Neurotoxicology: Lisa F. Potts, Frederick A. Luzzio, Scott C. Smith, Michal Hetman, Pierre Champy, Irene Litvan
Neurotoxicology: Lisa F. Potts, Frederick A. Luzzio, Scott C. Smith, Michal Hetman, Pierre Champy, Irene Litvan
Neurotoxicology: Lisa F. Potts, Frederick A. Luzzio, Scott C. Smith, Michal Hetman, Pierre Champy, Irene Litvan
Article history: Introduction: The acetogenin, annonacin, from the tropical annonaceous plant Annona muricata, is a
Received 17 June 2011 lipophilic, mitochondrial complex I inhibitor reported to be more toxic than rotenone to mesencephalic
Accepted 26 October 2011 neurons. The temperate annonaceous plant Asimina triloba (pawpaw) is native to the Eastern United
Available online 23 November 2011
States and products are available online. This study determined whether annonacin is in the pawpaw
fruit pulp and whether it or the crude ethyl acetate extract is toxic to cortical neurons.
Keywords: Methods: Pawpaw extract was prepared by pulp extraction with methanol and liquid–liquid partitioning
Asimina triloba
with ethyl acetate (EtOAc). Annonacin was isolated from the crude EtOAc extract via column
chromatography using a gradient solvent system of increasing polarity. Mass spectroscopy, nuclear
Annonaceous acetogenins magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy were used to compare isolated material with synthetic
Neurotoxicity annonacin data and a natural annonacin sample. Toxicity of isolated annonacin and the total EtOAc
extract was determined in primary rat cortical neurons using the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-
diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay.
Results: The average concentration of annonacin in the fruit pulp was 0.0701 0.0305 mg/g. Purified
annonacin (30.07 mg/ml) and crude EtOAc extract (47.96 mg/ml) induced 50% death of cortical neurons 48 h
post treatment. Annonacin toxicity was enhanced in the presence of crude extract.
Discussion: Pawpaw fruit contains a high concentration of annonacin, which is toxic to cortical neurons.
Crude fruit extract also induced neurotoxicity, highlighting the need for additional studies to determine
the potential risks of neurodegeneration associated with chronic exposure to pawpaw products.
ß 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0161-813X/$ – see front matter ß 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
54 L.F. Potts et al. / NeuroToxicology 33 (2012) 53–58
commercial supplement made from pawpaw twig extracts, Paw- 22 mg/ml and stored at 80 8C. Serial dilutions of drugs were
Paw Cell-RegTM, that is marketed as beneficial for overall health prepared in basal medium Eagle (BME, Sigma) immediately before
( and as a safe complement to cancer each experiment.
therapy (Wang et al., 2001; McLaughlin, 2008; Cuendet et al., 2008;
Pomper et al., 2009; Coothankandaswamy et al., 2010). We 2.3. Cell cultures
hypothesized that annonacin is also present in the pawpaw fruit
pulp, which is the most commonly consumed tree product. This Cortical neurons were cultured from postnatal day 0 (P0)
study determined the presence and concentration of annonacin in Sprague-Dawley rat pups according to previously published
the pawpaw fruit and its toxicity to cortical neurons, which are methods (Hetman et al., 1999). The handling of animals followed
affected in several neurodegenerative disorders such as AD and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approved proce-
fronto-temporal dementia (FTD). We also determined the toxicity dures. For viability assays, cultured neurons were plated in 96-well
of the crude organic extract. culture plates coated with poly-D-lysine (PDL) at a density of 1500–
2000 cells/mm2. 1-(b-D-Arabinofuranosyl) cytosine (2.5 mm) was
2. Materials and methods added to all wells on day 2 in vitro (DIV 2) to inhibit proliferation of
non-neuronal cells. Cells were treated with annonacin, cEX, or
2.1. Isolation vehicle (DMSO or EtOAc) on DIV 5. Rotenone is a model neurotoxin
and was therefore used as a positive control while the ACG-free
Annonacin was isolated from A. triloba using frozen (http:// extract served as a negative control for the extraction process. MTT, May 18, 2011) and fresh (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide)
(A Little Piece of Paradise Farm, Lincoln County, Kentucky) fruit pulp is converted to a formazan product by mitochondrial dehydroge-
following standard extraction and chromatography techniques nase in living cells. As the rate of conversion is proportional to the
(Liaw et al., 2005) using an optimized solvent system. Fruit pulp number of surviving cells, it provides a convenient measure of cell
(1000 g) was homogenized with methanol (800 ml) using a viability (Mosmann, 1983). Therefore, the MTT assay was used as
commercial blender and vacuum filtered at room temperature previously described (Hansen et al., 1989) to assess the toxicity of
overnight or until nearly dry. Liquid–liquid partitioning of the each treatment relative to vehicle-treated controls.
