Microbiology Viriology and Immunology
Microbiology Viriology and Immunology
Microbiology Viriology and Immunology
Quiz : https://quizlet.com/110249096/cocci-of-medical-importance-i-staphylococci-flash-
● Staphylococcus
● Streptococcus
● Enterococcus
Both staphylococci and streptococci are gram-positive cocci, but they are differentiated by
two main criteria:
Staphylococci are gram-positive aerobic nonmotile cocci about 1m in diameter. They form
clusters of cells as they divide. Common inhabitants of the skin and mucous membranes. As
a group, Staphylococci do not have spores or flagella, but may form capsules. They grow
well on routine laboratory media and are facultative anaerobes.
1. Coagulases are enzymes that clot plasma and blood. The presence of this enzyme
indicates the pathogenic potential of the
strain (coagulase test - fig. 18.6).
2. -lactamases break down penicillin and cephalosporins, making these antibiotics
3. Hyaluronidase breaks down hyaluronic acid, that holds cells together in connective
tissue; thus facilitates the spread of
4. Lipases hydrolyze host cellular membrane fats and lipids, causing lysis of host cells.
Found in Staphylococcus strains that cause
pimples and boils.
Exotoxins found in Staphylococcus aureus are often responsible for the symptoms of the
Staphylococcal infections
Like many invading organisms, Staphylococci can begin as a local infection of the skin and
then spread systemically, leading to much more severe conditions. A local staph infection
can cause an abscess.
Treatment: Fluid and electrolyte replacement to reverse hypotension and shock. Drain
abscesses and use antibiotics (-lactamase- resistant penicillins and cephalosporins).
Host Defenses Against S. aureus
Humans have a well-developed defense against staph infections. Unbroken skin is a good
defense against staph. Specific antibodies are produced against staph, but they are not very
effective. Neutrophils and macrophages serve as the better defense. Abscess formation
helps to prevent the spread of staph in the body.
Coagulase-negative staphylococci.
Staphylococci can be isolated from body fluids and infected tissues. Can use sheep’s blood
agar and/or mannitol salt agar. It is Gram positive with irregular clusters of cocci cells.
Differentiate from streptococci by a catalase test , and other cocci by biochemical tests.
S. aureus is differentiated from other staph species by the production of coagulase where S.
aureus produces coagulase PCR can also be used to identify S. aureus. See table 18.2 for
the different characteristics of the clinically relevant staphylococci.
MRSA carries multiple antibiotic drug resistance genes. HA-MRSA are hospital acquired;
CA-MRSA are community acquired.
They are all Gram-positive, catalase negative, non-spore forming, non- motile, facultative
aerobic cocci arranged in chains and pairs. The most important pathogens are
Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus agalactiae, and
Streptococcus mutans and Enterococcus faecalis.
They are classified into Lancefield groups, based on their surface antigens; in this case,
surface polysaccharides (A-H, J & K). Group A & B contain the most important human
pathogens. An alternative classification is based on their hemolytic activity.
Alpha hemolytic Streptococci break down red blood cells in blood agar and cause a zone of green
discoloration around the colonies. Beta hemolytic Streptococci produces a clear zone of hemolysis
around the colony. “N” hemolytic Streptococci produces no hemolysis.
The most serious streptococcal pathogen is Strep. pyogenes, a Group A strep. It is a strict
pathogen that inhabits the throat,nasopharynx, and occasionally the skin of humans.
1. The M-protein of Group A is a fimbria protein that inhibits phagocytosis and helps the
bacterial cell bind to respiratory epithelial cells .
2. C-carbohydrates, specialized polysaccharides found on the cell wall.
3. Lipoteichoic acid contributes to the adherence of epithelial cells in the skin and
4. Capsule made of hyaluronic acid (HA).
5. C5a protease catalyzes a protein in the complement system.
● Erythrogenic toxins are toxins that damage blood vessels beneath the skin and result
in the characteristic rash of scarlet fever.
● Streptolysins are hemolysins (destroy blood cells). Two types:
a. Streptolysin O (SLO) is an oxygen-sensitive enzyme produced by Group A
streptococci. SLO affects leukocytes and myocardial (heart) cells.
b. Streptolysin S is an oxygen-tolerant enzyme that contributes to beta4
● Superantigens cause an over stimulation of T cells which leads to tumor necrosis
● Like the Staphylococci, Streptococcal species also cause a broad range of diseases.
