Catalogo Sany - SCC6500E
Catalogo Sany - SCC6500E
Catalogo Sany - SCC6500E
P2 02 Outline Dimensions
04 Main Technical Features
SCC6500E Crawler Crane
05 Table of Main Performance Data
Outline Dimensions 06 Transport Dimensions
Main Technical Features 12 Assembly/Disassembly
Table of Main Performance Data
Transport Dimensions
Operation Devices
Safety Devices
Slewing center
swing center
7575 15000
10000 17000
2 3
1. Safe Control System: 6. Hoisting Condition for Wind Turbine: Main performance data of SCC6500E crawler crane
Two convenient and reliable modes of operation; working Particularly suitable for the installation of the wind turbine
and assembly, with real-time level display, stop operation generator systems of 3.0MW or below; the fixed short jib Performance index Unit Data
braking away from machine-leaving stop action, electrical FJ(102+12) and FJDB(108+12)working conditions has Max. rated lifting capacity (t) t 650 (6m working radius)
emergency control, anti-lightning protection, automatically the optimum angle and radius designed in the hoisting Max. rated lifting capacity (with superlift) t 650 (10m working radius)
walk switches, CCTV monitoring function, with complete scheme of large fans; Max. rated lifting moment t·m 4184
safety and supervision system; Max. rated lifting moment (with superlift) t·m 8655
7.Efficient Self Assembly and Disassembly Length of boom m 24~84
2.Outstanding Operating Performance: Technology: Length of boom (with superlift) m 36~108
Load-sensing, limit load regulation and electronic-over- The whole machine can be assembled and disassembled
Length of mixed boom m 66~102
hydraulic control make each micro-movement extremely by itself; self assembly and disassembly of crawler frame
Length of mixed boom (with superlift) m 90~138
good and operation more stable; and self lifting of entire machine, features fast assembly
Length of luffing jib m 24~84
and disassembly;
Length of luffing jib (with superlift) m 24~96
3. Reliable Function Assurance:
Length of fixed short jib m 12~36
Sufficient safety margin for structural and mechanical 8. 100% Load Travel:
design; control system can operate stably in harsh Powerful tracking force and travel smoothness bring the Length of heavy-duty fixed short jib m 12
environments such as cold, high temperature, altitude advantages of crawler crane into full play; Combination of longest arm (LJDB operating condition) m 96+96/108+60
and sandy conditions; Max. length of Wind power combination (without superlift) m 102+12
9. Optimized Transport Solution: Max. length of Wind power combination (with superlift) m 108+12
4. Convenient Maintenance Technology: The boom and jib can be packed together to save Boom luffing angle 30~85
It takes approximately no more than 10min/person transportation cost; Jib luffing angle 15~75
to adjust;no more than 3 0 min/person for daily Max. single rope speed of main winch (outermost layer) m/min 110
maintenance;no more than 2h/person to repair. 10. Proprietary Electric Control Software:
The all-electric control system is used to provide a Max. single rope speed of auxiliary winch (outermost layer) m/min 105
5. Powerful Lifting Capacity: simple and friendly human-machine interface and the
Max. single rope speed of main luffing (outermost layer) m/min 48×2
The lifting capacity of boom under the working condition function of fault self-diagnosis, boasting high reliability
Max. single rope speed of auxiliary luffing (outermost layer) m/min 105
is 8655t·m, the longest boom 138m long, and the longest and convenient maintenance; and it is equipped with an
Max. single rope speed of superlift luffing (outermost layer) m/min 120
boom combination for the luffing jib is 96m+96m; the electric backup system to provide high safety;
Swing speed (no load) r/min 0~1.2
crane may support the combination of up to 11 types of
Travel speed km/h 0~1.0(high speed)\0~0.4(low speed)
operating conditions; 11. Centralized Lubrication:
Gradeability (with basic boom and driver’s cab backward) % 15
A centralized lubrication system under auto-control
provides automatic lubrication to key moveable parts and Rated engine output power kW/r/min 400/2000
reduces time and labor for maintenance. Total weight (with basic boom, 190t rear counterweight,
t 510
and 80t central counterweight, 650t hook block)
Average ground pressure (basic boom, 19 0t basic machine
MPa 0.15
counterweight, and 80t central counterweight, with 650t hook block)
Rear counterweight of basic machine t 190
Superlift counterweight t 310
Central counterweight t 80
Max. transport dimension of single unit(length*width* height) mm 12270×3380×3400
Max.transport weight of single piece t 70
4 5
6 7
6mA luffing jib insert ×1 Fixed jib (including fixed jib mast) ×1
8 9
Length 0.86m Notes: 1.The transport dimensions of the parts are not
drawn by scale; the dimensions indicated are
Width 0.88m
the design values excluding package.
Height 2.39m 2.The weight is the design value and there may
be difference due to manufacturing error.
Weight 4.8t
10 11
Luffing mast
9 10
3 4
12 13
14 15
SCC6500E 1)Engine
■ Eight-cylinder water-cooled engine rated power 447Kw
4)Main and Auxiliary Hoisting Mechanisms
The planet gear speed reducer of variable displacement
at 1800rpm;Max. rated torque 2542N·m at 1400rpm. hydraulic motor is used to control the lift and drop of
main hoist I and main hoist II, and meanwhile, with a
Superstructure 17 2)Electrical System good dead slow speed property, the fastest gear can
It consists of power system, engine control system, realize fast power lift of main hoist I and main hoist II;
Undercarriage 20
main control system, load moment system, auxiliary One winch can hoist within 325t and two winches can
Operation Devices 21
control system, emergency backup system and CCTV hoist over 325t ; it requires the operation of both hoists;
Safety Devices 22
monitoring system. etc. CAN buses are used among the main hoist I and main hoist II can be synchronized; the
Counterweight Parameters 25
controller, display, operating handle, encoder, engine and Max.multiplying factor is 48; the multi-layer winding of
load moment limiter for data transmission, improving the reels with twisted rope fold line drum ensures the smooth
system reliability. winding of ropes, and the reducer is characterized by low
noise and high efficiency, long life and easy oil change.
3)Hydraulic System
■ The hydraulic system includes: hoisting hydraulic
system, traveling hydraulic system, slewing hydraulic NO.1 Main hoisting mechanism
system, backstop hydraulic system, cooling system, Rope speed of the outermost working layer 0~110m/min
closed circuit and is energy-conserving, efficient, and Rated single rope tension 16.4t
16 17
18 19
1)Traveling Drive 4)Chassis All pipes of the operation device are high-strength steel 4)Lifting Hook
The traveling system has two gearshifts, and it provides With a high-strength welded frame structure, it adopts the tubes, and the plates are high-strength steel plates. The Standard configuration: 18t hook ball
a strong trac tion forc e, c apable of realizing 70% hydraulic cylinder to drive the power pin to connect with luffing bearing is also made of high-strength steel pipes. 50t hook block
steering and traveling under load; each travel reducer is crawler frame, and the assembly and removal are very Pulley materials: the pulleys on boom lever all use the 100t hook block
independently driven, and may flexibly perform forward, convenient and easy. rolling welded pulleys, and all lifting hooks use rolling 150t hook block
back or spot turning steering. welded pulleys. 250t hook block
5)Travel Speed 650t hook block (which can be
2)Travel Brake The variable displacement motor can realize two speeds, 1)Boom disassembled into 325t lifting
The travel brake is normally engaged in the reducer achieving infinite variable speed in each gear. High ■ The boom is the lattice structure with uniform section hooks)
(namely, it is in the braking state when the travel handle speed: 0~1.0km/h; low speed 0~0.4 km/h. It may ensure in the middle and variable sections at both ends. It is
is not operated). It can compensate automatically without smooth operation of equipment and realize traveling. welded with steel pipes, and the top and root segment 5)Superlift Mast
requiring adjustment. When the travel handle is operated, of boom are reinforced with steel plates, which is more ■ It is the spatial lattice structure with variable sections
the brake will be released automatically to realize favorable to transmit loads. at both ends and uniform section in the middle. It is
traveling. ■ The length of boom ranges between the basic boom welded with steel pipes, the top and root segment of
(24m) and the Max.length (108m). boom are reinforced with steel plates, which is more
3)Crawler Shoe ■ Composition:Boom base 12mx1, transitional section favorable to transmit loads.
The crawler units at the left and right have 140 crawler 10.5m×1, connecting section 1.5m×1, boom insert ■ The superlift mast is 30m long.
shoes totally, each 1,500mm wide. 6m×2, and boom insert 12m×6. ■ Composition: tip 6m, base 6m, insert 6m×1, and
The tensity of crawler shoe can be adjusted via the insert 12m×1.
hydraulic jack, and an ideal tensity can be achieved 2)Main Luffing Mast
through adjusting the position of adjusting gasket. Integrally a door-shaped strut, it is welded with high- 6)Operating Conditions
strength steel plate, extending 11.3m long, and the ■ Boom Operating condition (H)
middle part has a beam for reinforcement. The structural ■ H+ superlift mast + superlift counterweight (HDB)
strength is high with good rigidity. ■ Operating condition of Mixed boom (HJ)
■ Operating condition of mixed boom + superlift mast
3)Luffing Jib + superlift counterweight (HJDB)
■ The boom is the lattice structure with uniform section ■ H+ luffing jib (LJ)
in the middle and variable sections at both ends. It is ■ H+ luf fing jib + superlift mast + superlift
welded with steel pipes, and the top and root segment counterweight (LJDB)
of boom are reinforced with steel plates, which is more ■ H+ heavy-duty short fixed jib + superlift mast +
favorable to transmit loads. superlift counterweight (FJh DB)
■ The available jib length is 24m~96m (tip 7.5m×1, and ■ H+ light-duty fixed jib (FJ)
base 4.5m×1), and jib inserts, 6m×2 and 12m×6 ■ H+ Light-duty fixed jib +superlift mast +superlift
long. counterweight (FJDB)
■ The jib luffing depends on the front mast and rear ■ Mixed boom+ fixed jib(HJFJ)
mast of luffing jib; the spatial truss structure has ■ Mixed boom + fixed jib + superlift mast + superlift
variable sections at both ends and uniform section in counterweight (HJFJDB)
the middle of the mast.
