Affordable Arcana - Magic Rods
Affordable Arcana - Magic Rods
Affordable Arcana - Magic Rods
Credits Contents
Published by Publishing Introduction................................... 2
Writers: Kim Frandsen, Michael Ritter Magical Rods................................... 2
Editor: Kim Frandsen Angler’s Rod......................................................................2
Copy Editor: Michael Ritter Campsite Rod....................................................................3
Layout: Matt Thomason Gem Safe Rod....................................................................3
Artwork: Lycanthropy Rod..............................................................3
Matt Thomason Merchant Rod...................................................................4
Myriad Rod.......................................................................4
Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey
Rod of Angelic Tears.........................................................4
/ Fat Goblin Games
Rod of Battle Casting........................................................ 5
Rod of Coins...................................................................... 5
Compatibility Rod of Demonic Tears......................................................6
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rod of Fleetness................................................................6
requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Rod of Harmony............................................................... 7
Publishing, LLC. See for Rod of Hostile Intent........................................................ 7
more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Rod of Ideal Climate......................................................... 7
Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, Rod of Measurements.......................................................8
and does not endorse this product. Rod of Nature’s Site..........................................................8
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, Rod of Nobility..................................................................8
LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Rod of Redemption...........................................................9
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are Rod of Resist Undead.......................................................9
trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under Rod of Secrets...................................................................9
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. Rod of Siege (Ballista)......................................................9
See for Rod of Siege (Catapult)................................................... 10
more information on the compatibility license. Rod of Sorrows................................................................ 10
Product Identity: The following items are hereby Rod of Sun Absorption....................................................11
identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Rod of the Astral Alignment............................................11
Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Rod of the Blacksmith......................................................11
Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, dialogue, Rod of the Bone Collector............................................... 12
plots, storylines, and artwork.(Elements that have
Rod of the Bounty Hunter.............................................. 12
previously been designated as Open Game Content are not
included in this declaration.) Rod of the Cavalier.......................................................... 13
Rod of the Charlatan....................................................... 13
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product
Rod of the Climbing Claw............................................... 13
Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this d20pfsrd.
com Publishing product are Open Game Content, as Rod of the Crow’s Call..................................................... 14
defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section Rod of the Farmer........................................................... 14
1(d). No portion of this work other than the material Rod of the Forced March................................................ 14
designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in Rod of the Frog............................................................... 14
any form without written permission. Rod of the Half-Moon..................................................... 15
Rod of the Magistrate..................................................... 15
Rod of the Mountaineer.................................................. 16
Rod of the Packrat.......................................................... 16
Rod of the Scout.............................................................. 16
Rod of the Unturned Rock...............................................17
Rod of Tyranny................................................................17
Rod of Untrained Talents............................................... 18
Rod of Useful Summons................................................. 18
Rod of Vaulting............................................................... 18
Short-Ranged Rod.......................................................... 19
Slinger Rod...................................................................... 19
Stunning Fist Rod........................................................... 19
New Spells.................................... 20
Jumping Flight................................................................20
Open Game License .......................21
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Lycanthropy Rod
REQUIREMENTS Aura moderate abjuration; CL 9th;
Feats Craft Rod; Spells wood Slot —; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 850 gp
shape; Cost 250 gp
Gem Safe Rod This is a black and grey steel stake with a
pure silver tip.
Aura moderate abjuration;
CL 9th; Slot —; Weight 4 EFFECTS
lbs.; Price 400 gp This rod provides a +1 resistance bonus
against lycanthropy saves to any creature
that keeps it in its possession for over 24
This metal rod is hours. As a full-round action, this rod can
two-feet-tall and as be used to damage a willing or helpless
wide as a hand, with a creature that has lycanthropy, dealing 1
compartment visible at one end. point of piercing damage to the creature
EFFECTS and absorbing the curse into the rod, curing
the lycanthrope. The rod then crumbles to
The gem safe rod is an oversized magical
dust, becoming unusable.
device that holds 20 gems and always
gives the owner a +1 circumstance bonus CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
to Appraisal checks. As a standard action Feats Craft Rod; Spells remove curse;
when the command word is spoken, any Cost 425 gp
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Myriad Rod The holy rod of angelic tears allows the user
Aura moderate illusion; CL 9th; Slot —; to create 4 pints of holy water, once per day.
Weight 5 lbs.; Price 1,105 gp Any evil or chaotic character attempting to
hold this rod will suffer 1d4 points of sacred
damage per round it is held.
