Approval of manufacturers
DNVGL-CP-0247 Edition May 2016
Steel forgings
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Changes - current
This is a new document.
Changes – current.................................................................................................. 3
Section 1 General.................................................................................................... 5
1 Objective..............................................................................................5
2 Scope and application..........................................................................5
3 Request for approval........................................................................... 6
4 References........................................................................................... 7
Changes – historic................................................................................................ 18
Section 1
1 Objective
The objective of this class programme (CP) is to provide a description for which the Society bases its
approval of manufacturers intending to supply steel forgings in accordance with RU SHIP Pt.2 or other
applicable standards provided by the Society.
RU SHIP Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.6 [2] Forgings for hull structures and equipment
RU SHIP Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.6 [3] Forgings for shafting and machinery
RU SHIP Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.6 [6] Forgings for boilers, pressure vessels and piping systems
RU SHIP Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.6 [7] Ferritic steel forgings for low temperature service
Manufacture of forged chain cable accessories is not covered by this program, but need separate approval according to approval
programme DNVGL CP 0254.
The product(s) used for approval testing (see Sec.3) will place limitations on the range of approval. The
approval will be limited to:
— each steel type group or material grade (see App.A)
— carbon and carbon-manganese (C and C-Mn) steels
— the individual alloy steels
— the individual stainless steels
— each application area, see Table 1
— forging method
— maximum forging weight
— maximum cross section and diameter
— heat treatment and delivery condition
— the reduction ratio for the products for approval testing shall be representative for the later production of
Section 1
the similar products.
When applicable, specific approval will be given on the certificate for the following additional conditions:
— continuous grain flow (CGF) crankshafts or crank throws; according to DNVGL CG 0037
— specially approved forging process; as referred in the rules RU SHIP Pt.4 and DNVGL CG 0036
— clean steel forgings; according to DNV GL rules RU SHIP Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.6
— approved steel grades for low temperature service.
The approval is limited to the material grade for which approval tests are carried out, but certain grades may
also cover other grades in the same steel type group, or the entire steel type group, as explained in App.A.
Where steel forgings are to be repaired by welding (see guidance note), or two or more items are joined by
welding to form a composite item, the manufacturer's welding shop shall either be approved for welding in
accordance with this programme, or be approved as welding workshop. For welding workshop approval, see
DNVGL CP 0352.
Guidance note:
The DNV GL rules give strict limitations for repair by welding on forgings. The limitations given by the rules shall always and without
exception be observed. Approval for repair by welding in accordance with this programme will under no circumstances give exemptions
from the relevant rule requirements.
The manufacturer’s own heat treatment facilities shall be evaluated and approved by the Society, either
under this approval programme, or as an approved "heat-treatment workshop" based on the approval
programme DNVGL CP 0351.
Where heat treatment or case hardening is performed by a sub supplier, the sub supplier shall be approved
by the Society as a heat treatment workshop in accordance with DNVGL CP 0351.
Starting material/semi-finished steel products shall be produced at works approved by the Society.
For steel forges operates their own steel making and produce their semi-finished steel products (slabs/ingots/
etc.), the approval programme DNVGL CP 0242 shall be used to approve these facilities.
Section 1
4 References
Table 2 List of references
1 ASTM A370 Test methods and definitions for mechanical testing of steel products
2 ASTM E562 Standard test method for determining volume fraction by systematic manual point count
3 ASTM E112 Standard test method for determining average grain size
5 ASTM G48 Standard test methods for pitting and crevice corrosion resistance of stainless steels and related
alloys by use of ferric chloride solution
7 ISO 4967 Steel – determination of content of non metallic inclusions – micrographic method using standard
Section 2
1 Manufacturing summary
Manufacturer shall submit documentation of the specific manufacturing process and related production
records for products for which approval is requested. Documentation shall include manufacturer’s
metallurgical specifications related the manufacturing process as described in this section.
4 Heat treatment
The following documentation shall be submitted:
— type of furnace and dimensions
— heating source
— sketch indicating the positions of thermocouples
— working zone dimension and sketch of working zone
— accuracy and calibration status of temperature control devices
— furnace uniformity test report
— furnace loading plan and procedure
— heat treatment procedures, specifying temperatures and holding times, and where applicable, information
about heating and cooling rates, quenching medium and cooling medium after tempering
— records of heat treatment
— any re-heat treatment procedure to be given, if applicable
— method of cleaning after heat treatment.
