Mine Plan For Longterm Planning

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MinePlan for

Long Term Planning

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MinePlan for Long Term Planning. V3. August 28, 2020

©2009-2020 by Leica Geosystems AG. All rights reserved. No part of this document shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from Leica Geosystems AG. All
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appropriately identified. MinePlan® is a registered trademark of Leica Geosystems AG. This material is subject to the terms in the Hexagon
Mining Terms and Conditions (available at http://www.hexagonmining.com/).
MinePlan for
Long Term Planning
MinePlan: Exploration to Production
MinePlan software is a comprehensive mine planning platform offering integrated solutions for
exploration, modeling, design, scheduling and production. It uses raw data — from drillholes,
blastholes, underground samples and other sources — to derive 2D and 3D models essential to
mine design and planning. Below the ground or at the surface, from precious metals to base
metals, for coal, oil sands and industrial minerals, MinePlan software tackles geomodeling mining
applications to improve productivity at every stage of a mine’s life.

Use digitized data to define geologic information in section or plan; define topography contours;
and define structural information, such as mine designs, important in the evaluation of an ore
body. Virtually every phase of a project, from drillholes to production scheduling, either uses or
derives geometric data. MinePlan software lets you create, manipulate, triangulate and view any
geometric data as 2D or 3D elements.
Manage drillhole, blasthole and other
sample data in a Microsoft SQL Server
database. The data can be validated,
manipulated and reported; and it is
fully integrated with other MinePlan
products for coding, spearing, com-
positing, interpolation, statistics and
display. Some of the types of data
you can store are drillhole collar infor-
mation (location, length and more),
down-hole survey data (orientation),
assays, lithology, geology, geotechni-
cal data and quality parameters for

Calculate composites by several methods, including bench, fixed length, honoring geology and
economic factors. These composites are fully integrated with other MinePlan products for statistics
and geostatistics, interpolation and display.
©2020 Hexagon Mining


Used to model base metal deposits such as por- Used to model layered deposits, such as coal and
phyry copper, non-layered deposits, and most oil sands. Although they are normally oriented hor-
complex coal and oil sands projects. izontally, they can be oriented vertically for steeply
dipping ore bodies.

Vertical dimensions are typically a function of the Vertical dimensions are a function of the seam
mining bench height. (or other layered structures) and interburden thick-

Contains grade items, geological codes and a to- Contains elevations and thickness of seams (or
pography percent among other qualities and mea- other layered structures), as well as grade items, ge-
surements. ological codes, a topography percent, and other
qualities and measurements.

Build and manage 3D block, stratigraphic and surface models to define your deposit. Populate
your models through: geometries (polygons, solids or surfaces) coded into the model; calculations
on model items; text files loaded into the model; and interpolation through techniques such as in-
verse distance weighting, kriging or polygonal assignment. As you design and evaluate your mine
project, you can update your model, summarize resources and reserves, calculate and report
statistics, display in plots or view in 2D and 3D.


Generate pit shells to reflect economic designs. Using floating cone or Lerchs-Grossmann tech-
niques, work on whole blocks from the 3D block model to find economic pit limits for economic
assumptions such as costs, net value, cutoff grades and pit wall slope. Economic material is usually
one grade or an equivalent grade item. You can view the results in 2D or 3D, use the results to
guide your phase design, plot your design in plan or section, calculate reserves and run simple
production scheduling on your reserves.

MinePlan for Long Term Planning


Accurately design detailed open pit geometry, in- Support & Services
cluding ramps and pushbacks with variable wall
slopes, and display your pit designs in plan or section,
clipped against topography or in 3D. You can eval- Client service and satisfaction is our
uate reserves for pit designs based on a partial block first priority. Boasting a multilingual
basis and calculate production schedules from the re- group of geologists and engineers
serves. Create and manipulate underground design stationed worldwide, the MinePlan
through CAD functions and from survey information. team has years of hands-on, real-
world experience.
Generate schedules for long term planning based on
Providing global technical support
pushback designs, or phases, and reserves computed
during the day and with extended
by the mine-planning programs. The basic input pa-
hours on weekdays and weekends,
rameters for each production period include mill ca-
technical support is at your service.
pacity, mine capacity and cutoff grades.
The company’s offices in the United
States, Canada, Mexico, Peru,
SHORT TERM PLANNING Chile, Brazil, South Africa, Australia
and the United Kingdom all offer
Generate schedules for short term planning based on technical support via phone and
cuts or solids in interactive planning modules. A large email.
selection of parameters and flexible configurations let
you control daily, weekly or monthly production. TRAINING

Our software is always improving

in response to our clients’ needs.
It doesn’t take long to fall behind.
That’s why we’re committed to
helping you get the most from our
software. Take advantage of our in-
troductory and advanced courses
or create a customized curriculum
that best suits your needs.


MinePlan Services offers mine

planning studies, mineral resource
studies and project assistance to
help you get the most from your
mine and from MinePlan. From
scoping studies to final feasibility
studies, to MinePlan coach, de-
pend on our multilingual MinePlan

1 Optimizing 1
1.1 LTPN Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Surface Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Surface Model Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 MSEP Surface Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 3D Block Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.6 Using Restriction Codes (RCODE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.7 Multi-runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.8 Economic Pit Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.9 Evaluating Pit Slopes in MP3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.10 Evaluating Pit Slopes in MSEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.11 MSOPIT Output Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.12 Price Sensitivity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
1.13 Pushback Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.14 Reporting Model Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

2 Pit Design 45
2.1 Designing Pits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.2 Pit Solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3 Life-of-Mine Planning 57
3.1 MinePlan Haulage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.2 The MinePlan Planning Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.3 Backup/Restore MSPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.4 Copy an MSPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.5 Haul Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.6 Haulage Plan Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.7 Haulage Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.8 Analysis of Haulage Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.9 Cycle Times and Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.10 Zone Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.11 MPSO Project Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.12 MPSO Grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.13 Material Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.14 MPSO Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.15 MPSO Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.16 MPSO Precedence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3.17 Haulage Setup in MPSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
3.18 MPSO Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
3.19 Conclusion & Future Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
©2020 Hexagon Mining

Course Flow
MinePlan for Long Term Planning takes you through the process of converting
data from a 3D block model into a life-of-mine plan designed to maximize net
present value.

Use Lerchs-Grossman (LG) and Floating Cone (FC) algorithms to determine pit lim-
its based on economic and design parameters, starting topography and a block
model. Create a series of incremental pit shells that follow the best mining direction,
and then examine multiple pit shell sequences based on different design parame-
ters. Create a simplified long-range production schedule from a series of pit shells
that maximize net present value and find the optimum cutoff grade strategy.

Use the LG shells as a guideline to design pits with ramps, toes, crests, etc. Report
reserves and export phase surface and solid geometry. Use CAD tools to create
necessary input data for scheduling.

Create a MinePlan planning database (MSPD) for use in MinePlan Haulage to im-
port and setup haul network geometry. Develop reserve logic to bin material for
optimizing in MinePlan Schedule Optimizer (MPSO). Use MPSO to generate opti-
mized schedules while honoring a variety of constraints. Run a series of increasingly
complex schedules to create a realistic LOM plan.


Use Lerchs-Grossman (LG) and Floating Cone (FC) algorithms to determine pit limits based on
economic and design parameters, starting topography and a block model. Create a series of
incremental pit shells in MinePlan Economic Planner (MSEP) that follow the best mining direction,
and then examine multiple pit shell sequences based on different design parameters. Create a
simplified long-range production schedule from a series of pit shells that maximize net present
value and find the optimum cutoff grade strategy.

1.1 LTPN Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Surface Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Surface Model Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 MSEP Surface Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 3D Block Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.6 Using Restriction Codes (RCODE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.7 Multi-runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.8 Economic Pit Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.9 Evaluating Pit Slopes in MP3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.10 Evaluating Pit Slopes in MSEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.11 MSOPIT Output Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.12 Price Sensitivity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
1.13 Pushback Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.14 Reporting Model Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
©2020 Hexagon Mining

1.1 LTPN Data Set

The MinePlan LTPN Data Set comes from a multi-metallic porphyry deposit with copper as the main
ore of interest. Molybdenum and zinc data have also been collected. The mineralization type of
the deposit (oxide, primary sulfides and secondary sulfides) most strongly controls the distribution
of grade. Sulfide mineralization consists mainly of pyrite and chalcopyrite. The deposit occurs in
felsic to intermediate intrusive igneous rocks and associated breccias. Alteration zones outward
from the center—from a phyllic zone to a propylitic halo.

Geologists have collected and logged information from 286 drillholes at the site over the course of
two drilling campaigns (one on the northwest side of the deposit and the other on the southeast).
Drillhole types include diamond, reverse circulation, hammer, and mixed hammer and diamond.
Samples were collected at various lengths—from 1-meter to 15-meter intervals. Element sample
analysis included total copper, acid soluble copper, molybdenum and zinc.

Oxides 1
Primary Sulfides 2
Secondary Sulfides 3
Outside(default code) 4

2 | LTPN Data Set

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

1.2 Surface Models

A surface model stores values (typically elevation)
in 2D surfaces called grids. Two examples are “un- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
consolidated overburden” and “topsoil thickness,”
which are useful for calculating future stockpiles or Create surface models to assist in visual
for reclamation work. and statistical analysis.
Surface models are stored as a File 13, also called
a gridded surface file (GSF), and viewable in Mine-
Plan 3D (MP3D) using model views. Each grid in a model file typically contains several items of
information (i.e. different geology surface elevations). Before you can store any surfaces, you must
initialize the model.

Surface models showing a triangulated surface (left) and colored to show elevation.

Surface Models | 3
©2020 Hexagon Mining


4 | Surface Models
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

1.3 Surface Model Views

Creating a model view allows you to interact with
the model file, visualize model data as contoured LEARNING OBJECTIVE
surfaces or polygons, and store data in the surface
model. You can also code a model directly from a Create a model view of a gridded sur-
MinePlan 3D (MP3D) solid or polygon. Model views face file.
show items from a model at different spatial re-
gions, but they require a 2x2 block configuration.
When creating a model view from a Special Pit Optimization GSF (File 13), you can create multiple
model views for each of the gridded surfaces contained in that File 13 using one dialog. If the File
13 contains more than 50 items, multiple model views can be created in one step.

EXERCISE: Create Model Views

Create a File 13 model view in a folder named “Model Views.” The first view will be displaying TOPOG be-
cause topography will be gridded first.

GSF Model View Data Manager → select and right-click destination folder → New → Model
View → New Model dialog → choose name and location for new model
view (this will be used as a prefix) → select the PCF and File 13

To grid a surface is to overlay the
model grid on a surface geometry
object; calculate the surface value
(usually elevation) over each model
block; and store the resulting values
to a selected item in the gridded sur-
face file. After you have gridded
a surface, the grids (size defined by
the PCF) will show elevation values
based on average calculations done
for each grid cell. The topography
should fully cover the project bounds
before gridding in order for all the
grids to receive a value.

EXERCISE: Grid a Surface

In the Data Manager, open the topography surface. Grid the surface to the TOPOG item in the surface
model. Create a geometry set to contain the topo surface.

Gridding Data Manager → double-click model view → Geometry tab → Geometry Set
Editor (blue cube) → browse to surface → save geometry set → OK → Grid
tab → choose item to store values to (i.e. TOPOG) → click Grid at bottom
right of panel

Surface Model Views | 5

©2020 Hexagon Mining


6 | Surface Model Views

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

1.4 MSEP Surface Models

MinePlan Economic Planner (MSEP) is a series of
programs that are often used in a cycle to produce LEARNING OBJECTIVE
the ultimate pit limits for a given project, and to de-
termine the ideal mining direction and pushback Initialize an MSEP surface model that
sequence for the mine. With the program MSOPIT, stores the values you will need for pit opti-
you can create pit shells based on a variety of ge- mization.
ometric and economic constraints using either the
Floating Cone or the Lerchs-Grossmann algorithms.
The program MSVALP lets you schedule and evalu-
ate a series of incremental pushbacks produced in
Although not required, it is standard practice to first
initialize a special MSEP surface model (MSEP–GSF)
based on the TOPOG stored in a standard surface
model; you can also code one from a geometry
set. The MSEP surface model contains pit items Existing File 13 with TOPOG stored
1–200 and various other item sets that store values
required for MSEP to work. Only an MSEP surface model containing exactly these items can be
used with MSEP programs.

MSOPIT and MSVALP use surfaces in the File 13 that are whole blocks, which means that each elevation
is a bench toe or, in the case of the top bench, a crest. The programs do not use partial blocks.

TOPOG is the actual elevation of the surface, but all the pit surfaces are represented by whole blocks.
The top block in each column may have a TOPO percent in the model ranging from 1% to 100%. The
TOPO percent is used in computing net value per block.

EXERCISE: Initialize an MSEP Surface Model

Initialize an MSEP surface model named “pitn13.opt” using the Model Manager. There are alternative meth-
ods using the project file editor or the procedure p60110.dat.

Model Manager Model Menu → Model Manager → Create a New GSF icon → File Name =
pitn13.opt; check Enable for MSEP → click MSEP 3.0 or Higher → Import TO-
POG from Existing File = pitn13.dat; Item with TOPOG Data = TOPOG → OK →

MSEP Surface Models | 7

©2020 Hexagon Mining



TOPOG The original surface elevation at the horizontal center of the block

RCODE Limits the pit extents based upon a code from 1 to 100

PIT01 to PIT200 Pit surfaces referenced by numbers 1 to 200

PIT00 TOPOG surface converted to a new surface adjusted up to toe elevation

TOPO1–5 Currently unused items

RCOD1–4 Currently unused items

XTRZ1–5 Currently unused items

AREA1–5 Currently unused items

SLPS1 Stores surface elevations of the top slope surface

SLPC1 Stores the slope codes for surface SLPS1

SLPS2 Stores surface elevations for second surface

SLPC2 Stores the slope codes for surface SLPS2

SLPS3 Stores surface elevations for third surface

SLPC3 Stores the slope codes for surface SLPS3

SLPS4 Stores surface elevations for fourth surface

SLPC4 Stores the slope codes for surface SLPS4

SLPS5–9 Available for other uses

SLPC5–9 Available for other uses

OREBZ Stores a surface defining bottom of ore

OREBZ Stores bottom of ore’s relative column value

PBOTZ Stores potential pit bottoms

PBOTC Stores potential pit bottom’s code

LGWEZ Stores 2D LG pit based upon rows (west → east)

LGNSZ Stores 2D LG pit based upon columns (south → north)

LG2DZ Stores sum of pits LGWEZ + LGNSZ

EXERCISE: Create Multiple Model Views

Create multiple File 13 model views in MinePlan 3D in the folder named “Pit Shells.” MinePlan 3D will auto-
matically recognize that there are multiple items present in the File 13 (GSF), and will prompt you to initialize
multiple model views.

GSF Multiple Model Data Manager → select and right-click destination folder → New → Model
View View → New Model dialog → choose name and location for new model
view (this will be used as a prefix) → select the PCF and pitn13.opt → Would
You Like to Initialize Multiple Model Views? = Yes → Select (Select All); set
Display item same as surface item; delete prefix → OK

8 | MSEP Surface Models

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

1.5 3D Block Models

The 3D block model (3DBM) is the basis for resource
evaluation and mine design. It commonly repre- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
sents large, disseminated deposits such as base
metals and uranium. Geologists often use the Attach a model stored in a project file to
3DBM to interpolate composite samples and store MP3D for viewing.
geologic codes.
The 3DBM is a three-dimensional grid of blocks that all have the same dimensions. Block height
usually conforms to the proposed bench height in an open pit operation. The lateral block dimen-
sions are often dependent on the deposit, spacing and resolution needs. In general, these lateral
dimensions must adequately represent the grade distribution.

3DBM Example

Model Views
Attaching a model view to a MinePlan 3D (MP3D) project allows you to visualize model data as
surface/slab, contours, filled polygons, blocks, or block grade shells. Create model views to see
selected items from a model, different spatial regions of a model and, in the case of 3D block
models, grade shells from which you can create a geometry object. You can restrict what region
of the model to view, and specify primary and secondary display items.
Creating a model view also allows you to interact with the model file. You can code a model
directly from an surface, solid or polygon. Each grid in a model file typically contains several items
of information (i.e. different geology surface elevations). Before you can store any surfaces, you
must initialize the model.

3D Block Models | 9
©2020 Hexagon Mining

EXERCISE: Create Block Model Views

Create File 15 model views in MP3D in the “Model Views” folder. Use your PCF and your File 15 (3DBM) to
create your model view.

MP3D Model View highlight and right-click destination folder → New → Model View → name the
Model View → OK → browse to PCF → select pitn15.eng model file

Model Display Styles

The Model View Editor controls display options, which differ for 3D and 2D modes. Displaying the
model in 2D is a good way to explore model cross sections of data.

The Display tab allows independent control of the

model display extents for 3D and 2D viewing. You can
use it to show 3D display limits and boundary lines. It
also has an optional Immediate Refresh check box,
which will refresh the limits as you change them with-
out having to click Apply. Note that displaying your
entire model view at once will slow performance.
3D Mode
Displaying item labels for blocks is only possible in 2D
mode. You can choose from existing items in the
File 15 and display five labels at once. Each label can
be offset horizontally and vertically. The default label
color is white; however, you can choose to set the la-
bel color based on the item’s cutoff value.

2D Mode

It can be more convenient to view polygons (or blocks) while they are unfilled (highlight the desired
buttons → Properties → Surfaces tab → choose to show lines and not show faces).

EXERCISE: Change Display and Query

Experiment with the various 3D and 2D options.

Display Type and Style double-click model view → Display tab → activate display type and option →
Apply → Cutoffs button → select the cells for the cutoff values for which you
would like to show polygons unfilled → Properties button → Surfaces tab →
check and uncheck Show Faces and Show Lines options → OK

Display Range double-click model view → Range tab → slide the limit bars to the desired mini-
mum and maximum; each end of the limit bars gives the number/coordinate
value → Apply

Display in 2D Mode Viewer Tool Bar → Set a Grid Set to the Viewer → browse to a grid set → choose
a plane or section → put Viewer in 2D mode

Display Labels in 2D double-click model view → Labels tab → select the item whose label you want
Mode displayed and any accompanying parameters for that row → Apply

10 | 3D Block Models
MinePlan for Long Term Planning


Standard View Displays the portion of the model requested on the Range tab of the
Model View Editor, with the requested view style applied.
Level/Bench Plans Displays the model as horizontal sections. Filled polygons are the only view
style that can be used with this 3D display type.
EW Sections Displays the model as vertical East-West sections. Filled polygons are the
only view style that can be used with this 3D display type.
NS Sections Displays the model as vertical North-South sections. Filled polygons are the
only view style that can be used with this 3D display type.


