Welding Gases and Their Application

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Gases for welding & cutting

TIG welding DIN EN ISO 14175 MAG welding of mild steel
Product Group Composite Applications Abbreviation Components in % - Vol. Product Group Composite Applications
ISO in % - Vol. Group Ident- Oxidizing Inert Reducing Less-active ISO in % - Vol.
14175 Ar He H2 N2 No. CO2 O2 Ar He H2 N2 14175 Ar CO2 O2 He
High and low alloyed steels I 1 100 Ferroline C8 M 20 92 8 Mild steel
Welding Argon I1 100 aluminum + non ferrous 2 100 Ferroline C18 M 21 82 18 Mild steel
metals 3 Balance 0,5 ≤ He ≤ 95 Ferroline C25 M 21 75 25 Mild steel
Inoxline H2 R1 98,0 2,0 M1 1 0,5 ≤ CO2 ≤ 5 Balancea) 0,5 ≤ H2 ≤ 5 Ferroline X4 M 22 96 4 Low/restr. high alloyed steels
Inoxline H5 R1 95,0 5,0 Stainless steels (high alloyed) 2 0,5 ≤ CO2 ≤ 5 Balancea) Ferroline X8 M 22 92 8 Low/restr. high alloyed steels
Inoxline H7 R1 92,5 7,5 3 0,5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3 Balancea) Ferroline C6 X1 M 24 93 6 1 Mild steel
Inoxline He3 H1 R1 95,5 3 1,5 Stainless steels (high alloyed) 4 0,5 ≤ CO2 ≤ 5 0,5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3 Balancea) Ferroline C12 X2 M 24 86 12 2 Mild steel
Helium I2 100 M2 0 5 < CO2 ≤ 15 Balancea) Ferroline C5 X5 M 23 90 5 5 Low/restr. high alloyed steels
(DC-)welding of aluminum
Argon-Helium I3 10 90 1 15 < CO2 ≤ 25 Balancea) Ferroline He20 C8 M 20 72 8 20 Mild steel
Aluline He15 85 15 2 3 O2 10 Balancea)
< ≤ Carbon dioxide C1 100 Mild steel
(AC-)welding of aluminum +
Aluline He30 70 30 3 0,5 CO2 5
≤ ≤ 3 < O2 ≤ 10 Balancea)
I3 generally copper and nickel
Aluline He50 50 50 4 5 < CO2 ≤ 15 0,5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3 Balancea)
Aluline He70 30 70 5 5 < CO2 ≤ 15 3 < O2 ≤ 10 Balancea)
Aluline N 99,985 0,015 6 15 < CO2 ≤ 25 0,5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3 Balancea) Drive Rolls
Aluline He15 N 84,985 15 0,015 7 15 < CO2 ≤ 25 3 < O2 ≤ 10 Balancea) Wire-electrode
Z Aluminum-alloys
Aluline He30 N 69,985 30 0,015 M3 1 25 < CO2 ≤ 50 Balancea) Shielding gas noozle
Shielding gas
Aluline He50 N 49,985 50 0,015 2 10 < O2 ≤ 15 Balancea) Power
Welding Argon Gas sensitive materials like 3 25 CO2 50
< ≤ 2 < O2 ≤ 10 Balancea)
I1 100 (-)
special titanium, niobium, tantalium 4 5 CO2 25
< ≤ 10 < O2 ≤ 15 Balancea)
Inoxline N1 98,75 1,25 5 25 < CO2 ≤ 50 10 < O2 ≤ 15 Balancea)
Inoxline N2 N2 97,50 2,50 Duplex, superduplex C 1 100
Inoxline He15 N1 83,75 15 1,25 2 balance 0,5 ≤ O2 ≤ 30 Electric arc

R 1 Balancea) 0,5 ≤ H2 ≤ 15 Finished weld

Inoxline He15 H2 N Z 82,985 15 2 0,015 Nickel-base alloys
Tungsten electrode
2 Balancea) 15 ≤ H2 ≤ 50
Shielding gas nozzle N 1 100
Shielding gas
2 Balancea) 0,5 ≤ N2 ≤ 5
source 3 Balancea) 5 < N2 ≤ 50
(+) 4
Balancea) 0,5 ≤ H2 ≤ 10
0,5 ≤ H2 ≤ 50
0,5 ≤ N2 ≤ 5
MAG welding of stainless steels
O 1 100 Product Group Composition Applications
Z Mixed gases with components not includes in the table or mixed ISO in % - Vol.
Electric arc
gases with a composition outside of the given areas. b) 14175 Ar CO2 O2 He H2
Finished weld
Workpiece For this classification, argon may be replaced in whole or in part by helium. Inoxline X2 M13 98 2 High-alloyed steels
Filler material b)
Two mixed gases with the same Z classification may not replace each other. Inoxline C2 M12 97,5 2,5 High-alloyed steels
Inoxline He30 H2 C Z 67,88 0,12 30 2 Ni-alloys
Inoxline He15 C2 M12 83 2 15 High-alloyed steels
Root shielding Inoxline C3 X1 M14 96 3 1 Low/restr. high alloyed steels

Product Group Composite Applications

ISO in % - Vol.
MIG welding
14175 Ar N2 H2
Product Group Composite Applications
Steels as:
ISO in % -Vol.
austenitic + ferritic,
14175 Ar He H2 N2
Argon I1 100 duplex, superduplex,
fine grain structural non ferritic metals, Welding Argon I1 100
non ferrous metals
cu-ni (+)
Inoxline He15 H2 N Z 82,985 15 2 0,015 Ni-base-alloys Power
Forming gas H N5 95 - 80 5 - 20 Stainless steels source
Helium I2 100 Copper
Inoxline H2 R1 98 2 Stainless steels, nickel and ni-base alloys (-)
Aluline He15 85 15
Inoxline H5 R1 95 5 Stainless steels, nickel and ni-base alloys Aluline He30 70 30 Copper, aluminum, Messer Group GmbH
Aluline He50 50 50 nickel + cunife-alloys Technology Management Welding and Cutting
Aluline He70 30 70 Gahlingspfad 31 · 47803 Krefeld
Aluline N 99,985 0,015 Phone +49 2151 7811-0 · Fax +49 2151 7811-501
Aluline He15 N 84,985 15 0,015
Z Aluminum-alloys www.messergroup.com
Aluline He30 N 69,985 30 0,015
Aluline He50 N 49,985 50 0,015

Stand 10/2014 | © Messer Group GmbH

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