■ The rear mast of luffing jib is 16m long, and the front Notes: The operation devic es above are in all
configurations, and the specific configuration should be
mast of luffing jib 16.5m long.
subject to contract for goods.
20 21
Safety Devices
1)Load Moment Indicator 5)Boom Angle Limit Device 7)Hoisting Mechanism Brake 14)Lightning Protection Device
■ A Sany made load moment limiter is used and it forms ■ When the boom angle is over 85° and the jib angle All hoisting brakes are spring-loaded normal-engaged It includes the grounding device and surge protection
a network with other controllers via CAN bus to realize over 75°, the corresponding limit switch actuates to disk brakes, which provide a big braking force and is device, which can effectively prevent the damage to
safe and reliable control. The load moment limiter may make the buzzer give an alarm. At the same time, the safe, reliable, free of maintenance, and durable. devices of electrical system and working staff in case of
automatically detect the weight hoisted by the crane boom will stop automatically. lightning stroke.
and the angle of boom, and displays the rated loading ■ The raising operation of luffing drum does not function. 8)CCTV Monitoring System
capacity and actual load, operating radius and the But the lowering operation can be realized. When the It can monitor the winding condition of wire ropes on each 15)Boom Angle Indicator
allowable height of lifting hook. lowering angle of boom is lower than 30° and the hoisting mechanism, status of superlift counterweight, Pendulum-type angle indicator secured is installed on
■ The load moment limiter system is composed of a angle of jib lower than 15°, the manipulation will be and the situation surrounding equipment. one side of the boom base.
large screen color display, basic machine, angle limited, and the protection function will be controlled
sensor, tension sensor, and pressure sensor, etc. automatically by the load moment limiter. 9)Self-diagnosis System 16)Hook Clamp
It can eliminate the fault conveniently according to the The hook is equipped with a clamp plate to prevent the
2)Main and Auxiliary Hoisting Limiter 6)Boom Back-stop Device fault codes. wire rope from falling off.
The limit switch is used for preventing the hooks from ■ The boom and superlift mast have a pair of back-stop
being over-lifted; when the lifting hook is lifted to a certain cylinders respectively. The high pressure of back- 10)Black Box 17)Swing and Traveling Alarm
height, the limit switch will get activated, with a buzzer stop cylinder need be conquered when the boom It can record the operating situation of the driver and While swinging and travelling, the alarm will be activated
on the console sending an alarm; meanwhile the lifting tilts backward; the hydraulic system automatically operation parameters of equipment, and this is favorable in certain frequency to warn nearby personnel.
action of the hook is forced to stop and drop to avoid the compensates the high pressure oil and strains the to analysis of accident cause.
over lifting of the hook. boom when the support sets out forward so as to 18)Manipulation Release
prevent the vibration and back-tilting of boom in 11)Pharos O nc e t he f unc t i on lo c k st ic k on t he r ight si de of
3)Lowering Limiter of Main and operation. It is installed on the top of boom. driver's seat is pulled or the operator leaves his seat,
Auxiliary Winch ■ The fixed mast of jib is equipped with a back-stop all manipulation stops are not functioning to prevent
When the wire rope is rolled out near the last three device, and the luffing mast of jib a pair of oil cylinders 12)Anemometer misoperation due to body collision when the driver getting
circles, the electric control system will automatically shut so as to prevent the mast from being tilted backward It is installed on the top of boom to have real-time on/off the crane.
off the dropping action of hook and give an alarm via the and straining the luffing wire rope of jib. monitoring over the wind velocity and display it on the
buzzer and display. ■ A mechanical back-stop device is equipped to prevent monitor. 19)Engine Power Limit Load Adjustment
the jib from being tipping back when its angle is up to and Stalling Protection
4)Switch for Assembly Mode/Operating 75°. 13)Gradienter The controller monitors the engine power to prevent the
Mode The electronic gradienter displays the inclining angle of engine from stalling.
■ Under the installation mode, the over roll-out lowering crane on the monitor and guarantees the safe operation
limit device, boom limit device and load moment of crane.
indicator do not function to facilitate installation of
■ While under the operating mode, all these safety
devices are functioning.
22 23
Counterweight Parameters
Counterweight Parameters
20)Engine Monitoring Instrument
It can display the water temperature, fuel quantity, Name Q’ty Length(m) Width(m) Height(m) Weight of single piece (t)
accumulated operating duration, oil pressure, engine
Central counterweight tray 2 5 2.99 0.89 3.42
speed, charging status of battery, and voltage.
Central counterweight block 8 2.49 2.35 0.555 10
21)Emergency Operating System Machine counterweight tray 2 3 2.71 2.05 6.2
The independent operating box of circuit is connected
to the Electrical cabinet via the connector. In case of Machine counterweight block 18 2.49 2.35 0.555 10
emergency, the main operations like hoisting, luffing, Superlift counterweight tray 1 9.14 2.49 0.77 9.1
slewing, and traveling can all be realized.
Superlift counterweight block 30 2.49 2.35 0.555 10
Hook name Max. hoisting capacity Q’ty Number of pulleys Multiplying factor Weight of single piece (t)
23)Emergency Stop Device
In case of emergency that the crane is out of control 650t lifting hook 650t 1 2×13 2×24 19.2
suddenly, press down the emergency stop button so that
250 lifting hook 250 1 2×5 2×10 8
the hoisting, luffing, slewing and traveling actions are all
under emergency braking and the engine shuts down. 150t lifting hook 150t 1 5 11 4.5
Notes: The 650t lifting hook can be decomposed into two 325t lifting hooks.
24 25
SCC6500E 10°/20°
Combination of Operating Conditions 27 12m
H Operating Condition 28
HDB Operating Condition 31
HJ Operating Condition 35
HJDB Operating Condition 39 24m-84m 36m-108m 66m-102m 90m-138m
LJ Operating Condition 45
LJDB Operating Condition 51 42m-84m
FJhDB Operating Condition 71
FJ Operating Condition 75
FJDB Operating Condition 78
HJFJ Opertaing Condiotn 81
HJFJDB Operating Condition 84 H HDB HJ HJDB FJhDB FJ
24m-96m 12m-36m
36m-108m 66m-102m
26 27
30 1 - -
36 2 - - 10.5m boom 80
42 1 1 -
48 2 1 -
54 1 1 1 70
60 2 1 1
66 1 1 2
72 2 1 2 60
78* 1 1 3
84* 2 1 3
12m B boom (3 in total) 50
Notes: the 24m basic boom is composed
of the boom tip, 10.5m boom and
main/auxiliary connecting sections. 72m
* indicates when the length of boom 66m
is 78m or 84m,the waist rope must 60m
be used; otherwise the boom is at
the risk of fracture.
48m 30
30m 20
6m A boom (2 in total) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Operating radius (m)
28 29
9 9 78* 1 1 3 -
460 457 451 425 418 408 384
84* 2 1 3 -
10 390 372 367 358 355 354 349 338 330 10 12m C boom (2 in total)
90* 1 1 3 1
12 299 285 284 276 274 272 270 268 267 266 264 11 96* 2 1 3 1
14 228 221 219 215 210 208 207 207 206 206 205 12 102* 1 1 3 2
108* 2 1 3 2
16 188 185 178 174 171 169 167 166 165 164 163 13
18 160 151 149 145 142 141 140 139 137 136 136 14
Notes: the 36m basic boom is composed of the boom
20 137 131 128 125 123 122 121 121 121 121 120 15 tip, two 6m inserts, 10.5m boom, and main/
auxiliary connecting sections.
22 118 114 111 110 106 104 103 103 102 102 101 16 * indicates when the length of boom is 78m ~
108m, the waist rope must be used; otherwise
24 107 102 99 95 92.5 92 92 92 92 91.4 17 the boom is at the risk of fracture. 12m B boom (3 in total)
42 55.7 55.1 54.1 53.6 52.2 43.1 35.1 26 12m A boom (1 in total)
46 47.2 43.9 42.5 40.8 33.2 27.8 28
30 31
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting appliances,
and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with boom extension is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent weight
of extension 1t.
32 33
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of HDB Operating Condition Boom length Boom insert Jib insert
Jib tip (7.5m)
Boom length 36m-108m Superlift Radius 17m Superlift counterweight 310t Rear (m) 6m 12m 6m 12m
counterweight 190tCentral counterweight 80t Unit:(t)
66 2 2 - -
BoomLength(m) BoomLength(m)
36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 72 2 2 1 -
Radius(m) Radius(m)
7 650 642 7 78* 2 2 2 -
12m B jib (1 in total)
8 650 640 639 8 84* 2 2 1 1
12 622 600 598 575 522 455 410 347 309 290 255 12 Note: * indicates when the length of boom is 78m ~ 102m,
14 601 600 598 560 522 455 410 347 309 290 255 220 192 14 the waist rope must be used; otherwise the boom is
at the risk of fracture.