Contours Displays contours of the selected model item on the spatial extent of
the defined model region. This is the fastest and least memory intensive
method of viewing the model. Smooth Contours displays contours with a
gradual change in the contour colors on the spatial extent of the defined
model region.
Filled Polygons Displays individual model blocks as polygons.
3D Blocks Displays the model as individual blocks. Blocks are displayed at 90% of their
size. WARNING: Viewing a large region as 3D blocks is a memory intensive
operation. It is not recommended on machines with limited RAM.
Surface/Slab Available for more efficient display of the model. In both cases, a “mesh”
is used instead of a triangulated “shell.” A mesh is just a grid, and is more
efficiently displayed in MinePlan than a shell. Slab rendering, the style
used with a 3D block model, displays only the bounding of two rows, two
columns and two benches of the model; the interior blocks are not dis-
played. Surface rendering, the style used with gridded model files, displays
a mesh that connects all of the midpoints of the grid.

Block Grade Shell Displays grade shells following block outlines defined by the cutoff table of
the primary display item.
Filled block contours This is the 2D equivalent to the "Block Grade Shell" in 3D styles.

3D Block Models | 11
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Using the Options tab of the Model View Editor, you can limit the blocks viewed based on a range
of values in an item. Item Limiting and Item Filtering are two different ways to limit blocks. Item Lim-
iting lets you enter the range of values while Item Filtering lets you type in your own filter expression.
Block size is set to be shown at 90% scale in all three dimensions (x, y and z). In the Options tab,
you can set block size and opt to Scale by Block Percent or Scale by Percent Item.

EXERCISE: Limit Blocks Based on Item Value

Limit the view to show only blocks above a cutoff of 0.01% copper (CUI).This will essentially filter out blocks
with 0 or undefined CUI values.

Item Limiting Option double-click model view → Options tab → Limit By box → Select CUI item → set
range of values → Apply

Item Filtering Option double-click model view → Options tab → Filter By box → enter filter expressions
→ Apply

Control Block Size by double-click model view → Options tab → Scale by Block Percent → enter x, y
Block Percent and z percents → Apply

Scale by Percent Item double-click model view → Options tab → Scale by Percent Item → choose
the item to scale by (usually a TOPO% or ORE% item) → Apply

Grade Shells
A grade shell is a solid representation of a code or real
value retrieved directly from the 3DBM. It is intended
to provide an indication of where the blocks with cer-
tain geologic codes or grade values are located in the
Grade shells can be created for a grade item be-
tween a minimum and maximum value, and can be
further limited by a secondary item, such as a TOPO%
or geologic code. A grade shell is created primarily for
visualization purposes, and not for volume or reserves
calculations. Grade shell example

EXERCISE: Create a Grade Shell of Mineralized Zones

Create a grade shell with a cutoff value of 0.3% copper (CUI). Save the shell as a geometry object in the
Model Views folder.

Grade Shell highlight the _msresources folder → create or select a folder for the grade shell
→ create a model view (for any display item) and open its properties →
Grade Shell tab → select the desired grade shell item → enter a minimum
and optional maximum → turn on block outlines → Make Shell → Save

12 | 3D Block Models
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

1.6 Using Restriction Codes (RCODE)

RCODE limits a pit based upon blocks that are
undisturbed at the surface. You can store the con- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
straint codes in the RCODE item in the MinePlan
Economic Planner surface model (MSEP-GSF). The Code a restricted area into an MSEP sur-
user enters an uppermost code to allow mining in face model.
coded areas. Areas instead to be left undisturbed
should have codes below the code entered in the dialog. If the user specifies 3, then only areas
with RCODE = 1 and 2 will be mined. RCODE codes used in the manner are referred to as hard
surface restrictions.

From left to right: a river constraint to be used in RCODE; the property boundary coded in the
model surface (RCODE = 2); a plan view showing the ultimate pit and the property boundary.

EXERCISE: Code a Restricted Area

Find and open 06_PropertyBoundaryLimit from the Topography folder. Open the property of the RCODE
model view and load the constraint polygon into the geometry set. Code the constraint into the surface
model and define the elevation.

To validate the results, set the model view with RCODE as the primary display item in the Display tab and
TOPOG as the primary display item in the GSM/Surface tab.

Load Constraint RCODE model view → Model View Editor → Geometry tab → Geometry Set
Editor (blue cube) → browse to 06_PropertyBoundaryLimit → enter Code = 2
→ name the current set “Property Constraint Coding) → Save Set → OK

Codify Model View Editor → Code Model tab → select From Polygon → Storing Op-
tions: select CODE by Majority Code; Min Value of Total Percent = 30%; check
Reset Items Before Coding (Code = 1) → Items: Zone Code Item 1= RCODE

Define Elevation Model View Editor → Code Model tab → Polygons: select Range button; Start
Elevation = 2000 (polygon elevation) → Set → Code → to verify, refresh the
model view, change display items and define colors, if necessary

Using Restriction Codes (RCODE) | 13

©2020 Hexagon Mining

Soft Surface Restrictions

Another powerful use of RCODE is in the use of soft surface restrictions. Another dialog is available
in msep-design.pyz (MSOPIT) that allows the user to assign an all or nothing value for each RCODE
code. The program incurs this cost to mine from the coded area. This scenario is typical when
there is a cost to remove a surface restriction, i.e. infrastructure movement, permitting cost, etc. A
-1 value on this dialog will act as a hard surface restriction as well.
Note: The Pseudoflow algorithm cannot be used with soft surface restrictions.

14 | Using Restriction Codes (RCODE)

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

1.7 Multi-runs
Use a multi-run when you want to run the same pro-
cedure, or set of procedures, multiple times using LEARNING OBJECTIVE
different parameters each time. Multi-run pack-
ages range from the simple task of running a few Package procedures and their response
procedures or scripts with a few varying parame- sets for the purpose of running them in a
ters (i.e. calculating simple statistics) to the more sequence.
complex task of running several procedures with
numerous varying parameters (i.e. interpolating a
model and experimenting with different parameters).

Multi-runs make it easier for all users to be on the same page because you can write comments
about why each procedure is being run. You can also audit your task flow from the list of proce-
dures in the package. The multi-run packages can be transferred to different MinePlan Compass

The procedures you select for a particular multi-run are stored in a package. The parameters that
vary in a package are stored in a response set, and a package can contain several response sets.
Two options exist for running a multi-run package:

1. Run each individual procedure in your multi-run package one or more times before proceed-
ing on to the next procedures in the package.

2. Run all of the procedures in Loop mode. This option repeats the entire sequence of proce-
dures, one after another as a group, a specified number of times. The default is to run the
same procedure the specified number of times before running the next one. The loop mode
will cycle through the entire package set before repeating the same procedures again.

Before using a procedure in a multi-run, you should run through that procedure at least once to
familiarize yourself with it and learn what type of variable information is needed.

Multi-runs | 15
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Procedures Procedures are selected in order of their execution.

Variables As you complete the procedure setup panels and enter a data variable that has
not yet been defined, the Variables dialog is displayed. This is the page where
values for variables are entered.

Files If there is more than one set of DH or Model files, Files tab is where you can specify
names of the project files to vary during your multi-run. The Files button on the
Procedures page is used for selecting the file to be used for the procedure or
to set the file type to be varied. You must first toggle Vary using the Files button
on the Procedures tab (click the open file folder button) before you can set the
names used in the Files tab.

EXERCISE: Create a Multi-Run Package

New Multi-run MSCompass → Options tab → New Multi-run → Package = 01_Running MSOPIT
Base Cases → Responses = 1 → select msep-design.pyz procedure; Com-
ments = "Defining the economic pit limit with constant slope, variable mining
costs and RCODE" → Setup

Note 1: Click the Setup button next to the procedure you have
selected and go through each procedure involved in setting the Put the cursor in the procedure
values and variables; use a “?nn” for variables that will change box and select from the Com-
with each run. “?nn” refers to unique numbers for each variable— pass procedures list to save your-
“?01” for the first variable, “?02” for the second variable and so self some typing.
forth. When you click the right arrow in the panel to proceed to
the next panel, the Variables tab displays so that you can enter
the values for the variables. You cannot continue with the procedure until you click Continue while in the
Variables tab.

Note 2: If you want to run the entire sequence of procedures, one after another, select the Loop checkbox,
then click Run to activate loop mode.

16 | Multi-runs
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

1.8 Economic Pit Limits

Identifying the ultimate pit is the first task involved
in scoping level studies of ore bodies. The ulti- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
mate pit limit is a pit containing the maximum pos-
sible value given economic and geometric con- Determine the economic pit limit based
straints. The MinePlan Economic Planner (MSEP) on a 3D block model, economics and ge-
msep-design.pyz (MSOPIT) application helps you ometric parameters.
determine the ultimate pit.

MSOPIT uses a design variable, also called net value per block, as the basis for pit optimization.
The design variable can be calculated from items in the 3D block model (3DBM) or read from an
item in the 3DBM. To calculate the design variable from model items, you must enter economic
parameters determining the destination for mined material. Conveniently, you can export eco-
nomic parameters for destinations and use them in separate MSOPIT runs. Once computed, pits
are stored in an MSEP Surface Model.

MSOPIT can create pits using floating cone (FC), traditional Lerchs-Grossmann (LG), and Pseud-
oflow methods. Of these methodologies, LG and Pseudoflow produces a more correct result when
compared to FC. FC typically runs faster and allows the stopping of merged cones once a certain
parameter is met, i.e. total K-tons. The LG and Pseudoflow methods, however, allow for reblocking
to speed up the process. Pseudflow is essentially a "Fast LG", and typically returns identical results
to that of traditional LG. This difference is run time. Pseudoflow is always faster than LG, sometimes


To calculate the design variable, MSOPIT requires a set of economic assumptions for each combination
of material and destination. For processed material, the items for each grade item are: Price, Recovery,
Processing Cost/tonne (PC), Mining Cost/tonne (MC), Density and Factor. The following formula is used:

Net Value per Block = Net Value per Tonne * Tonnes per Block

Value/tonne = Grade * Price * Recovery * Factor

The Factor converts the product of Grade * Price * Recovery into the unit value/tonne. It will vary
depending on the units for the grade item and the price. For example, if Grade is a percent item and
Price is $/lb, the factor will be pounds per tonne: value/tonne = % * $/lb * % * lbs/tonne.

Next, MSOPIT computes net value per tonne by adding together value per tonne for all the grade items
(NVg) and deducting the processing and mining costs for the material:

net value/tonne = NVg - (PC + MC)

The calculation for tonnes/block depends on whether the project is in metric units or imperial units.

Metric Project: tonnes/block = block volume * (TOPO/100) * density

Imperial Project: tonnes/block = block volume * (TOPO/100) / TF

Density = tonnes per unit of volume; TF = tonnage factor

Economic Pit Limits | 17

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EXERCISE: Determine the Economic Pit Limits

Open the msep-design.pyz (MSOPIT) procedure you added to the 01_Running MSOPIT Base Cases multi-run
package. Work through the “tree” using the parameters listed below, then save the setup (File → Manage
Variables) and run the multi-run. Unless specified, use default values.

→ Define 3D Block Model: enter File 15 (pitn15.eng), extend all areas (levels, rows and columns)in 3D Block
Model Area of Interest

→ Define Surface Topography and Geometric Constraints: Name of EP GSF = pitn13.opt; Starting Pit = 0;
Surface Limit Code = 2 (allows RCODE = 1 to be mined)

→ Design Variable Definition: check Calculate Design Variable from 3D Block Model button; Design Variable
Distribution Interval = 2000

→ 3D Block Model Items: Required Items—Topo = TOPO; Optional Items—Resource Classification Code =
CLASS, Limiting Resource Classification Code = 2, Density Within Ore % = SG

→ Define Economic Parameters for Destinations: Key Block Model Items = CUI, MOI; Material Code = MNRL;
Default Code = 4. To enter data in the Economics for Value Calculations fields, click on the cell for the Material
and Destination, and then move to the Economic for Value Calculations portion of the panel to enter data.
After entering data, left-click APPLY to save the data. For each material that has a process destination there
must also be a waste destination for uneconomic material. Export the economic data from this panel for later

18 | Economic Pit Limits

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

The Paste APPLY button can be quickly used to apply identical setups to multiple cells. Simply right click
→ copy a cell, then click on the target cell and press Paste APPLY.

Economic Pit Limits | 19

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Configuration for all mill destinations:

Grade Price Recovery% Factor PC ($/tonne) MC($/tonne) SG/TF

CUI 2.4 87 22.046 5.1 1.2 2.5
MOI 7.5 75 22.046 5.1 1.2 2.5

Configuration for all leach destinations:

Grade Price Recovery% Factor PC ($/tonne) MC($/tonne) SG/TF

CUI 1.8 67 22.046 0.7 1.2 2.5
MOI 0 0 0 0.7 1.2 2.5

Configuration for all waste destinations:

Grade Price Recovery% Factor PC ($/tonne) MC($/tonne) SG/TF

CUI 0 0 0 0 1.0 2.5
MOI 0 0 0 0 1.0 2.5

→ Costs and Discounting: Check Use Variable Costs by Bench box; Annual Discount Rate = 0

The Bench Discounting Option is used to account for the time delay between mining benches within a push-

→ Variable Mining Costs by Bench: Add Number of Bench Ranges = 2; Additional Waste and Ore Cost =
enter the base costs for both (27 to 42 = 0.1 and 43 to 84 = 0.2)

The variable cost by bench ($/ton for ore and waste) is added to the mining cost in calculating the DV
(design variable). As the mining cost usually increases with depth due to increased haulage costs, the first
and last bench can be specified and the base or incremental additional mining cost per bench range can
be specified.

→ Pit Slope Angle Options: Check Constant Slope button; Default Slope = 42; Slope Accuracy = High (1)

→ Design Strategy: Select Design Choice = Base; Pit Design Options = Pseudoflow (Reblocking Parameters all
equal 1)

→ BASE-Ultimate Pit: In Pit Optimization Area 1, extend to all Levels, Rows, and Columns; Results (1-200) = 3 or

→ Audit Option: Bench Number = 35; Column Number = 103; Row Number = 97

In the Audit Options panel, choose the bench, column and row of a block where you want to audit the
design variable calculation. It should be noted that all blocks below the topo surface for the defined row
and column will be audited, thus the value entered for bench is irrelevant. The value calculation for the block
specified will be detailed in the workmsopit.tmp file.

→ Output Instructions: Leave the Output Instructions panel blank, except for the following: Run ID = “Ultimate
Pit @ Cu: 2.5 & Mo: 7.5—Constant Slope and RCODE”; Run File = ulp

20 | Economic Pit Limits

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

EXERCISE: Run Slope by Azimuth and Complex Slope Base Cases

Add the msep-extract.pyz procedure two more times to the 01_Running MSOPIT Base Cases multi-run pack-
age. The second procedure will vary the pit’s slope using azimuth directions, while the third procedure will
utilize complex slope codes corresponding to MNRL values in the 3DBM. This final pit will be the ultimate pit for
use later in price sensitivity analysis, pushback design and preliminary analysis. Remember to save the setup
(File → Manage Variables) before running the procedures. Unless specified, use default values

PROCEDURE 2: Base Pit with Slopes by Azimuth

Comments = "Defining the economic pit limit with slopes by azimuth, variable mining costs and RCODE"

→ Pit Slope Angle Options: Check Slope by Azimuth; Default Slope = 35; Slope Accuracy = High (1)

→ Slope by Azimuth:
Azimuth Slope
1: 0.0 37.0
2: 89.0 37.0
3: 91.0 42.0
4: 269.0 42.0
5. 271.0 45.0
6. 360.0 45.0

→ Base Ultimate Pit: Store the result to 2 or PIT02

→ Output Instructions: Leave the Output Instructions panel blank, except for the following: Run ID = “Ultimate
Pit @ Cu: 2.5 & Mo: 7.5—Slopes by Azimuth and RCODE”; Run File = ula

PROCEDURE 3: Base Pit with Complex Slopes

Comments = "Defining the economic pit limit including complex slopes, variable mining costs and RCODE"

→ Pit Slope Angle Options: Check Complex Slopes; Default Slope = 35; Read Slope Codes From = 3D Block
Model (15); Slope Code Item = MNRL; Slope Accuracy = High (1)

→ Complex Slopes: Slopes for Each Code = (1:35, 2:45, 3:42, 4:46); Export Slopes to file = CpxSlp.csv (This file
will be used in the next section to verify slopes)

→ Base Ultimate Pit: Store the result to 1 or PIT01

→ Output Instructions: Destination Number = ROUTE; Net Value per Block = VALPB (check Block Is Not Dis-
counted option); Net Value per Tonne Item = VALPT (check Include Mining Cost option); Output to File 13 =
(check Store Ore Bottoms box); Run ID = “Ultimate Pit @ Cu: 2.5 & Mo: 7.5—Complex Slopes and RCODE’;
Run File = ulc

Economic Pit Limits | 21

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The Bottom of Ore

The bottom of ore can be stored in item OREBZ. This surface is just for visualization. In the Out-
put Instructions panel, Store Ore Bottoms was ticked to store the ore bottom data. The surface
represents the toe of the last positive value block mined in a column.

EXERCISE: Evaluate a Pit

Create a model view using OREBZ as your primary display item and PIT01 as your surface elevation.

22 | Economic Pit Limits

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

1.9 Evaluating Pit Slopes in MP3D

Once you’ve produced a pit or series of pits using
the MinePlan Economic Planner (MSEP) program LEARNING OBJECTIVE
MSOPIT, you should verify the results to ensure that
you configured the options correctly. In MinePlan Evaluate the pit geometry of an MSOPIT
3D (MP3D), look at pit geometry to verify that the pit optimization using MP3D model views.
location of the pit and its slope angles match your
expectations given the lay of the deposit and the
configuration you used for pit slopes.


Open a model view for the surface model item containing the recently created pit and compare the pit
shape with the lay of the deposit. Dragging the cursor in a straight line along a slope (using Face Snap) will
give you a slope angle. The overall dip angle between the initial click and the point where you released the
mouse button displays as “dip” on the Status Bar.

Evaluating Pit Slopes in MP3D | 23

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24 | Evaluating Pit Slopes in MP3D

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

1.10 Evaluating Pit Slopes in MSEP

In addition to verifying MSOPIT results visually in
MinePlan 3D (MP3D), you can evaluate slope an- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
gles numerically using the MinePlan Basis proce-
dure pslope.dat, which computes the estimated Evaluate the pit geometry of an MSOPIT
slope at each grid point and stores the result into pit optimization using pslope.dat.
the MinePlan Economic Planner (MSEP) surface

Before running pslope.dat, the procedure msep-extract.pyz (MSPTSP) must be run in order to pop-
ulate the SLPC/S 1-4 items in the File 13, pitn13.opt. This procedure extracts information from an
item in the File 15, pitn15.eng, to populates code values to the SLPC item and generate pseudo-
surfaces with the SLPS item. Both items are used by pslope.dat to read a grid cell’s expected
design slope.