filtrate into ethyl acetate (EtOAc, 3 200 ml) yielded the crude
organic extract (cEX), which was dried and concentrated for weight 2.4. Statistical analysis
determination. Separation of extracts and isolation of annonacin
from a known amount of crude extracts was obtained by repeated One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnette’s
open column chromatographies (25 mm 250 mm glass column) post hoc test was used to determine significance and non-linear
on silica gel 60 (Merck 9385, 235–400 mesh) or 62 (Mallinckrodt regression analysis to calculate the LD50 values for annonacin and
6551, 60–200 mesh) using a gradient solvent system of hexane with crude extracts.
increasing concentrations of EtOAc and finally 5% methanol in
EtOAc. Annonacin and acetogenin containing fractions were 3. Results
identified by thin layer chromatography (TLC) with chloroform/
methanol (9:1) using standard visualization techniques (i.e. 3.1. Isolation
anisaldehyde/ethanol/sulfuric acid stain) as well as the Kedde
reagent (dipping of TLC plate in 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid/methanol Data from TLC, FTMS, 1H- and 13C-NMR, FTIR spectroscopic
(2%, w/v) followed by dipping in potassium hydroxide/methanol analyses and optical rotations revealed the presence of annonacin
2 M) and weight determined following solvent removal in vacuo. The (HRMS calculated for C35H64O7 m/z [m+Na]+: 619.4543; Found:
entire extraction and isolation process was repeated on 5 separate 619.4546 0.6 ppm. [a]D20: +20.48 (c = 0.51, CHCl3)) in extracts
batches of frozen fruit and one batch of fresh fruit. High resolution isolated from pawpaw fruit pulp (Table 1, Fig. 1A). Annonacin
mass spectroscopy (HRMS, specifically FTMS using ESI) and nuclear tetraacetate was successfully prepared (HRMS calculated for
magnetic resonance (NMR, 500 MHz 1H and 13C) were used to C43H72O11 m/z [m+Na]+: 787.4966; Found: 787.4963 0.4 ppm.
compare the isolated annonacin to an annonacin sample from A. [a]D20: +7.458 (c = 0.51, CHCl3)) and isolated as determined by TLC,
muricata and synthetic annonacin data (Hu et al., 2001). An NMR, FTMS and FTIR (Table 1, Fig. 1B).
annonacin tetraacetate derivative was prepared by dissolving crude
annonacin (79 mg, 0.13 mmol) in pyridine (200 ml, 2.5 mmol and 3.2. Quantification
acetic anhydride (100 ml, 1.0 mmol). TLC confirmed full consump-
tion of the starting material during the reaction. Chromatographic The amount of annonacin isolated per gram of frozen fruit pulp
purification of the acetylated product (hexane/EtOAc 2:1) yielded was 0.0701 0.0305 mg as determined by average weight from
the tetraacetate derivative and spectral data were compared to that extractions on 5 separate batches (Table 2). On average, annonacin
of isolated annonacin. Optical rotations and infrared spectra (Fourier made up 10% of the total crude EtOAc extract. One additional
transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR) were also recorded for extraction was done on locally harvested fresh fruit, which gave an
isolated samples of annonacin and annonacin tetraacetate. annonacin yield of 0.1226 mg/g of pulp.
Solvents and reagents used for extractions were American Annonacin treatment reduced the number of viable cells
Chemical Society grade and used as commercially supplied. Stock remaining in the culture 48 h after treatment at concentrations
solutions of 1 mM rotenone (Sigma R8875) were prepared in as low as 10 mM (p < 0.001, Fig. 2A) as determined by MTT assay.
dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or EtOAc prior to each experiment. ACG-free treatment did not result in cell death indicating that the
Purified annonacin and cEX were dissolved in DMSO or EtOAc to processing of extract components per se is not sufficient for
make 50 mM and 75 mg/ml stock solutions, respectively, which procuring toxic material (Fig. 2B). Pure annonacin 30.07 mg/ml (i.e.
were stored at 80 8C. Acetogenin-free fractions (ACG-free) 50.45 mM) and cEX (47.96 mg/ml) reduced the number of viable
isolated from cEX alongside annonacin were diluted in DMSO to cells compared to controls by 50% 48 h after treatment. Compari-
L.F. Potts et al. / NeuroToxicology 33 (2012) 53–58 55
Table 1
Chemical structures and 1H and 13
C NMR data for annonacin (R5
5H) and annonacin tetraacetate (R5
5H, 1H assignment
R5 R5
5H, 13
C assignment 5Ac, 1H assignment
R5 R5
5Ac, 13
C assignment
Isolated and purified materials were dried and dissolved in CDCl3 (chemical shifts d in ppm; coupling constants J in Hz; 100 and 400 MHz).
