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Signs and Symbols Scavenger Hunt: Learning Objectives

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Signs and Symbols Scavenger

Preschool, Kindergarten Reading, Writing

The world is full or signs and symbols! This lesson will allow your students to explore and understand signs and
symbols in their community.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to identify and describe the meanings of different common signs.

Materials and preparation Key terms

Traffic Signs and Symbols: Scavenger Hunt signs

printable (one printed set per student or pair of symbols
students and one set for yourself)
Printed images of common street signs
Clipboards (1 for each student)


Traffic Signs and Symbols: Scavenger Hunt (PDF)

Introduction (10 minutes)

Ask the students if they know what a sign or symbol is, by asking, "What do you think of when I say
sign?" See if they can give you some examples.
Let the students know that they will be identifying signs and symbols in their community.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (20 minutes)

Show one image of a sign at a time and see if the children have ever seen that symbol before.
Ask them to identify each symbol's name and what it means.
You may need to guide them through this conversation if the students are not putting forth answers and
get stuck.

Guided Practice (30 minutes)

Either take your class for a walk, or set-up a sign scavenger hunt in your classroom (e.g. hang signs
around the room).
Have students begin a the scavenger hunt. They'll try to see if they can find all eight signs/symbols.
Once a student identifies a sign, have them place a check mark in the red box off to the left of the
picture. Encourage students to write down the name of the sign on the first line. For example: School

Independent working time (20 minutes)

Have students practice writing the signs/symbols on back of their worksheet independently.
Ask students to share what each sign means with a partner. For example, the school crossing sign shows
where kids and adults can safely cross the street to go to school.

Get more lesson plans at https://www.education.com/lesson-plans/


Enrichment: Have advanced students create some signs or symbols for the rest of the class to find.
Support: Pair each struggling student up with a student who has a stronger grasp on the lesson content.

Assessment (5 minutes)

Have students turn in their Signs and Symbol Scavenger Hunt worksheets.
Check to see if every student correctly identifies each sign and understands what each of them mean.

Review and closing (5 minutes)

As a whole group, go through the signs again. You could call on a student to identify a sign/symbol and
have them tell you in his words what it means.
Ask the students why it is important to know what signs and symbols mean when you see them in the

Get more lesson plans at https://www.education.com/lesson-plans/


Traffic Signs and Symbols

How many of the signs below can you spot? Put a check mark in the box
for each sign you find, then write the name of that sign in the space provided.


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Traffic Signs and Symbols

How many of the signs below can you spot? Put a check mark in the box
for each sign you find, then write the name of that sign in the space provided.


Find worksheets, games, lessons & more at education.com/resources

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