EXERCISE: Populate SLPC/S 1-4 with MSEP-extract.pyz

Open the 01_Running MSOPIT Base Cases multi-run package and add the procedure msep-extract.pyz. Use
the MNRL item with a default value of 4. Unless specified use default values.

msep-extract.pyz Compass → start msep-extract.pyz → enter parameters as shown below → GO

Comments = "Populate SLPC/S 1-4 items"

→ Configure Pit Optimization File: Name of the 3D Block Model: = pitn15.eng (if not already default); Name
of EP Gridded Surface File: pitn13.opt; Model item Code: = MNRL; Default Value = 4

→ Output Configuration: Run file: = ulc; Report file: = ulc

Only code items defined in the MSEP surface model can store the slope angles output by ps-
lope.dat. SLPC1–4 were used to store the slope codes corresponding to the slope surfaces items
SLPS1–4; therefore, you will need to use SLPC5-9 to store estimated and calculated slope values.

EXERCISE: Evaluate Pit Slopes with pslope.dat

Open the 01_Running MSOPIT Base Cases multi-run package and add the procedure pslope.dat. Quanti-
tatively evaluate the slope angles of PIT01 using the CpxSlp.csv file exported previously. Unless specified use
default values.

pslope.dat Compass → start pslope.dat → enter parameters as shown below → GO

Comments = "Evaluate complex slopes quantitatively"

→ MSLOPE Calculation of Actual Pit Slopes and Design Slopes: Name of the MSEP GSF File = pitn13.opt (if not
already default)

→ Preparations for Pit Slope Calculations: Starting Surface = PIT00; Pit Surface = PIT01; Location to Store Cal-
culated Slope = SLPC5; Location to Store Planned Complex Slope = SLPC6; Type of Slope Calculation — 2 =
Complex; Filename for Complex Slope Data = CpxSlp.csv

EXERCISE: Verify pslope.dat Results

Open the PIT01 model and query a slope wall grid cell. Compare the result of the calculated slope SLPC5

Evaluating Pit Slopes in MSEP | 25

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with the planned slope SLPC6.

26 | Evaluating Pit Slopes in MSEP

MinePlan for Long Term Planning


Evaluating Pit Slopes in MSEP | 27

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1.11 MSOPIT Output Files

The MinePlan Economic Planner (MSEP) program
MSOPIT features a standard report file (rptopt.***) LEARNING OBJECTIVE
containing a summary of important economic
and tonnage factors from the pit optimization run. Evaluate economics and tonnage results
(*** is the file extension indicated in the MSOPIT in an MSOPIT pit optimization.
setup.) The audit report file (worksmsopit.***) con-
tains details on the design variable calculation.
Audited blocks are from the row and column indicated in the MSOPIT configuration panels.

The rptopt.*** file reprints the data in the runopt.*** file. It also provides information collected about
the design variable ($/block) and a breakdown of material assignment before mining, i.e., the LG
or FC run. MSEP already knows each block’s best destination if mined; it just needs to link them
together using the Lerchs-Grossman (LG) or floating cone (FC) algorithms. The final part of the
report deals with the 2D and 3D LG or FC runs as well as the overall reserves of the pit, broken
down by material and destination.

EXERCISE: Evaluate Base Report Files

Navigate to the project directory and open the base report file rptopt.***. There are three reports available:
constant slope (.ulp), slope by azimuth (.ula), and complex slope (.ulc). Examine the following sections for pit
economic and tonnage information:
• Summary of Statistics for Design Variable

• Summary by Destination Assignment

• Summary by Material and Destination

- Before Mining

• Summary for area requested

• Summary by Material and Destination for Pit

28 | MSOPIT Output Files

MinePlan for Long Term Planning



MSOPIT Output Files | 29

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30 | MSOPIT Output Files

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

During the MSOPIT run, an audit file should have been produced for column blocks. Audit Options:
Bench Number = 35; Column Number = 103; Row Number = 97.

EXERCISE: Evaluate Audit Report Files

Navigate to the project directory for the MSOPIT run and open the file workmsopit.***. Evaluate the design
variable calculation and destination assignment for various blocks in the audit report. Some things that are
worth pointing out include:

1. Header information at the top of the report, indicating program date, run date, run file and run file records.
2. Summary statistics for the design variable
3. Distribution of Value per Block
4. Summary of economics/tonnes by material and destination
5. Total value/tonnes/blocks
6. Total runtime listed at the bottom of the report

MSOPIT Output Files | 31

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1.12 Price Sensitivity Analysis

An important step in the long term planning pro-
cess is evaluating the sensitivity of the ultimate pit LEARNING OBJECTIVE
to changes in the inputs used in the MinePlan Eco-
nomic Planner (MSEP) program MSOPIT. Many of Build a price sensitivity multi-run using
the inputs are economic factors, such as selling MSOPIT. This technique can also be ap-
price, processing costs and mining costs. You can plied to determine the sensitivity of other
produce shells representing various cases to evalu- factors.
ate the sensitivity of the pit design to each of these
factors. A multi-run lets you produce multiple pits with varying inputs in a single process.

North 7275.00 Cross section showing the high (blue), base (gold) and low (red) cases for CU/MO
price sensitivity analysis

Use MSOPIT to generate pit shells at different selling prices to determine the price sensitivity of the
deposit. The area outlined by the pit limit at a very low selling price is the best ore in the deposit
because only high grade low stripping ore is economical at low prices. Tracking the LG ultimate pit
limits at progressively higher prices shows the progression (i.e., the best direction of mine advance)
from the best ore in the deposit out to the break-even ore, defined by the ultimate pit limit at the
corporate guideline price for official reserve estimations.

32 | Price Sensitivity Analysis

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

EXERCISE: Create a Sensitivity Analysis

Run MSOPIT’s BASE-Ultimate Pit design strategy (msep-design.pyz) 13 times in a multi-run that varies the price
of the material. Load the "Ultimate Pit - Complex Slopes" variable set. In the Output Instructions panel, clear
the items storing Net Value per Block and the Net Value per Ton before you save and run the multi-run. Make
the changes described below and save the setup (File → Manage Variables) before running the procedure.
Unless specified, use default values.

Create Multi-Run New Multi-run → Package = 02_Price Sensitivity Analysis → Responses = 1 →

select msep-design.pyz procedure; Comments = “Price sensitivity analysis of

the complex slopes, variable mining cost and RCODE base case”; Runs = 13;
→ Setup

Define Economic Parameters for Destinations: CUI=?01 & MOI=?02 for mill destination; CUI=?03 only for leach

→ BASE-Ultimate Pit: Result=?04

→ Output Instructions: Run ID = “Price Sensitivity Analysis — Cu?01 & Mo?02”; Run File = ?04

Var. Comment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

?01 Cu Mill Price $/lb 0.72 0.96 1.2 1.44 1.68 1.92 2.16 2.4 2.64 2.88 3.12 3.36 3.6

?02 Mo Price $/lb 2.25 3 3.75 4.5 5.25 6 6.75 7.5 8.25 9 9.75 10.5 11.25

?03 Cu Leach Price $/lb 0.54 0.72 0.9 1.08 1.26 1.44 1.62 1.8 1.98 2.16 2.34 2.52 2.7

?04 Result Pit 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Price Options
You can vary the price by a value factor in MSOPIT using the Price Options on the Base-Ultimate
Pit dialog. Defining a minimum and maximum factor and increment will vary the base economics
entered in the Define Economic Parameters for Destinations dialog. A value of .2 to 1.3 and in-
crement of .1 would vary the economics of the pit from 20% of base to 130% in 10% increments,
creating 13 pits in total.
The drawback of using this method is the entire value per ton is varied by the factor, including
processing and mining cost. The benefit is that you do not need to create a multi-run because the
result number for the pit defines the first pit in the sequence.

Price Sensitivity Analysis | 33

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1.13 Pushback Designs

The size, shape and position of incremental mining
pushbacks can have a significant impact on the LEARNING OBJECTIVE
net present value (NPV) of a project, so it is impor-
tant to produce operational pushbacks that max- Create pushback designs using the MultP
imize NPV. In MinePlan Economic Planner (MSEP), design strategy in MSOPIT.
the MSOPIT utility AutoP automatically produces in-
cremental pushbacks based on a variety of eco-
nomic and operational constraints.
To approximate the mining path that maximizes
NPV, you will first design a series of pits of increas-
ing profit based upon commodity value. The first
pit would have the lowest metal prices and the
last the highest prices. The idea is to mine the
most valuable material first. Although it can be
argued that changes in economic assumptions
will change the pushback geometry, following the
most valuable material is usually valid for schedul-
ing. Within the schedule, the cutoff grades will
change as the economics change.
The next step is to apply mining and processing
constraints because, in most cases, sequential pits
based solely upon commodity value are not suit-
able for approximating pushbacks that are feasible
to mine. The geometry of the increments between
pits may:
• Be too small, too large or too irregular. Pushback in plan view
• Have too large a mining face — for example,
the “increasing value” method of pit design Before designing pushbacks, you must de-
often results in concentric pits, which are not sign a series of pits with increasing material
usually practical. prices using either FC or LG methods. The
three main objectives here are to: find the
• Have too much variation in stripping ratios be-
potential ultimate pit; find the starting pit;
tween pits. and use the geometry of the sequential pits
• Not meet blending requirements. to guide the design of pushbacks.

34 | Pushback Designs
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

Multiple Pits
For projects with multiple mining areas within the model, you must select starter pits for each area
based upon the economic series and pits. Once the economic pits are designed for the whole
model, the pit areas need to be identified and the pushbacks designed for each area indepen-
dently. Although automation would be convenient, the complexity of the task requires that it be
done in MSEP manually using engineering judgement. The sequence of mining pits from multiple
areas will be based upon criteria that you choose, though the BOTTOMS option in MSOPIT can

Creating a Starting Pit

You can select one of the series of economic
pits as your starting pit, or you can create a MSOPIT PUSHBACK DESIGN TOOLS
new one using AutoP. The design/selection of • AUTOP: Examines the material within the
the starting pit is critical. It should: ultimate pit by varying the metal value in
order to find the best material to mine. It
• Be of a reasonable size for mining. It can-
provides direction analysis by allowing the
not be too narrow or too irregular. user to specify a maximum arc for the
• Contain the preproduction stripping. The mining face and guide the direction of
amount of waste should be enough to ex- mining.
pose ore, but not so much that you must • MSOPIT: Provides an option to define
mine waste before it is necessary. polygons for potential pit bottoms and
allow pushback expansion from them. The
• Contain enough ore tonnage to provide depth below a limiting surfaces may also
ore to the plant for a period of time suf- be defined to allow pits of increasing profit
ficient for the next pushback to expose to be used while ensuring that large jumps
more ore. or gaps in mining are minimized.

Pushback design should follow the best • Other pushback tools like MultP, MultV,
material for current and future push- MultZ are older and have less functionality
than AutoP. They are still available for
backs, and have a reasonable geometry
legacy purposes.
for mining defined by:
• Mining width — if it is too small, it is not feasible to mine; and if it is too large, it can delay
access to high grade material.
• Mining length — if it is too long, it may not be feasible or desirable to mine as a unit.
• Haulage networks — geometry must be consistent for optimal material routing.
For projects with multiple mining areas within the model, each area should be examined sepa-
rately and combined with MSVALP for scheduling.

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The AutoP Process

The AutoP option creates a series of shells that approximate a series of pushbacks by applying
a factor to the design variable in conjunction with a pushback width and a minimum number of
blocks per pushback. For example, a value factor of 0.2 would only use the blocks with a value
in the top 20% for the first pass. If not enough blocks are found, the value factor increases until it
exceeds the maximum number, at which point it forms a pit shell.


North 7275.00 cross section of the pushbacks created using AutoP. Notice that the pushbacks are
directional and not concentric.

1. The program makes a limiting surface for FC evaluation at a depth below the starting surface
that will produce the desired mining width.
2. From the distribution of ore block values below the starting surface, the higher valued blocks
are flagged as ore and the lower valued ore blocks as waste based on a starting factor
specified by the user (e.g., flag the highest 20% as ore and the rest as waste).
3. The pit optimization algorithm generates an economic shell using criteria from 1 and 2.
4. The program checks the number of blocks contained in the shell produced in step 3.
a. If the number of blocks is greater than the minimum number of blocks specified, then the
program saves the good shell and moves on to the next pushback. In producing the next
shell, the same process is repeated, using the saved shell as the new starting surface.
b. If the number of blocks or k-tons is less than the minimum number specified, the program
returns to step 2 to flag additional lower valued blocks as ore, then repeats steps 3 and 4.
If the point is reached where all ore blocks are flagged as ore in step 2 and you still have
not satisfied the minimum block/k-tons requirement, then the program will lower the limiting
surface by one bench and run the FC again with all ore blocks flagged as ore. If after three
depth increases the program cannot find a suitable pit, AutoP will exit with the end result
placed in that final pit.
Note that, in this analysis, shells may not be the exact mining width specified because the mining
width is only used to make a limiting surface for the FC analysis. The AutoP shell produced repre-
sents what is economic inside this limit based on the percentage of total ore blocks flagged as ore
and the minimum total block requirement.

36 | Pushback Designs
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

Directional Anaylsis
The AutoP option allows you to specify a mining direction defined by an azimuth, specified in
degrees (0-360) rounded to the nearest 15-degree increment. You can pick the direction and
weight it using a factor of 1 to 10 to influence the program to override optimal calculated direction.
If the weighting is sufficient, the program will use the user-defined direction and ensure that the user
defined mining arc encompasses it.

The mining arc is defined again in degrees, but will only register to the nearest 15 degree incre-
ment. It is defined by an AZ1 and AZ2, which encompass the mining direction in some manner.
This is a maximum arc, and the program may choose to use a lesser arc if the parameters allow.
Further, if the parameters are too large to find enough mining material within an arc, the program
will default to a concentric type pushback.

EXERCISE: Create Pushbacks with AutoP

Setup four runs — one that creates a starting pit on the fly, another that uses PIT08 as the starting pit, and
third that uses FC constraints to create more uniformly sized pushbacks. All three runs will allow the program
to decide the optimal direction. The fourth and final run will instead force a user defined direction. The goal
here is to create six phases or pushbacks, including the starter pit, that are of consistent size.

Load the complex slope base case variable set to begin each setup. In the Output Instructions panel, clear
the items storing Net Value per Block and Net Value per Ton before you save and run the multi-run. As always,
remember to save the setup (File → Manage Variables) before running the procedures. Unless specified, use
default values.

Create Multi-Run New Multi-run → Package = 03_Pushback Design → Responses = 1 → Select

msep-design.pyz procedure → Setup

PROCEDURE 1: On the Fly Starting Pit

Comments = “01) AUTOP Pushbacks from PIT50 to 55, using auto starting pit, program decides direction”

→ Design Strategy: AutoP; Pit Design Method = Floating Cone

→ AutoP–Directional Phases:

AutoP Settings: From = 50; To = 59

Starter Pit Options: Starter Pit Radius = 100.0; Minimum Blocks for Starter Pit = 14000

Waste Mining Cost ($/ton) = 1.0; Ore Density (or TF) = 2.5; Waste Density (or TF) = 2.5, Minimum Value Factor
= 0.2; Maximum Value Factor = 1.0, Limiting Pit Number = 1

Select Pushback Depth: Benches = 15

Select Pushback Size: Minimum blocks = 14000

→ Output Instructions: Run ID = “AutoP, Auto starter pit, program decides direction”; Run File = ap1

PROCEDURE 2: Manually Selected Starting Pit

Comments = “02) AUTOP Pushbacks from PIT40 to 45, using manual starting pit PIT08, program decides direc-

→ Define Surface Topography and Geometric Constraints: Starter pit = 8

→ Design Strategy: AutoP; Pit Design Method = Floating Cone

→ AutoP–Directional Phases:

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AutoP Settings: From = 40; To = 49

Starter Pit Options: Starter Pit Radius = 0.0; Minimum Blocks for Starter Pit = 0

Waste Mining Cost ($/ton) = 1.0; Ore Density (or TF) = 2.5; Waste Density (or TF) = 2.5, Minimum Value Factor
= 0.2; Minimum Value Factor = 1.0;, Limiting Pit Number = 1

Select Pushback Depth: Benches = 15

Select Pushback Size: Minimum blocks = 14000

→ Output Instructions: Run ID = “AutoP, PIT08 starter pit, program decides direction”; Run File = ap2

PROCEDURE 3: Create More Uniform Pushback Sizes

Comments = “03) AUTOP Pushbacks from PIT20 to 25, using PIT08, FC cumulative kton max of 350,000, and
program decides direction”

→ Design Strategy: AutoP; Pit Design Method = Floating Cone; Stop Mining When Cumulative Total K-Tons
Exceed = 350,000

→ AutoP–Directional Phases:

AutoP Settings: From = 20; To = 29

Waste Mining Cost ($/ton) = 1.0; Ore Density (or TF) = 2.5; Waste Density (or TF) = 2.5, Minimum Value Factor
= 0.2; Maximum Value Factor = 1.0, Limiting Pit Number = 1

Directional Options: Mining Arc (in degrees) = 90.0; Mining Direction Azimuth = 0.0; Direction Factor = 0.0

Select Pushback Depth: Benches = 15

Select Pushback Size: Minimum blocks = 14000

→ Output Instructions: Run ID = “AutoP, PIT08 starter pit, program decides direction, FC kton max”; Run File =

PROCEDURE 4: Forcing a Mining Direction

Comments = “04) AUTOP Pushbacks from PIT30 to 35, using PIT08, FC cumulative kton max of 350,000, and user
defined direction”

→ Design Strategy: AutoP; Pit Design Method = Floating Cone; Stop Mining When Cumulative Total K-Tons
Exceed = 350,000

→ AutoP–Directional Phases:

AutoP Settings: From = 30; To = 39

Waste Mining Cost ($/ton) = 1.0; Ore Density (or TF) = 2.5; Waste Density (or TF) = 2.5, Minimum Value Factor
= 0.2; Maximum Value Factor = 1.0, Limiting Pit Number = 1

Directional Options: Mining Arc (in degrees) = 90.0; Mining Direction Azimuth = 300.0; Direction Factor = 10.0

Select Pushback Depth: Benches = 15

Select Pushback Size: Minimum blocks = 14000

→ Output Instructions: Run ID = “AutoP, PIT08 starter pit, user defined direction, FC kton max”; Run File = ap4

38 | Pushback Designs
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

EXERCISE: Compare Starter Pit values

AutoP lets you create a starter pit on the fly instead of from an existing pit, most likely a price sensitivity analysis
pit. It may seem straight forward to open the rptopt report from ap1 and PIT08 and just compare the starter
pit values, but this is not a true “apples to apples” comparison because the economics in PIT08’s report are
so much smaller. To correct this, you will run MSOPIT’s resource design strategy. Make sure that the economic
parameters are that of the base case and not that of the price sensitivity analysis.