These conditions can start as local infections and spread systemically.
● Erythrogenic/pyogenic toxin: scarlet fever
Streptococcal infections also cause pyogenic lesions. They result from invasion of skin
through scratches, insect bites, cuts or sores. Occasionally, superficial streptococcal
infections can result in complications.
Throat Infections
"Strep throat" is common in school-age children (5-15 years) during the winter months. It is
transmitted by aerosols and occasionally food.
Systemic Infections
1. Scarlet fever – a fine, red "sandpaper" rash resulting from the action of erythrogenic toxins
on blood vessels. A complication of streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis. Begins with a rash on
the chest which spreads to other parts of the body. Fever, vomiting, and prostration
accompany the rash.
1. Rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease causes 10-20,000 deaths each year
(about 3% of human streptococcal infections develop into rheumatic fever). It is
characterized by arthritis and carditis (including permanent scarring and distortion of
heart valves), fever and inflammation of small blood vessels .
Streptococcus agalactiae represents the group B streptococci (GBS), a potential normal flora
of the human vagina, pharynx, and large intestine. GBS is transferable to infants during
delivery and is the most prevalent cause of neonatal pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis in
the U.S. and Europe. Approximately 19,000 babies a year acquire infection (5% mortality).
Formerly known as Streptococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecalis was assigned its own
genus based on DNA hybridization tests. It shares many of the cellular characteristics of
Streptococcus (i.e. Gram-positive, non-spore forming, non-motile, etc.). Lancefield Group D,
hemolysis type α, β, and N. Habitat = human and animal intestine. Causative agent of
endocarditis and UTI (urinary tract infection).
Infections common in elderly patients having undergone surgery. These are emerging
nosocomial opportunists whose multi-drug resistance is becoming more prevalent.
Vancomycin- resistant strains (VRE) are of particular concern.
Penicillin remains the drug of choice since streptococci have not developed extensive
resistance to the drug. However, there are now strains of S. pneumoniae that are penicillin
resistant (PRSP). Lincomycin, erythromycin, clindamycin and third-generation
cephalosporins are also effective.
Viridans strep are of human origin but do not fall into a Lancefield serology. They are mostly
in the oral cavity. They produce an alpha hemolysis. Usually enter via dental or surgical
work. The most important complication is subacute endocarditis
Bacteria in the mouth and pharynx can sometimes gain access (via the eustachian tube) to
the middle ear chamber and cause infections called otitis media
In young children Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of otitis media.
Inflammation of this sensitive area of the ear results in very painful earaches and even
temporary deafness.
Various strains can be differentiated by the Quellung test, a serological test which
differentiates the strains based on surface antigens. Virulent strains are encapsulated
(antiphagocytosis), demonstrate alpha-hemolysis on blood agar, and form small mucoid
colonies with a central depression. The organism can be found as part of the normal flora in
up to 50% of adults.
Two species within the Neisseria genus are of most relevance to human health: N.
gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis. Both are Gram negative, so caution must be taken if the
infection spreads systemically as septicemia. Their morphology is diplococcus. Most in the
genus Neisseria are strict parasites, so they do not survive long outside the human body.
Endotoxic shock can result from improper antibiotic administration (especially for N.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis are both Gram Negative Bacteria.
They are diplococci, non-sporing, non-motile and oxidase positive. But they have some
differences which are as follows:
Neisseriae occur in pairs that are non-motile. Facultative aerobes that are catalase and
oxidase positive
Cerebrospinal meningitis and meningococcal septicemia are the two main types of
meningococcal disease. Meningococci are strict human parasites inhabiting the
nasopharynx. Infection is usually asymptomatic. In some, local inflammation ensues,
with rhinitis and pharyngitis. Dissemination occurs only in a small proportion. Most
common complication include Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome, a massive,
usually bilateral hemorrhage into the adrenal glands caused by fulminant
meningococcemia, adrenal insufficiency and disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Laboratory diagnosis
In meningococcal meningitis, the cocci are present in large numbers in the spinal
fluid and, in the early stage in the blood as well. Demonstration of meningococci in
the nasopharynx helps in the detection of carriers.
The organism appears as a diplococcus with the adjacent sides concave, being
typically kidney shaped. It is predominantly within the polymorphs. Gonococci
possess pilli on their surface. Pili facilitate adhesion of the cocci to the mucosal
surfaces and promote virulence by inhibiting phagocytosis.
