Design and Analysis of Die Casting Die With Conformal Cooling Channel

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Design and Analysis of Die Casting Die With Conformal Cooling Channel

Article · March 2019

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5 authors, including:

Bhavik Padhiyar
SAL College Of Engg.& Technolgy Bhadaj


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Research Article Volume 9 Issue No.3

Design and Analysis of Die Casting Die With Conformal Cooling

Jeegar K. Pancholi1, Bhavik Padhiyar2, Vinod Sutariya3, Hardik Pancholi4
PG Scholar1, Assistant Professor2, Senior Engineer3, Mechanical Design Engineer4
Department of Mechanical Engineering1, 2, Department of Production Engineer3, Department of Mechanical4
Sal College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, India1, 2, IGTR (MSME), Ahmedabad, India3, ISRO (SAC), Ahmedabad, India4

Pressure Die Casting Die is a process for producing metal parts by forcing molten metal under high pressure into reusable steel mould.
The process cycle time in Pressure Die Casting moulding process depends greatly on the cooling time of the Metal parts, which is
facilitated by the cooling channels in the Pressure Die Casting Die mould. Effective cooling channel design in the mould is important
because it not only affects cycle time but also the part quality. Traditional cooling channels are normally made of straight drilled holes
in the mould, which have limitations in geometric complexity as well as cooling fluid mobility within the Pressure Die Casting Die
mould. Over the years, conformal cooling techniques are being introduced as effective alternative to conventional cooling. The main
objective of this study is to determine an optimum design for conformal cooling channel of Pressure Die Casting Die moulded Metal
part using finite element analysis and thermal heat transfer analysis. Die casting dies with conformal cooling channel fabricated by
rapid prototyping techniques. Rapid prototyping used to fabricate an impression block with conformal cooling channels. Different
combinations of process parameters were tested to exploit the improved performance of the cooling system. Test results show that
conformal cooling improves the surface finish of castings due to a reduced need of spray cooling, which is allowed by a higher and
more uniform cooling rate.

Key words: Die casting, Conformal cooling, Conventional cooling, Analysis, temperature.

I. INTRODUCTION residual stresses and maintaining dimensional accuracy and

Die Casting is a metal casting process. It is a manufacturing
process for producing sharply, defined, smooth or textured-
surface metal parts. Moulded metal is forced and injected under
high pressure into a mould cavity which then is held under
pressure during solidification.

In principle, the process is very similar to the injection moulding

with another class of materials. Most die casting parts are made
of non-ferrous metals such as zinc, copper, aluminium,
magnesium and depending on the type of metal that is being
cast, a hot- or a cold-chamber is used.

The die casting process allows products to be made with high

degree of accuracy and also produce fine details such as textured
surfaces or names without requiring further processing.
Figure.1.Proper Cooling Design Versus Poor Cooling Design
The die casting process is a suitable choice for mass produced A mould cooling system typically consists of the following
products because of its ability of producing highly detailed parts. items:
Almost every product or a part of a product one uses in daily life
is produced using this process. - Temperature controlling unit
- Pump
- Supply and collection manifolds
Mould cooling process accounts for more than two-thirds of the - Cooling channels in the mould
total cycle time in the production of Die Casting die parts. An
efficient cooling circuit design reduces the cooling time, and in The mould itself can be considered as a heat exchanger, in
turn, increases overall productivity of the moulding process. which the heat from the hot polymer melt is taken away by the
Moreover, uniform cooling improves part’s quality by reducing circulating coolant.

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2019 20168

To obtain a uniform cooling, the cooling channels should

conform to the surface of the mould cavity that is called
conformal cooling channels. The implementation of this new
kind of cooling channels for the plastic parts with curved
surfaces or free-form surfaces is based on the development of
solid free-form fabrication (SFF) technology. On the other hand,
conformal cooing channels can also be made by U-shape milled
groove using CNC milling machine.