Select Design Choice = Resource; Resource Configuration — From Pit = 8, To Pit = 8; Pit Design Option =
Pseudoflow; Run Id = PIT08 resources using base case; Run File= 8r

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1.14 Reporting Model Resources

MinePlan Reserve is a calculation tool that uses a
specified MinePlan block model to generate re- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
serve reports from solids or planar polygons, be-
tween GSF surfaces (File 13) or from a range of Produce resource reports in Reserve to
coordinates. It utilizes Advanced Reporting and gain more insight into the phase analysis.
Charting (ARC) options that allow quick and sim-
ple creation of charts, graphs and reports in multi-
ple formats. Reserve can be executed in stand-alone mode or directly from MinePlan 3D (MP3D).
Volume Type allows you to choose between mined out and topo logic. The associated model
item represents a percent of the block present (Topo) or missing (Mined-out). This item represents
the boundary between air and rock.

A single bench of the block model, with the copper values displayed inside the clipped pit solid.

Pitres.dat, accessed through MinePlan Compass and the Calculate Reserves Tool in MP3D, formed the
traditional method of reserve reporting. It has now made way for Reserve.

40 | Reporting Model Resources

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

Reserves Logic
The first step in reporting reserves is creating the logic file. A reserves logic is essentially a set
of options to use for a specific reserve or resource report based on a selected 3D block model
(3DBM). Whether using Reserve as a stand-alone program or using it within MP3D, you will need to
set up a reserves logic.
The reserve logic file consists of dialogs to define the MinePlan Project Files (PCF and model file),
the plan name, and other fundamental options such as the treatment of topography versus partial
percentages. At this stage, you can select whether you are using a single or multiple ore percent
model. Once this definition is accepted, a new dialog provides more detailed configuration op-


Ore Clipped: Used if the ore percents in the block do not already reflect the topo (the shapes used to
code them were not clipped at the surface). This will result in the percents being reduced by the topo
percent within the reserves engine.

Partial: The volumetric percent of the block being inside the solid or polygonal extrusion.

Take Ore First: Prioritizes ore to be taken before waste when the partial is less than 100 percent.

Zone Code: The integer code used for material classification; it can be a model item or a computed
zone item.

Zone Item: The model item(s) or computed zone item(s) containing our zone code(s).

Cutoffs: The “real” values that the control grades are compared against for the binning of material
within a material (as defined by a zone code/zone item in our material set).

Discrete items: Items used to further classify material with up to five additional integer items. These can
be used for reporting purposes.

EXERCISE: Create a New Reserves Logic

Create a new logic file for the pitn15.eng block model. Save the plan and logic file as “Route.resx.” The
stand-alone version can be accessed from the MineSight menu inside MP3D or even externally to MinePlan.
Reserve logic setup is also accessible from the Model Menu inside MP3D. Unless specified, use default values.

Setup MP3D → MineSight menu → MSReserve → Start → File → New Reserves Logic →
PCF = pitn10.dat → Model File = pitn15.eng → Plan Name = Reserves → Use
Topo/Partial Min = True → Use Block SG for Waste Default = True → Volume
Item = TOPO → Ok

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Adding Grade and Zone Items

After creating the plan, you can add grade items and discrete items for reporting, and define
calculated items for the reserve report. Zone items determine whether material is ore versus waste,
while discrete items further classify ore or waste material.
To add a new grade item to the reserve logic setup, click the Grade button, and enter the name
of the grade item and the treatment (accumulated, mass-weighted average, item-weighted or
volume-weighted average).
Calculated fields can also be added on the fly for reserves calculations and reporting. To create
a new calculated field, click the New Field button and select the type of calculated field, which
could be a grade field (e.g., EQCU), a grade by zone field (e.g., dilution item), a zone field (e.g.,
material classification field), or a simple zone field (e.g., single expression).

EXERCISE: Add Discrete, Grade and Other Model Items

Report material by zone ROUTE and discrete item CLASS. Read the Density (SG) from the model, and add the
copper (CUI), moly (MOI) and value per tonne (VALPT) grade items.

Add Items Plan → Zone = ROUTE → Add Discrete Item = Class → edit value labels by click-
ing on discrete item name → Add Grade Items = CUI, MOI, VALPT → Density
Item = SG → Save

Material Sets
Once you’ve set up the plan, you will define the material set. The Material Set dialog consists of
the Zone Details on the left and cutoff grade setup along the right. As with discrete items, you can
enter zone item values manually or by using the Auto button, which will read the zone information
directly from the 3DBM. The cutoff grade values correspond to a control grade. Lastly, a mine
recovery can be applied on this dialog for each zone.

An example of a material set broken down by cutoffs and classification scheme.

EXERCISE: Create a Material Set

Auto Populate the zone values for ROUTE. Change the name of each zone using the figure as a guide. There
must be a default item for any undefined zones. Set this to WASTE.

Material Set Material Set → Auto button → Change names to 01_Mill, 02_LEACH, and
03_WASTE → Set Waste to default → Density = 2.5 → Control Grade = CUI

42 | Reporting Model Resources

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

Reporting Reserves
Once you have defined and saved the reserve logic, you have two options for defining a reserve
volume within MP3D. From the Model menu, choose Quick Reserves from OCB to select a geom-
etry element through the Object Contents Browser. Alternatively, use Quick Reserves from Viewer
to select geometry directly from the viewer. In the stand-alone version, under the Geometry link,
it’s possible to calculate reserves based on cuts, surfaces or a coordinate range. Cuts can be
imported directly from an MinePlan Planning Database (MSPD).
Surfaces (GSF) require a starting and ending surface. Selecting multiple surfaces generates incre-
mental reserves. Reserves are generated in top-down list order; but you can move surfaces up or
down in the list to ensure outer phases in lower pit numbers (e.g., PIT01) are computed after the
pushback analysis phases (e.g., AUTOP PIT20-PIT25).
Once you have selected one of the above options, the MinePlan Reserve Reporting dialog will
open. This analysis provides the easy to use Advanced Reporting and Charting (ARC) options,
including the drag-and-drop Pivot Grid feature and the ability to export to multiple formats.

EXERCISE: Report Reserves for Pit Shell Surfaces

Load the pitn13.opt GSF and select the various surfaces corresponding to each base case and pushback
analysis. Save each reserve report in Excel format. Make sure that the starting surface of each analysis is
PIT00 and the final surface of each pushback analysis is PIT01. When finished, you should have three base
case reports and an incremental pushback analysis report.

Reporting Geometry → Surfaces → Open GSF = pitn13.opt → Select None → Re-select

surfaces → Calculate Reserves

The analysis report showing a pivot grid of PIT01.

Save an ARC template to speed up report generation and ensure each report is in a standardized

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44 | Reporting Model Resources

Pit Design

Use the LG shells as a guideline to design pits with ramps, toes, crests, etc. Use CAD tools to
design waste dumps, leach pads, roads and report associated volumetric, tonnage, grade and
material type.

2.1 Designing Pits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.2 Pit Solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
©2020 Hexagon Mining

2.1 Designing Pits

The MinePlan 3D (MP3D) Pit Expansion Tool gener-
ates full pit outlines from a pit bottom or top. It ex- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
pands upward and out or downward and in. It also
automatically designs structures, such as dumps, Expand a pit and build a road with a
by expanding upward and in or down and out. switchback.
To design a pit with the Pit Expansion Tool, you must
first add a base string, which is the polyline or polygon that acts as the base for the expansion.
You can digitize the base string within the Pit Expansion Tool or copy an existing string into the
pit expansion edit object. The pit expansion edit object will contain the results of the initial base
feature selection and the resulting pit expansion. The Edit Strings function in the Expansion tab
allows you to edit strings (including toes, crest, base strings) as the pit is expanded.

EXERCISE: Create and Edit a Base String

Create new geometry object and set to edit mode. Otherwise you will be prompted to do so when opening
the Pit Expansion Tool for the first time. Open PIT01 model view and go into 2D mode using the Plan grid set
found in 02_GRID SETS folder. At elevation 990, digitize a base string for PIT01.

Digitize Base String MP3D → OP EngTools → Pit Expansion Tool → Expansion tab → Base Strings
section → select Digitize option → enter elevation in the On Level field →
Closed (if you want the base string to be a polygon) → Add → digitize base
string → right-click in the Viewer

Edit a String Expansion tab → Edit String button → select the feature type (Bases, Toes,
Crests, Road Ramps or Slot Ramps) → enter level value if different than cur-
rent expansion level → make edits (i.e. Polyline → Smooth) → Save

Each pit will be designed using a corresponding MSEP Surface Model (pitxx) as a guide. Use the snap
functions, especially polyline, to quickly match the base string with the pit shell 2D line of intersection.

46 | Designing Pits
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

Required Parameters
A parameter set is the group of settings used to create a pit design in the Pit Expansion Tool. Before
beginning your pit expansions, you must set the step table, expansion type, and vertical and
horizontal expansion. The parameters on a row in the step (bench) table apply to an elevation
range, with the lowest elevation listed in the table. Therefore, during expansion (either upward
or downward), the parameters in a row apply for the range of elevations between the elevation
listed and the next rows higher elevation (level).
The three expansion options are Zero, Single and Multiple. Before applying any expansion, the
Start level in the Expansion options section of the Expansion tab must be set.
All expansions that have been previously applied will be listed in the History section of the Expan-
sion tab. Each one of these can be undone.


Berm (Catch bench): An extra horizontal width (area) left at the bottom of a face slope, generally for
safety reasons.

Face (Batter) Slope: The slope of a bench face (between the bench’s toe and crest). This is the angle of
the face for one expansion; it does not take berm width into account.

Single expansion: Expands a single step (bench).

Multiple expansion: Expands multiple steps (benches).

Zero expansion: Creates entrances for new roads or slots and merge new base strings.

Pit Slope: The overall angle of the wall from one elevation to the next elevation specified; The slope
takes the berm width into account.

Step Size: The distance (height) in a single expansion before drawing a Berm. The default value is the
project model block (or bench) height. Multiple benching is allowed. If you are using a grid set, this
option is not available because the step size is calculated from the distance between the parallel grids
in the selected grid set. The number of expansions is limited by the number of grid planes in the grid set.

EXERCISE: Set Required Parameters

Create and store a parameter set. The settings are stored in the dialogs.ptf file inside the _msresources folder.
When you save a parameter set, its name will appear in the Save Parameter Set section’s box.

Set Required Required tab → Step (Bench) Table → enter the elevation manually or use an
Parameters existing grid set → enter parameter for each elevation → select Expansion
Type → select Vertical and Horizontal Expansion directions

Store a Parameter Set Parameter Sets tab → New → enter name → Save Parameter Set: Save

Multiple Expansion Preview

Preview the pit parameter set up for several benches.

Preview Expansion tab → Expansion Option: Multiple Expansion = 25 → Preview (do not

Designing Pits | 47
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Optional Parameters
The parameters defined of the Required tab apply to the entire pit as a whole. This can be very
restricting and applies an unrealistic or unachievable design. Geotechnical restrictions on slope
vary across the pit with geological rock types and structures. To accurately match the necessary
geotechnical requirements for slopes, the Optional tab may be used. Here the Face (Batter) Slope,
Pit Slope, and Berms may be varied using either Section tables, Azimuth tables, Model values, or
Model/code tables. For the latter two options a 3DBM item is required.

EXERCISE: Vary Pit Slopes

Vary the slope of the pit to match the slope constraints used during the pit shell creation in MinSight Ecnomic
Planner (MSEP). The MNRL item will be selected and unique slope values for each of the mineralogy codes,
1-4, will be defined.

Select 3DBM item Optional tab → select 3DBM view from the 04_MODEL VIEWS folder → check
Model/code table under pit slopes → select MNRL from the drop down list

Define code table Optional tab → Pit Slopes → Codes → Enter the following codes in the table:
Code 1 = 35, Code 2 = 45, Code 3 = 42, Code 4 = 46 → OK

Building a Road
Use the Roads tab in the Pit Expansion Tool to enter the location and specifications for roads to be
expanded with the pit outlines. For inclined pit designs, if the grade of the inclined pit is larger than
the grade of the road, the road will abort on an expansion.

EXERCISE: Build a Road with Switchback

You can change the direction of an existing road to create a switchback on a desired elevation. Be sure to
cancel the multiple expansion preview before you begin (Cancel button).

Add a Road Road tab → Add button → add road → Edit button → Edit Road dialog → enter
(Zero Expansion Test) values in the Starting Points section or click the Digitize button to select the
starting point from the Viewer → Road Parameter table → enter Level, Width
(of road), Grade and Direction → OK → Expansion tab → Expansion Options
→ Zero Expansion button → Preview (to see the start gate) → Apply → edit
toe string as needed before expanding to the next step (level)

Create a Switchback Road tab → Pit Expansion dialog → highlight road for which you want to create
a switchback → Edit → Road Parameter table → enter elevation at which the
switchback will occur → enter opposite direction value in the Direction field
→ enter the SB radius, SB Grade and SB Length Multiplier → OK → Expansion
tab → Expansion options → set the expansion type to Expansion → Preview

48 | Designing Pits
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Road Gate: Two nodes representing the two entrance points of the road.

Switchback Grade: Grade of the inner road ramp line for the switchback. When the switchback is
complete, the road grade will be used to complete the bench. If the bench is completed before the
switchback has been completed, a warning message will be written to the Message Window,
“Switchback grade too large for bench,” and the road will abort.

Switchback Length Multiplier: Multiplier applied to the sum of the road width and the SB Radius to
calculate SB Length. The result of the switchback is a “teardrop” shape, and the SB Length is the
distance from the switchback to the pit wall where the pit toe polyline tapers back into the pit wall at
the pit’s set expansion angle and berm width. If the SB Length Multiplier is too large, an error message
will be displayed.

Switchback Radius: Radius of the circle to use for creating the switchback. If the radius is less than berm
width or set to 0, the switchback will have a V-shape.


Message: Cannot create road start at the end of the open string.
Explanation: The start of the road is at the end of an open base string and start cannot be created.

Message: Pit too small for road start.

Explanation: The pit base is too small for the creation of the road start.

Message: Road cams are on different pits.

Explanation: The user cam points are located on two different pits. Road cannot be created.

Message: Road cams are the same point.

Explanation: The user cam points are the same point. Road cannot be created.

Message: Gate points were not found on active string.

Explanation: Internal error.

Message: Road slope is less than the pit toe slope.

Explanation: The slope of the road cannot be less than the incline of the pit.

Message: Not enough room on the pit to create road ramp.

Explanation: There is not enough space left on the pit for the road ramps.

Message: Road intersects with current or another pit.

Explanation: The road intersects with another pit or with the same pit.

Message: Road turn too sharp.

Explanation: The turn angle for the road ramps is too sharp to continue.

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EXERCISE: Working with Expansions

The three expansion options are Zero, Single and Multiple. Before applying any expansion, you must set the
Start level in the Expansion options section of the Expansion tab. All expansions that have been previously
applied will be listed in the History section of the Expansion tab. Each one of these can be undone. The Edit
Strings function in the Expansion tab allows you to edit strings (including toes, crest, base strings) as the pit is

Apply Expansion Expansion tab → Expansion Options section → select expansion type → for a
Multiple expansion, enter number of steps → Preview → Apply

Undo an Expansion Expansion tab → History section → highlight expansion that you want to undo
(any expansions that follow it will be highlighted for deletion as well) → Undo
button →

Reporting Reserves
In the optimizing portion of the course, you set up the reserve logic ROUTE to report reserves be-
tween GSF surfaces. You will use this same logic to evaluate the pit solids.
Unlike the GSF surfaces, the pit solids exist as actual geometry and are selectable interactively
using the Reserves from Viewer/OCB option under the MinePlan 3D (MP3D) Model menu. The
stand-alone version may also be used but will require generating partials files first. These are easily
generated using the Generate Partials Tool in the Surface menu or running the createPartials.pyz
script from File -> Scripts, but do take additional setup and time.
Rather than exit the Pit Expansion Tool to run reserves after the design is complete, we will link to
the reserve logic on the Reserve tab. Reserves may be run dynamically after each preview or
apply of expansion or manually when needed. Checking reserves against the pit shell allows the
design to be validated continuously to ensure tolerance acceptability criteria are met.

EXERCISE: Calculate Reserves for Pit Solids

Link the Reserves.resx logic under the Reserve tab and Calculate reserves From Pit Solids.

Calculate Reserves Reserve tab → link to Reserves.resx → select Calculate reserves From Pit Solids
→ Calculate Reserves

The reserves generated should be honor the topography using the TOPO percentage item in the reserve
logic, but an additional option, Clip geometry by surface, can be used to ensure reserves are clipped
to the surface. The surface however must first be linked to on the Export tab.

50 | Designing Pits
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

Exporting Geometry
Use the Export tab in the Pit Expansion Tool to export the final design geometry. The Pit Surface and
Pit solid may be exported with or with out merging with topography. Mid-bench Lines and Ramp
Centerlines may be exported to further jump start then next phase in the planning process. The
ramp center line may be used to jump start the design of a haulage network while the mid-bench
polygons may be saved to further cut up late during the medium term planning process.

EXERCISE: Export the Merged Pit Geometry & Ramp Centerline

You can export the geometry one-by-one, or all at once by simply checking the geometry type and clicking
export. The topography must be selected first to enable the Limiting Option.

Export Geometry Export tab → select Destination Folder → select Limit by Surface: 02_Complete
Topo from the 01_TOPOGRAPHY folder → check Use limit surface for export
option → check Geometry Types: Pit Suface, Pit Solid, and Ramp Centerlines
→ Ensure Merge is selected as Limiting Option for Pit Surface → Export

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52 | Designing Pits
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

2.2 Pit Solids

The Pit Expansion tool creates Pit shells, merged pit
surfaces, and pit solids. The geometries though LEARNING OBJECTIVE
are cumulative and not representative of the in-
cremental phases. In order to correct account for Create incremental bench solids for use
each phases material we will need to create incre- later in the scheduling process.
mental pit solids and in turn slice them into bench
solids. The bench solids will be used as the data
source inside of our scheduling tool MinePlan Schedule Optimizer (MPSO).

EXERCISE: Import Finalized Phase Geometry

Copy the folders 06_PIT DESIGNS, 07_EXPANSION SURFACES, and 08_PHASE SOLIDS from the Import Data →
Pit Design folder inside the main project directory. Copy directly in Windows Explorer and refresh the Data
Manager, or right-click on _msresources → Import → MinePlan 3D Folder.

View of Phase 6 Geometry (Lines, Shell, and Cumulative Solid)

Pit Solids | 53
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Incremental Solids
The incremental and bench solids for each phase were also brought in during the import exercise.
To understand how this geometry was created we will re-create a few incremental solids and slice
then up into bench solids. During the intersection process some of the resulting solids may need
to be "cleaned up" somewhat due to the nature of the geometry. This will require correcting in
order to report valid reserves and ensure correct behavior in the slicing utility. We will using the
Incremental Solids Tool and the Autoslicer to create the necessary geometry.

EXERCISE: Create Incremental Solids

Using the Intersect Solids Tool found in the Surfaces menu, select two ordered cumulative solids to intersect. It
is irrelevant which is selected as group A vs. group B, as options for A-B and B-A exist. For the sake of clarity
though, the previous phase will be listed as group A and the subsequent phase as group B. Ensure the cumu-
lative solids are open in the viewer.