— reheating temperature and time in furnace
Section 2
— the shaping operations from ingot to finished forging shall be sketched, indicating:
— number of blows for each shaping operation
— reduction ratio for each shaping operation
— typical forging temperature range for each shaping operation
— descaling treatment during forging
— the minimum and maximum forging ratio for the finished forging shall be given.
Approval for a “special forging process for case hardened gear transmissions” shall be combined with an MSA
(manufacturing survey arrangement) agreement, referring to the above mentioned manufacturer procedure
describing the approved forging process.
— the heat number, test piece location and orientation, test temperature and absorbed energy (average
Section 2
and single values).
— Metallographic examination:
— high quality photomicrographs showing the microstructure at 100x and 400x/500x magnification shall
be presented with a brief description. The magnification shall be indicated on the micrographs by a
line symbol, e.g. with length of 0.5 mm or 100 µm. Arrows or letters may be used to identify features
referred to in the report
— the ferrite grain size shall be reported, except for stainless steels and steels supplied in quenched and
tempered condition. Ref. ASTM E112
— the applied etching methods for the metallographic examination shall be stated in the report.
— Jominy end quench test (if applicable):
— reporting shall be in the format given in the reference test standard
— the applied test method shall be reported with photographic evidence.
— Corrosion test (if applicable):
— reporting shall be in the format given in the reference test standard.
— Visual examination:
— report for visual inspection, dimensional measurements and surface condition.
— Non-destructive testing:
— detailed records of non-destructive testing with clear conclusions written by qualified personnel shall be
submitted, giving the extent of testing, methods of testing, acceptance criteria, and qualification of the
NDT operator.
— Additionally, for approval for CGF (if applicable):
— manufacturer shall prepare and submit a specification for the manufacturing process
— the results of all test required in Sec.3 [2.12] shall be reported
— photos illustrating the material fibres, particularly close to the fillets, shall be presented
— the applied etching methods shall be stated in the test report.
— Additionally, for approval of special forging process (if applicable):
— manufacturer shall prepare and submit a specification for the manufacturing process, see [5]
— the results of all test required in Sec.3 [2.12] shall be reported.
— Additionally, for approval of clean steel forgings (if applicable):
— manufacturer shall prepare and submit a specification for the manufacturing process
— the results of all test required in Sec.3 [2.13] shall be reported.
Section 3
1 Test products and testing scope
1.1 General
The test products shall be selected so that the intended approval scope as outlined in Sec.1 [2] is covered.
The sampling, testing procedures and acceptance criteria shall comply with the relevant requirements of the
DNV GL rules.
2 Testing requirements
Section 3
2.3 Elevated temperature tensile testing
The following is required:
— for forged steel intended for application at elevated temperatures, tensile test on at least two round
tensile test specimens shall be performed. Test temperature is 300 °C, or as agreed
— yield (or proof) stress, tensile strength, elongation and reduction of area shall be reported
— the tensile test results shall meet the corresponding DNV GL Rule requirements, or of the applicable
specification, for the tested grade.
Section 3
2.6 The Jominy end quench test (if applicable)
The following is required:
— for case hardening steels (16MnCr5, 20MnCr5, 18CrNiMo7-6 and equivalent), hardenability shall be
determined and reported using Jominy End Quench Test performed according to ASTM A255, or an
equivalent standard.
Section 3
2.9 Non-destructive testing
The following is required:
— each product shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of the relevant DNV GL rules
— detailed records of non-destructive testing with clear conclusions, written by qualified personnel shall be
prepared, giving the extent of testing, methods of testing, acceptance criteria, and qualification of the
NDT operator
— inspection shall be done for all applicable sides and areas, and manufacturer shall ensure that lifting
devices for handling and turning of the component are available.
Magnetic particle testing (MT) or liquid penetrant testing (PT):
— MT shall be applied for ferritic steels. PT shall be applied for austenitic and duplex steels.
Ultrasonic testing (UT):
— where required by the rules UT shall be carried out.
2.12 Special forging process approval for case hardened gear transmissions
(if applicable)
In order to obtain approval for a forging process for case hardened gear transmissions, as referred in RU
SHIP Pt.4 Ch.4 and DNVGL CG 0036, the following apply:
2.12.2 Testing and test requirements
Section 3
One typical forged component representative for the maximum diameter or thickness for approval, and
using the representative forging process to be approved, shall be made for the approval testing. Coupon
testing is in general not permitted for the approval of manufacturer for forging process for case hardened
gear transmissions. Before testing, the component shall undergo the complete heat treatment process as
for the typical finished products, including case hardening process (however, blind hardening with the same
temperature/time course will be accepted).