Figure.3. Results of the C-Mould Cooling Analysis of the

Preliminary Design

B. Design and optimization of conformal cooling channels in

injection moulding tools.
With increasingly short life span on consumer electronic
products such as mobile phones becoming more fashionable,
injection moulding remains the most popular method for
producing the associated plastic parts. The process requires a
molten polymer being injected into a cavity inside a mould,
which is cooed and the part ejected. The main phases in an
injection moulding process therefore involve filling, cooling and
ejection. The cost-efficiency of the process is dependent on the
Figure.2. A Layout Of Conformal Cooling Channels time spent in the mouldingcycle. Correspondingly, the cooling
The conformal cooling channels are different from straight- phase is the most significant step amongst the three, it
drilled conventional cooling channels. In conventional cooling determines the rate at which the parts are produced. The main
channels, the free-form surface of mould cavity is surrounded by objective of this study was to determine an optimum and
straight cooling lines machined by drilling method. It is clear efficient design for conformal cooling/heating channels in the
that the distance from the cooling lines and mould cavity surface configuration of an injection moulding tool using FEA and
varies and results in uneven cooling in moulded part. On the thermal heat transfer analysis . An optimum shape of a 3D CAD
contrary, for the conformal cooling channels, the cooling paths model of a typical component suitable for injection moulding
match the mould cavity surface well by keeping a nearly was designed and the core and cavity tooling required to mould
constant distance between cooling paths and mould cavity the part then generated. These halves were used in the FEA and
surface (see Fig.). It was reported that this kind of cooling thermal analyses, first determining the best location for the gate
channels gives better even temperature distribution in the andlater the cooling channels. These two factors contribute the
moulded part than the conventional one.Figure shows an most in the cycle time and if there is to be a significant reduction
example of moulds with conformal cooling channels made by in the cycle time, then these factors have to be optimised and
direct metal laser sintering method. It was said that this cooling minimised. Analysis of virtual models showed that those with
channels not only ensure the high quality of the product but also conformal cooling channels predicted a significantly reduced
increase the productivity by 20 %. cycle time as well as marked improvement in the general quality
of the surface finish when compared to a conventionally cooled
A. A new C-space method to automate the layout design of mould.
injection mould cooling system
The main function of the C-space is to capture all of the feasible
geometry of the layout design so that a genetic algorithm (GA)
can be used to explore the design space. This paper reports a
further extension of the C-space method in two respects. The
new method overcomes the previous limitation of the non-
variability of the design topology. C-Mould analysis has been
applied to confirm that the layout designs generated by the
proposed method provide a cooling function similar to that of
the preliminary design. The analysis results for the preliminary
design and Layout-1 are shown in Fig. 15(a) and (b). With a
cooling time of 15 s, it can be seen from both figures that the
maximum mould-wall temperature is about 46–47 °C and the Figure.4. Cycle Time In Injection Moulding
maximum temperature difference is less than 10 °C in both
cases. These results indicate that the cooling functionprovided C. Design of conformal cooling layers with self-supporting
by Layout-1 is satisfactory, and is similar to that of the lattices for additively manufactured tooling
preliminary design. The other layout designs have been analysed Additively manufactured (AM) conformal cooling channels are
and similar results obtained. currently the state of the art for high performing tooling with

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2019 20169
reduced cycle times. This paper introduces the concept of the convention cooling channel. Cooling time reduced and
conformal cooling layers which challenges the status quo in increase productivity.
providing higher heat transfer rates that also provide less
variation in tooling temperatures. The cooling layers are filled V. REFERENCES
with self-supporting repeatable unit cells that form a lattice
throughout the cooling layers. The lattices increase fluid [1]. C.G. Li, “A new C-space method to automate the layout
vorticity which improves convective heat transfer. Mechanical design of injection mould cooling system”.
testing of the lattices shows that the design of the unit cell
significantly varies the compression characteristics. A virtual [2]. Yu Wanga, “Automatic design of conformal cooling circuits
case study of the injection moulding of a plastic enclosure is for rapid tooling”.
used to compare the performance of conformal cooling layers
with that of conventional (drilled) cooling channels and [3]. Kunnayut Eiamsa-ard, “Conformal bubbler cooling for
conformal (AM)cooling channels. The results show the mould by metal deposition process”.
conformal layers reduce cooling time by 26.34% over
conventional cooling channels. [4]. D.E. Dimla a, “Design & optimization of conformal cooling
channels in injection moulding tools”.
D. A Simulation Study of Conformal Cooling Channels in
Plastic Injection Molding [5]. Hadley Brooks, “Design of conformal cooling layers with
In order to reduce the cycle time, and control the uniform self-supporting lattices for additively manufactured tooling”.
distribution of temperature, it is necessary to create conformal
cooling channels, which conform to the shape of the mold cavity [6]. Omar A. Mohamed, “A Simulation Study of Conformal
and core. This paper presents a simulation study of different Cooling Channels in Plastic Injection Molding”.
types of cooling channels in an injection molded plastic part and
compares the performance in terms of time to ejection [7]. Alban Agazzi.b, “Optimal cooling design in injection
temperature, shrinkage, temperature profile, and part warpage to moulding process e A new approach based on morphological
determine which configuration is more appropriate to provide surfaces”.
uniform cooling with minimum cycle time. Autodesk Moldflow
Insight (AMI) simulation software is used to examine the results [8]. Yu Wanga, “Spiral & conformal cooling in plastic injection
of the cooling channels performance. molding”.

Figure.5. CoolingChannel Types:(A) Normal, (B) Conformal

Combination With Baffle, (C) Conventional Combination
With Conformal And (D) Conformal

Figure.6.Comparison of Time Reach Ejection Temperature

and Maximum Temperature


After the reviewing Research paper related to design and

analysis of conformal cooling channel concluded that.
Conformal cooling channel have continues cooling compared to

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2019 20170
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