Intersect Solids Tool MP3D → Surface → Intersect Solids Tool → select Group A = Phase 1A Solid →
select Group B=Phase 1B Solid → select Return B-A option → Apply

EXERCISE: Clean Solids

Use the Verify Tool found in the Surfaces menu. The geometry must be selected before running the tool in
order to repair issues. This tool will check for self-intersecting faces, duplicate faces, and openings. Contin-
uously run the tool until no more issues are reported. Before running the tool though we will use Surface →
Explode option to separate the small extraneous surface artifacts for deletion.

Explode and Delete MP3D → Surface → select geometry → right-click → Modify Selection → shift-
Artifacts click major elements (to unselect) → delete

Verify MP3D → Surface → Verify → check Self-intersection faces → Repair → check

Duplicate faces → Repair → check Openings → Repair → continue in that
order until no more issues are reported

Before and After View of Phase 6 Incremental Solid

54 | Pit Solids
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

Bench Solids
The Autoslicer will be used to slice up the incremental phase solids into benches. The resultant
geometry will be used as the data source for MinePlan Schedule Optimizer (MPSO). This geometry
will be brought directly into the scheduler. There are many targeting methods inside the Autoslicer.
We will slice By Grid to ensure slices are only generated at each toe level to represent the entire
bench level. Multiple solids may be selected for slicing at once, and by invoking wildcards, unique
names for elements and associated material may be quickly assigned.

EXERCISE: Slice into Bench Solids

Use the Autoslicer found in the Utilities menu. We will select all the incremental phase solids at once and
target By Grid using the Plan grid set. We will use the wildcard $orig to uniquely name each element after
the name of the original element. Make sure all incremental phase solids are open in the viewer.

Autoslicer MP3D → Utilities → Autoslicer → Main tab → select all phase solids → check
Slice All → Target tab → select By Grid → select Plan grid set → Naming tab
→ Slice element name: $orig → check Material name is the same as the slice

Pit Solids | 55
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56 | Pit Solids
Life-of-Mine Planning

Develop a haulage network and plan that accounts for periods, phases and equipment. Use
MinePlan Haulage to generate cycle times for use in MinePlan Schedule Optimizer (MPSO). Use
MinePlan Reserve to create the input files for MPSO. Run a series of increasingly complex
schedules inside MPSO to develop a life-of-mine plan.

3.1 MinePlan Haulage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.2 The MinePlan Planning Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.3 Backup/Restore MSPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.4 Copy an MSPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.5 Haul Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.6 Haulage Plan Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.7 Haulage Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.8 Analysis of Haulage Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.9 Cycle Times and Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.10 Zone Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.11 MPSO Project Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.12 MPSO Grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.13 Material Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.14 MPSO Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.15 MPSO Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.16 MPSO Precedence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3.17 Haulage Setup in MPSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
3.18 MPSO Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
3.19 Conclusion & Future Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
©2020 Hexagon Mining

3.1 MinePlan Haulage

MinePlan Haulage is a standalone program. As
originally envisioned, it can function as both cycle LEARNING OBJECTIVE
time calculator and material routing tool. This later
capability has been replaced in the workflow pro- Understand how to configure MinePlan
cess by our other scheduling tools, including MPSO. Haulage for use in MinePlan Schedule
Now, Haulage is used only as a cycle time calcu- Optimizer (MPSO).
lator. It is currently only used to setup the network
geometry and define trucks. Further configuration is unnecessary as the detailed setup is now
done within MPSO. MPSO will import this setup directly, essentially own it’s own copy of it, while just
leveraging the calculation engine to calculate cycle times on the fly.
Key Features covered in Haulage:
• Setup of haul network geometry through importing roads (polylines) and nodes (points).
• Defining of equipment including availability, efficiency, speeds, fuel burn rates, rimpull curves
and capacity.
• Running validation options to ensure correct network setup
• Calculating and reporting cycle times for validation purposes
• Generate route profiles for drive diagrams and external processing.
• Create cycle time file for use with schedule (SCD) file type data source
Before using Haulage, you should have already developed a mining phases and a pit design. You
should also have planned lift strategies and determined the location of stockpiles, dumps and
any other hauling destinations. In addition, you must set up a haul network in MinePlan 3D (MP3D)
and create a MinePlan Planning Database (MSPD) to house the haulage plan and imported the
geometry. The MSPD is created using the MinePlan Database Manager (MSDBM).

58 | MinePlan Haulage
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MinePlan Haulage | 59
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3.2 The MinePlan Planning Database

The MinePlan Planning Database (MSPD) effi-
ciently stores planning data that can be accessed LEARNING OBJECTIVE
through various MinePlan applications. The actual
database file is stored in an SQL server, and the Create and access a database for storing
MSPD can be completely managed from within planning data.
MinePlan via the MinePlan Database manager
(MSBDM) interface. This interface makes managing
and interacting with databases more user-friendly Always disconnect from current MSPD before
than through the SQL Server Management Studio. connecting to a different one, if not, the Se-
lect Data Source window will not appear.
MinePlan connects to MSPDs through ODBC con-
nections. ODBC is the acronym for Open Database
Connectivity and is a software interface for connecting to various data sources (the SQL database
being one of them).

EXERCISE: Create a blank MSPD

Create and MSPD to store the Haulage plan and imported geometry. Create an associated ODBC to con-
nect MinePlan to the database.

Create MSPD MP3D → Utilities → MSPD → Create → Database name: LTP Copper → File
Location: leave as default → Apply

Create ODBC MP3D → Utilities → Server Management → Create ODBC Data Source → select
LTP Copper database → check Name data source after database → Apply

When connecting to an MSPD, select the ODBC connection that is linked to that particular MSPD.
After connecting to an MSPD, check connection information to verify that a connection has been
successful. Only one MSPD connection is permitted per MinePlan session; connections to different
MSPDs are possible only after disconnecting from the current one.

EXERCISE: Connect to an existing MSPD

Connect to an existing MSPD and associated ODBC and check that you are connected to the correct
database (or ODBC), then disconnect.

Connect to MSPD MP3D → Utilities → MSPD → Connect to MSPD → select Data Source → Machine
Data Source tab → select ODBC → OK

Check Connection MP3D → Utilities → MSPD → Connection Info → check connection → Close

Disconnect MSPD MP3D → Utilities → MSPD → Disconnect MSPD

To avoid confusion it is good practice to assign the MSPD and ODBC the same name.

60 | The MinePlan Planning Database

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The MinePlan Planning Database | 61

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3.3 Backup/Restore MSPD

A MinePlan Planning Database consists of an *.mdf
file, which contains the tables where data is stored, LEARNING OBJECTIVE
and an *.ldf file, which is a log (history) of the MSPD.
When a backup is created, these two files are bun- Create a backup of an MSPD.
dled together into one file called a BAK file (*.bak).
Backups act as a safety net in case the original
data is lost or modified. They also provide an efficient and secure way to transfer information
between servers and coworkers.

A less common way of transferring data is by detaching and attaching the MSPD between servers. This
method is riskier, in that the original MSPD is switched from one server to another.

Restoring an MSPD Backup

The most common, and preferred, method of sharing data between coworkers and mine sites is
via BAK files. When a BAK file is restored, an ODBC connection must also be established.

EXERCISE: Create an MSPD Backup

Create a backup of your database.

Create Backup MP3D Desktop Menu → Utilities → MSPD → MSPD Manager → Connection →
Connect → select SQL Server → Server Management → Backup → select
the database → enter a BAK file name → save the file → check Compress
the Backup File (zip archive) box (optional) → Apply

EXERCISE: Restore an MSPD from a BAK file

Restore a BAK and then connect to the MSPD.

Restore BAK File MP3D Desktop Menu → Utilities → MSPD → MSPD Manager → Connection →
Connect → select SQL Server → Server Management → Restore → name
database → select a BAK file → browse BAK file location → Advanced (op-
tional) → enter a restore path for the MDF and LDF files → Apply

Create ODBC MinePlan Database Manager → Sever Management → Create ODBC Data
Source → select the database → enter Data Source Name or check Name
Data Source after database box → Apply

62 | Backup/Restore MSPD
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Backup/Restore MSPD | 63
©2020 Hexagon Mining

3.4 Copy an MSPD

It is possible to copy an entire MinePlan Planning
Database (MSPD), including all stored data, to a LEARNING OBJECTIVE
different server. By default, when an older version
of an MSPD is opened in a newer SQL Server, the Copy an MSPD and components of an
database gets updated — meaning that it can MSPD to open them in an older version of
no longer be opened with the older SQL server SQL or transfer then to another MSPD.
from which it was created. Using the MinePlan
Database Manager (MSDBM), you can copy a newer MSPD to an older SQL Server. When copied,
the database reverts to the older version format and can be managed by the older SQL server.
This trick is also applicable to any components that are in the MSPD, such as geometries, IP plans
and Haulage plans.

EXERCISE: Copy MSPD to a New Server

When copying a full database from one server to another there are two steps involved: First the destination
MSPD and ODBC must be created, then the database copied.

Create MSPD Utilities → MSPD → MSPD Manager → Connection → Connect → select SQL
Server → MinePlan Planning Database → Create → name database →
change the file location → Apply

Create an ODBC MSPD Manager → Server Management → Create ODBC Data Source → select
Database and Data Source Name → Apply

Copy MSPD disconnect from older SQL Server → connect to newer SQL Server → Mine-
Plan Planning Database → Copy Full → the source Sever is setup by de-
fault (should be newer) → select Source Database → define the Destination
Server and the Destination Database to where the data will be stored →
check Auto-rename Duplicate Object Names → Apply

When a database is created or restored, an ODBC connection required.

Copy Attributes to MSPD

MinePlan allows you to create or import custom attributes that can be assigned to geometries.
It’s possible to copy a set of attributes found in one MSPD into another using the MSDBM. The
procedure is similar to the one used to copy a whole MSPD. To copy attributes, you must first
create the MSPD into which they will be copied.

EXERCISE: Copy Attributes from One MSPD to Another

Copy Attributes disconnect from older SQL Server and connect to newer SQL Server → Mine-
Plan Planning Database → Copy Attributes → the source Sever is setup by
default (should be newer), select Source Database → define the Destination
Server and the Destination Database to where the attributes will be stored
→ Apply

64 | Copy an MSPD
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

Copy Objects
Data related to planning is stored to the MSPD, including IP Plans, Geometry Sets and Haulage
plans. You can copy objects in an MSPD to a different MSPD via the MSDBM. Again, an existing
MSPD is required to receive the data.

EXERCISE: Copy an Object from One MSPD to Another

Copy Objects disconnect from older SQL Server and connect to newer SQL Server → Mine-
Plan Planning Database → Copy Objects → the source Sever is setup by
default (should be newer), select Source Database → define the Destination
Server and the Destination Database to where the attributes will be stored
→ Apply

Delete Objects
It is just as simple to delete objects from an MSPD.

EXERCISE: Delete an Object in an MSPD

Delete Object Utilities → MSPD → MSPD Manager → Connection → Connect → select SQL
Server → MinePlan Planning Database → Delete Objects → select the
database → Delete Objects dialog → select objects to delete → Apply

Copy an MSPD | 65
©2020 Hexagon Mining

3.5 Haul Networks

Creating a haul network of material sources, desti-
nations and routes can take considerable time, es- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
pecially for large and complicated mine sites; but
setting up the network correctly will save “trouble- Map material sources, routes and desti-
shooting” time later on. You will design a haul net- nations in a haul network.
work in MinePlan 3D (MP3D) using basic CAD func-
tions. Every road in the network must start with a node and end with a node. In addition, you must
assign every node a destination type:
• Tie-Node: Default type that join roads in the network.
• Destination: The node at the end of a road, such as a dump or a mill. Cycle times calculated
as loaded incoming and unloaded outgoing.
• Source: The node at the start of a road, such as a mining face. Cycle times calculated as
unloaded incoming and loaded outgoing.
• Stockpile: Behaves as both a destination and source type node. Stockpiles can send and
receive material, and as such, two sets of cycle times are generated.

Plan view of haulage network

66 | Haul Networks
MinePlan for Long Term Planning

Nodes in haulage need to be defined as sources, destinations, stockpiles or tie nodes. By default,
all nodes will be imported as tie nodes. You will need to set the correct node type manually. To
avoid this extra step, you can add a suffix to the element name as follows: “_SRC” = Source; “_DST”
= Destination; “_STK” = Stockpile; all others = Tie Nodes. The following exercises highlight methods
that will help you create a correct haul network.

EXERCISE: Import LOM Planning Data

Copy the folder 02_LOM Planning from the Import Data folder inside the main project directory. Copy directly
in Windows Explorer and refresh the Data Manager, or right-click on _msresources → Import → MinePlan 3D

EXERCISE: Review Haulage Network

Open the objects in the 02_LOM Planning\02_Haulage directory. Take some time to review the various ele-

Note how the elements are separated into various objects and attributed with unique names. This make
organizing and validating the network inside Haulage much easier.

Haul Networks | 67
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3.6 Haulage Plan Setup

Once you have digitized and saved your haul net-
work, you can start a haulage plan in MinePlan LEARNING OBJECTIVE
Haulage. A haulage plan stores material sources,
destinations and route geometries to the MinePlan Create and configure a haulage plan
Planning Database (MSPD). with periods, phases and equipment sets.

EXERCISE: Create a New Haulage Plan

Create a Haulage Plan object in the Data Manager linked to the Data Source "LTP Copper". Name the object
and plan "Haulage".

New Haulage Plan Data Manager → right-click on the 02_Haulage folder → New → Haulage Plan
→ Name Object: Haulage → select Data Source → Action: Create New →
New Plan Name: Haulage

Global Settings
The Global Settings panel in MinePlan Haulage controls project settings, how information is stored
back to the MSPD and default values used for un-routable material.
The various project settings include:
• Turning on/off material routing capability
• Resetting destination capacities
• Changing how rolling resistance is measured
• Suppressing default errors
• Controlling routing logic the program uses to calculate cycle times, specifically fastest vs.
shortest logic
This haulage plan will not use material routing. The goal of this plan is to calculate the cycle times
from each source to each destination dump point for use in MinePlan schedule Optimizer (MPSO).
How Haulage routes materials is irrelevant, since this is the exact purpose of MPSO.
You will not use the option to store information back to the MSPD in this panel. Cycle times are
now calculated on the fly inside of MPSO for all data sources except schedule files (SCDs), which
means we no longer have to calculate cycle times beforehand and save back to the MSPD. When
using SCD files, instead, you will generate, save and manually import a cycle time file into MPSO.

68 | Haulage Plan Setup

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

Haulage assigns a default value to any material not sent to a destination. Any lift added to the des-
tinations will receive a default design grade and max speed. Roads imported into Haulage may
be automatically assigned a rolling resistance, and a global maximum spend may be entered.

The network solving logic default is “fastest time”. This logic does not guarantee the shortest path or that
the same outbound/inbound paths will be used.

EXERCISE: Modify Global Settings

Set only the following options, and leave others as default:

Check Rolling Resistance As Percent Grade

Check Ignore default source/destinations Warnings

Grade and Import Route Rolling Resistance = 2% Grade

Periods and Phases

Haulage requires information on the number of periods (including durations) and phases in a plan
to calculate equipment requirements. By default, it will require at least one period and phase
before allowing any geometry to be imported. Periods and phases are primarily used to control
for road availability. MPSO controls availability internally, therefore it is not necessary to add more
than the required.

EXERCISE: Add Default Period and Phase

No route restriction defined inside of Haulage will be utilized inside of MPSO. As such, only the default initial
period and phase will be required.

Add Period Periods section → click “+” → enter a period name and time span

Add Phase Phases section → click on the “+” → enter a phase name

Importing a Haul Network

Haulage needs to refer to a haul network to calculate cycle times, equipment requirements,
haulage profiles and other data. The haul network should reflect the mine site as closely as pos-
sible. For roads, additional information detailing speed restrictions, road availability, rolling resis-
tance, and period/phase availability are configurable. Again, since MPSO controls the period
and phase availability, these fields will be ignored.
For nodes, general availability and detailed lift and subzone information for can be defined. The
lift and subzone information will not be utilized inside of MPSO either, as it determines this using the
real destination geometry.

Haulage Plan Setup | 69

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EXERCISE: Import and Edit Nodes

Open the Intersection Nodes + Destinations and Source Nodes objects in the 02_LOM planning\02_Haulage
folder. When importing nodes, only point type elements will be selected. The nodes should automatically be
updated to the correct type, as they have been attributed with a suffix.

Import Nodes Haul Network → Locations → Select Nodes icon → click and drag a window
around all the nodes to import → right-click to confirm your selection

Delete Node Haul Network → Locations → click “X” to delete one node or “XX” to delete all

Edit Node (if necessary) Haul Network → Locations → define node type or availability

EXERCISE: Import and Edit Roads

Open the Phase Roads and Overland & Multi Phase Roads objects in the 02_LOM Planning\02_Haulage
folder. You can leave the previous point objects open, as only polyline type elements will be selected when
importing roads. Leave all fields to their defaults except rolling resistance, which should already be set to 2%
via the Global Settings dialog.

Import Roads Haul Network → Routes → select road → click and drag a window around all
the road polylines to import → right-click to confirm

Delete Road Haul Network → Routes → select road → click “X” to delete one road or “XX”
to delete all roads

Edit Roads (if necessary) Haul Network → Routes → select road → define rolling resistance, max speed,
or road availability per segment

Change nodes and roads in bulk by highlighting multiple entries → right clicking → Bulk Change. This
option makes updating Max Speed, Phases and Period Availability and Rolling Resistances much quicker.

Network Editor
Access the Network Editor using the “pencil” button in either the Nodes or Roads panel. Here, you
can add lifts or subzones to nodes, and you can split roads into smaller segments automatically.
This setup will not be necessary as MPSO determines this automatically from the actual destination

70 | Haulage Plan Setup

MinePlan for Long Term Planning

Haulage requires at least one truck and one shovel (an equipment set) to calculate values such
as cycle times, equipment hours and truck/shovel numbers. Delay times may be entered for each
equipment set: including load, dump, spot and wait times. Only the raw cycle times will actually
be calculated and used by MPSO, therefore the delays do not need configured.
You can copy equipment specs and operating parameters manually from a Heavy Equipment
Manual; or you can select equipment and associated specs from the Equipment Repository. The
repository contains predefined equipment and performance specifications for a variety of haulers,
including the most common CAT/KOMATSU haulers. You can configure and store additional equip-
ment configurations in the Equipment Repository for future use.


The Equipment Repository is not available

by default, as most users do not have full
permissions to access their MSPDs. Once full
(or administrative) permissions are granted,
the equipment repository can be activated
and used.
To access the Equipment Repository: Util-

ities → MSPD → MSPD Manager → Con-

nection → Connect → select SQL Server →
MinePlan Planning Database → Update →
Update Equipment → Select Database →

EXERCISE: Add a Truck

Add a CAT-797F (standard) hauler from the Equipment Repository to the haulage plan. Change the _Speed-
Calc method to interpbinning (interpolated speed bin curve). Do not define fuel burn rates for delays, as
these are configurable inside MPSO. The availability, utilization and payloads (trucks only) calculate hours
and number of units in the Editor. Setting these up will not be meaningful because they have no impact on
the cycle times, nor will this configuration be brought into MPSO. Leave them at their default.