son of LD50 values between pure annonacin and the amount of corresponds to that of annonacin prepared by stereoselective
annonacin present in cEX (LD50 = 4.80 mg/ml) confirmed that cEX synthesis, (Hu et al., 2001) which confirms that it possess the same
has more toxic potential than annonacin by itself (p < 0.0001, stereochemistry as annonacin. Based on repeated extractions we
Fig. 2C). determined that annonacin represents 0.007% of pawpaw pulp by
weight determination. This is higher than what is reported in
4. Discussion Annona cherimola seeds (0.0004%) (Kim et al., 2001) and A. muricata
(soursop) pulp 0.002% (Champy et al., 2005). The fruit pulp of A.
Herein we have: (1) found annonacin in fruit pulp of the triloba is a new, easily accessible source of biomass and our
annonaceous pawpaw tree, A. triloba, (2) determined the amount of extraction and isolation process procures a higher yield of
annonacin per gram of fruit pulp, and (3) shown that annonacin annonacin than the current, multistep synthetic route (Hu et al.,
and crude acetogenin-containing extracts are toxic to primary 2001), making it useful in exploring its potential as a novel model
cortical neurons. These findings are important particularly in view neurotoxin.
of previous reports of neurotoxicity associated with in vivo and in
vitro exposure to annonacin extracted from fruit or teas of A. 4.2. Neurotoxicity
muricata, a tropical annonaceous relative of pawpaw.
Acute annonacin treatment was toxic to cortical neurons (P0) at
4.1. Isolation and quantification low micromolar concentrations while treatment with the ACG-free
extract did not affect neuronal viability, indicating that the
We optimized a method for reliable extraction and isolation of neurotoxicity of annonacin was not an artifact of the extraction
annonacin from pawpaw fruit pulp. The presence of annonacin was process. Furthermore, annonacin was more toxic in the presence of
determined by TLC and mass spectroscopy (FTMS) using high-field cEX than when purified in terms of the amount of annonacin
NMR and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to confirm its identity by present in each treatment, suggesting that multiple acetogenins
comparison of spectral data with data from a natural annonacin synergistically affect neuronal viability. The presence of bis-
sample as well as that reported for synthetic annonacin. When tetrahydrofuranic acetogenins such as bullatacin is likely contrib-
examined by TLC in multiple solvent systems, the isolated uting to the neurotoxicity of cEX (Bermejo et al., 2005; Hollerhage
annonacin co-spotted with the A. muricata sample. NMR shifts et al., 2009). We found annonacin to be less potent in cortical
were consistent with those previously reported for synthetic neurons than previously reported in mesencephalic and striatal
annonacin (Hu et al., 2001) and FTMS and NMR spectra neurons (Escobar-Khondiker et al., 2007; Hollerhage et al., 2009),
corresponded with that of the annonacin sample. The successful which are more sensitive to such treatments. As annonacin was
formation of annonacin tetraacetate provided additional confir- less potent than rotenone in our experimental model, one can
mation that our isolated material was annonacin as noted by shifts speculate that the greater toxicity of the latter may be due to
in FTMS, NMR and FTIR absorptions where expected. Specifically reotenone’s inetarctions with additional cellular targets other than
the loss of OH bending in the FTIR tetraacetate spectra indicated the mitochondrial complex I (Klintworth et al., 2007; Choi et al.,
disappearance of the 4 hydroxyl groups that were evidenced by a 2008; Belcastro et al., 2009; Gill and Perez-Polo, 2009). Prior work
broad absorption band at 3416.74 cm 1 in the annonacin spectra. from Dr. Hetman’s lab has demonstrated that 80% or more of cells
Furthermore, the optical rotation of our purified material in the culture are neurons. Indeed in annonacin treated cells, there
56 L.F. Potts et al. / NeuroToxicology 33 (2012) 53–58
Fig. 1. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of annonacin isolated from Asimina triloba. Broad peak at 3416.74 cm 1 = OH groups, 2922.2 cm 1 = CH2s,
2852.19 cm 1 = THF ring, 1744.09 cm 1 = butenolide (A) compared to spectra of the tetraacetate derivative 2927.53 cm 1 = CH2s, 2856.29 cm 1 = THF ring,
1737.72 cm 1 = acetates with butenolide shoulder (B). Note, as expected, in (B) there is no longer a peak corresponding to the OH groups confirming complete
consumption of starting material and tetraacetate formation. Purified samples dissolved in CHCl3 and spotted on salt plates for spectral acquisition using Perkin-Elmer
Spectrum 100 instrument.
5. Conclusions
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