Cultural characteristics
Gonococci are more difficult to grow than meningococci. They are aerobic but may
grow anaerobically also. Growth occurs best at pH 7.2-7.6 and at a temperature of
35-360c with 5-10% CO2. They grow well on chocolate agar and Mueller-Hinton
agar. A popular selective medium is the Thayer-Martin medium which inhibits most
contaminants including nonpathogenic neisseria. Colonies are small, round,
translucent, convex and slightly umbonate, with a finely granular surface and lobate
Biochemical reactions
Antigenic properties
The gonococcus is a very delicate organism, readily killed by heat, drying and
antiseptics. In cultures, the coccus dies in 3-4 days but survives in slant cultures at
The name gonorrhea, meaning flow of seed. The disease is acquired by sexual
contact. Infection of the lower genital tract can result in a purulent or pus-like
discharge from the genitals which may be foul smelling. N.gonorrhoeae can also
cause conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, proctitis or urethritis, prostatitis and orchitis.
Conjunctivitis is common in neonates and silver nitrate or antibiotics are often
applied to their eyes as a preventive measure against gonorrhea. Infection of the
genitals in females with N.gonorrhoeae can result in pelvic inflammatory disease if
left untreated, which can result in infertility.
Pus and secretions are taken from the urethra, cervix, rectum, conjunctiva, throat, or
synovial fluid for culture and smear.
Several food and drug administration cleared nucleic acid amplification assays are
available for detection of N gonorrhoeae in genitourinary specimens.
Females: Approximately 50% of cases are asymptomatic. Signs and symptoms include
purulent exudates from the vagina and painful urination. Salpingitis, also known as PID
(pelvic inflammatory disease) results when the infection spreads to the fallopian tubes where
inflammation and scarring can result in the blockage of the oviducts which can result in
infertility or ectopic pregnancy
Males: anterior urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) together with painful urination and
characteristic purulent exudates (containing leukocytes – often with gonococci located
intracellularly, cellular debris, and gonococci) . With antibiotics, epididymitis (inflammation of
epididymis) and prostatitis (inflammation of prostate glands) have all but disappeared as
Penicillin is the preferred drug of choice, but some strains have begun to produce
penicillinase and new drug resistant strains have appeared over the past two decades.
Alternative drugs: Tetracycline, spectinomycin, and the quinolones. There is no vaccine and
no permanent immunity after an active case.
Sporadic or epidemic incidence in late winter or early spring. The reservoir is inhabited by
humans who harbor it in the nasopharynx. Easily transmitted to people who live in close
quarters, like the military or college dorms. It can cross the blood-brain barrier and grow in
the CSF.
Bacterial meningitis is an emergency. CSF and blood samples are stained. Cultures may be
used to help in the identification. Specific rapid tests are also available.
Most people have a natural immunity. Drug treatment for those infected are given a third
generation cephalosporin called ceftriaxone. Vaccination is recommended for those 11-18
who may come into contact with the infectious agent. Two vaccines are available – Menactra
and Menomune.
Lab tests include gram stain, growth on enriched media, growth at high CO2 levels, and
oxidase testing. Also PCR is used.
Branhamella catarrhalis is normal flora of the human nasopharynx. It can cause purulent
disease, associated with meningitis, endocarditis, and other infections. It is important to
differentiate it from the meningococcus.
Acinetobacter baumannii lives in water and soil and can survive harsh environments. It can
survive on fomites. It can cause nosocomial infections.
Moraxella species are found on mucous membranes of domestic animals and humans.
Rarely causes infections in humans.
S.N. Characteristics Neisseria gonorrhoeae Neisseria meningitidis
7 Maltose No Yes
8 Nitrite Reduction N. gonorrhoeae doesn’t N. meningitidis can reduce
reduce nitrites. nitrites in low concentrations.
● Features:
○ Stain: gram-negative
○ Morphology: bacillus (rod)
○ Facultative anaerobic
○ Either nonmotile or motile (flagellated)
○ Catalase-positive
○ Ferments lactose
● Special media and biochemical test:
○ MacConkey agar: grows as pink colonies
○ Eosin–methylene blue (EMB) agar: grows as metallic, green colonies
○ Indole test–positive
● Antigenic structures:
○ O antigen: component of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the cell wall
○ H antigen: flagellar protein
○ K antigen: polysaccharide capsule
● Adherence factors and toxins are specific to the E. coli strain.
types of toxins which are heat labile toxins (LT) and heat stable toxins (ST).