Truck Equipment → Equipment Repository → Add MS_797F truck → OK → click on the

hauler label → Attributes For A Truck Or Shovel panel → configure parameters

EXERCISE: Add a Shovel

Add a generic shovel to your haulage plan.

Shovel Equipment → click Add Shovel button → configure parameters

Haulage Plan Setup | 71

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EXERCISE: Add an Equipment Set

Create an equipment set, but do not set delay times for them. You will define delay times in MPSO. Again,
only the raw cycle times will actually be calculated and used by MPSO.

Equipment Set Add Equipment Set → name the set → set the _Hauler and _Loader parameters

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Haulage Plan Setup | 73

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3.7 Haulage Validation

Whenever Haulage is unable to calculate a cy-
cle time between a source and destination for a LEARNING OBJECTIVE
given phase or period, it will populate an ASCII file,
_CycDBErrLog.txt, with warning messages inform- Identify problems that cause materials to
ing you of the affected source/destination combi- be un-routable.
nation and phase/period.
• The haul network you are using could contain gaps between roads and nodes.
• The roads may not be split at every possible connection point.
• Nodes or roads may have not been attributed properly resulting default names.
Whatever the case, you will need to troubleshoot to determine the cause. MinePlan Haulage
provides a suite of validation tools for network highlighting, connection checks and cut validations.
You can access the tools from the main menu or the tree menu — both contain similar options.
Haulage will still calculate a cycle time, assigning the un-routable materials the default values
specified in Global Settings.

This options checks the connections between route segments and nodes, and produces a report
containing a log of all the errors/warnings. Click on any error or warning to see a corresponding
highlight in the Viewer.

EXERCISE: Check Haul Network Connections

Check Connections MSHaulage → Validation → click Validate button → click on any error or warn-
ing messages

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Haulage Validation | 75
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3.8 Analysis of Haulage Results

Advanced Reporting & Charting (ARC) technol-
ogy makes evaluating and displaying MinePlan LEARNING OBJECTIVE
Haulage results simple. The Analysis menu in
Haulage offers Material Routing and Cycle Time Analyze and publish your results with ARC.
options. The results appear in a pivot table and
chart combination (PivotChart), which is fully cus-
tomizable. In the pivot table, item fields may be added, removed, sorted, filtered or reordered;
custom fields and grade summary calculations may also be added. The real power of the analysis
reports are as an auditing tool. It is quite easy to see if a source has a missing cycle time for a
particular destination in a given phase or period.
The accompanying chart automatically updates whenever pivot table fields are highlighted. The
overall changes made to the pivot table and chart can be saved to a template for future use.
Once all the information is displayed exactly as needed, it can be exported using several formats.
We are not using material routing, therefore this analysis will not have any reported results. The
Cycle Times section determines cycle times for all the source nodes to all the possible destinations
in all the possible phases and periods. If any issues are found during the calculation, the program
will populate an ASCII file, _CycDBErrLog.txt with the results.
Verify that cycle times from sources are correctly populated for each destination. We only have
one period and phase, so there should be at least one entry for each source node. Note the
stockpile reclaim cycle time as well.

76 | Analysis of Haulage Results

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Create a Customized PivotChart

Using the Cycle Times section, customize a pivot table and chart. Upon entering this panel for the first time, it
will immediately run cycle times. Be patient while it finishes.

Configure the Field List as follows: Column Area = Destination; Row Area = BenchToe, SourceID; Data Area
= Cycle Times, Fuel Burn. Highlight Cycle Times and Fuel Burn Rates for a particular source and destination
combination to activate the chart. Save the template, and call it “Haulage.” Export the table to save it in
Excel format.

Pivot Table Analysis → Cycle Times → click Field List → add or remove item labels → click
on the Header labels to sort the data → click and drag the items in the pivot
table to reorganize → Filter icon → simplify the data

New Field Analysis → Cycle Times → New Field → enter field name → click on the ellipsis
(. . . ) → use the necessary Functions, Operators, Fields or Constants to define
the new field → OK → Add

Save Template Analysis → Cycle Times → Template → Save As. . . → browse to a storage folder
→ name the template → OK

Export Data Analysis → Cycle Times → Export → Format = Excel → browse to storage folder
→ Save as CycleTimes.xlsx

Analysis of Haulage Results | 77

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3.9 Cycle Times and Profiles

MinePlan Haulage can produces detailed cycle
time profiles as well as an ASCII formated cycle LEARNING OBJECTIVE
time file. Historically this cycle time file was used
as the input source for cycle times in MPSO. It still Learn how to generate cycle times pro-
is necessary when using the Schedule Files (SCD), files and a cycle time ASCII file
since there is no real geometry associated with this
data source.

Cycle Time File

Multiple fields may be plotted to the cycle time file, but only the required fields are preselected.
MPSO needs at least these fields to read the file correctly. Additional fields for in/outbound down,
flat, and up distances are allowed. Other fields should only be check if not using the ASCII file
as input for MPSO. Lastly, the options "MPSO Compatible" should be checked to ensure only the
fastest/shortest cycle time gets populated rather than all the possible cycle times for all possible

To create the most accurate cycle time files as possible, you must add nodes at each bench level in
each phase. Phase availability setup is absolutely crucial to ensure the correct cycle time is chosen in
the right phase, since only one is allowed.

78 | Cycle Times and Profiles

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Haulage profiles are a .csv file that describes, in x,y,z format, the various segments of the outbound
and inbound routes taken for the fastest/shortest cycle time from/to each source to/from each
destination for each phase and period combination. It will create all these files in the file folder
selected, which may take considerable time depending on the amount of combinations.

EXERCISE:Create a cycle time file and profiles

Click on the MSSP Compatible button to automatically setup a standard cycle time format that can be used
with MPSO. Append additional fields to the report using the Columns to Report section. Once you have con-
figured a setup, you can save and reuse it.

Cycle Times Haulage → Cycle Times and Profiles → Cycle Times and Profile Generation Tool
→ Custom Cycle Time dialog → select Phases/Periods/Equipment Sets → se-
lect Columns (fields) to report → Create

Route Profiles Haulage → Cycle Times and Profiles → Cycle Times and Profile Generation Tool
→ Custom Cycle Time dialog → Profiles → select a folder for storage

Cycle Times and Profiles | 79

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3.10 Zone Item

MinePlan Schedule Optimizer requires you to break
up material into reserve bins, or zones. In most LEARNING OBJECTIVE
cases, it is not as simple as dividing materials into
ore and waste. Some material may be restricted Define reserve bins for our zone item to
to a certain process, or you may want to only send give MPSO flexibility to optimize the ma-
material above a certain cutoff grade to a specific terial movement
process. In these cases, it is crucial to break up the
material into enough reserve bins to allow the program the flexibility to optimize the material move-
ment and in turn the schedule objective.
When you created your ultimate pit using msep-design.pyz (MSOPIT), you stored back the “best”
destination — mill, leach or waste — to send material. This item was ROUTE. In doing so, you
automatically determined an internal cutoff grade for these processes; material below the cutoff
grade was not assigned to an inappropriate process. This type of coding also takes into account
the Measured, Indicated and Inferred classifications, and assigns waste accordingly.
Such an approach is appropriate for simple setups, but can be limiting when working with MPSO
due to the lack of detailed information about material in a given bench or cut. To add this detail,
we will add cutoff bins for our MILL and LEACH zones. This can be done directly inside the material
set already defined inside of our reserve logic ROUTE.resx. We will base the binning on the VALPT
item, also saved during the MSOPIT run, as it represents the net value per tonne. This allows us to
take contribution of both CUI and MOI into account.

EXERCISE: Configure new reserve logic

Open the Route.resx reserve logic and save as Route_Cutoff.resx. On the material set change the control
item to VALPT and add the required bins. The MILL material is binned in 0.5 increments from 0.0-10.0 and the
LEACH material in 0.2 increments from 0.0-0.4. Use the screen shot to help fill in the required setup.

Add cutoff bins Material Set → Control Grade: VALPT → Enter cutoff bins

When binning using an item that ranges less than 0 (e.g. VALPT), it is a good idea to make the first bin less
than the lowest value for a specific zone, rather than leaving as the 0 default. If not done, then anything
below 0 will be defaulted to waste, which in our case would have removed all marginal material from
our MILL and LEACH reserves.

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3.11 MPSO Project Setup

MinePlan Schedule Optimizer (MPSO) may be run
as a standalone program or opened using an LEARNING OBJECTIVE
MPSO View object in the Data Manager. The
MPSO View allows for viewer integration and is nec- Define mining areas, destinations, and
essary to import geometry into the plan. periods.

EXERCISE: Create MPSO project using an MPSO View

Create an MPSO View in the Data Manager and name it 01–WithoutEquipment. The View is a link to the
actual project (.mso) file. Select New Project from the MPSO Project Selector/Creator window. Create the
project in a folder of its own.

Create MPSO View and Data Manager → right-click on 04_MPSO VIEWS folder → select New → MPSO
Project View → object name "01–WithoutEquipment" → select New Project → select
ellipses to browse → project name "01–WithoutEquipment"

To create a new plan in MPSO, you must set up a process flow linking mining areas with destinations,
and configure the number and durations of periods. Set up of an MPSO project begins in the
Project Setup input tab, which is subdivided into the Process Flow and the Period Configuration
The Process flow panel consists of the project canvas where mining areas and destinations can be
displayed, added, and arranged. Mining areas are defined by their data source. These include
Model source, MinePlan Interactive Planner (MSIP), Schedule Files (SCD), MinePlan Planner, GSM
Stratigraphic model, and MP3D Viewer sources. Traditionally, SCD files were used for long term
planning projects and MSIP connections were common for mid term planning. Now however,
mining geometry may be imported directly into MPSO through the MP3D viewer for any horizon,
leveraging MinePlan Reserve and viewer interaction for more direct scheduling.
Destinations created in MPSO are internally denominated “virtual,” but can be imported from ex-
isting MinePlan Planning Database (MSPD) haulage plans. Subzone geometry may be imported
for each destination type (virtual or database defined), but only haulage destinations may have
cycle times generated automatically. In the Period Configuration panel, you can define the num-
ber of periods and the duration of each one. MPSO uses the setup to calculate equipment usage
per period.

In addition to bringing in the destinations from a linked haulage plan, the network geometry and equip-
ment sets will be imported and are configurable.

82 | MPSO Project Setup

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The MPSO canvas allows the mapping and displaying of the process flow.

EXERCISE: Link Mining Areas with Destinations

Create a new MPSO plan. Add an Open Pit (Viewer) Mining Area icon to the canvas in the Process Flow dia-
log. Define 45 periods to schedule and import mining cuts from geometry. Import destinations from MinePlan

Create a New Plan MPSO → File → New

Project Setup Project Setup → Process Flow panel → Destinations tab (bottom right) → click
and drag the Open Pit (Viewer) icon into the canvas → specify 45 periods

Define Reserve Logic click Reserves in top menu bar → click Add... → click Import From File... →
select Route_Cutoff logic → save and close logic setup

Apply Reserve Logic click on Mining Area icon → Properties tab → Reserve Logic = Route_Cutoff

Import Cuts click on Mining Area icon → Properties tab → click on the ellipsis (. . .) in the
Cuts field → Use tokens to define Cut Name and Phase → set Auto Level
to BY_PCF → select Cuts Geometry from 01_Optimizing with MSEP\08_PHASE
SOLIDS\Bench Solids

Import Haulage Plan click Import/Export in top menu bar → select Database Server → select Au-
thentication type → MSPD = LTP Copper → Haulage plan = Haulage → de-
fine Destination type → Load → configure Properties

Link Destinations click on Mining Area icon → click on the midpoint of the highlight box and drag
it to a destination (e.g., Pit material goes to Mill) → repeat process for other
destinations or right click on the pit icon and select Link to All Destinations →
set up reclaiming in the same way (material from stockpiles goes to Mill)

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EXERCISE: Review Mining Area Cuts

Verify cut names, phases and levels for each destination.

Cuts-Mining Area click on Mining Area icon → click Cuts tab (bottom left)

EXERCISE: Review Mining Area Reserves

Verify tonnages, volumes and grade values for each cut and/or phase.

Reserves click on Mining Area icon → click Reserves tab → click Refresh

Destination Properties
Destination properties allow you to define setup information about the destination, as well as im-
port and edit associated geometry. Options to define include Reclaim Method (for stockpile type
only), Period Availability, Lift Order, Opening Balance (for stockpile type only), and in-lift Haulage
The specific lift and/or subzone information may be viewed and edited in the Lifts dialog at the
bottom of the Process Flow panel. Here the Dump Rate(kt/day) for a particular subzone may be
defined, and options to Ignore Tonnage, Volume, and Dump Rate are available.

Use the Properties dialog of a stockpile to define a reclaim method (ANY, AVERAGE, first in first out (FIFO),
last in first out (LIFO), or NONE).


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Destination with Multiple Entry Points

Some destinations may need multiple entry points to reflect the haulage to each lift/subzone. In
the picture below, Dump 1 has two entry points: Dump1-1 and Dump1-2.


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In order to associate these two entry points to one single dump, use the “load haulage destina-
tions” in MPSO and map the multiple entry points to the single dump. For example, in the picture
below Dump1-1 and Dump1-2 are both mapped to Dump1.

The multiple ramps associated with the single dump can be imported under the destination’s properties
→ Geometry → ramp. Similarly, the destination sequence associated with each entry point can be
defined in the Sequencing → Destination sequencing dialog. Lastly, the full report includes a column to
show the entry point used for routing the cuts.

Destination Geometry
Subzone geometry, both polygons or solids, may be imported from MP3D for each destination.
This geometry will automatically define the capacities on the Lifts panel. During the import various
options need defined: Grouping, Tolerance (polygon only), Ramp Geometry, Seed Selection, SG,
and Height (polygon only). The Lift Naming is read only and depends on the Grouping, while
Subzone Naming can use a variety of tokens. The seed selection method is used to automatically
assign a default sequence (filling order) to the subzones on a lift.

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Changes are allowed to any of these options after the initial setup through the Edit dialog in the proper-
ties panel. Manual changes are also allowed in the Lifts dialog as well. Both require the Process Flow to
be in Edit mode.

EXERCISE: Import destination geometry

Import solid subzone geometry for the DUMP1_DST, DUMP2_DST, ROML_DST, STK1_STK and STK2_STK destina-
tions. The geometry can be found in each destination’s associated design folder found in 02_LOM Planning\
03_DESTINATION DESIGNS. Group by Elevation for all but DUMP2_DST and DUMP1_DST which will require Ele-
ment Name. Select the ramp geometry associated with each destination and set seed selection to match.
Lastly, set the SG value to 2.35.

Import Destination select Destination in canvas → Properties tab → Geometry → Import → define
Geometry parameters → select Destination Geometry with appropriate icon (solid or

DUMP2_DST Lifts dialog.

EXERCISE: Review Destination lift and subzones

View and verify lift and subzone names, capacities, elevation and height (polygons only) for each destination
in the Lifts panel at bottom of Process Flow dialog.

Lifts-Destination Process Flow panel → left-click on the destination in canvas → Lifts panel

EXERCISE: Configure Periods and Durations

Set each period’s operating days to 350, and enter 24 hours per day. For each period, define a year to be
365 days. This step is necessary for calculating the discounting factor.

Configuring Period Project Setup → Period Configuration panel → enter Operating Days and Hours
Configuration per day

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Live Haulage
As discussed in previous sections, MSHaulage is a stand-alone tool used for calculating cycle times.
Live haulage is MSHaulage embedded in MPSO. Therefore, the MSHaulage dialogs and function-
ality can be invoked from within MPSO. This functionality can bee accessed from the Process Flow
panel >Haulage menu. The options are: Create a new haulage plan, import destinations from
haulage, edit haulage, and reset haulage connection.

EXERCISE: New haulage plans can now be created within MPSO.

Create a new haulage On the process flow go to Haulage → Create new haulage plan. This will bring
plan the “select haulage plan” dialog as shown below. Once connected to a
database or file, a new haul plan can be created, opened or cloned.


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EXERCISE: Once a haulage plan exits, it is possible to import the destinations directly from the haulage plan.

Import destinations from This option can be found under the Process flow → haulage → import desti-
haulage. nations from haulage as shown below.

It should be noted that MPSO supports filed based haulage plans (*.hlgdata) in addition to the
traditional SQL databases.


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EXERCISE: Haulage plans can be edited from within MPSO.

Edit haulage On the Process flow go to Haulage. → Edit haulage. Select the database and
haulage plan. This will bring the “edit haulage network” dialog as shown

The edit haulage network dialog, allows the user to create, delete, and edit all of the parameters
of the haulage plan such as the location nodes, routes and equipment configuration.


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EXERCISE: When the MPSO projects are shared among users, it may be necessary to reset the haulage con-

Reset haulage This feature can be accessed from the Process flow panel → haulage → reset
connection. haulage connection.

Once the haulage connection is reset, MPSO can read/write information to the local MinePlan
Planning Database (MSPD) which hosts the haulage network and the haulage plan configuration.


Finalize Initial Setup

Clicking Apply on the process flow dialog imports the cuts into the schedule and calculates their
reserves. It also imports the haulage equipment and geometry if importing even one haulage
destination. Be sure that everything is set up correctly before proceeding. Changes can be made
after the initial setup, but must be made in Edit mode. Any changes to the schedule will reset the
cuts back to an un-mined state, regardless of the changes made.

EXERCISE: Finalize Initial Setup

Verify the setup and number of periods is correct. Changes can be made after pressing Apply. To make a
change, choose the Edit function within the Process Flow menu.

Apply Process Flow panel → Apply → verify setup is finalized → Ok

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92 | MPSO Project Setup

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3.12 MPSO Grouping

MPSO allows you to group destinations, periods,
and materials together. Generally groupings are LEARNING OBJECTIVE
used to constrain on and report on. All groupings
may be reported on, but only destination and ma- Define Destination, Period, and Material
terial groups may be constrained with. Material groupings.
groups may even be used to aid in the Material
Mapping if the amount of materials proves to be too onerous.
Examples of types of groups are: similar destinations types (mill, waste, stockpile), grouping monthly
periods into quarters or years, grouping materials into low, medium, and high grade categories.
When a grouping is defined it will automatically be available in the list of configurable constraints,
e.g. Tonnage, Materials, etc. Reporting on groupings is available in the Analysis Report.

Mill material group by grade.

EXERCISE: Group mill material by grade

The number of mill materials, although not huge, is still somewhat large. Group the material according to the
figure above to reduce the number of materials to report on.