16 538 537 534 500 494 451 410 347 309 289 253 218 191 16
18 473 472 471 444 441 438 406 346 308 287 249 212 187 18 12m A jib (1 in total)
20 421 421 420 396 394 392 389 343 304 285 246 210 184 20
22 380 379 378 358 356 354 352 337 301 282 244 208 182 22
24 345 344 343 326 323 321 319 317 297 275 238 205 179 24
10.5m boom
26 316 315 314 298 296 294 292 290 288 264 236 202 176 26
28 291 290 289 275 272 271 269 267 265 252 233 199 172 28
30 269 269 268 255 253 252 250 248 245 242 219 194 167 30
34 233 232 219 218 215 214 213 212 211 201 180 157 34
38 205 204 190 188 187 186 185 183 181 180 162 146 38 12m B boom (1 in total)
42 182 166 166 164 163 162 160 158 157 150 135 42
46 140 149 147 145 144 141 140 139 137 121 46
50 129 131 130 129 127 126 124 122 113 50
12m A boom (1 in total)
54 110 118 118 116 114 112 111 110 104 54
58 102 107 106 104 103 101 99.5 95.4 58
62 94.3 97.2 95 93.2 92 89.8 86.4 62
66 86.3 86.9 85.8 84 81.7 78.5 66
70 75.5 77.8 78.9 77.2 74.9 71.8 70
74 68.6 70.9 70.9 69.2 65.6 74
78 78
6m A boom (2 in total)
62.9 63.4 62.3 59.5
82 56.6 56.4 53.7 82
86 50.1 48.2 86
Boom base (12m)
90 44.2 42.9 90
94 37.7 94
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting appliances,
and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with boom extension is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent weight
of extension 1t.
34 35
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of HJ Operating Condition
Boom length 66m~102m Rear Counterweight 170t Central Counterweight 0t
Boom length(m) Boom length(m)
66 72 78 84 90 96 102
Radius(m) Radius(m)
10 244 233 10
90 11 224 214 11
12 203 194 187 180 169 151 12
13 187 180 174 167 159 147 13
80 14 171 166 160 154 149 143 119 14
15 155 152 149 144 140 134 114 15
16 139 138 138 134 130 125 109 16
17 127 126 126 124 122 118 105 17
18 114 114 114 113 113 111 100 18
19 106 106 106 105 105 103 96.3 19
20 97.9 97.4 97.4 96.3 95.7 95.2 92.4 20
60 22 84.2 84.2 83.6 82.5 82.0 81.4 80.9 22
102m 30°
24 73.7 73.2 72.6 72.1 71.5 70.4 70.4 24
96m 26 64.9 64.4 63.8 63.3 62.7 61.6 61.6 26
50 28 57.8 57.2 56.7 55.6 55.0 54.8 54.2 28
84m 30 50.8 49.8 49.2 48.5 48.1 30
51.7 51.3
78m 32 46.8 46.4 45.9 44.9 44.2 43.5 43.0 32
72m 34 41.9 41.5 41.0 39.9 39.2 38.4 37.8 34
66m 36 38.2 37.7 37.1 36.0 35.2 34.4 33.8 36
38 34.4 33.9 33.2 32.0 31.2 30.4 29.8 38
40 31.4 30.7 30.1 28.9 28.1 27.2 26.7 40
30 42 42
28.3 27.6 27.1 25.7 25.0 24.1 23.5
44 25.8 25.1 24.5 23.2 22.4 21.6 21.0 44
46 23.3 22.7 22.0 20.7 19.9 19.0 18.4 46
20 48 21.3 20.6 20.0 18.6 17.8 16.9 16.3 48
50 19.4 18.6 17.9 16.6 15.7 14.9 14.2 50
54 16.1 15.3 14.5 13.2 12.3 11.4 10.8 54
58 13.4 12.4 11.7 10.3 9.5 8.5 7.8 58
62 10.1 9.2 7.9 6.9 5.9 5.3 62
66 7.3 5.8 4.8 66
70 5.6 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 (m) 74 74
78 78
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
36 37
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
38 39
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 (m) 58 10 9.2 8.5 7.3 6.9 6.6 6.1 4.8 58
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
40 41
Load Charts of HJDB Operating Condition Load Charts of HJDB Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of HJDB Operating Condition SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of HJDB Operating Condition
Boom length 90-138m Superlift radius 11m Superlift counterweight 0t Boom length 90~138m Superlift radius15m Superlift counterweight310t
Unit:(t) Unit:(t)
Rear counterweight 190t Central counterweight 80t Rear counterweight170t Central counterweight0t
Boom length(m) Boom length(m) Boom length(m) Boom length(m)
90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138
Radius(m) Radius(m)) Radius(m) Radius(m)
12 223 207 12 12 268* 236* 12
13 267* 235* 13
13 207 200 13
14 265* 235* 199* 168* 147* 134* 14
14 193 187 173 143 123 113 14 15 263* 234* 198* 166* 146* 133* 15
15 181 175 169 141 123 113 15 16 261* 234* 196* 165* 145* 133* 119* 105* 90.2* 16
17 259* 233* 196* 163* 144* 132* 119* 105* 89.1* 17
16 169 164 159 139 123 113 100 86.9 73.7 16
18 257* 233* 195* 161* 144* 132* 118* 104* 88.0* 18
17 159 154 150 138 121 111 99.5 86.3 73.1 17 19 255* 232* 194* 160* 143* 130* 118* 103* 87.4* 19
18 147 146 141 136 119 110 99 85.8 72.6 18 20 253* 230* 193* 159* 141* 129* 118* 103* 86.9* 20
19 136 136 134 130 118 109 98.4 84.7 71.5 19 22 249 227* 191* 156* 139* 128* 117* 102* 85.8* 22
24 246 224 189* 152* 138* 126* 116* 101* 84.7* 24
20 125 125 125 123 117 108 97.9 83.6 70.4 20
26 242 220 187* 149* 136* 125* 115* 100* 82.5* 26
22 108 108 107 107 106 105 95.7 82.5 68.2 22 28 238 217 184 146* 134* 123* 114* 99.0* 81.4* 28
24 95.1 94.6 94.6 93.5 92.9 92.9 91.3 80.3 67.1 24 30 232 213 182 143* 132* 122* 113* 97.9* 80.3* 30
32 215 204 177 139* 130* 119* 112* 96.8* 79.2* 32
26 84.1 83.6 83 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.4 79.2 64.9 26
34 198 195 171 136* 128* 117* 111* 95.7* 78.1* 34
28 74.8 74.2 73.7 73.1 72.6 72.6 72 70.4 63.8 28 36 184 183 165 133 126* 116* 110* 95.1* 76.4* 36
30 67.1 66.5 66 64.9 64.9 64.3 64.3 63.2 61.6 30 38 170 170 159 130 124 114* 108* 94.6* 74.8* 38
40 160 160 153 128 121 112 107* 94.0* 73.7* 40
32 60.8 60.3 59.8 58.7 58.6 58.2 58 57 55.5 32
42 150 149 147 125 118 110 106 93.5* 72.6* 42
34 54.5 54.1 53.6 52.6 52.3 52.1 51.8 50.8 49.5 34 44 141 141 139 122 116 108 104 92.3* 70.9* 44
36 49.8 49.3 48.8 47.7 47.3 47.1 46.8 45.6 44.5 36 46 133 133 132 118 114 106 103 90.7 69.3* 46
48 126 125 125 116 111 104 101 89.1 68.2* 48
38 45.1 44.5 44 42.7 42.3 42.1 41.8 40.4 39.6 38
50 119 118 118 113 108 102 99.6 87.5 67.1* 50
40 41.1 40.5 39.9 38.7 38.3 38.1 37.7 36.4 35.5 40 54 99 96.4 84.5 63.8* 54
108 107 106 106 104
42 37.1 36.5 35.9 34.7 34.3 34.1 33.6 32.4 31.5 42 58 98.4 97.3 96.8 95.7 95.7 94.6 93.4 81.7 60.5* 58
44 33.9 33.3 32.7 31.5 31 30.8 30.4 29.2 28.3 44 62 89.6 89.1 88.5 87.4 86.9 86.9 86.3 79.1 57.2 62
66 82.5 81.9 80.8 79.7 79.7 79.2 78.6 76.7 53.9 66
46 30.8 30.1 29.4 28.3 27.8 27.6 27.1 25.9 25 46
70 75.9 75.3 74.8 73.7 73.1 72.6 72.6 71.5 50.6 70
48 28.1 27.5 26.8 25.6 25.1 24.9 24.4 23.2 22.3 48 74 70.4 69.3 68.7 67.6 67.1 67.1 66.5 65.4 46.2 74
50 25.5 24.8 24.2 22.9 22.5 22.3 21.7 20.5 19.6 50 78 65.4 64.3 63.8 62.7 62.1 62.1 61.6 60.5 42.9 78
82 59.9 59.4 58.3 57.7 57.2 56.6 55.5 39.6 82
54 21.1 20.4 19.8 18.5 18 17.8 17.3 16 15.1 54
86 55 54.3 53.6 53.4 52.9 51.8 37.2 86
58 17.4 16.7 16 14.8 14.3 13.9 13.5 12.2 11.3 58 90 51.8 50.6 50 49.7 49.1 47.8 36.1 90
62 14.3 13.5 12.8 11.5 11 10.7 10.2 9 8 62 94 47.3 46.6 46.3 45.6 44.3 35 94
98 43.4 43.1 42.3 41 33.9 98
66 11.5 10.7 10 8.8 8.2 7.9 7.4 6.1 5.1 66
102 40.1 39.3 38 32.7 102
70 9.2 8.3 7.5 6.3 5.8 5.5 4.9 70 106 36.6 36.6 35.3 31.6 106
74 7.1 6.2 5.5 74 110 33.7 32.7 30.5 110
78 114 30 29.3 114
5.5 4.5 78
118 26.8 118
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting 122 23.7 122
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
weight of extension 1t. appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground 2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
under the operating condition. weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
42 43
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of HJDB Operating Condition 7.5m tip J1
Boom length 90~138m Superlift radius15m Superlift counterweight310t
Rear counterweight190t Central counterweight80t
Boom length(m) Boom length(m)
90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138
Radius(m) Radius(m)
12 268* 236* 12 12m jib J8B (2 in total)
13 267* 235* 13
14 265* 235* 199* 168* 147* 134* 14
15 263* 234* 198* 166* 146* 133* 15
16 261* 234* 196* 165* 145* 133* 119* 105* 90.2* 16 6m jib J6B (1 in total)
17 259* 233* 196* 163* 144* 132* 119* 105* 89.1* 17
18 257* 233* 195* 161* 144* 132* 118* 104* 88.0* 18 6m jib J6A (1 in total)
19 255* 232* 194* 160* 143* 130* 118* 103* 87.4* 19
20 253* 230* 193* 159* 141* 129* 118* 103* 86.9* 20
22 249 227* 191* 156* 139* 128* 117* 102* 85.8* 22
24 246 224 189* 152* 138* 126* 116* 101* 84.7* 24
26 242 220 187* 149* 136* 125* 115* 100* 82.5* 26
28 238 217 184 146* 134* 123* 114* 99.0* 81.4* 28 12m jib J8A (2 in total)
Note: * indicates when the length of boom
30 233 213 182 143* 132* 122* 113* 97.9* 80.3* 30 is 66m ~ 84m, the waist rope
32 221 204 177 139* 130* 119* 112* 96.8* 79.2* 32 must be used; otherwise the
34 206 195 171 136* 128* 117* 111* 95.7* 78.1* 34 boom is at the risk of fracture.