○ No inflammation or invasion
○ Short incubation period, lasting ≤ 5 days
○ Diagnosis: detection of heat-labile or heat-stable enterotoxins (by
polymerase chain reaction (PCR))
● General characteristics:
○ Structure: bacilli
○ Gram stain: gram negative
○ Facultative intracellular
○ Motility: immotile, non-flagellated
○ Lactose fermentation: non-lactose fermenting
○ Oxidase negative
○ Acid stable
○ Culture:
■ No hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) production
■ On Hektoen enteric (HE) agar: green transparent colonies
● Associated disease: shigellosis (dysentery or Shigella diarrhea)
● Fingers
● Flies
● Food
● Feces
Virulence factors
● Endotoxin:
○ Toxic lipopolysaccharide
○ Causes bowel-wall irritation
● Shiga toxin:
○ Produced by S. dysenteriae type 1
○ Inhibits binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to the 60S ribosome, leading to
cessation of protein synthesis
○ Causes colonic mucosal damage, leading to sloughing and dysentery
○ Other changes (noted in hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)):
■ The toxin is translocated into circulation and induces endothelial
damage, particularly in the glomeruli.
■ Damaged endothelium causes platelet aggregation.
■ RBCs are lysed → schistocytes/schizocytes (fragmented RBCs)
● Shigella enterotoxin 1 (ShET1; S. flexneri) and Shigella enterotoxin 2 (ShET2;
4 species) cause fluid secretion and subsequent watery diarrhea.
● Type III secretion system:
○ Directly delivers virulence effectors to the host cell
○ Facilitates bacterial invasion of epithelial cells
● Resistance to gastric acids:
○ Shigella can survive the acidic environment of the stomach during
○ Thus, only a small inoculum is required to produce disease.
Disease process
1. Pathogen invades and is engulfed by the microfold (M) M cell
2. . Pathogen reaches subepithelial macrophages and dendritic cells,
Clinical Presentation
● Shigellosis:
○ Incubation period: 1–4 days
○ Watery diarrhea initially, then dysentery (diarrhea with blood and
○ Accompanied by abdominal pain, tenesmus, and fever
○ In the majority of cases, resolution is noted within 5 days.
○ In high-risk populations (immunocompromised, elderly, and children <
5 years of age), fluid and electrolyte losses can lead to dehydration and
possible death.
● Gram stain and culture: fresh stool or rectal swab
○ Gram negative
○ Differential media: eosin methylene blue (EMB) or MacConkey’s agar,
showing non-lactose-fermenting colonies
○ Selective media: HE agar (green transparent colonies) or xylose-lysine-
deoxycholate agar
○ Triple sugar iron (TSI): alkaline slant, acid at the bottom, and no H₂S
● Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): Shigella-specific deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) in stool detected
● Additional work-up especially in severe infections:
○ Complete blood count (anemia and thrombocytopenia in HUS)
○ Metabolic panel (renal failure and electrolyte abnormalities in
dehydration or HUS)
Shigella Salmonella
● Features:
○ Gram stain and structure: gram-negative bacilli
○ Motility: motile and flagellated
○ Non-lactose-fermenting microbes; ferment glucose and mannose
○ Oxidase-negative bacilli
○ Inactivated by acids
○ Ability to produce hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
○ Growth medium:
■ Eosin methylene blue (EMB), MacConkey, or deoxycholate
medium used to detect non-lactose-fermenting microbes
■ Selective for Salmonella-Shigella (SS): Hektoen enteric (HE)
agar, SS agar
● Associated diseases: typhoid fever, gastroenteritis/enterocolitis, bacteremia
Transmission and virulence
● Reservoirs:
○ Typhoidal: human GI tract
○ Nontyphoidal:
■ Farm animals: poultry, cattle, and pigs
■ Pets: turtles, parrots, rodents, cats, and dogs
● Transmission:
○ Fecal-oral route
○ Ingestion of food products (commonly contaminated or undercooked
foods, including poultry and eggs)
○ Infecting dose of S. enterica infection:
■ Varies with serotype
■ Considerably higher than Shigella (human-to-human transmission
by direct contact unlikely)
○ S. enterica is inactivated by acids. Smaller inocula can infect individuals
on antacids or patients with achlorhydria.