This masterwork light mace has an ivory
grip and a head shaped like a gemstone, CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
but with innumerable facets. Feats Craft Rod; Spells bless water, create
water; Special creator must be good; Cost
500 gp
This rod functions as a masterwork light
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Magical Rods
Rod of Battle Casting New Spells
This rod has two separate functions.
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
Slot —; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp The first command grants the owner the
ability to identify one of three specific
DESCRIPTION metals if they are within 30 feet of the
A blood red crystal sits atop of this silver rod. The user must choose gold, silver, or
rod. copper. Once the metal is chosen, the rod
seeks out such treasure. If the chosen metal
is detected within 30 feet, the gem on top
While holding this rod, a spellcaster gains of the rod glows purple. The closer the
a +2 circumstance bonus to concentration wielder gets to the metal, the brighter the
checks. gem glows.
If the wielder has the Combat Casting feat, Once per day, as a standard action, the
then the rod grants a +3 circumstance wielder of a rod of coins may also fire a blast
bonus on the wielders first concentration of silver coins at a target up to 15 feet away.
check each day. The coins deal 2d6 piercing damage or
half with a successful DC 13 Reflex saving
throw. The coins instantly disappear after
Feats Craft Rod, Combat Casting; Spells this attack.
bear’s endurance; Cost 500 gp
The silver released from the rod does not
Rod of Coins leave any silver coins to retrieve after this
Aura moderate divination, moderate
evocation; CL 9th; Slot —; Weight 2 lbs.; CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Price 1,000 gp Feats Craft Rod; Spells detect magic,
locate object, burning hands; Cost 500 gp
This is a 3-foot-long cylinder, made entirely
of stacked coins containing the precious
metals copper, silver, and gold.
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
This rod is made mostly of onyx and has Constructed of brass with copper rivets,
all the appearances of an unholy crosier. this finely made light mace comes with a
It is covered in blood, bone, and flesh. A grip in the shape of a rod.
demonic skull sits atop of this magical rod.
EFFECTS A rod of fleetness can be used as a
This horrific item allows the user the create masterwork light mace.
4 pints of unholy water, once per day. Any
Once per day, the wielder gains a +1 insight
good or lawful character attempting to hold
bonus to initiative. This effect is automatic
the rod will suffer 1d4 points of evil damage.
and no command word is needed to activate
This damage continues each round that a
this ability as long as the rod is in-hand of
good or lawful presence retains their grip.
the wielder.
Feats Craft Rod; Spells create water,
Feats Craft Rod; Spells expeditious
curse water; Special creator must be evil;
retreat; Cost 705 gp
Cost 500 gp
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Rod of Ideal Climate
When you activate a rod of harmony, it
can summon any instrument that the Aura moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Slot
user is proficient with, for up to one hour. —; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 700 gp
Activating this rod is a standard action and DESCRIPTION
can only be used three times per day. The
A thin vial of mercury fills the center of this
summoned instrument grants the musician
crystal rod, extending from a blue shaded
a +2 circumstance bonus to Perform checks.
bottom to a red shaded top.
Feats Craft Rod; Spells summon
When held this rod grants the user the ability
instrument; Cost 425 gp
to change the temperature up or down, at a
rate of 5 degrees per round. within 30 feet,
Rod of Hostile Intent as long as the temperature does not exceed
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th; Slot —; -10 degrees to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. If
Weight 8 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp the ambient temperature around this area
is above 110 or below -10 degrees, the rod
fails to function.
This 4-foot-long rod is made of wood and
one side is wrapped in 12 inches of steel. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Feats Craft Rod; Spells endure elements;
Cost 350 gp
If the wielder is chaotic, the rod can be
commanded to turn into either a greatclub
or greataxe of force, three times per day
as a standard action. These weapons
retain their respective critical range and
weapon type (bludgeoning, slashing) and
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Rod of Sun Absorption Introduction
Feats Craft Rod; Spells light, searing
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th; Slot —;
light; Cost 500 gp
Weight 4 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
Magical Rods
DESCRIPTION Rod of the Astral
The top of the rod contains an oversized Alignment
yellow crystal globe that attaches to a steel New Spells
Aura moderate divination; CL 9th; Slot —;
rod that is 3-feet in length.