12m jib J8A (1 in total)
36 193 187 165 133 126* 116* 110* 95.1* 76.4* 36
38 181 179 159 130 124 114* 108* 94.6* 74.8* 38
40 171 169 153 128 121 112 107* 94.0* 73.7* 40 4.5m jib base J2
42 160 159 147 125 118 110 106 93.5* 72.6* 42 Main & auxiliary connecting section H3 (15m)
44 151 150 141 122 116 108 104 92.3* 70.9* 44
46 141 141 136 118 114 106 103 90.7 69.3* 46
10.5m arm H10
48 134 134 130 116 111 104 101 89.1 68.2* 48
50 127 126 125 113 108 102 99.6 87.5 67.1* 50
54 115 114 114 107 104 99 96.4 84.5 63.8* 54
58 105 104 103 102 100 94.6 93.4 81.7 60.5* 58
62 96.2 95.7 95.1 94 93.5 90.2 90.2 79.1 57.2 62
66 88.5 88 86.9 86.3 85.8 85.2 84.7 76.7 53.9 66
70 81.4 80.8 80.3 79.2 78.6 78.6 78.1 76 50.6 70 12m boom H8B (2 in total)
74 75.3 74.8 74.2 73.1 72.6 72.6 72 70.9 46.2 74
78 67.1 69.3 68.7 67.6 67.1 67.1 66.5 65.4 42.9 78
82 62.1 63.8 63.2 62.7 62.1 61.6 60.5 39.6 82
86 57.7 58.3 58.3 57.7 57.2 56.1 37.2 86 12m boom H8A (1 in total)
90 51.9 52.8 53.6 54 53.5 52.2 36.1 90
94 47.4 48.7 49.5 49.5 48 35 94
98 44 45.1 45.4 44.2 33.9 98 6m boom H6A (1 in total)
102 40.8 41.4 40.5 32.7 102
106 36.6 37.6 36.9 31.6 106
Boom base H2 (12m)
110 33.7 33.4 30.5 110
114 30 29.4 114
118 26.8 118
122 23.7 122
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting LJ operating condition
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
44 45
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJ Operating Condition
Boom length 30m Boom angle 65°Jib length 24-84m Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t)
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJ Operating Condition
48m Boom length 30m Boom angle 65°Jib length 24-84m Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t)
Jib length(m) Jib length(m)
60m 60 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84
36m Radius(m) Radius(m))
54m 30m 34 44.6 34
24m 36 41.3 36
48m 50
38 38.2 36.9 38
42m 40 34.2 40
40 42 31.9 30.4 42
44 29.8 28.2 44
30m 46 27.8 26.3 24.8 46
48 24.5 23.0 48
50 22.9 21.3 20.1 50
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
Operating Rang Curve of Lifting Height 2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
46 47
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJ Operating Condition SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJ Operating Condition
Boom length 30m Boom angle 65°Jib length 24-84m Rear counterweight 190t Central counterweight 80t Unit:(t) Boom length 66m Boom angle 85°Jib length 24-84m Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t))
Jib length(m) Jib length(m)
24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 Jib length(m) Jib length(m)
Radius(m) Radius(m) 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84
32 64.9 32 Radius(m) Radius(m)
34 60.0 34 18 121 18
36 55.6 54.5 36
38 51.9 50.7 38 19 114 19
40 47.3 46.0 40 20 107 105 20
42 44.3 43.0 42
44 40.3 39.1 44 22 94.1 93.0 91.9 22
46 37.8 36.6 35.5 46
24 83.6 82.5 81.4 80.3 24
48 35.8 34.4 33.3 48
50 32.5 31.4 29.8 50 26 74.8 73.7 73.2 71.5 71.0 26
54 28.9 27.8 26.2 25.0 54
28 67.7 66.6 66.0 64.4 63.8 62.2 61.6 28
58 24.8 23.1 21.9 20.8 58
62 20.5 19.3 18.2 16.5 62 30 61.6 60.5 60.0 58.3 57.8 56.1 55.6 54.9 30
66 18.3 17.1 16.0 14.3 13.6 66
32 55.8 55.1 53.7 53.0 51.5 50.9 50.1 32
70 15.1 14.0 12.3 11.8 10.3 70
74 12.3 10.6 10.0 8.6 74 34 51.2 50.3 49.1 48.3 47.0 46.2 45.3 44.0 43.1 34
78 9.1 8.5 7.2 78
82 7.8 7.2 5.7 82 36 46.6 45.4 44.6 43.3 42.6 41.7 40.4 39.6 36
86 5.9 4.6 86 38 42.9 41.7 40.9 39.6 38.9 38.1 36.7 36.1 34.2 38
SSCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJ Operating Condition 40 40.0 38.8 38.1 36.7 36.0 35.2 33.8 33.2 31.4 40
Boom length 36m Boom angle 65°Jib length 24-84m Rear counterweight 190t Central counterweight 80t Unit:(t)
42 37.2 36.0 35.2 33.9 33.1 32.3 30.9 30.4 28.6 42
Jib length(m) Jib length(m)
24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 44 33.7 32.9 31.6 30.8 29.9 28.4 28.1 26.3 44
Radius(m) Radius(m)
34 57.2 34 46 31.4 30.6 29.3 28.5 27.5 26.0 25.7 24.1 46
36 53.0 36
48 28.7 27.3 26.5 25.5 24.0 23.7 22.2 48
38 49.3 48.0 38
40 44.7 40 50 26.7 25.3 24.4 23.5 22.0 21.7 20.4 50
42 41.8 40.4 42
44 39.2 37.8 44 54 22.0 21.1 20.1 18.6 18.4 17.1 54
46 36.9 35.5 34.2 46 58 19.3 18.3 17.3 15.7 15.5 14.2 58
48 33.4 32.1 48
50 31.5 30.1 28.8 50 62 15.8 14.9 13.3 13.0 11.8 62
54 26.6 25.4 23.7 54
66 12.9 11.2 10.9 9.7 66
58 22.4 20.7 19.6 58
62 20.0 18.3 17.1 16.0 62 70 11.1 9.5 9.1 7.8 70
66 16.2 15.0 13.8 12.1 66
74 7.9 7.5 6.3 74
70 13.1 12.0 10.2 9.7 70
74 11.6 10.3 8.6 8.0 6.6 74 78 6.1 4.8 78
78 9.0 7.3 6.6 5.2 78
82 5.9 5.3 82 Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting 2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items. weight of extension 1t.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent 3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
weight of extension 1t. under the operating condition.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
48 49
46 40.3 39.5 38.2 37.5 36.6 35.3 35.1 34.0 46 12m boom H8C (1 in total)
48 37.2 35.9 35.2 34.4 33.0 32.7 31.6 48
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
Boom base H2 (12m)
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground LJD(B) operating condition
under the operating condition.