Material Grouping Grouping → Material Grouping panel → right-click to access grouping options

To add a new group you must first right-click and add a selected field to a grouping. To add more fields
to an existing group simply highlight them and right-click add to existing group or select from the drop

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94 | MPSO Grouping
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3.13 Material Mapping

You can map reserve materials to one or more des-
tinations using the Standard Material Mapping di- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
alog or the Advanced Material Mapping panel.
You can also group the material and then map the Designate destinations for each material.
groups. These methods yield the same result. The
Standard Material Mapping dialog matrix includes
material cutoffs, destinations and periods. The Advanced Material Mapping panel presents a con-
densed version of the material matrix. Material Grouping gives you the ability to group material
in different bins and use those bins for mapping. You can modify the material mapping config-
uration at any time and export it for use in other projects. The Distribute option allows MPSO to
direct grade material to more than one destination in the proportions necessary to optimize the
specified objective.

MPSO can optimally distribute materials to multiple destinations to meet an objective.

When the Distribute option is activated, MPSO optimizes the objective by calculating the best proportions
of a specific material bin to send to each destination. When this option is not used, the program sends
100% of a material’s bin to a destination.

Material Mapping | 95
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EXERCISE: Map materials to each destination

Use either the standard matrix or the Advanced material mapping to map the material bins to each desti-
nation. Map 03_WASTE material to DUMP1_DST and DUMP2_DST. Map 02_Leach material to ROML_DST. Map
01_MILL material to the MILL_DST and STK1_DST and STK2_DST. Check distribute for all 01_MILL material.

Standard Materials → Material Mapping panel → Check each box or highlight multiple
bins and right-click to massively check multiple destinations

Advanced Materials → Material Mapping panel → Advanced (bottom right) → highlight

material bin → check destination → click right arrow → right-click to distribute
current selection

Applying one period’s mapping to all periods.

With the standard matrix it is possible to assign one period’s mapping to all others very quickly. In the filter
by period window, check the period already mapped, right-click and click Apply to All Periods.

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3.14 MPSO Inputs

MPSO gives you control over the constraints, objec-
tives, economics and precedence inputs it uses to LEARNING OBJECTIVE
calculate the net value of a pit. MPSO provides nu-
merous constraint types that can be defined and Control the inputs that MPSO uses to cal-
honored when creating a schedule. To create culate net value and life-of-mine sched-
a realistic and practical schedule, the constraints ule.
you apply should mirror the limitations or conditions
encountered at your mine site.
The constraints can be quantitative, such as the tonnage or volume sent to a destination; qualita-
tive, such as a material min/max grade per period; geometric, such as a phase or cut precedence
definition; or operational, such as truck/ shovel hours needed per period. Additionally, constraints
can be defined by area, by phase, by destination.

The tonnage constraint table shown on a banded grid

EXERCISE: Define Tonnage constraint

Set minimum and maximum tonnage constraints for the MILL_DST destination and overall tonnage movement
as seen in Figure above. Repeat the constraint setup for all periods.

Tonnage Constraints → Tonnage panel → Configure New Constraints → check MILL_DST

box and Total [Mill+Waste] box → enter constraints for all periods as shown in

Besides the typical copy and paste options, you can quickly assign a cell(s) setup to others by highlight-
ing and right-clicking to access options to Apply to All Periods or Apply to Selected.

EXERCISE: Define Number of Phases constraint

Set a maximum number of phases to work from simultaneously. This number corresponds to the fact that only
four loaders are available. Having a loader split time between two different phases is best avoided when
possible due to the difficulty, expense and downtime in moving shovels.

Phases Constraints → Number of Phases panel → Total [Number of Phases] Upper = 4

for all periods

98 | MPSO Inputs
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EXERCISE: Define Trucks constraint

Set a maximum Truck Hours for all material movement. This number corresponds to having 25 trucks and esti-
mating a 95 % availability rate.

Trucks Constraints → Trucks panel → Truck Hours [Total] Upper = 199,500 for all periods


Tonnage Tonnage constraints

Volume Volume constraints

Stockpile Reclaim Tonnage reclaimed from stockpile type destinations

Stockpile Closing Closing tonnage balance in a stockpile, also referred to as end-of-period (EOP)
Balance balance

Grades Grade value constraints

Materials Tonnage of each material type or material group

Mineral Content Sales unit constraint, the result of grade*recovery%*factor*tonnage (recovery%

and factor enter on Destination Economics panel)

Ratios Grade Ratio or Stripping Ratio in each period

Ratios — Materials Ratio of each material’s tonnage

Trucks Truck Hour constraints

Shovels Shovel Hour constraints

Vertical Advance Rate The maximum number of benches mined from (lower limit is ignored)

Vertical Advance The maximum number of bench units in each phase or period (lower limit is
Rates-Units ignored)

Number of Cuts Number of cuts mined simultaneously

Number of Phases Number of phases mined from simultaneously

Open Phases Number of phases that have been started but are not yet completely finished

Open Benches Number of benches that have been started but are not yet completely finished

Advanced Constraints Use to apply four types of constraints to cuts: Must Mine at Period, Must Mine
by Period, Mine Completely or Don’t Mine

Constraints Relaxation Use relax constraints when the schedule fails to find a solution, relaxation hier-
archy is based on lower and upper limit preferences

Advanced Constraints Use to apply three types of constraints to cuts: Must Mine, Mine Completely or
Don’t Mine

Constraints Relaxation Use to apply four types of constraints to cuts: Must Mine at Period, Must Mine
by Period, Mine Completely, or Don’t Mine

The Advanced Constraints panel may be linked with the MP3D viewer. Doing so, will allow you to assign
constraints interactively.

MPSO Inputs | 99
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To drive the schedules logic you must enter an objective. There are standard and item-based
objectives that can be minimized or maximized, set globally to all periods, or varied on a period-
by-period basis. The objective for this schedule will be to Maximize Net Present Value.

EXERCISE: Define an Objective

Set the Objective to Maximize Net Present Value for all periods.

Objective Objectives field → select the objective = Net Present Value → choose Maximize

MPSO features various panels for inputting economic parameters: Discount Factor, Capital Invest-
ment, Fixed Mining Costs, Fixed Cost by Phase, Additional Mining Cost, Additional Processing Cost
and Destination Economics. The Discount Factor panel will automatically determine the factor for
each period based on an entered discount rate. Overall capital investment per period is entered
on the Capital Investment panel, while a fixed capital cost to begin mining a phase is entered on
the Fixed Cost By Phase panel.

In the Fixed Mining Costs panel, a base mining and processing cost ($/unit) is defined for each
schedule material. You can vary the base costs by adding or subtracting costs on the Additional
Mining Cost or the Additional Processing Cost panels. These panels allow varying to costs by mining
area, phase, level, and material in each period.

The Destination Economics panel is where revenue generating parameters are entered. Here the
recovery, selling price and a conversion factor (optional) are entered for each material’s grade
item at each destination. MPSO uses these inputs to calculate the net value of the cuts mined in
a particular period.

EXERCISE: Add Fixed Costs and Destination Economics

Use a 8% discount rate and a mid-period discounting convention. Enter a capital investment of 500,000,000
in period 1.

Enter the following fixed mining costs: mining cost = $1.00 per unit DUMP1 and DUMP2 and $1.20 for MILL,
ROML and STK; processing cost = $5.10 for MILL, $0.7 for ROML, and $0.25 for the STK (a reclaim cost).

Enter the following additional mining costs: 0.1 for levels 1560-1335 and 0.2 for levels 1320-990. This applies to
all materials in all phases in all periods.

Enter the following destination economics for copper (CUI) sent to the mill: recovery = 87%; selling price =
$2.40/lb; conversion factor = 22.046.

Enter the following destination economics for copper (CUI) sent to the leach pad: recovery = 67%; selling
price = $1.80/lb; conversion factor = 22.046.

Enter the following destination economics for molybdenum (MOI) sent to the mill: recovery = 75%; selling price
= $7.50/lb; conversion factor = 22.046.

100 | MPSO Inputs

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Discount Factor Economics tab → Discount Factor panel → enter a discount percentage and
discounting convention → Calculate

Capital Investment Economics tab → Capital Investment panel → enter a capital investment for
each required period

Fixed Mining Cost Economics tab → Fixed Mining Cost panel → enter a mining cost and process-
ing cost for each destination

Additional Mining Cost Economics tab → Additional Mining Cost panel → enter an additional mining
cost for each required period

Destination Economics Economics tab → Destination Economics panel → enter revenue generating
economics for each destination

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3.15 MPSO Sequencing

Both destinations and cuts may be sequenced au-
tomatically (according to built-in logic or rules), LEARNING OBJECTIVE
or manually in a user defined order. Destination
subzones are sequenced using the Destination Se- Sequence destination subzones and min-
quencing panel, and cuts are sequenced using ing cuts.
the Digline Sequencing panel. Both panels may
be linked to the MP3D viewer using the Link Viewer option. Sequencing is optional due to default
logic used for both subzone and cut geometry.

Destination Sequencing
Subzone geometry may be sequenced automatically, through leadlines, or manually.
Automatic sequencing is driven by the fill method chosen, filling rules, and seed selection method.
The fill method is either short or long and the filling rules include the equivalent flat haul (EFH) Up,
EFH Down, and Max Open Lifts parameters. The seed selection options include: Northmost, South-
most, Eastmost, Westmost, Closest to Destination Location, and Ramp Geometry (if imported) or
manually selected. The dump short method will sequence subzones in order of shortest haul dis-
tance with reference to the Seed selection, while the dump long will do the opposite. Similar
to undercutting precedence, filling precedence will be honored to ensure filling is geometrically
feasible. Leadlines can be included to further refine the dumping sequence.
The filling rules control the availability of subzones on upper or lower lifts. Max Open Lifts is defaulted
to 1, which means all subzones on lower lifts must be filled before going up a level. More open lifts
will allow the program to check haul distances for upper level subzones to determine the best
inter-level sequence. Equivelant Flat Haul (EFH) inputs are factors to adjust the distance traveled
on grade relative to the distance traveled on the current elevation. The simulated longer or shorter
driving distances between lifts emulates the affect of driving slower or faster up and down the
ramp, and further improves the sequence relative to the fill method.
Seed selection will determine the first subzone to be filled on a level. From this subzone, all other
InLiftStub geometry will be drawn. This too affects sequence order since it is from this geometry
that haul distances are measured for all subsequent subzones. Manual sequencing allows the user
to adjust the sequence relative to the seed geometry at anytime.
Leadline sequencing is essentially an override of the automatic sequence for subzones intersected
by the leadline geometry parameters. Manual sequencing can either be done interactively in the
MP3D viewer via the Link Viewer option, or in the grid list using the arrow buttons. The order will still
honor filling precedence for inter-lift geometry and will give an error when violated.

The default sequence logic is to dump short, follow the selected seed selection, and use Max Open Lifts
= 1.

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DUMP1_DST Lift-1365 sequence and InLiftStub geometry

EXERCISE: Define a sequence for all destination subzones

Define a sequence for all destinations. Use Dump Fill Method Short, Ramp Geometry seed selection method,
set EFH Up = 4, EFH Down = 2 and Max Open Lifts = 2.

Sequence subzones Sequencing → Destination Sequencing panel → Sequencer drop down → Auto
Sequenceight All Subzones... → Sequence Tab

Digline Sequencing
Cut sequencing is defined on the Digline Sequencing panel. It is done through the use of two
attributes (digline and direction). Diglines describe independent sequences of cuts on a bench
or level, while direction describes the sequence order. Cuts apart of different diglines within the
same level may be mined simultaneously, but must follow preceding cut(s) within the same digline.
By default each cut is set to its own digline and direction, i.e. 1 and 1. For certain data sources
(MSIP and MSPlanner), the values may be read by mapping attributes.
The Digline Sequencing panel is split into three windows: Groups, Diglines, and Cuts. Diglines
are either user defined or configured automatically through rules. The various rules are: North-
most, Southmost, Eastmost, Westmost, Centermost, Highest, Lowest, Azimuth, Manual Start, Closest

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to Geometry, and Leadline. These Rules function similar to Seeds in the Destination Sequencing
panel. They control the direction or order of cuts in the digline they are assigned to. Configuration
of Rules may either be done interactively in the MP3D viewer, via the Link Viewer option, or in the
grid list using the arrow buttons.
The Group window functions as a filtering dialog for Mining Area, Phase, and Level. It can also
be used to control partition assignment. Partitions are groups of diglines within a level for a given
phase. Note that each level of each phase will have a default partion and digline.

Phase 1A Level 1620.000 digline and direction

EXERCISE: Setup a unique digline for each bench

Some schedules primarily consist of single bench cuts, but sequencing will be done for any bench that has
more than one cut. We will not bother trying to strictly setup each cut’s assignment for LTP projects. Instead,
we will ensure that each level has one digline so that cuts may not be mined simultaneously. To do this quickly,
we will Reset all cuts to Digline 1 and Remove Empty Diglines.

Digline Reset Sequencing → Destination Sequencing panel → Groups panel → click on Reset
button → click on Remove Empty Diglines button

Massive assignment of digline rules to cuts is available in the Groups window. This setup will apply to the
filtered setup in the Group window. First, reset all cuts to digline 1 for the filtered group. Next, click the
Add Partition... button, check Add cuts from Digline 1 and configure the digline rule (e.g. Northmost,
Southmost, etc.).

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3.16 MPSO Precedence

MPSO requires a 3D spatial precedence sphere
around each cut that is to be mined. The Prece- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
dence panel lets you define After precedence per
mining area, undercutting precedence and the Define precedence between phases and
order of levels per mining area. You must also as- levels to ensure a realistic mining pattern
sign a digline and direction to each cut. is achieved.
With other data sources like MinePlan Interactive
Planner (MSIP) and MinePlan Planner, a digline and direction may be predefined and read in
automatically during cut import. With the Viewer data source however the digline and direction
for each cut are automatically defaulted to be unique, i.e. each cut gets its own digline and a
direction of 1. The same applies when using SCD files as a data source. In that scenario each
bench only has one cut, therefore the digline and direction are always set to 1 respectively.
The After relationship between phases sets the phase mining sequence. Phases are generally de-
signed and sequenced based on economics and/or geometry. These still must be considered
during the scheduling process. After precedence ensures that a specific level from a preced-
ing phase is mined before that same level from the dependent phase. This type of precedence
however is not nested, so B After A, and C After B does not guarantee C After A.
In the Cut Precedence tab, you can input parameters to control the undercutting precedence
calculation. Here, MPSO calculates which cuts need to be mined from the upper level (bench)
before the cut in question. In the Levels panel, you can re-arrange the bench levels to fix any level
ordering problems that may come up.

EXERCISE: Define After phase precedence

The phases are not independent and were designed to be scheduled in order. The preliminary design and
sequence was already done based on economics. The only caveat was Phase 1, which was further se-
quenced geometrically. Enter the phases as shown in the Figure on the next page. Note that the relationship
type remains fixed and always reads “is mined after.” Apply the precedence to the Mining Area by checking
recalculate precedence.

Checking "Recalculate digline and direction" will reset any previous digline and direction assignment. "Save
when updating MSPD" will save the digline and direction and precedence values to the mapped attributes
(only for MSIP data sources) during the update process.

Keep the defaults in place in the Cut Precedence and Level panels.

Phase Precedence Precedence → Phase Precedence panel → Phase Precedence tab → define
the relationships between as listed in Figure on next page → check Recalcu-
late precedence (lower left) → Apply

Cut Precedence Precedence → Phase Precedence panel → Cut Precedence tab → change
(optional) the Upper Level row values (Slope, expanded cut, tested cut, grid size and
grid %) to values that represent the geometry desired

Level (optional) Precedence → Phase Precedence panel → Level tab → select an elevation →
use the arrows on the right to change the order of the list

106 | MPSO Precedence

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Phase lag may be defined on the Phase Precedence panel too. Phase lag will further restrict an already
defined After precedence by defining a minimum or maximum bench lag between the two phases. In
other words, it can be used to ensure that the After phase stays within, or apart, a specific number of

Additional precedence panels — Level Precedence, Phase Append, Advanced Precedence,
Destination Precedence and Destination/Phase Precedence — can be used to modify or create
new precedence rules. The Advanced Precedence panel allows you to manually schedule cuts
that need to be mined prior to the selected cut. Similar to Advanced Constraints, this panel can
also be linked with the MP3D viewer, so that cut precedence may be assigned interactively.
The Destination Precedence panel assigns filling priority to destinations and also controls when
secondary destinations can start receiving material. The Destination/Phase Precedence panel
defines a dependency between filling destinations and phase mining. It is commonly used when
setting a backfill trigger. For example, completely mining an area triggers the filling of a dump in
the same area.

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3.17 Haulage Setup in MPSO

MPSO features various panels for defining haulage
parameters: Equipment, Period Mapping (MSIP LEARNING OBJECTIVE
only), Haulage Network, Source Nodes, and Cy-
cle Time. The required haulage setup will vary de- Define equipment, setup the haulage
pending on the data source used and whether or network, and calculate cycle times
not haulage destinations are setup.
When linked to a haulage plan (through it’s imported destinations), the associated haulage net-
work geometry and equipment set(s) will also be imported into the schedule. Both will be avail-
able to further setup on their associated panels, Equipment and Haulage Network, respectively.
The addition of Source Node inputs will allow the user to further refine the network.
The Cycle Time panel will use the setup defined on the Haulage Network panel to calculate cycle
times for each haulage destination from cut centroid to subzone centroid. This includes snapping
InPitStubs and InLiftStubs from the available geometry. Ramp geometry, if imported into a desti-
nation on the Process Flow panel, will also be used. The cycle times are generated for each truck
type imported from the haulage plan.
One caveat to this however, is SCD file data sources. Since this data source has no actual geom-
etry (it’s a text file), cycle times will not be able to be calculated directly. For this data source, only
the Default Haulage Setup dialog values can be used. Cycle times are instead imported via cycle
time files for each truck.
Virtual trucks and destinations will only be able to utilize the default haulage data for their cycle
times. Also, missing cycle time data for cuts will look to this default data for cycle times as well.

The Equipment panel is used to define both haulers (trucks) and loaders (shovel) parameters. Truck
and shovels use a default payload/dig rate. This rate may be overridden using the payload/dig
rate configuration dialogs. This dialog allows varying by mining area, material, phase, and level in
each period.
Period availability, Fuel Price ($/unit), and Minimum/Maximum Hours are definable in the Miscella-
neous Parameters dialog. All parameters may vary by period. Availability(%), Efficiency(%), and
Operating Cost ($/hour) are definable in the Operating Parameters dialog. These too may very
by period, or alternatively, "Declining Operating Parameters" may be used to define them by max-
imum truck or shovel hours.
Equipment sets are pairings of trucks with shovels. Trucks may be paired with any shovel to make
equipment sets regardless of origination (i.e. virtual or imported from haulage). Delay times such
as Spot, Load, Dump, and Wait Time, and the associated fuel burn rates, are also definable.

The shovel hours, and in turn number of units calculated, will be based on Loading Time by default rather
than dig rate. This is easily overridden by checking Use Dig Rate in the Loader parameters.

