Activity Intolerance On the next prenatal Allow time for the - Lessening any Goal met. At her
related to low visit, the client will patient to have interruptions allows next prenatal check-
hemoglobin verbalize reduction undisturbed rest. the patient to rest up, the client stated
concentration as of fatigue, as and benefit that she has been
evidenced by: evidenced by reports from sleep until feeling active these
ability to use energy- anemia is resolved. days and haven’t felt
Subjective: conservation fatigued since she
• Verbalizes techniques and started performing
easy normal hemoglobin energy-conservation
fatigability, level. Encourage the client - Iron and vitamin B techniques. The
giddiness, and to eat foods high in help your body client has no sign of
blurring of iron and folic acids produce and pallor, and her
vision on maintain healthy red hemoglobin level
walking about blood cells. went normal.
50 meters.
• Claims that Encourage the -Helps promote a
she gets tired patient to perform sense of autonomy
with minimal physical activities while being realistic
work. that are consistent about capabilities.
with her energy
Objective: levels.
• The patient’s
laboratory Provide emotional -Patient may be
results support and positive fearful of
indicates that attitude regarding overexertion and
she has
decreased abilities. potential damage to
level of the heart.
hemoglobin. Appropriate
• Patient has supervision during
pale early efforts can
conjunctiva, enhance confidence.
lips, and skin.