Exp.1 (A) - SD20IF007
Exp.1 (A) - SD20IF007
Exp.1 (A) - SD20IF007
Abstract: The main objective of the project is Keywords: arduino, microcontroller, IOT,
to design a smart dustbin which will help in circuitry
keeping our environment clean and also eco
friendly. We are inspired from Swaach Bharat INTRODUCTION:The rate increasing
Mission. Nowadays technologies are getting population in our country has increasing rapidly
smarter day-by-day so, as to clean the and also we have increase in garbage which have
environment we are designing a smart dustbin increased environmental issue. Dustbin is a
container which collects garbage’s or stores items
by using Arduino. This smart dustbin
management system is built on the which recyclable or non-recyclable, decompose
and non-decompose. They are usually used in
microcontroller based system having
homes, office etc, but in case they are full no one
ultrasonic sensors on the dustbin. If dustbin is
is there to clean it and the garbage are spilled out.
not maintained than these can cause an
The surrounding of a dustbin is also conducive
unhealthy environment and can cause pollute
for increasing the pollution level. Air pollution
that affect our health. In this proposed
due to a dustbin can produce bacteria and virus
technology we have designed a smart dustbin
which can produce life harmful diseases for
using ARDUINO UNO, along with ultrasonic
human. Therefore, we have designed a smart
sensor, servo motor, and battery jumper wire.
dustbin using ARDUINO UNO, ultrasonic sensor
After all hardware and software connection, which will sense the item to be thrown in the
now Smart Dustbin program will be run. dustbin and open the lid with the help of the
Dustbin lid will when someone comes near at motor. It is an IOT based project that will bring a
some range than wait for user to put garbage new and smart way of cleanliness. It is a decent
and close it. It’s properly running or not. For gadget to make your home clean, due to
social it will help toward health and practically all offspring of home consistently
hygiene, for business for we try to make it make it grimy and spread litter to a great extent
affordable to many as many possible. So by electronics, rappers and various other things.
that normal people to rich people can take Since the smart dustbin is additionally intriguing
benefit from it. and children make fun with it so it will help to
maintain cleanliness in home. It will be applied
for various type of waste. Dustbin will open its 6. JUMPER WIRES
lid when someone/object is near at some range
then it will wait for given time period than it will 2. PROCEDURE:
close automatically. Here lid will close when you SERVO MOTOR CONNECTION SETUP:
don’t want to use and it will only open when it
required. Now, let me take you through the actual setup
and build process of the Smart Dustbin using
Arduino. First, I will start with the mechanism to
open the lid. As you might have already guessed,
1 .METHODOLOGY:SMART DUSTBIN I have used a Servo Motor for this purpose. In
USING ARDUINO is an IOT based project. Here order to open the lid, I have fixed a small plastic
we are using arduino for code execution, for tube (like an empty refill of a ball-point pen) to
sensing we used ultrasonic sensor which will the servo horn (a single ended horn) using instant
glue. For this mechanism to be able to open the
open lid and wait for few moment. It will bring
lid of the dustbin, it must be placed near the lid.
drastic changes in tern of cleanliness with the
help of technology. Everything is getting with In this the actual setup of dustbin design and
smart technology for the betterment of human build the system by using Arduino. Starting with
being. So this help in maintaining the the mechanism of opening the lid of dustbin, for
environment clean with the help of technology. It this purpose Servo motor has been used.To open
is a sensor based dustbin so it would be easy to the lid, I have attached a small plastic tube (like
access/use for any age group. an empty refill of a ball-point pen) to the servo
horn (a single ended horn) using instant glue.
Our aim is also to make it cost effective so that
many numbers of people can get the benefit from
this. And it should be usable to anyone and
The circuit diagram of smart dustbin is shown in
given below.Arduino Uno board consist
ATmega328 P microcontroller, it is important
component of UNO board. In this other
components are present like a power supply,
ultrasonic module and servo motor etc.
After wiring and attaching all the devices and 4. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION: Here
setting up to the Smart Dustbin, now observe all we are going to make an evolution changes
the important setup whether they are well toward cleanliness. The combination of
connected or something missed.
intelligent waste monitoring and trash
After connection set up now next step is to compaction technologies, smart dustbins are
submit/upload code in Arduino and supply power better and shoulders above traditional
to the circuit. garbage dustbin. It is equipped with smart
When system is powered ON, Arduino keeps devices like sensor Arduinoetc.Lid of the
monitoring for any things that come near the dustbin will automatically open when an
sensor at give range. object comes near to the dustbin and after
certain time period it will close the lid.
When Ultrasonic sensor detect any object for
example like hand or others, here Arduino For social it will help toward health and
calculates its distance and if it less than a certain
hygiene, for business for we try to make it
predefines value than servo motor get activate
first and with the support of the extended arm of affordable to many as many possible. So that
the lid. normal people to rich people can take benefit
from it. Believe this will bring something
Lid will open for a given time than it will changes in term of cleanliness as well
automatically close.
technology.So our next work will be adding one
more sensor which will sense whether our dustbin
is full or not. And there will be a display will be
3.1 ADVANTAGES: added so that user can notify that dustbin is full or
Following are the advantages of using Smart