● Virulence:
○ Vi capsular polysaccharide antigen:
■ Surface polysaccharide in Salmonella typhi
■ Interferes with phagocytosis
○ H (flagellar) antigen: required for motility
○ O (lipopolysaccharide) antigen: produces smooth colonies on agar
○ Pili:
■ Bind to D-mannose receptors on eukaryotic cell types
■ Similar to Escherichia coli type 1 pili in function and
Disease process
● Entry in humans via ingestion:
○ Some organisms survive gastric-acid exposure → small bowel
○ From the lumen, Salmonella spp., mediated by their pili, can:
■ Penetrate M (microfold) cells of Peyer’s patches (gut-associated
lymphoid system)
■ Penetrate epithelial cells of the bowel
● In the bowel:
○ Organisms proliferate → Peyer’s patch hyperplasia and inflammation
● Description:
○ Severe systemic illness in which bacteria enter the bloodstream and
disseminate in organs and lymphoid tissue
○ More common in:
■ Children, young adults
■ Impoverished regions
■ Travelers (to endemic areas)
Nontyphoidal species (Salmonella enteritidis and
● Description:
○ Most common presentation of Salmonella infection
○ Most common occurrence:
■ Consumption of poultry, eggs, and egg products (Salmonellae
passed from chicken to eggs transovarially)
■ Consumption of contaminated water, meat, and other food
■ Contact with animal reservoirs (especially pets) also increases the
vibrio cholerae
● Primarily occurs in areas with limited access to clean water
● Endemic in some countries in Africa and Asia
● Cholera affects only humans.
● Through contaminated food or water
● Fecal-oral route (person-to-person)
● Not all strains are pathogenic.
● V. cholerae pathogenicity genes code for proteins directly or indirectly
involved in the virulence of the bacteria. To adapt the host intestinal
environment and to avoid being attacked by bile acids and antimicrobial
peptides, V. cholera uses its outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). Upon entry, the
bacteria sheds its OMVs, containing all the membrane modifications that make
it vulnerable for the host attack
● Pathogenesis is determined by production of cholera toxin (CT):
○ Carried by a lysogenic bacteriophage (CTXΦ)
○ Heat-labile enterotoxin: composed of 1 A subunit (toxic domain) and 5
B subunits (receptor-binding domain)
○ B-subunit binds to the mucosal receptor ganglioside
monosialotetrahexosylganglioside (GM1).
○ CT is internalized by endocytosis: The A1 subunit of the toxin activates
adenylyl cyclase, which converts adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).
○ cAMP causes chloride secretion into lumen and inhibition of sodium
○ Water follows the osmotic gradient and moves into the lumen, resulting
in watery diarrhea with electrolyte concentrations isotonic to those of
○ Stool contains large amounts of sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, and
potassium with few cells.
● O lipopolysaccharide antigens:
○ Confer serologic specificity; > 200 serotypes
○ Only strains of O1 (classic and El Tor biotypes) and O139 serogroups
cause epidemic and pandemic cholera (they are the most virulent).
● Fimbriae (pili):
○ Aid in attachment to the intestinal mucosa
○ V. cholerae does NOT invade the intestinal mucosa.
○ Co-expressed (co-regulated) with cholera toxin and needed for
adherence, biofilm formation, colonization, and as receptors for the
bacteriophage that carries the genes for cholera toxin
● Because V. cholerae are acid labile, a high inoculum is required to overcome
the acidity of the gastric mucosa. The infectious dose is reduced:
○ In hypochlorhydric persons
○ In those using antacids
○ When gastric acidity is buffered by a meal
● The higher the bacteria number, the more severe the symptoms.
● Incubation period: 1–2 days
● Fluid loss originates in the duodenum and upper jejunum; the ileum is less
● The colon is relatively insensitive to the toxin, but the large volume of fluid
overwhelms its absorptive capacity.
Food infection the presence of bacteria or other microbes which infect the body after
Food intoxication ingestion of toxins contained within the food, including bacterially produced
Staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP) is one of the most common food-borne diseases and
results from the ingestion of staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) preformed in food by
enterotoxigenic strains of Staphylococcus aureus.
Staphylococcus aureus
S.aureus is gram positive anaerobic cocci that occurs in singles, pairs, short chains,and irregular
grape-like clusters. Only those strains that produce enterotoxin can cause food poisoning .
