Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation

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Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Patient Ineffective Within 2 hours of Independent: After 2 hours of

reports difficulty in breathing pattern nursing nursing
breathing related to retained intervention the  Position the  To maintain intervention the
secretion patient will be able patient in semi- airway patient cleared
Objective to clear from fowlers from secretions
 Use of secretions and position and improved
accessory improve breathing breathing pattern
muscles pattern  Pursed lip
 Shortness  Demonstrate breathing
of breath pursed lip helps slow
 Productive breathing expiration,
cough prevents
 Wheezing collapse of
V/S small
RR: 25bpm airways.
CR: 127bpm
 Demonstrate  Helps to
effective promote
coughing and optimal
deep-breathing chest
techniques expansion
drainage of

 Instruct patient  For

to increase mobilization
water intake of
but avoid

Dependent:  Suctioning
 Suction secretions
secretions as that obstruct
needed the airway

 Provide  Aid in
respiratory relieving the
support. patient from
Oxygen dyspnea.
inhalation is
given as
 More
 Administer aggressive
bronchodilators measures to
if prescribed maintain
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Ineffective After 3 hours of nursing Independent: After 3 hours of nursing
“Minsan hinahabol Airway intervention the client will intervention the client will
ko yung hininga ko clearance be able to:  Monitor  To indicative be able to:
dahil sa pag- ubo related to respiration and of respiratory
ko.” As the retained breath sound distress
verbalized by the mucus  Maintain airway and/or  Maintain airway
patient. secretion as clearance/patenc accumulation clearance/patency
evidenced y of secretion
Objective: by  Maintain proper
 Restlessnes unproductiv  Maintain proper  Encourage  To loosen fluid volume
s e cough. fluid volume hydration at secretion
 DOB least 8 glasses  Clear secration
 Adventitious of water a day readily
sound  Clear secration
(crackles) readily  Encourage  To limit
Vs: adequate rest fatigue
 RR of 27 period
 Position head  To open or
appropriate for maintain
condition such open airway
as fowler’s in at rest or
position compromised


 Administer  Aid relieving

supplemental the patient
oxygen as from
ordered. dsypnea

 Administer
medication as  More
prescribed by aggressive
the physician . measures to

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Impaired gas After 2 hours of  Establish  To build After 2 hours. of

“ Nahihhirapan exchange related to nursing intervention, rapport. trusting nursing intervention
akong huminga alveolar capillary the patient will relationship. the client shall return
paminsan-minsan” membrane verbalize demonstrate
As the verbalized by destruction. understanding of breathing
the patient. causative factors  Monitor and  To have techniques.
and appropriate record V/S. baseline
Objective: intervention. data.

 (+) DOB  Maintain  Monitor skin  Duskiness

 (+) chest patent and mucous and central
pain (pain airway. membrane cyanosis
scale 8/10) color indicate
 (+) Body advanced
weakness hypoxemia
 (+)
Wheezing  Position the  To maintain
upon airway.
auscultation semi fowler’s

Vital Signs:
RR: 27cpm  Maintain
(tachypnea) adequate  Encourage  Promote
Input and frequent optimal chest
PR: 102 bpm Output. position expansion
(tachycardia) changes and and drainage
deep of secretions

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