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EXERCISE: Configure equipment

The Haulage plan contains one hauler and one loader type. The truck is a CAT 797F (MS_797F) and the
shovel is a generic shovel (Shovel-1). The Number of units will be left blank, i.e. infinite. The loading time will
determine shovel hours rather than dig rate. Payloads will not vary, therefore only configure default payload.
Use defaults unless specified.

Enter the following delay times for Shovel-1: Spot Time = 0.5, Load Time = 2, Dump Time = 0.5, Wait Time = 0

Hauler Miscellaneous MS_797F icon → Miscellaneous Parameters → click on “. . . ” for any parameter
Parameters → Fuel Price ($/unit) = .90

Hauler Operating MS_797F icon → Operating Parameters → click on “. . . ” for any parameter →
Parameters Availability (%) = 95, Efficiency (%) = 87 → Operating Cost ($/hr) = 200

Loader Operating Shovel-1 icon → Operating Parameters → click on “. . . ” for any parameter →
Parameters Availability (%) = 80, Efficiency (%) = 75 → Operating Cost ($/hr) = 400

Equipment may be changed on the fly from the dialog windows without exiting and reselecting another
equipment’s icon. This applies to the payload/digrate configuration, Miscellaneous Parameters, and
Operating Parameters.

Haulage Network
The Haulage Network panel is a grid display of each road, it’s connecting nodes, and information
about both. The type of road (Surface or Source), type of node (Tie, Source, Destination), phase
and period availability, road distance and grade %. All fields are read only except the phase and
period availability attributes, which are not read in from the haulage plan. It is expected to be
setup here, and validated through the MP3D viewer using the Link Viewer options.

EXERCISE: Configure phase availability

The roads have been named to correspond with their phase availability. Match each roads available phases
to those listed in it’s naming, e.g. Ph1A/2A S Exit Rd = Phase 1A and Phase 2A.

Phase availability Select road(s) → Check phases → Apply

Cycle Time
The Cycle Time panel is a read only report of all cycle times, travel distances, and fuel burned from
each cut source (centroid) to each destination subzone. Only the most optimal entry (fastest) is
calculated and brought into the report. It is broken down into 3 areas, Cut to Destination, In-Lift,
and Reclaim. The Cut to Destination reports data from the cut source to the destination node or
entry point. This includes the flat in pit segments drawn from the cut centroid to intersecting road.
These are visualized as the InPitStubs in MP3D viewer through the Link Viewer options. Data in this

Haulage Setup in MPSO | 109

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Haulage network linked to MP3D viewer.

section is broken down into In and Out sections. The convention is In to the Source unloaded and
Out of the Source loaded.
The In-Lift portion reports data from the destination node to the subzone. The In-Lift can utilize
ramp geometry if configured. The InLiftStub is a visual representation in the MP3D Viewer of these
distances. Additionally, data here is broken down into In Flow and Out Flow, each with their own
In Bound and Out Bound sections. The convention here is material flows in to the destination or
flows out of the Destination. Also, material is In Bound to the destination or Out Bound from the
destination. In Flow is for typical material movement from the source to the destination, in loaded
and out unloaded. Out flow is for stockpile material movement, in unloaded and out loaded.
The Reclaim portion reports information on all stockpile to Mill combinations. For this plan that
means STK1_STK to MILL_DST and STK2_STK to MILL_DST. The data reported here is broken down like
the Cut to Destination section, and only reports from stockpile node to destination node.

EXERCISE: Calculate cycle times

To calculate cycle times simply press Calculate in the top menu bar. Cycle times will need to be calculated
for all Mining Areas using the ALL option, which include Cut to Destination, In-Lift, and Reclaim. Each portion
of the report may be recalculated independently if needed when changes are made.

Cycle time Calculate → Check Mining Areas = Open Pit1 → Check Calculating Option =

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3.18 MPSO Schedules

Scheduling within MPSO is done using the Sched-
ule Calculation dialog window. This is found in the LEARNING OBJECTIVE
main menu bar. The window is split into three tabs:
General, Engine and Partial Cut. Generate MPSO schedules of increasing
The General tab controls how the schedule will run. complexity by adding destinations and
You can create schedules on a period-by-period equipment.
basis (Single Period Window), or group several pe-
riods to solve at the same time. There are three methods for creating schedules:
• Scheduling without equipment — ignores haulage and equipment inputs.
• Scheduling then assign equipment — first creates a schedule ignoring haulage and equip-
ment inputs and then assigns the equipment necessary to carry it out.
• Scheduling with equipment — creates a schedule considering equipment and haulage data
setup in one step (best utilizes the equipment setup to meet constraints).
There are two methods to group periods:
• Fixed Period Window — periods are scheduled together in same size groups. This method
allows overlapping of groups, which give the schedule the ability to always "look ahead” in
the scheduling process.
• Variable Period Window — periods may be schedule in customized size groupings.
To create a schedule, MPSO needs to cycle through multiple iterations at a high rate. This is only
possible with an optimizing engine such as Lindo or CPLEX, found on the Engine tab. Options to
Ignore multi-lift scheduling and Relax constraints (CPLEX only) are available on this tab as well.
Ignoring multi-lift scheduling will dramatically speed up the schedule calculation. It does not con-
sider the haulage information from destination subzones, only source to destination. This simplifies
the formulation process into one set of parameters to consider rather than hundreds if all subzones
were considered.
The Partial Cut tab controls partial cut mining options. Allowing partial mining is essentially manda-
tory if strict constraints are to be met exactly. Other more advanced options on the Partial Cut tab
include Splitting tonnage tolerance, Minimum leftover tonnage, Maximum partial cuts in a period.
Check boxes for Must complete partial cuts from previous periods, Must fully mine preceding cuts
on upper level, and Vary percentage by material are also available.
If MPSO cannot find a solution for a period, it provides you feedback on which constraints are
problematic via the mpsoAudit.txt or .dtl report files. You can then manually modify the constraints
in question or have MPSO automatically relax them using pre-defined ranges.

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Initial Schedule
The initial setup thus far has called for just two tonnage constraints, MILL_DST and Total[Mill+Waste],
a number of phases constraint on Total[Number of Phases], and a trucks constraint on Truck
Hours[Total]. Each must be met to maximize the schedule objective, NPV. When creating a sched-
ule, it’s always a good idea to start with loose constraints. As you go on, you can add complexity.
The initial schedule will be run with CPLEX, using Scheduling without equipment and with Single
Period Window. We will also Ignore multi-lift scheduling, Allow partial mining with 15 partial cuts,
check Must Fully Mine preceding cuts of upper level and check the option to Vary percentage by

EXERCISE: Run the Initial Schedule

Save the MPSO plan and call it, 01–Without Equipment. Run a single period schedule without Equipment. Use
CPLEX and check Ignore multi-lift scheduling. Allow partial mining with 15 partial cuts maximum. Enable Must
full mine preceding cuts on upper level, and Vary percentage by material.

Save an MPSO plan File → Save As → 01–Without Equipment

Open Schedule Schedule Calculation icon (main menu bar) → Run (Ctrl+F5)

Setup Calculation General tab → Schedule Periods = 1–45; Scheduling Options = Schedule with-
out equipment → Engine tab → Engine Options = CPLEX; Miscellaneous =
check Ignore multi-lift scheduling → Partials Cut tab → check Allow partial
mining; Maximum partial cuts in a period = 15; check Must Fully Mine Pre-
ceding Cuts On Upper Level; check Vary percentage by material

Allowing 15 partial cuts and checking Must fully mine preceding cuts on upper level allows the program
to have a partial cut in each phase in the same period, but the partial cut must exist as the bottom
bench. Checking Vary percentage by material allows different percentages of materials in a cut to be
contribute to the overall partial percentage, unchecked they must be the same.

Several reports are available to review an MPSO schedule. The Analysis Report lets you monitor
material movement and equipment use. The Cash Flow Report details expenses and revenue.
The Cycle Time Report shows the results of the cycle times calculated on the Cycle Time panel.
The Full Report is a flat report of all material movement made. The Full Report may be linked
with the viewer to view the routes taken for each material movement, as well as the cut and
subzone geometry. All reports are customizable, taking advantage of the Advanced Reporting
and Charting (ARC) format. All reports may be exported into a variety of formats including .xls,
.xlsx, and .csv. All reports are accessed through their icons on the main menu bar.

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Analysis Report displaying a pivot table.

EXERCISE: Analyze Material Movement

In the Analysis Report, use the Material Movement By Destination template to display your results. Use the
Field List button to modify the PivotChart. Display Material Ton and Destination Ton in the Data Area. Display
_PERIODS, _PHASES and _MATERIALS in the Row Area, and _DESTINATIONS in the Column Area. Set _CUTS,
_GRADEBINS, _SOURCE, _LIFTS, _SUBZONES to the Filter Area. Save the template as “Tonnage movement.”.

Display Results Main menu bar → Analysis Report → Material Movement By Destination tem-
plate (installed) → Open

Modify View Field List → click and drag to add, remove or rearrange data in the PivotChart

Save a Template Template → Save As → Tonnage movement

EXERCISE: Add a Material Reporting Group Field

In the Analysis Report, it is possible to create a field from either the Period, Destination or Material groupings.
Use the Report Grouping dialog to add groups to report. Any group not added to the field will fall under the
heading <default>. We have previously setup Material groups, so these groups will be available to add.

Open Report Grouping Analysis Report main menu bar → click Report Grouping icon

Add reporting group Report Grouping → Plus icon (top left) → select add Material Report Group →
give Report Group Name → select groups to add → refresh to add to Field

Re-save the Template Template → Save

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A collapsed view of the Cash Flow Report

EXERCISE: Analyze the Cash Flow Report

The cash flow report combines revenues, operating costs, capital costs and calculated period discount fac-
tors to determine the net cash flow and net present value (NPV) of the schedule. All capital costs except
G&A and “other” are considered during the scheduling process when trying to maximize NPV. G&A and
“other” costs are enter in using the Input Parameters dialog (lower left).

Cash Flow Report Cash Flow Report icon (main menu bar) → Input Parameters (lower left

Adding Equipment
So far, you have created a mining schedule that takes into account materials and destinations.
Now, recalculate the MPSO schedule using two other options: Scheduling then Assign Equipment
and Scheduling with Equipment. The former option has been the industry standard. With this
option, MinePlan determines the best mining sequence that meets the schedule objective before
trying to assign equipment. This does not guarantee the best utilization of the equipment to meet
equipment constraints. It may also fail in the process of assigning equipment. The Scheduling with
Equipment method guarantees the user the best schedule based on available equipment, taking
equipment constraints into account during the scheduling process.

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EXERCISE: Create a Schedule Using the Schedule Then Assign Equipment Option

Save an MPSO plan File → Save As → 02–Assign Equipment

Schedule Calculation General tab → Schedule Periods 1–45; Scheduling Options = Scheduling Then
Assign Equipment

Once a schedule has been generated, the equipment parameters and constraints may be changed
and reapplied to the schedule using the Assign Equipment option. This option performs step two of the
Schedule Then Assign Equipment method, but without having to generate the mining sequence over
again, saving considerable time. You can apply this option to any generated schedule, even those
generated without and directly with equipment.

Notice the schedule failed to assign equipment in period 33, but that the schedule completed
anyways using the Without Equipment option. Check the mpsosched033.dtl for the reason for the

EXERCISE: Complete the Schedule Using the Schedule Then Assign Equipment Option
Increase the maximum Truck Hours [Total] allowed in period 33 since that was the constraint violated in the
previous run. Use 225,000 hours. Rerun the schedule or simply re-assign the equipment.

Do other periods continue to fail to assign truck hours? If so, increase the maximum Truck Hours [Total].

Equipment Usage Reports → Analysis Report → Equipment Usage template (installed) → Open

Analysis Report displaying equipment usage, including hours and number of units.

EXERCISE: Analyze Equipment Usage

Any template may be used to analyze the equipment hours, but only the Equipment Usage template may
be used to report the number of units. The Equipment Usage template, on the other hand, reports equipment
hours and number of units by destination by lift in each period. The No. of Units field is only available with this

How much equipment is needed to realize the schedule?

Are the truck and shovel hours balanced?

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Equipment Usage Reports → Analysis Report → Equipment Usage template (installed) → Open

EXERCISE: Create a Schedule Using the Schedule With Equipment Option

Rerun the schedule, this time with the Scheduling With Equipment option. Compare the results with the
previous run, analyzing the various reports including the Define Tonnage By Destination report, equipment
report and cash flow reports. Start with 01–Without Equipment and save as 03–With Equipment.

Is the equipment more balanced than before?

How much is the NPV improved by considering the equipment simultaneously with the mining sequence?
Are the truck and shovel hours affected?
Do you use less default equipment than before?

Save an MPSO Plan File → Save As → 03–With Equipment

Schedule Calculation General tab → Schedule Periods 1–45 → Scheduling Options = Scheduling With

Material movement for period 5 highlight from the Full Report

EXERCISE: View routed material in Full Report

The Full Report is essentially a flat report. It breaks down routed material into its most fundamental level. It can
be linked with the MP3D viewer through the Link Viewer option to view the routes, cut source and subzone
destination geometry for each routed movement. Filtering controls overall visibility. Row selection controls

Full Report Full Report icon (main menu bar) → Link Viewer → click on row(s)to highlight

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Relaxing Constraints
There are times when a combination of constraints may prevent MPSO from completing a sched-
ule and multi-period scheduling may not give a desired result, i.e. a negative NPV. In these situa-
tions, you will need to either manually relax constraints or use the Constraint Relaxation option in
MPSO. The Constraint Relaxation option automatically relaxes a constraint based on an assigned
flexibility ranking. A value of 1 indicates a constraint is very flexible (will be modified first); a value
of 10 indicates a constraint is not flexible; and a blank field indicates a constraint is fixed and can’t
be modified. After the infeasibility analysis completes, the program will tell the user exactly what it
relaxed and by how much.

EXERCISE: Relax Constraints to Finish Schedule

The previous schedule failed to run past period 39 because it could not mine the required material within
the truck hour limit. The pit is becoming exhausted of material, which will require further constraint relaxing
in subsequent periods. You could manually adjust the target constraints, but enabling relaxation from the
outset makes things a lot easier. Start with the 03–With Equipment schedule and save as 04–With Equipment–
Relaxed. Complete the schedule by mining all material in the pit and stockpiles.

What constraint(s) did you relax take to complete the schedule?

What period did you finish the schedule in?
What was the schedules cumulative NPV?

Save an MPSO Plan File → Save As → 04–With Equipment–Relaxed

Constraint Relaxation Constraints Relaxation panel → enter Preference → enter a value of 10

Enable Schedule Calculation → Engine tab → check Relax constraints

A shortcut to configure Constraints Relaxation is also found on the Schedule Calculation → Engine tab.

Smoothing Truck Hours

The 04–With Equipment–Relaxed schedule required relaxing truck hours to complete. In general
this type of constraint is not always possible to relax. Fortunately, very few periods actually used the
maximum hours 199,500 or 25 trucks. In the following schedule we will remove the total material
movement constraint and instead control the maximum necessary material movement using our
trucks. This will accomplish two things: smooth equipment usage and ensure enough material is
pre-stripped in early periods to not have to relax trucks hours later in the schedule.

EXERCISE: Smooth Truck Hours

Remove the Total [Mill+Waste] tonnage constraint. Set the Truck Hours [Total] lower limit to 143,640 hours and
upper limit to 159,600. This equals 18 and 20 trucks respectively. Rerun the schedule and finish out mining all
material in the pit and stockpiles. You will again have to relax constraints later in the schedule. Avoid relaxing
the Truck Hours [Total] upper limit of 159,600.

Were you able to finish the schedule without relaxing the Truck Hours [Total] upper limit?

What constraint(s) did you have to relax to complete the schedule?

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What was the schedules cumulative NPV? Compare this with 04–With Equipment–Relaxed.

Compare the stockpile utilization with 04–With Equipment–Relaxed? Were stockpiles more or less relied on?

Try to minimize and smooth the total truck hours used. What is the maximum number trucks needed to com-
plete the schedule?

Save an MPSO Plan File → Save As → 05–Truck Hours

Trucks Constraints → Trucks panel → Truck Hours [Total] Lower = 143,640 and Truck
Hours [Total] Upper = 159,600 for all periods

Constraint Relaxation Constraints Relaxation panel → enter Preference → enter a value of 10

Multi-Period Scheduling
By default, MPSO creates schedules on a period-by-period basis. Using this method is quick and
easy, but you could end up with a “short-sighted” plan, which occurs when the best solution is
found for one period (X) but a non-solution for the following period (X+1). Multi-period scheduling
logic can help in these cases, as it allows you to group several periods together. MPSO looks
“forward” or “backward” when solving for that group of cuts. The solution for period X, for example,
would be tweaked just enough to allow solutions for all the other selected periods (without violating
any constraints).

EXERCISE: Use Fixed Period Window

Click on the Period button and enable Fixed Period Window scheduling. Define a window size of 2 with a step
size of 1. This will ensure that each period will be forward looking. In reality, two periods are being scheduled
together, with each 2nd period being re-scheduled. For example, Period 1–2 are scheduled simultaneously;
but then period 2 is re-scheduled with period 3. Start with the 05–Truck Hours schedule and save as 06–Truck
Hours–Multi Period.

Is the schedule better or worse than the 05–Truck Hours? Compare the NPV and equipment usage.

Were constrains more or less relaxed in the later periods?

Redefine a larger window size and rerun to try and complete the schedule with the highest cumulative NPV

What was you final NPV? How does it compare with a window size of 2 and step size of 1?

Save an MPSO Plan File → Save As → 06–Truck Hours–Multi Period

Fixed Period Window Schedule Calculation → General tab → Period → Period Window Option =
Fixed Period Window → Window Size = 2, Step Size = 1 → Ok

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3.19 Conclusion & Future Training

We hope you will be able to use the tools covered during this MinePlan software training course to
improve productivity at your mine. As you apply the concepts you have learned, please phone or
email us with questions. Our contact information is listed on the inside cover of this book and on
our website, http://www.hexagonmining.com/. The website also gives you access to our down-
load/upload page, the latest updates to our software, news, seminar papers and newsletter arti-
cles about our software.

Future Training
Whether it takes a few hours or a few days, training with Hexagon Mining’s newest tools can pay
instant dividends. Designed to fit your schedule, our mix-and-match formats support your learning
needs no matter what your expertise with MinePlan software.
Spend some time using our software in day-to-day applications. When you are comfortable
working with MinePlan software, contact us at training.mp.tus.min@hexagonmining.com or visit
http://www.hexagonmining.com/ to set up your next training.

MinePlan for Long Term Planning. V4. August 28, 2020

©2009-2020 by Leica Geosystems AG. All rights reserved. No part of this document shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from Leica Geosystems AG. All
terms mentioned in this document that are known to be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies have been
appropriately identified. MinePlan® is a registered trademark of Leica Geosystems AG. This material is subject to the terms in the Hexagon
Mining Terms and Conditions (available at http://www.hexagonmining.com/).

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Conclusion & Future Training | 121

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