50 51
34 49.2 34
36 45.5 36
38 42.2 40.9 38
140 40 39.3 38 40
44 33.2 31.9 44
15° 120
84m 46 31.1 29.7 28.2 46
60m 110
48 27.8 26.2 48
24m 100 50 26 24.5 23.3 50
52 53
Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition
Boom length 36m Boom angle 65° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 11m Superlift counterweight 310t Rear counterweight 170t Boom length 36m Boom angle 75° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 11m Superlift counterweight 0t Rear counterweight 170t
Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t) Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t)
34 171 34 26 78.1 26
82 38.5 36.5 31.5 26.9 21.3 82 62 18 16.9 15.8 14.3 13.7 12.4 11.9 11.2 62
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items. appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent 2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t. weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground 3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition. under the operating condition.
54 55
Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition
BBoom length 36m Boom angle 75° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 11m Superlift counterweight 310t Rear counterweight Boom length 84m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 11m Superlift counterweight 0t Rear counterweight 170t
170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t) Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t)
26 240 26 24 83 79.8 24
28 224 222 28
26 75.3 73.9 71 26
30 205 204 196 30
28 68.2 66.5 66 63.2 28
32 190 189 188 32
30 61.6 60.5 59.4 58.3 56.3 30
34 177 176 174 173 34
32 56.7 55.5 54.6 53.4 52 32
36 163 162 161 156 36
34 51.9 50.6 49.9 48.5 47.5 45.8 43.5 34
38 154 152 151 150 38
36 48 46.8 46 44.7 43.8 42.2 39.9 36
40 144 143 141 140 132 40
42 135 134 133 128 110 42 38 44.2 43 42.2 40.9 40.1 38.6 36.4 35.5 33.6 38
44 127 126 125 124 107 97.6 44 40 41.2 40 39.2 37.9 37.2 35.7 33.5 32.7 30.8 40
46 119 118 117 103 94.6 46 42 38.2 37 36.3 34.9 34.3 32.8 30.6 29.9 28 27.2 26.1 42
48 114 113 112 99.8 91.7 79 48 44 34.6 33.8 32.5 31.7 30.5 28.3 27.6 25.8 25 23.9 44
50 108 107 106 96.3 88.2 76.4 66.9 50 46 32.2 31.4 30 29.2 28.1 26 25.4 23.6 22.8 21.7 46
54 98.4 96.8 88.8 82.1 70.5 62.2 53.5 54 48 30.3 29.4 27.9 27.1 26.1 24.2 23.4 21.7 21 19.9 48
58 88.5 81.8 75.6 65.6 57.7 49.1 41.1 58
50 27.5 25.9 25 24 22.3 21.5 19.9 19.1 18.1 50
62 81.4 73.9 69.5 59.5 53.4 45.6 38.3 31.8* 62
54 23.9 22.4 21.6 20.6 19.1 18.4 16.7 16 15 54
66 66.3 62.2 54.3 48.4 41.5 35.2 29.2* 66
58 19.5 18.7 17.7 16.1 15.7 14 13.4 12.4 58
70 54.3 47.8 44.2 37.4 32 25.8* 70
62 16.1 15.2 13.6 13.4 11.7 11.2 10.2 62
74 45.9 42.1 39.4 33.5 28.9 22.5* 74
66 14 13 11.5 11.2 9.7 9.2 8.2 66
78 35 33.8 29.5 25 19.2* 78
70 11.2 9.6 9.3 8 7.4 6.6 70
82 28.9 25.5 21.8 16.8* 82
94 10.5* 7.0* 94 82 5 82
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items. appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent 2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t. weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground 3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition. under the operating condition.
56 57
Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition
BBoom length 84m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 11m Superlift counterweight 310t Rear counterweight Boom length 36m Boom angle 65° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 15m Superlift counterweight 0t
170t Central counterweight 0 t Unit:(t) Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t)
Jib length(m) Jib length(m) Jib length(m) Jib length(m)
24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96
Radius(m) Radius(m) Radius(m) Radius(m)
24 114* 100* 24
34 49.7 34
26 111* 100* 88.5* 26
36 45.9 36
28 108* 98.4* 88.5* 77.5* 28
30 30 38 42.6 41.3 38
104* 95.7* 86.3* 77.5* 67.6*
42 85.2 79.2 73.1* 67.1* 61.0* 55.5* 49.8* 45.1* 40.7* 34.8* 29.8* 42 48 28.1 26.6 48
44 77 71.2* 65.4* 59.6* 54.5* 48.9* 44.3* 40.1* 34.4* 29.5* 44 50 26.4 24.8 23.6 50
46 74.8 69.3 63.8* 58.3* 53.5* 48.0* 43.6* 39.6* 33.9* 29.3* 46 54 21.8 20.5 18.9 54
48 71.5 67.3 62.7* 57.2* 52.6* 47.1* 42.9* 39.0* 33.5* 29.0* 48
58 18 16.2 15.1 58
50 65.4 61.6 56.1* 51.7* 46.2* 42.1* 38.5* 33.1* 28.7* 50
62 15.8 14 12.9 11.8 62
54 61 58.3 53.6 49.5* 44.6* 40.7* 37.2* 32.2* 27.9* 54
58 55.4 49.8 45.8* 41.7* 38.6* 34.6* 30.5* 25.9* 58 66 12.3 11.1 10 8.2 66
62 46.2 42.1* 38.0* 35.9* 32.0* 28.0* 23.3* 62 70 9.4 8.3 6.6 6 70
78 24.2* 21.5* 17.7* 13.4* 78 Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
82 21.0* 18.3* 15.4* 11.0* 82 2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
86 15.0* 13.1* 8.7* 86
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
90 9.8* 6.3* 90 under the operating condition.
94 7.5* 4.0* 94
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
58 59
Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition
Boom length 36m Boom angle 65° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 13m Superlift counterweight 310t Boom length 36m Boom angle 75° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 13m Superlift counterweight 0t
Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t) Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t)
34 181 34 26 79.2 26
42 145 143 42
34 55 54.1 52.9 51.7 34
44 137 135 44
36 50 48.9 47.6 46.7 36
46 129 128 127 46
38 46.4 45.3 44.1 43.1 38
48 122 121 48
40 43.2 42.2 41 40 38.6 40
50 116 115 114 50
42 39.3 38.1 37.1 35.8 34.9 42
54 105 104 102 54
44 36.8 35.6 34.7 33.3 32.4 31.4 44
58 95.7 94 91.5 58
46 33.4 32.4 31.1 30.1 29 46
62 88 86.9 84.3 78.8 62
48 31.3 30.3 29 27.9 26.9 25.3 48
66 80.3 76.2 71.8 62.6 66
50 29.4 28.4 27 25.9 24.9 23.3 22.8 50
70 68.5 65.1 56.5 50.5 70
54 25.1 23.6 22.5 21.5 19.9 19.4 18.1 54
74 60.4 57.9 50.7 46.3 39.4 74
58 20.6 19.6 18.5 17 16.5 15.1 14.7 58
78 50.1 44.9 41.4 35.4 30 24.6* 78
62 18.2 17.1 16.1 14.5 14 12.7 12.3 11.4 62
82 38.5 36.5 31.5 26.9 21.3* 82
66 15 13.9 12.4 11.8 10.5 10.1 9.3 66
86 30.9 27.5 23 18.0* 86
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items. appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent 2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t. weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground 3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition. under the operating condition.
60 61
Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition
Boom length 36m Boom angle 75° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 13m Superlift counterweight 310t Boom length 84m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 13m Superlift counterweight 0t
Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t) Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0 Unit:(t)
44 140 139 138 122 106 97.6 44 40 41.6 40.4 39.7 38.3 37.6 36.2 34.1 33.2 31.3 40
46 132 130 118 102 94.6 46 42 38.6 37.4 36.7 35.4 34.6 33.3 31.2 30.3 28.6 27.7 26.6 42
48 125 124 114 98.5 91.7 79 48 44 34.9 34.3 32.9 32.1 30.9 28.8 28.1 26.2 25.5 24.4 44
50 117 117 110 95 88.2 76.4 66.9* 50 46 32.5 31.9 30.4 29.5 28.6 26.5 25.8 23.9 23.3 22.2 46
54 106 102 88.2 82.1 70.5 62.2 53.5* 54 48 30.6 29.8 28.3 27.5 26.5 24.5 23.9 22.1 21.4 20.3 48
58 93.1 80.6 75.6 65.6 57.7 49.1* 41.1* 58 50 27.8 26.2 25.4 24.5 22.6 22 20.2 19.5 18.4 50
62 81.4 73.2 68.8 59.5 53.4 45.6* 38.3* 31.8* 62
54 24.3 22.7 22 21 19.3 18.8 17 16.3 15.4 54
66 65.7 62.2 54.3 48.4 41.5* 35.2* 29.2* 66
58 19.9 19 18 16.5 16 14.4 13.7 12.7 58
70 54.3 47.8 44.2 37.4* 32.0* 25.8* 70
62 16.5 15.5 13.9 13.6 12.1 11.4 10.4 62
74 45.9 42.1 39.4 33.5* 28.9* 22.5* 74
66 14.4 13.3 11.7 11.4 10.1 9.4 8.5 66
78 35 33.8* 29.5* 25.0* 19.2* 78
70 11.5 9.9 9.5 8.3 7.8 6.8 70
82 28.9* 25.5* 21.8* 16.8* 82
74 8.2 7.9 6.6 6.2 5.2 74
86 20.6* 17.8* 13.5* 86
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items. appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent 2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t. weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground 3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition. under the operating condition.
