Two Stories About Flying
Two Stories About Flying
Two Stories About Flying
The young seagull called to fly
The young seagull was alone on his ledge. His two brothers and his sister had
already flown away. When he wanted to fly, he could not do so. He was very
much afraid of flying. Therefore, he failed to gather up the courage to fly. He
was really very sad. His father and mother came near him. They called him to
fly. They even rebuked him. They threatened that if he did not fly, he would die
of hunger there. But he could not even move.
Heat increases
The sun was rising in the sky. He felt the heat because he had not eaten since
the previous nightfall.
Flight begins
Then a great fear caught him. His heart stood still. He could hear nothing. But
it only lasted a moment. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards.
He felt the wind rushed against his breast feathers. Then it rushed under his
stomach, and against his wings. He was not falling headlong now. He was
soaring slowly downwards and upwards. He was no longer afraid. He could fly
on his own.
Joy of flight
The seagull gave out a joyous scream. He soared higher calling ‘ga, ga, ga’.
His mother gave out ‘gaw-col-ah’. Then his father flew over him screaming.
Then he saw his brothers and sister flying around him. They were roaring and
Question 1.
The young seagull was alone on his ledge. His two brothers and his sister
had already flown away the day before. He had been afraid to fly with
them. Somehow when he had taken a little run forward to the brink of the
ledge and attempted to flap his wings he became afraid. The great expanse
of sea stretched down beneath, and it was such a long way down miles
down. He felt certain that his wings would never support him; so he bent
his head and ran away back to the little hole under the ledge where he slept
at night.
Question 1.
How did the young seagull and his family celebrate his first flight?
When the young seagull started flying and got over his fear, his family
screamed around him out of joy. They praised him and offered him scraps
of dog-fish out of delight as he made a successful attempt.
Question 2.
What had the young seagull watched his parents doing the day before?
The day before the young seagull had watched his parents flying about with
his brothers and sister, perfecting in the art of flying and teaching them
how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish.
Question 2.
Describe the first flight of the young seagull.
The young seagull dived at the fish due to hunger and fell
outwards and downwards into space. He thought of getting drowned but
his wings spread outwards automatically. He moved downwards and
outwards and landed safely on the sea and floated on it without any fear.
Question 1.
Do you think that the seagull’s family loved him? Justify their attitude
towards him?
The young seagull had two brothers and a sister. His parents flew with
them to leave him alone on the ledge as he could not muster up the courage
to fly with them. His parents could have fed him.
But, they refused to give him any food. They wanted him to fly and dive for
his food. They threatened to let him starve. They did so because they loved
The parents were right in what they did because they wanted to teach him
the importance of confidence and self-reliance. One can’t depend on their
parents all his life to be fed. Thus, it was important for him to learn to fly,
dive and search his own food. So, the attitude the seagull family showed to
him was actually their love, care and concern for him.
II. The Black Aeroplane
- Frederick Forsyth
Author flying his Dakota aeroplane
The author says that he was flying an aeroplane at 1 o’clock at night. The
moon was coming up in the east behind him. Stars were shining in the clear
sky above him. He was flying his old Dakota aeroplane over France back to
England. He was dreaming of his holiday. He was looking forward to being
with his family at the breakfast table.
Question 1.
Paris was about 150 kilometres behind me when I saw the clouds. Storm
clouds. They were huge. They looked like black mountains ‘standing in
front of me across the sky-1 knew I could not fly up and over them, and I
did not have enough fuel to fly around them to the north or south. CBSE
(a) What happened when the pilot was about 150 kilometres away from
(b) What does the author compare the clouds to?
(c) Find out the word similar in meaning as sufficient.
(d) The word ‘elephantine’ is similar in meaning to the word ………
(a) The pilot saw storm clouds when he was about 150 kilometres away
from Paris.
(b) The author compares the clouds to black mountain.
(c) The word is ‘enough’.
(d) The word is ‘huge’.
Question 1.
What did the writer feel inside the clouds?
When the writer entered the clouds, it became impossible to see outside the
aeroplane. The aeroplane jumped and twisted in the air and all the
instruments like compass etc stopped working due to the weather
Question 2.
Why did the writer follow the pilot of another aeroplane?
The writer followed another aeroplane because he had lost the way in the
storm and was unable to see anything. The pilot of another aeroplane was
helping him to get out of the storm and land safely.
Question 1.
Why was the writer happy when he decided to fly in the night?
The writer was very happy when he decided to fly that night because he
was going home to his family to enjoy his holiday. When he started,
everything seemed to be perfect. The sky was clear, no clouds could be seen
and the stars were shining. It all made it an easy task for the writer to fly
that night over the sleeping countryside of Paris. His assumption of
everything being in place made him happy.
Question 2.
Why was the writer happy when he decided to fly in the night?
The writer was very happy when he decided to fly that night because he
was going home to his family to enjoy his holiday. When he started,
everything seemed to be perfect. The sky was clear, no clouds could be seen
and the stars were shining. It all made it an easy task for the writer to fly
that night over the sleeping countryside of Paris. His assumption of
everything being in place made him happy.
Question 1.
The pilot wanted to thank another pilot after his safe landing. Why? What
values of the writer are reflected from his action?
The pilot (writer) of the old Dakota was caught in the storm. He lost his
contact with the control room. In this troubling situation, his fuel tank was
also empty. He lost all his hopes but suddenly a black strange plane
appeared. The pilot of the black place asked writer to follow him. The
writer landed safely. After his safe landing, he wanted to thank the pilot of
the black plane. This shows his gratitude towards the pilot of the Black
Plane. He was thankful to him for saving his life. It shows that the pilot of
Dakota had a value of gratefulness in his character.