‘Tire performance is strongly influenced by cross section shape, which is eas-
ily controlled in radial tires because of the orientation of the reinforcing cords.
The body cords are radial; those in the laminated breaker belt are biased. A tire
engineer has control over belt construction, hence over cross section shape.
Radial tires do, however, have some problems that are associated to some de-
gree with their unique structural features which promote resistance to high mile-
age wear. Many of these problems relate to durability at critical locations (¢.g.
interlaminar shear failure between the body ply and its turn-up ply, as well as
failure in the rubber laver between the body and the belt).
The cross section shape of an inflated tire should be considered in relation to
that of the vulcanizing mold. The two shapes are not necessarily identical be-
cause of chemical and mechanical actions which occur during the tire forma-
tion process. Bias tires were conventionally designed to minimize geometric dif-
ferences between the two shapes, so that residual stresses in the cured tires are
small. The shape of the mold may, however, be made quite different from the de-
sired tire shape as used, for example, to obtain a wide flat tread in some racing
tires, producing a nonequilibrated design. This requires consideration of the
bending stiffness of both the sidewall and the tread regions. Importantly, cord
stresses in a conventionally designed unloaded tire come directly from inflation
pressure; however, when the mold shape differs from the inflated shape, appreci-
able cord forces may arise from contiguous tire sections that have been distorted
from their cured shape by the inflation pressure. This situation, which leads to
residual stresses in the tire, may be considered to develop from contact pressure
introduced by the mold during curing. In the conventional tire, the cords are dis-
torted from their configuration in the inflated tire only by the amount necessary
to cause plastic flow in heated rubber. In the nonconventional case, the contact
pressure, introduced by the mold, distorts the tire from its inflated shape, and the
cured rubber is both stretched and distorted in other ways when the tire is
Radial tires belong to the latter system, so that contact pressure from the
mold wall becomes important. This pressure during tire formation is replaced by
pressure between body and belt after curing. The latter pressure depends on both
the mold shape and the belt stiffness in tension and bending. This is not totally
related to differences between mold shape and inflated tire shape
The contact pressure distribution between the body and belt of a radial tire is
so complex that it has not yet been fully determined either experimentally or