Pathways RW Level 1 Writing Rubrics
Pathways RW Level 1 Writing Rubrics
Pathways RW Level 1 Writing Rubrics
Content Excellent supporting Strong supporting ideas Good supporting ideas, Weak supporting ideas
ideas that are appropriate that are appropriate to the but some are slightly or ideas that are unrelated
to the task task unrelated to the task to the task
● Supporting ideas are ● Supporting ideas are ● Supporting ideas are ● Supporting ideas are weak
well explained and have somewhat explained with a incomplete with little detail with little or no detail
enough details bit of detail ● Some supporting ideas are ● Supporting ideas are
● Supporting ideas are ● Supporting ideas are mostly unrelated to the task unrelated to the task
related to the task goal related to the task goal
Vocabulary Wide range of Good range of Average range of Limited range of
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
● Appropriate and related ● Appropriate and related to ● Mostly appropriate and ● Minimally appropriate and
Sentence Excellent sentence Good sentence structure Average sentence Weak sentence
Structure and structure and language and language use structure and language use structure and language use
Grammar use ● Good variety of sentence ● Little variety in sentence ● Simple or repetitive
● Correct use of mostly with uncommon words some with common words ● Largely incorrect use of
and places and at the ❍ Capitalization of names and ❍ Capitalization of names and places and at the
beginning of sentences places and at the beginning and places and at the beginning of sentences
❍ Use of comma between of sentences beginning of sentences ❍ Use of comma between
clauses and where ❍ Use of comma between ❍ Use of comma between clauses and where
appropriate clauses and where clauses and where appropriate
❍ Use of period or appropriate appropriate ❍ Use of period or
question mark at the ❍ Use of period or question ❍ Use of period or question question mark at the
end of sentences mark at the end of mark at the end of end of sentences
❍ Use of apostrophes for sentences sentences ❍ Use of apostrophes for
indicating possession ❍ Use of apostrophes for ❍ Use of apostrophes for indicating possession
indicating possession indicating possession
Total score: / 20