Weight 2 lbs.; Price 850 gp
The rod of sun absorption can soak up to
This jet-black rod is adorned with white
8 hours of sunlight when held in mostly
stars from top to bottom.
sunny conditions. The absorbed light can
be reproduced into a 20-foot radius for EFFECTS
half the duration absorbed. If the wielder The rod always knows the direction north
worships a deity associated with the Sun and grants the wielder an additional
domain they gain +1 sacred bonus to all insight bonus to Knowledge (geography).
healing spells and effects within the light. If Additionally, when used at night the
the character has access to the Sun domain user feels a sense of direction through
they gain a +2 sacred bonus to all healing astral knowledge, gaining a continuous
spells and effects cast within the light’s +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge
radius. A second function of the rod allows (geography) checks. The rod only functions
it to target a creature with a ranged touch when outdoors.
attack within 30 feet. This attack focuses a
ray of light that springs forth from the rod’s CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
crystal dealing 1d6 points of fire damage Feats Craft Rod; Spells know direction;
per 2 hours of absorbed sunlight remaining Cost 425 gp
(max 4d6, double damage to undead
creatures, though this has no additional Rod of the Blacksmith
effect beyond this to creatures vulnerable
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Slot
to sunlight). When used in this manner, the
—; Weight 8 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
remaining power stored in the rod is fully
This steel rod weighs 8 pounds and is
inscribed with stylized anvils running the
length of it.
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Rod of the Forced
When the command word is spoken the
crow’s wings magically open and it begins
to caw loudly. Dozens of illusory crows’ Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
flock randomly into the area of 100-foot Slot —; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 500 gp
burst centered on the rod of the crow’s call
for three rounds. While within the area of
crow’s high pitch sound, Perception checks This 18-inch-long rod is made of copper
to listen suffer a -10 penalty. Once assembled and engravings on the side show troops
the murder of crows last for three minutes. marching.
Feats Craft Rod; Spells summon nature’s The rod of military march grants the
ally I; Cost 300 gp wielder a swifter long-range movement,
equivalent to double the distance traveled
Rod of the Farmer for 4 hours. This rod only functions in out
of combat traveling situations.
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
Slot —; Weight 5 lbs.; Price 240 gp CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Feats Craft Rod; Spells floating disk;
Cost 500 gp Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th; Slot
—; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 750 gp
Rod of the Half-Moon
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
Slot —; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 700 gp This rod is 3 feet long, metallic in color and
resembles a scroll case.
This silver rod has a half-moon shape, that
sits atop of a 3-foot rod. This rod gives the user a +1 circumstance
bonus on Sense Motive skill checks when
EFFECTS held. On command, as a standard action,
The rod only functions when a half-moon is any intelligent presence standing within 10
visible in the sky. When holding this rod and ft of the wielder must succeed on a DC 14
standing under a half-moon, you gain either Will save, or be unable to lie in response to
+2 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution any question, for the next 2 minutes. Any
as a racial bonus (chosen at random). You subject who succeeds on the save is aware
receive these modifiers the entire time of the aura. Creatures affected may choose
the half-moon remains in the sky. While to remain silent to the questions asked but
under this effect you are susceptible to cannot bend the truth or lie.
attacks that affect wererats. When the rods
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
D% roll Item Generated
The wielder of the rod of untrained
01-10 Acid Flask
talents gains a +1 circumstance bonus to
11-20 Caltrops
the following skills if they are untrained:
Disable Device, Handle Animal, Spellcraft, 21-30 Climbers Kit
and Use Magic Device. 31-40 Crowbar
41-50 Disguise Kit
51-60 Ladder, 10-foot
Feats Craft Rod; Spells guidance; Cost
61-70 50-foot Silk Rope with
500 gp Grappling Hook
71-80 Mirror, small steel
Rod of Useful Summons
81-90 Smokestick
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Slot 91-99 Tanglefoot Bag
—; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 850 gp
100 Spyglass
This 3-foot-long rod made of bronze has
Feats Craft Rod; Spells minor creation;
a large copper spike protruding from the
Cost 425 gp
lower half of the shaft.
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Feats Craft Arms and Armor, Craft Rod;
Slot —; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 600 gp Spells hold person; Cost 500 gp
This solid rod is made up of iron and has a
leather strap that wraps around the top of
the rod.
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods
that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have
Open Game sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the
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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product
is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as
Reserved. expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
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1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be Inc.
added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on
Open Game Content distributed using this License. material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document. © 2011, Paizo
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. Publishing, LLC; Author: Paizo Publishing, LLC.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo
this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by
royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
License to Use, the Open Game Content.
Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods. © 2017 Publishing;
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are Authors: Kim Frandsen, Michael Ritter
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent