Data Lineage in Malicious Environments

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Data Lineage in Malicious Environments


Intentional or unintentional leakage of confidential data is undoubtedly one of the

most severe security threats that organizations face in the digital era. The threat
now extends to our personal lives: a plethora of personal information is available to
social networks and smartphone providers and is indirectly transferred to
untrustworthy third party and fourth party applications. In this work, we present a
generic data lineage framework LIME for data flow across multiple entities that
take two characteristic, principal roles (i.e., owner and consumer). We define the
exact security guarantees required by such a data lineage mechanism toward
identification of a guilty entity, and identify the simplifying non-repudiation and
honesty assumptions. We then develop and analyze a novel accountable data
transfer protocol between two entities within a malicious environment by building
upon oblivious transfer, robust watermarking, and signature primitives. Finally, we
perform an experimental evaluation to demonstrate the practicality of our protocol
and apply our framework to the important data leakage scenarios of data
outsourcing and social networks. In general, we consider LIME , our lineage
framework for data transfer, to be an key step towards achieving accountability by


 The data provenance methodology, in the form of robust watermarking

techniques or adding fake data, has already been suggested in the literature
and employed by some industries.
 Hasan et al. present a system that enforces logging of read and write actions
in a tamper-proof provenance chain. This creates the possibility of verifying
the origin of information in a document.
 Poh addresses the problem of accountable data transfer with untrusted
senders using the term fair content tracing. He presents a general framework
to compare different approaches and splits protocols into four categories
depending on their utilization of trusted third parties, i.e., no trusted third
parties, offline trusted third parties, online trusted third parties and trusted
hardware. Furthermore, he introduces the additional properties of recipient
anonymity and fairness in association with payment.


 In some cases, identification of the leaker is made possible by forensic

techniques, but these are usually expensive and do not always generate the
desired results.
 Most efforts have been ad-hoc in nature and there is no formal model
 Additionally, most of these approaches only allow identification of the
leaker in a non-provable manner, which is not sufficient in many cases.
 An attacker is able to strip of the provenance information of a file, the
problem of data leakage in malicious environments is not tackled by their

 We point out the need for a general accountability mechanism in data
transfers. This accountability can be directly associated with provably
detecting a transmission history of data across multiple entities starting from
its origin. This is known as data provenance, data lineage or source tracing.
 In this paper, we formalize this problem of provably associating the guilty
party to the leakages, and work on the data lineage methodologies to solve
the problem of information leakage in various leakage scenarios.
 This system defines LIME, a generic data lineage framework for data flow
across multiple entities in the malicious environment.
 We observe that entities in data flows assume one of two roles: owner or
consumer. We introduce an additional role in the form of auditor, whose task
is to determine a guilty party for any data leak, and define the exact
properties for communication between these roles.
 In the process, we identify an optional non-repudiation assumption made
between two owners, and an optional trust (honesty) assumption made by
the auditor about the owners.
 As our second contribution, we present an accountable data transfer protocol
to verifiably transfer data between two entities. To deal with an untrusted
sender and an untrusted receiver scenario associated with data transfer
between two consumers, our protocols employ an interesting combination of
the robust watermarking, oblivious transfer, and signature primitives.


 The key advantage of our model is that it enforces accountability by design;

i.e., it drives the system designer to consider possible data leakages and the
corresponding accountability constraints at the design stage. This helps to
overcome the existing situation where most lineage mechanisms are applied
only after a leakage has happened.
 We prove its correctness and show that it is realizable by giving micro
benchmarking results. By presenting a general applicable framework, we
introduce accountability as early as in the design phase of a data transfer



 System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

 Hard Disk : 40 GB.
 Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
 Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
 Mouse : Logitech.
 Ram : 512 Mb.


 Operating system : Windows 7.

 Coding Language : JAVA/J2EE
 IDE : Netbeans 7.4
 Database : MYSQL

Michael Backes, Niklas Grimm, and Aniket Kate, “Data Lineage in Malicious

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