62 63
Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition
BBoom length 84m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 13m Superlift counterweight 310t Boom length 36m Boom angle 65° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 15m Superlift counterweight 0t
Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t) Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t)
24 115* 103* 24
34 50.1 34
26 112* 103* 89.6* 26
36 46.4 36
28 108* 99.5* 89.6* 78.6* 28
38 43.1 41.8 38
30 105* 96.8* 86.9* 78.6* 68.7* 30
42 86.9* 80.8* 74.2* 69.3* 62.7* 56.1* 50.6* 45.3* 41.8* 35.0* 30.0* 42 48 28.4 27 48
44 78.3* 72.3* 67.6* 61.6* 55.5* 50.0* 44.6* 41.2* 34.6* 29.8* 44 50 26.7 25.1 23.9 50
46 75.9* 70.4* 65.7* 60.0* 55.0* 49.5* 44.0* 40.3* 34.2* 29.5* 46
54 22.1 20.9 19.1 54
48 73.7* 68.4* 63.2* 58.3* 53.4* 48.4* 43.4* 39.3* 33.7* 29.0* 48
58 18.2 16.6 15.4 58
50 66.5* 61.6* 55.9* 51.8* 46.8* 42.9* 38.3* 33.3* 28.0* 50
54 62.7* 57.6* 52.0* 47.9* 43.7* 40.4* 36.2* 31.7* 26.9* 54 62 16 14.4 13.2 12.1 62
58 53.9* 48.3* 44.1* 40.0* 37.7* 33.7* 29.6* 24.9* 58 66 12.5 11.3 10.2 8.4 66
62 45.4* 41.3* 37.2* 35.0* 31.1* 27.1* 22.4* 62 70 9.6 8.5 6.8 6.2 70
66 42.8* 37.8* 33.7* 31.6* 27.8* 24.7* 19.8* 66
74 8.2 7.1 5.3 4.8 74
70 35.1* 31.1* 29.1* 25.4* 22.4* 17.4* 70
78 5.9 78
74 27.7* 26.6* 23.0* 20.0* 14.9* 74
78 23.3* 20.6* 17.7* 12.5* 78 Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
82 21.0* 18.3* 15.4* 11.0* 82
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
86 15.0* 12.1* 8.7* 86 weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
90 9.8* 6.3* 90 under the operating condition.
94 6.6* 94
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
64 65
Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition
Boom length 36m Boom angle 65° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 15m Superlift counterweight 310t Boom length 36m Boom angle 75° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 15m Superlift counterweight 0t
Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t) Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t)
Jib length(m) Jib length(m) Jib length(m) Jib length(m)
24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96
Radius(m) Radius(m) Radius(m) Radius(m)
34 192 34 26 79.7 26
36 187 36 28 72 70.9 28
38 178 171 38
30 65.4 64.3 63.2 30
40 168 167 40
32 59.9 58.8 57.7 32
42 158 155 42
34 55.5 54.5 53.4 52.1 34
44 149 148 44
36 50.4 49.3 48.1 47.1 36
46 141 140 138 46
38 46.8 45.7 44.5 43.5 38
48 133 132 48
40 43.6 42.5 41.3 40.4 39 40
50 127 126 123 50
42 39.8 38.6 37.6 36.1 35.3 42
54 115 114 110 54
44 37.2 36 35 33.6 32.7 31.7 44
58 105 103 90.9 58
46 33.7 32.7 31.4 30.4 29.4 46
62 96.8 95.1 83.7 78.8 62
48 31.6 30.6 29.3 28.2 27.2 25.6 48
66 87.1 76.2 71.8 62.6 66
50 29.8 28.8 27.3 26.2 25.3 23.6 23.2 50
70 68.5 65.1 56.5 50.5 70
54 25.5 23.8 22.8 21.8 20.2 19.8 18.3 54
74 60.4 57.9 50.7 46.3 39.4* 74
58 21 19.9 18.9 17.2 16.8 15.5 15 58
78 50.1 44.9 41.4 35.4* 30.0* 24.6* 78
82 38.5 36.5 31.5* 26.9* 21.3* 82 62 18.5 17.3 16.3 14.8 14.3 12.9 12.5 11.7 62
86 30.9* 27.5* 23.0* 18.0* 86 66 15.2 14.3 12.6 12.2 10.8 10.4 9.5 66
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items. appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent 2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t. weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground 3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition. under the operating condition.
66 67
Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition
Boom length 36m Boom angle 75° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 15m Superlift counterweight 310t Boom length 96m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 15m Superlift counterweight 0t
Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t) Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit:(t)
26 267 26 24 77.9 24
38 182 181 174 153 38 34 50.6 49.3 48.2 45.9 44.4 42.7 34
40 166 171 167 148 129 40 36 46.8 45.5 44.7 42.4 40.9 39.3 36
42 160 157 144 125 108 42 38 43.1 41.8 41.1 38.9 37.5 35.8 33.5 32.6 30 38
44 145 148 139 121 104 97.6* 44
40 40.1 38.8 38.1 36.1 34.7 33.1 30.8 30 27.7 40
46 140 132 117 101 94.6 46
42 37.1 35.9 35.2 33.3 31.9 30.3 28.1 27.3 25.5 24.7 21.3 42
48 128 125 113 97.9 91.7 79.0* 48
44 34.1 33.5 32.7 31 29.6 28.1 25.9 25.2 23.3 22.6 20.3 44
50 117 119 109 94.4 88.2 76.4* 66.9* 50
46 31.1 30.3 28.7 27.3 25.9 23.7 23.1 21.2 20.4 19.3 46
54 107 100 87.6 82.1 70.5* 62.2* 53.5* 54
58 92.5 80 75.6 65.6* 57.7* 49.1* 41.1* 58 48 29.1 28.3 26.6 25.5 24 21.9 21.2 19.4 18.7 17.6 48
62 81.4 72.7 68.8 59.5* 53.4* 45.6* 38.3* 31.8* 62 50 27.1 26.2 24.6 23.7 22.2 20.1 19.4 17.7 17 15.9 50
66 65.7 62.2 54.3* 48.4* 41.5* 35.2* 29.2* 66 54 22.8 21.3 20.4 19.1 17.1 16.5 14.7 14 13 54
70 54.3 47.8* 44.2* 37.4* 32.0* 25.8* 70
58 18.4 17.6 16.6 14.5 13.8 12.2 11.5 10.5 58
74 45.9* 42.1* 39.4* 33.5* 28.9* 22.5* 74
62 15.1 14.1 12.3 11.7 10 9.4 8.4 62
78 35.0* 33.8* 29.5* 25.0* 19.2* 78
66 13 12.1 10.4 9.7 8.1 7.5 6.6 66
82 28.9* 25.5* 21.8* 16.8* 82
70 10.2 8.6 8.2 6.6 5.9 4.9 70
86 20.6* 17.8* 13.5* 86
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items. appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent 2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t. weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground 3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition. under the operating condition.
68 69
Load Charts of LJDB Operating Condition 12m Heavy-duty Jib Combination of FJhDB
Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of LJDB Operating Condition Boom length Insert Fixed jib length
Boom length 96m Boom angle 85° Jib length 24-96m Superlift radius 15m Superlift counterweight 310t (m) 6m 12mA 12mB (m) Heavy-duty fixed jib (12m)
Rear counterweight 170t Central counterweight 0t Unit: (t)
42 1 1 - 13°
Jib length(m) Jib length(m) 48 2 1 -
24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96
Radius(m) Radius(m)
54 1 1 1 Boom/jib connecting section (1.5m)
24 89.1* 24
60 2 1 1
12(Heavy duty)
26 89.1* 78.1* 26 66 1 1 2
10.5m boom
28 85.2* 76.4* 66.5* 28 72 2 1 2
34 77.0* 69.8* 62.7* 56.6* 50.4* 45.2* 34 Note: * indicates when the length of boom is 78m ~ 84m, the
waist rope must be used; otherwise the boom is at
36 74.5* 67.9* 61.0* 55.3* 49.5* 44.6* 36
the risk of fracture.
38 72.0* 66.0* 59.4* 54.0* 48.5* 44.0* 38.8* 34.8* 30.0* 38
44 66.3* 60.2* 54.7* 50.0* 45.2* 41.3* 36.7* 33.4* 29.3* 25.3* 21.3* 44
46 58.3* 53.4* 48.7* 44.1* 40.4* 36.0* 32.8* 28.7* 24.9* 21.3* 46
48 56.6* 52.1* 47.4* 43.0* 39.5* 35.3* 32.1* 28.1* 24.5* 21.1* 48
50 55.0* 50.8* 46.2* 42.0* 38.6* 34.5* 31.4* 27.5* 24.0* 20.9* 50
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
70 71
Operating Range Diagram of FJhDB Operating Load Chart of FJhDB Operating Condition
Lifting Height(m)
100 Boom length 42-84m Superlift radius 15m Included angle boom to jib 13° Superlift counterweight 0t
20° Rear counterweight 190t Central counterweight 80t Unit: (t)
13° Jib length(m) Jib length(m)
90 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84
Radius(m) Radius(m)
13 258 257 13
62 4.4 62
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
72 73
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of FJhDB Operating Condition Boom Length Insert FixedJib Length 10°
Boom length 42-84m Superlift radius 15m Included angle boom to jib 20° Superlift counterweight 310t (m) 6m 12mA 12mB 12mC 10.5m (m) 12m fixed jib
Rear counterweight 190t Central counterweight 80t Unit: (t)
30 — — — — 1
Jib length(m) Jib length(m)
42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84
Radius(m) Radius(m) 36 1 — — — 1
14 403* 385* 350* 14 42 — 1 — — 1
7.5m boom tip
15 403 386 351* 15 48 1 1 — — 1
16 403 386 351 317* 285* 255* 221* 16 54 — 1 1 — 1
17 403 388 352 317* 284* 253* 219* 17 60 1 1 1 — 1 10.5m boom
18 403 389 353 317 284* 251* 218* 193* 18
66 — 1 2 — 1
19 403 391 354 318 283 249* 216* 191* 19
72 1 1 2 — 1
20 380 378 354 318 280 248* 215* 190* 20
78* — 1 3 — 1
22 342 340 338 315 278 245 211* 187* 22
84* 1 1 3 — 1
24 310 308 306 304 275 242 208 185* 24
90* — 1 3 1 1
26 283 281 279 277 273 240 205 182 26 12mC Boom (2 in total)
96* 1 1 3 1 1
28 260 258 256 254 253 238 203 180 28
102* — 1 3 2 1
30 240 238 236 234 233 231 201 178 30
32 223 221 219 218 216 214 198 176 32
Note: mid-point suspension cable must be used In the
34 206 205 203 202 200 198 196 175 34 operation condition above to prevent Boom from
36 192 191 190 188 186 184 183 169 36 fracture.
