ECCE Activity Pack Week 5 Term 3 For Review
ECCE Activity Pack Week 5 Term 3 For Review
ECCE Activity Pack Week 5 Term 3 For Review
Successful Transitions
The Importance of Positive Reinforcement and Self-Care Activities
“The transition to primary school is a critical phase in a child’s life. This phase marks a
significant change a child’s everyday actions and social relations and can be challenging
them, their parents and teachers. Children experience several emotions, including
excited anticipation, curiosity and pride but also stress, insecurity and fear (Dockett
and Perry, 2015). Therefore, this is a critical time for children to learn the importance
of taking care of themselves by practicing self-care.
Self-care is the practice of consciously
doing things that preserve or improve
ones mental or physical health.
Self-care can help children of all ages become more
thoughtful and aware of their physical and emotional
needs. It can also prepare them to
effectively handle future stressors. Even
small acts of self-care and self-help can
decrease stress, improve relationships, and Remote Learning Daily Schedule
promote wellness of the body and mind.
Time Activity
Movement and creative activities can provide an emotional outlet and foster
connection. Activities like painting, colouring, or moulding clay are less
likely to feel like a chore.
Personal Awareness
9:00 – 9:30
Music and dance can have huge positive effects impacts on your child’s Preparation for the day
cognitive development, self-awareness, and physical health. As your child
moves their body to music, their brain releases endorphins to promote Circle Time (Online)
well-being and improve their mood. 9:30 – 10:00 Discussion about values:
Consider playing background music to try to balance your child’s mood; if
they are struggling with anxiety or frustration, play softer or more up Reading stories
uplifting music.
Don’t be afraid to get silly! Allow your child to be the expert and have them 10:00 – 10:15 Individual Activity (Online)
teach you a new dance move. Sometimes families need to share a laugh
together, play a game, make a pillow fort, watch a funny movie, or build a
puzzle together. Try as much as possible to minimise or eliminate 10:15 – 10:30 Fruit Time
distractions and truly be present during the joyful moments.
Praise your child for trying something new on his/her own, even if it didn’t 10:30 – 11:00 Outdoor Play
go as you had hoped! Though this might be more time-consuming than
completing it for them, the energy you put into these activities
will help your child feel more confident and prepared next time.
11:00 – 11:30 Stories/Rhymes
Materials: Bristol board, construction paper,
Lunch Prep
brown bags, glue, markers, crayons, paint, small 11:30 – 12:30
pebbles, vermicelli, condensed & evaporated milk, Lunch Break & Clean up
raisins, nuts, spices
Recall - Discussions based
12:30 – 12:45
on the day’s activities
May 10-May 14, 2021 — Week 5 Term 3, Page 2
1 cup vermicelli
3 cups water
1 tin evaporated milk
Physical Activity: Looking for the 1 tin condensed milk
New Moon 4 cardamom pods,
- Hide toilet paper 2 sticks cinnamon,
rolls, glue, stars, Almonds, raisins, cherries
string, crescent
- Give child clues of Physical Activity: Crescent
where to find the moon and star salutation
items. - Exhale and side bend to the
-Help child assemble right and left for Crescent
their binoculars as Pose
shown in picture. - Breathe in and up
- Child can lie on his/her backs or stand up - Create a side stretch on your
straight tilting their heads back and looking into right and left side
the sky to locate the crescent moon through - Inhale, straighten your knees,
their hand-made binoculars and reach your arms
straight out coming into Star
What is a WebQuest?
A WebQuest is an activity children complete using the Internet to get information on a specific topic.
Select the link below and listen to a story entitled “Taking Care Of My Body” to learn about self-care.
Self-care is anything you do to take care of yourself so you can stay physically, mentally, and
emotionally well.
Select the link below to listen to a video entitled “5 Ways To Teach Your Kids To Take Care Of
Following the videos create one of the activities from the video for your child. Allow
the child to practice the activity so he/she can gain independence and practice self-care.
May 10-May 14, 2021 — Week 5 Term 3, Page 4
Colouring Page