— Charpy V-notch impact testing in three directions relative to the defined centerline of the forging:
longitudinal, radial (transversal), and tangential. Unless otherwise agreed, the test temperature shall be
+20°C. The single and average values to be given in the test report
— minimum average value for any test direction shall not be less than 30J, and minimum single value shall
not be less than 21J
— photo macrographs, that is; metallographically prepared and etched samples, magnification 3x to 5x, in
the “plane” defined by the radial and longitudinal directions, illustrating the material segregations shall be
presented. The applied etching methods to be stated in the report
— the structure shall be approved by the Society. The requirements are that the dendrite structure from
solidification of the steel shall be sufficiently deformed, i.e. no visible dendrites
— the prior austenite grain size shall be determined, and photo micrographs, that is; from metallographically
prepared and etched samples, magnification 100x-500x, in the “plane” defined by the radial and
longitudinal directions, illustrating the material austenite grain size shall be presented. The applied etching
methods shall be stated in the report
— the difference in grain size number (ASTM E112 or ISO 643) between the sample at forged surface and
the sample at the maximum depth of utilisation should be less than 2. If the difference is more, the
approval may only be given after special consideration by the Society.
Appendix A
1 Approval coverage of material grades and steel types
RU SHIP Pt.2 Approval coverage
Ch. 2 Sec.6 Alloy groups / — for C and CMn grades: always on condition that deoxidation practice and
(unless material grades chemical composition are similar and KV requirements not higher
otherwise — for all groups: refers to grades indicated in / permitted by the DNV GL rules
One grade tested will cover entire group, but only the grades with lower specified
C and CMn group
yield strength
Sec.6 [2]
Approval of one alloy grade will cover all grades of the same alloy type with same /
Alloy steels
lower yield strength and same/lower toughness requirements
One grade tested will cover entire group, but only the grades with lower specified
C and CMn group
specified yield strength
Sec.6 [3]
Approval of one alloy grade will cover all grades of the same alloy type with same/
Alloy steels
lower specified yield strength and same/lower toughness requirements
One grade tested will cover entire group, but only the grades with lower specified
C and CMn group
yield strength
Sec.6 [4]
Approval of one alloy grade will cover all grades of the same alloy type with same/
Alloy steels
lower specified yield strength and same/lower toughness requirements
Approval testing of any one grade will also cover all other grades with lower
C and CMn group specified yield strength and lower toughness requirements in the same steel type
Sec.6 [6] group in Sec.6 [6]
One Mo or CrMo grade tested will cover entire Mo and CrMo group, but only the
Mo and CrMo group
grades with lower specified yield strength
One grade tested will cover entire group, but only the grades with lower specified
C and CMn group yield strength.
Sec.6 [7] Covers in addition C and CMn group as per Sec.8 [2] and Sec.8 [3]
One Ni grade tested will cover entire Ni group, but only the grades with higher
Ni group
design temperature (i.e. C3.5Ni covers C2.25Ni)
Testing of one CrNi grade covers entire CrNi group, except CrNiMo group and grade
CrNi group
GX 5 CrNi 19 9
CrNi grade
Covers only grade GX 5 CrNi 19 9
Sec.6 [8] GX 5 CrNi 19 9
CrNiMo group Testing of one CrNiMo grade covers entire CrNiMo group
Approval testing of 25Cr duplex will cover 22Cr duplex grade but not vice-versa
(duplex) grades
One grade tested will cover entire group, but only the grades with lower specified
Sec.6 [9] C and CMn group
yield strength
Appendix A
RU SHIP Pt.2 Approval coverage
Ch. 2 Sec.6 Alloy groups / — for C and CMn grades: always on condition that deoxidation practice and
(unless material grades chemical composition are similar and KV requirements not higher
otherwise — for all groups: refers to grades indicated in / permitted by the DNV GL rules
Approval of one alloy grade will cover all grades of the same alloy type with same/
Alloy steels
lower specified yield strength and same/lower toughness requirements
Stainless steel
Grouping is same as above for Sec.6 [8]
Changes – historic
There are currently no historical changes for this document.
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