Severe Symptoms
● Persistent cough
● Chest pain
● Coughing with bloody sputum
● Shortness of breath
● Urine discoloration
● Cloudy & reddish urine Fever with chills.
● Fatigue
● Acid fast:
○ Property conferred by mycolic acid
○ Do not destain by acid alcohol after being stained with aniline
● Gram stain:
○ Usually cannot penetrate Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
waxy cell wall
○ Most commonly produce no stain or variable results
● Slow growing
● Obligate aerobes ( an aerobe that requires oxygen for aerobic
Virulence factors:
● Cell envelope:
○ Major constituent: mycolic acid
○ Mycolic acid is attached to glycolipids.
○ Glycolipids are responsible for “cord formation” on microscopy
(grossly corresponds to granuloma formation).
● Catalase-peroxidase: resists host cell oxidative response
● Sulfatides and trehalose dimycolate: triggers toxicity
● Lipoarabinomannan (LAM): induces cytokines
● Exclusively airborne
● From patients with active TB
● 1st step is inhalation of aerosol droplets.
● Droplets are deposited in the lungs.
● 3 possible outcomes:
○ Clearance of bacteria
○ Primary active disease
○ Latent infection (clinical disease may occur many years later)
Latent infection:
● Lifetime risk of reactivation is 5%–10%.
● Immunosuppression is a definite factor in reactivation.
● Risk factors:
○ Kidney disease
○ Diabetes
○ Steroids
○ Lymphoma
○ Advanced age
○ Smoking
Primary TB
● Symptomatic primary disease develops in only about 10% of infected
● Fever:
○ Most common symptom
○ Mostly low grade, but may be up to 39°C (102.2°F)
○ Lasts up to 10 weeks, but on average 14–21 days
● Pleuritic chest pain (may or may not be associated with effusion)
● Retrosternal/interscapular pain (due to bronchial lymphadenopathy)
● Cough
● Fatigue
● Arthralgia
● Pharyngitis
Reactivation TB
● Apical segments of upper lobes and superior segments of lower lobes
are most commonly involved, likely because of:
○ Increased oxygen tension
○ Poor lymphatic drainage
● Onset of symptoms is gradual; may go undiagnosed for 2–3 years
○ Fever:
■ Low grade first, worsening with more advanced disease
■ Classically diurnal: peaks in the afternoon, afebrile at night
and in the early morning
○ Night sweats
○ Cough:
■ Mild first, gradually worsening
■ Initially only in the mornings
■ Becomes more productive (greenish-yellow sputum) as
disease progresses
■ Nocturnal cough and hemoptysis: advanced disease
○ Pneumothorax or effusions may present with dyspnea (rare).
○ Anorexia, wasting, malaise
○ Ulcers of mouth, tongue, larynx, and esophagus: due to infected
expectorated secretions
● Travel to endemic areas
● Exposure to individuals with known or suspected active infection
● HIV or other immune deficiencies
● Working in healthcare
● Living in a homeless shelter or correctional institution
Physical exam
● Findings are often non-specific.
● Pulmonary:
○ Dullness to percussion (effusions)
○ Crackles on auscultation
○ Distant hollow breath sounds
● Extrapulmonary (depends on organ involvement):
○ Cervical lymphadenopathy
○ Hepatomegaly/splenomegaly
○ Ascites, jaundice
○ Meningismus, altered mental status
○ Skin changes (lupus vulgaris)
● Chest X-ray:
○ Can be normal in primary TB
○ Hilar lymphadenopathy
○ Ghon’s complex: enlarged hilar lymph nodes + local shadowing
○ Assmann’s focus: infraclavicular infiltration
○ Pleural effusions
○ Reactivation TB:
■ Simon foci (calcified small scar from primary infection)
■ Infiltrates in apical segments and upper segments of lower
■ Cavities with air-fluid levels
● Computed tomography (CT) scan:
○ More sensitive than plain X-ray
○ Used if chest X-ray is non-specific or alternative diagnosis is
Laboratory identification
○ Sputum:
■ 3 specimens, at least 1 in the early morning
■ Acid-fast bacillus (AFB) smear
■ Mycobacterial culture
■ Nuclear acid amplification (NAA) test
○ Blood or urine mycobacterial culture: in HIV or
immunocompromised patients
○ Tuberculin skin test (TST; purified protein derivative (PPD) or
Mantoux test):
■ Intradermal injection of tuberculin antigen
■ Can detect active or latent infection
■ Measure induration area in 48–72 hours; positive if:
■ > 5 mm in patients with HIV,
immunosuppression, or recent contact with TB
■ > 10 mm in patients from high-risk countries, IV
drug users, medical and lab workers
■ > 15 mm in patients with no known risk factors
for TB
○ lnterferon-y release assay (IGRA): no distinction between
active and inactive TB
■ PT can then enter the bloodstream.
