories
Adams and Sydie (2003). Functionalism and Parsons. Retrieved from October 15,
Brendon T., (2019) “What are the goals of Counselling?” Accessed August 20, 2020. counseling
Durkheim, E. 1961. Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Bk. 2. Chap. 5 & 7. Trans.
by J.W. Swain Collier. New York: Macmillan. Retrieved on August 20, 2020
from https://journals.
Liberto, Daniel (2020). Marxian Economics. Retrieved on August 20, 2020 from
Lumen Sociology. Module 12: Work and the Economy. Retrieved from Retrieved on
August 20, 2020
sociology/chapter/readingtheoretical- perspectives-on-economics/
Answer Key:
Activity 1.Answers may vary based on the Activity 2. Answers may vary based on the rubrics
rubrics provided provided
Prepared by:
Dennis Z. Bonifacio
Teacher II