38 179 178 177 174 173 171 170 163 38
40 165 167 166 163 162 160 158 155 40
42 151 156 155 152 150 149 147 146 42
44 138 146 145 143 141 140 138 136 44
46 125 136 136 134 133 130 129 127 46 12mB Boom (3 in total)
48 112 125 129 127 125 123 122 119 48
50 99 114 122 119 117 116 114 112 50
54 92.4 104 107 106 103 102 100 54
58 88 93.5 95.1 93.5 91.8 89.6 58
62 79.7 83.6 84.1 82.5 80.3 62
66 66 71.5 73.1 73.1 71.5 66
70 59.4 63.2 63.8 62.7 70
74 53.3 55.5 55 74 12mA Boom
78 47.4 47.6 78
82 39.2 40.4 82
86 33.3 86
12m boom base
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
FJ 102m+12
74 75
5 Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
0 14 16 20 24 30 40 50 60 70 80 (m) weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
Operation Condition for Wind Turbine (FJ)
under the operating condition.
76 77
108* 1 1 3 2 1
7.5m boom tip For 3MW Wind
Power Nacelle 105
Note: mid-point suspension cable must be used In the
1160 Lifting height 100
operation condition above to prevent Boom from
10.5m boom 12m
fracture. more than 135m
12mC Boom (2 in total)
6m Boom
12m boom base
0 20 24 30 40 50 60 70 80 (m)
FJDB 108+12 FJDB 108+12
78 79
80 81
Working range of HJFJ Operating Condition Load Chart of HJFJ Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane—Load Chart of HJFJ
Boom length66m~102m Jib12m Angle between boom and jib10°Rear counterweight190t
Central counterweight80t
Jib length(m) Jib length(m)
130 66 72 78 84 90 96 102
Radius(m) Radius(m)
13 115 114 13
120 14 113 114 102 98.0 14
115 15 110 112 102 98.0 93.2 88.2 15
82 83
10°(20°) 10°(20°)
Arm length Boom insert Jib insert Fixed jib
(m) 6m 12m 6m 12m (m) Fixed jib tip(6m)
90 1 4 - 1 165
12m fixed jib insert (1in total)
96 2 4 - 1 160
102 2 4 1 1 155
6m fixed jib inserts (2 in total) 150
108 2 4 2 1
114 2 4 1 2 12~36
Fixed jib base(6m) 140
120 2 4 2 2
Connecting insert(1.5m) 135
126 2 4 1 3 130
132 2 4 2 3 125
12mC jib(1 in total)
138 2 4 1 4 120
Note: waist ropes must be used for all arm lengths 12mB jib (1 in total)
(90m~138m) under the operating condition;
otherwise the boom is at the risk of fracture. 105
6mA jib (1 intotal)
12mA jib (2 in total) 30m 80
18m 75
102m 70
10.5m jib connecting
90m 60
96m 55
12mB boom (3 in total) 35
12mA boom (1 in total)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 (m)
6mA boom (2 in total)
84 85
Load Chart of HJFJDB Operating Condition Load Chart of HJFJDB Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of HJFJDB Operating Condition SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of HJFJDB Operating
Boom length 90-138m Jib length 12m Included angle between boom and jib 10° Superlift radius 15m Boom length 90-138m Jib length 36m Included angle between boom and jib 10° Superlift radius 15m
Superlift counterweight 0t Rear counterweight 190t Central counterweight 80t Unit:(t) Superlift counterweight 310t Rear counterweight 190t Central counterweight 80t Unit:(t)
Jib length(m) Jib length(m) Jib length(m) Jib length(m)
90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138
Radius(m) Radius(m) Radius(m) Radius(m)
15 98 93.4 15 22 39.6* 39.3* 38.6* 22
24 38.7* 38.4* 37.8* 37.0* 36.3* 35.1* 34.2* 24
16 98 93.4 88.7 83.7 16
26 37.8* 37.5* 37.2* 36.5* 35.8* 34.4* 33.5* 32.1* 30.6* 26
17 98 93.6 88.5 83.8 79.2 73.8 17
28 37.1* 36.9* 36.4* 35.7* 35.0* 33.9* 32.7* 31.4* 29.9* 28
18 98 93.6 88.5 83.7 79 73.5 69.6 64.9 18 30 36.3* 36.1* 35.6* 35.2* 34.6* 33.2* 32.3* 30.7* 29.6* 30
19 98 93.5 88.3 83.5 79.1 73.1 69.2 64.4 60.4 19 32 35.5* 35.3* 35.1* 34.5* 33.8* 32.5* 31.6* 30.3* 28.9* 32
20 94.6 89.6 85.6 81.8 78.5 73.2 68.9 64 59.5 20 34 34.7* 34.8* 34.3* 33.8* 33.1* 32.1* 30.9* 29.6* 28.2* 34
36 34.1* 34.0* 33.6* 33.3* 32.7* 31.4* 30.6* 29.4* 28.0* 36
22 86.4 81.8 78.1 74.7 71.7 68.4 65.2 62.1 58.3 22
38 33.4* 33.3* 33.1* 32.6* 32.0* 31.1* 29.9* 28.7* 27.3* 38
24 79.2 74.9 71.5 68.3 65.6 62.6 59.6 56.7 53.9 24 40 32.7* 32.6* 32.4* 32.2* 31.6* 30.4* 29.6* 28.4* 27.0* 40
26 72.8 68.7 65.6 62.7 60.1 57.3 54.6 51.9 49.2 26 42 32.0* 32.1* 32.0* 31.5* 31.0* 30.0* 29.0* 27.8* 26.4* 42
28 67 63.2 60.3 57.5 55.2 52.6 50 47.4 44.9 28 44 31.3* 31.4* 31.3* 30.9* 30.6* 29.4* 28.7* 27.5* 26.2* 44
46 30.6* 30.8* 30.7* 30.5* 30.0* 29.1* 28.0* 26.9* 25.5* 46
30 61.9 58.2 55.5 52.9 50.8 48.3 45.8 43.4 41 30
48 30.0* 30.1* 30.3* 29.9* 29.6* 28.5* 27.8* 26.6* 25.3* 48
32 57.2 53.7 51.1 48.7 46.7 44.4 42 39.7 37.4 32
50 29.3* 29.7* 29.6* 29.5* 29.0* 28.2* 27.5* 26.0* 25.1* 50
34 53 49.6 47.2 44.9 43 40.7 38.5 36.3 34.1 34 54 28.1* 28.5* 28.7* 28.6* 28.1* 27.3* 26.6* 25.5* 24.3* 54
36 49.1 45.9 43.5 41.4 39.6 37.4 35.3 33.2 31.1 36 58 27.2* 27.4* 27.5* 27.6* 27.2* 26.4* 25.8* 24.7* 23.5* 58
38 42.4 40.2 38.1 36.4 34.4 32.3 30.3 28.3 38 62 25.8* 26.5* 26.6* 26.6* 26.4* 25.9* 25.3* 24.3* 23.1* 62
66 24.8* 25.4* 25.6* 25.7* 25.6* 25.1* 24.5* 23.5* 22.4* 66
40 42.3 39.3 37.1 35.1 33.5 31.6 29.6 27.6 25.6 40
70 23.8* 24.4* 24.8* 25.0* 25.0* 24.3* 24.1* 23.1* 22.0* 70
42 39.3 36.3 34.3 32.4 30.8 28.9 27 25.1 23.2 42 74 22.8* 23.4* 23.8* 24.2* 24.3* 23.9* 23.3* 22.4* 21.6* 74
44 36.5 33.6 31.6 29.8 28.3 26.5 24.6 22.8 20.9 44 78 21.9* 22.5* 23.1* 23.2* 23.6* 23.2* 22.9* 22.0* 21.3* 78
46 34 31.1 29.2 27.4 26 24.2 22.4 20.6 18.8 46 82 21.0* 21.6* 22.2* 22.5* 22.9* 22.7* 22.3* 21.7* 20.6* 82
86 19.9* 20.7* 21.3* 21.9* 22.0* 22.1* 21.9* 21.3* 20.3* 86
48 31.6 28.8 26.9 25.2 23.8 22.1 20.3 18.6 16.8 48
90 19.0* 19.8* 20.4* 21.0* 21.4* 21.4* 21.5* 21.0* 20.0* 90
50 29.3 26.6 24.8 23.1 21.8 20.1 18.4 16.7 15 50 94 18.2* 19.0* 19.6* 20.2* 20.7* 20.8* 20.9* 20.6* 19.7* 94
54 25.3 22.6 20.9 19.3 18 16.4 14.8 13.2 11.6 54 98 17.4* 18.2* 18.8* 19.6* 20.1* 20.2* 20.5* 20.0* 19.7* 98
58 21.7 19.1 17.4 15.9 14.8 13.2 11.6 10.1 8.5 58 102 16.3* 17.4* 18.2* 18.8* 19.3* 19.7* 19.9* 19.7 19.4 102
106 15.5* 16.6* 17.4* 18.0* 18.8* 19.1 19.4 19.4 19.1 106
62 18.6 16 14.4 12.9 11.8 10.3 8.8 7.3 5.8 62
110 14.7* 15.8* 16.6* 17.2* 18 18.5 18.8 18.8 18.8 110
66 15.7 13.2 11.6 10.2 9.2 7.7 6.3 4.8 66
114 13.9* 14.8* 15.9* 16.7 17.2 17.8 18.3 18.6 18.3 114
70 13.2 10.7 9.2 7.8 6.8 5.4 70 118 14.0* 15.1 15.9 16.7 17.2 17.8 18 18 118
74 10.9 8.5 7 5.6 4.6 74 122 14.3 15.2 16 16.7 17.3 17.5 17.8 122
78 126 14.4 15.2 16 16.5 17 17.3 126
8.8 6.4 4.9 78
130 13.6 14.7 15.2 16 16.5 16.1 130
82 7 4.5 82
134 12.8 14.8 15.5 15.4 14.9 134
86 5.2 86 138 14 14.8 14.3 13.7 138
142 13.7 13.2 12.7 142
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting 146 12.2 11.6 146
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
150 11.2 10.7 150
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
154 9.7 154
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
under the operating condition.