■ Primary isolation of B pertussis requires enriched media. Bordet-Gengou medium (potato-
blood-glycerol agar) that contains penicillin G, 0.5 μg/mL, can be used; however, a charcoal-
containing medium supplemented with horse blood (Regan Lowe) is preferable because of
the longer shelf life. The plates are incubated at 35–37°C for 3–7 days aerobically in a moist
environment (eg, a sealed plastic bag). The small, faintly staining gram-negative rods are
identified by immu- nofluorescence staining. B pertussis is nonmotile.
Pertussis typically starts with mild coryzal symptoms, a low grade fever and possibly a mild dry
More severe coughing fits start after a week or more. These involve sudden and recurring
attacks of coughing with cough free periods in between. This is described as a paroxysmal
cough. Coughing fits are severe and keep building until the patient is completely out of breath.
Patient typically produces a large, loud inspiratory whoop when the coughing ends. Patients
can cough so hard they faint, vomit or even develop a pneumothorax. Bear in the mind that not
all patients will “whoop” and infants with pertussis may present with apnoeas rather than a
Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a nonmotile, noncapsulated, club-shaped, Gram-positive bacillus
C. diphtheriae is transmitted between humans via droplets, secretions or direct contact
Corynebacterium diphtheriae is classified into biotypes (mitis, intermedius, and gravis) .
Metachromatic granules when stained with albert stain.
Mitis - black colonies with gray periphery
Gravis : Large grray colonies
Intermedius : small,dull,to black
Virulence factor :
The pili found on the surface of C. diphtheriae are beneficial in the adherence to host cells. There are three
distinct types of pili expressed including SpaA-, SpaD-, and SpaH- (Spa for sortase-mediated pilus
diphtheria toxin (DT), an exotoxin, released by the bacteria after entering the human body. DT is classified
as an AB toxin because it has two components, one for activation and one for binding
To accurately identify C. diphtheriae, a Gram stain is performed to show Gram-positive, highly pleomorphic
organisms with no particular arrangement. Special stains like Albert's stain and Ponder's stain are used to
demonstrate the metachromatic granules formed in the polar regions. The granules are called polar
granules.An enrichment medium, such as Löffler's medium, is used to preferentially grow C.
● Blood tellurite agar
Virulence factor:
The main virulence factor of C. diphtheriae is diphtheria toxin (DT), an exotoxin,
released by the bacteria after entering the human body. DT is classified as an AB
toxin because it has two components, one for activation and one for binding.The
ADP-ribosylation activity of diphtheria toxin is determined completely by the A
fragment, and no portion of the B fragment is required for catalytic activity.
Diphtheria toxin kills cells by inhibiting eukaryotic protein synthesis,
This potent toxin inactivates elongation factor (EF-2) required for protein synthesis
Treatment :
Patient is isolated
- Penicliin G is given or erthythromycin
- There are vaccines available
1. Fibronectin:
● Enhances the attachment and ingestion of M. leprae by epithelial and Schwann
cell lines.
3. Lipoarabinomannan (LAM):
5. Intracellular bacilli:
6. Mycolic acid:
● The lipid rich waxy cell wall containing mycolic acids also acts as an important
virulence factor.
Besides humans, the only known resevoir is the armadillo. It is
thought that they are a good host for Mycobacterium leprae
because of their low body temperature.
It is an intracellular, pleomorphic, acid-fast, pathogenic bacterium. M. leprae is
an aerobicbacillus (rod-shaped bacterium) with parallel sides and round ends,
surrounded by the characteristic waxy coating unique to mycobacteria. In size
and shape, it closely resembles Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This bacterium
often occurs in large numbers within the lesions of lepromatous leprosy that
are usually grouped together like bundles of cigars or arranged in a
palisade.Due to its thick waxy coating, M. leprae stains with a carbol fuchsin
rather than with the traditional Gram stain.