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
86 87
Load Chart of HJFJDB Operating Condition Load Chart of HJFJDB Operating Condition
SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of HJFJDB Operating SCC6500E Crawler Crane – Load Chart of HJFJDB Operating
BBoom length 90-138m Jib length 12m Included angle between boom and jib 20° Superlift radius 15m Boom length 90-138m Jib length 36m Included angle between boom and jib 20° Superlift radius 15m
Unit:(t) Unit:(t)
Superlift counterweight 0t Rear counterweight 190t Central counterweight 80t Superlift counterweight 310t Rear counterweight 190t Central counterweight 80t
Jib length(m) Jib length(m) Jib length(m) Jib length(m)
90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138
Radius(m) Radius(m) Radius(m) Radius(m)
17 99.6 95.1 17 28 31.4* 31.1* 30.8* 30.1* 28
30 30.7* 30.5* 30.1* 29.7* 29.1* 28.1* 27.3* 30
18 98.8 94.4 89.1 84.1 18
32 30.1* 29.8* 29.5* 29.1* 28.5* 27.5* 26.7* 25.4* 24.5* 32
19 98 93.7 88.5 83.4 78.9 73.3 19
34 29.5* 29.4* 29.2* 28.6* 28.2* 27.2* 26.4* 25.2* 23.9* 34
20 97 92.1 87.7 82.7 78.2 72.6 68.4 63.1 20 36 28.9* 28.8* 28.6* 28.0* 27.6* 26.6* 25.9* 24.7* 23.3* 36
22 88.6 84.1 80.4 76.9 73.9 70.7 67 62 55.9 22 38 28.3* 28.3* 28.0* 27.7* 27.1* 26.1* 25.3* 24.4* 23.1* 38
40 27.7* 27.7* 27.4* 27.1* 26.8* 25.8* 25.1* 23.9* 22.6* 40
24 81.2 77 73.6 70.4 67.7 64.7 61.7 58.8 54.7 24
42 27.1* 27.1* 26.9* 26.6* 26.2* 25.3* 24.6* 23.4* 22.4* 42
26 74.6 70.6 67.5 64.6 62.1 59.3 56.5 53.8 51.1 26 44 26.6* 26.6* 26.6* 26.3* 25.7* 25.1* 24.3* 23.2* 21.9* 44
28 68.8 65 62.1 59.4 57 54.4 51.8 49.3 46.7 28 46 26.0* 26.1* 26.1* 25.8* 25.5* 24.5* 23.8* 22.7* 21.7* 46
30 63.5 59.9 57.2 54.6 52.5 50 47.5 45.1 42.7 30 48 25.5* 25.5* 25.5* 25.3* 25.0* 24.3* 23.6* 22.5* 21.2* 48
50 25.0* 25.3* 25.0* 25.0* 24.7* 23.8* 23.1* 22.3* 21.0* 50
32 58.7 55.3 52.7 50.3 48.3 46 43.6 41.3 39.1 32
54 24.0* 24.3* 24.3* 24.0* 24.0* 23.1* 22.4* 21.6* 20.3* 54
34 54.4 51.1 48.6 46.4 44.5 42.3 40 37.9 35.7 34 58 23.1* 23.3* 23.3* 23.3* 23.3* 22.4* 22.0* 20.9* 20.0* 58
36 50.4 47.2 44.9 42.8 41 38.9 36.7 34.7 32.6 36 62 22.1* 22.4* 22.6* 22.7* 22.4* 22.0* 21.4* 20.6* 19.4* 62
38 46.8 43.7 41.5 39.4 37.8 35.7 33.7 31.7 29.7 38 66 21.3* 21.5* 21.8* 22.0* 21.7* 21.4* 20.8* 20.0* 19.1* 66
70 20.4* 20.9* 21.1* 21.1* 21.1* 20.8* 20.4* 19.7* 18.5* 70
40 43.5 40.5 38.4 36.4 34.8 32.8 30.9 28.9 27 40
74 19.6* 20.0* 20.3* 20.5* 20.5* 20.2* 19.8* 19.1* 18.3* 74
42 40.4 37.5 35.4 33.5 32 30.2 28.3 26.4 24.5 42 78 18.7* 19.2* 19.7* 20.0* 19.9* 19.9* 19.5* 18.8* 18.0* 78
44 37.6 34.7 32.7 30.9 29.5 27.6 25.8 24 22.2 44 82 17.9* 18.4* 18.9* 19.1* 19.4* 19.3* 19.0* 18.6* 17.8* 82
46 30.2 28.5 27.1 25.3 23.5 21.8 20 46 86 17.1* 17.6* 18.1* 18.6* 18.8* 18.8* 18.7* 18.0* 17.2* 86
34.9 32.1
90 16.4* 17.1* 17.6* 17.8* 18.3* 18.2* 18.2* 17.8* 17.0* 90
48 32.5 29.7 27.9 26.2 24.8 23.1 21.4 19.7 18 48
94 15.6* 16.4* 16.8* 17.3* 17.8* 17.7* 17.9* 17.5* 16.8* 94
50 30.2 27.5 25.7 24 22.7 21.1 19.4 17.7 16 50 98 14.8* 15.6* 16.3* 16.8* 17.0* 17.2* 17.4* 17.3* 16.6* 98
54 26 23.4 21.7 20.1 18.9 17.4 15.7 14.2 12.5 54 102 14.3* 14.8* 15.6* 16.1* 16.5* 16.7* 16.9* 16.8* 16.4* 102
106 13.6* 14.4* 14.8* 15.6* 16.1* 16.3* 16.4* 16.6* 16.2* 106
58 22.4 19.8 18.2 16.7 15.6 14 12.5 11 9.4 58
110 12.8* 13.6* 14.4* 14.8* 15.3* 15.8* 16.2* 16.1* 16 110
62 19.1 16.6 15.1 13.6 12.5 11.1 9.6 8.1 6.6 62
114 12.4* 13.2* 13.6* 14.4* 14.9* 15.3* 15.8 15.9 15.8 114
66 16.2 13.8 12.2 10.9 9.8 8.4 7 5.5 4.1 66 118 12.4* 13.2* 13.7* 14.4* 14.9 15.3 15.5 15.4 118
70 13.6 11.2 9.7 8.4 7.4 6 4.6 70 122 12.4* 13.2 13.7 14.4 14.9 15 15.2 122
126 12 12.8 13.2 13.7 14.2 14.6 14.8 126
74 11.3 8.9 7.4 6.1 5.1 74
130 12 12.8 13.3 13.7 14.2 14.6 130
78 9.1 6.8 5.3 4 78 134 11.7 12.8 13.3 13.7 14.2 134
82 7.2 4.8 82 138 12.4 12.8 13.3 13.7 138
86 5.4 86 142 11.7 12.4 12.9 13.1 142
146 11.9 12.5 12 146
Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting 150 11.4 11 150
appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items. 154 10 154
2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t. Notes: 1.The rated load value in the table includes the weight of lifting hook, wire rope and other lifting
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground appliances, and the lifting weight is the rated load value minus the sum of the above items.
under the operating condition. 2.The rated load of main hook with extension arm is the value in the load chart minus the equivalent
weight of extension 1t.
3.The figure with * in the chart indicates that the superlift counterweight can not leave the ground
under the operating condition.
88 89
Notes Notes
90 91
Notes Notes
92 93