Chapter-5 - Magnetism and Matter
Chapter-5 - Magnetism and Matter
Chapter-5 - Magnetism and Matter
If v and B are in the plane of paper, then according to
Right-Hand Rule, the direction of F on positively charged
In order to define the magnetic field B , we deduce an expression particle will be perpendicular to the plane of paper upwards
for the force on a moving charge in a magnetic field. as shown in figure (a), and on negatively charged particle will
Consider a positive charge q moving in a uniform magnetic field be perpendicular to the plane of paper downwards, figure (b).
B , with a velocity V . Let the angle between V and B be T.
(i) The magnitude of force F experienced by the moving charge
is directly proportional to the magnitude of the charge i.e.
Definition of B
If v = 1, q = 1 and sin T = 1 or T= 90°, the nfrom (1),
(ii) The magnitude of force F is directly proportional to the
component of velocity acting perpendicular to the direction F = 1 × 1 × B × 1 = B.
of magnetic field, i.e. Thus the magnetic field induction at a point in the magnetic
F v vsin T field is equal to the force experienced by a unit charge moving
G with a unit velocity perpendicular to the direction of magnetic
(iii) The magnitude of force F is directly proportional to the field at that point.
magnitude of the magnetic field applied i.e.,
Special Cases
FvB Case (i) If T = 0° or 180°, then sin T= 0.
Combining the above factors, we get
? From (1),
F v qv sin TB or F = kqv B sin T F = qv B (0) = 0.
where k is a constant of proportionality. Its value is found It means, a charged particle moving along or opposite to the
to be one i.e. k = 1. direction of magnetic field, does not experience any force.
? F = qv B sin T ...(1) Case (ii) If v = 0, then F = qv B sin T= 0.
It means, if a charged particle is at rest in a magnetic field, it
F q vu B ...(2)
experiences no force.
The direction of F is the direction of cross-product of Case (iii) If T= 90°, then sin T= 1
velocity vG and magnetic field B , which is perpendicular to ? F = qv B (1) = qv B (Maximum).
the plane containing vG and B . It is directed as given by the Unit of B . SI unit of B is tesla (T) or weber/(metre)2 i.e. (Wb/m2)
Right-handed-Screw Rule or Right-Hand Rule. or Ns C–1 m–1
Thus, the magnetic field induction at a point is said to be speed, velocity, momentum and kinetic energy of charged
one tesla if a charge of one coulomb while moving at right particle will change.
angle to a magnetic field, with a velocity of 1 ms–1 experiences G G G
a force of 1 newton, at that point. Case II. When v, E and B are mutually perpendicular to
each other. In this situation if E and B are such that
Dimensions of B ª MA 1T 2 º G G G
AT LT 1 ¼ F Fe Fm 0 , then acceleration in the particle,
a 0 . It means the particle will pass through the fields
without any change in its velocity. Here, Fe = Fm so qE = q v B
The force experienced by a charged particle moving in space or v = E/B.
where both electric and magnetic fields exist is called Lorentz This concept has been used in velocity-selector to get a
force. charged beam having a definite velocity.
Force due to electric field. When a charged particle carrying
charge +q is subjected to an electric field of strength E , it
experiences a force given by UNIFORM MAGNETIC FIELD
Fe qE ...(5) Suppose a particle of mass m and charge q, entering a
whose direction is the same as that of E . uniform magnetic field induction B at O, with velocity vG ,
making an angle T with the direction of magnetic field acting
Force due to magnetic field. If the charged particle is moving
G in the plane of paper as shown in figure
in a magnetic field B , with a velocity vG it experiences a
force given by
Fm q v u B
The direction of this force is in the direction of v u B i.e.
perpendicular to the plane contaning vG and B and is
directed as given by Right hand screw rule.
Due to both the electric and magnetic fields, the total force
experienced by the charged particle will be given by
F Fe Fm qE q v u B q E v u B
Resolving vG into two rectangular components, we have :
G G G G v cos T (= v1) acts in the direction of the magnetic field and
F q E vuB ...(6) v sin T (= v2) acts perpendicular to the direction of magnetic
This is called Lorentz force. G
Special cases For component velocity v2 , the force acting on the charged
particle due to magnetic field is
Case I. When v, E and B , all the three are collinear.. In G G G
this situation, the charged particle is moving parallel or F q v2 u B
antiparallel to the fields, the magnetic force on the charged G
particle is zero. The electric force on the charged particle or F q v2 u B qv 2 Bsin 90q q vsin T B ...(1)
G qE G
will produce acceleration a , The direction of this force F is perpendicular to the plane
m G G
containing B and v 2 and is directed as given by Right
along the direction of electricl field. As a result of this, there
hand rule. As this force is to remain always perpendicular to
will be change in the speed of charged particle along the G
direction of the field. In this situation there will be no change v 2 it does not perform any work and hence cannot change
in the direction of motion of the charged particle but, the G
the magnitude of velocity v 2 . It changes only the direction
? Bq v 2 mv22 / r or v2 Bq r / m
or v sin T = B q r/m ...(2)
The angular velocity of rotation of the particle in magnetic
field will be
vsin T Bqr Bq
Z The linear distance covered by the charged particle in the
r mr m magnetic field in time equal to one revolution of its circular
The frequency of rotation of the particle in magnetic field path (known as pitch of helix) will be
will be
d v1T v cos T
Z Bq Bq
v ...(3)
2S 2Sm Important points
The time period of revolution of the particle in the magnetic
1. If a charged particle having charge q is at rest in a magnetic
field will be G
field B , it experiences no force; as v = 0 and F = q v B sin T = 0.
1 2Sm G
T ...(4)
v Bq 2. If charged particle is moving parallel to the direction of B , it
also does not experience any force because angle T between
From (3) and (4), we note that v and T do not depend upon G G
v and B is 0° or 180° and sin 0° = sin 180° = 0. Therefore,
velocity vG of the particle. It means, all the charged particles
the charged particle in this situation will continue moving
having the same specific charge (charge/mass) but moving
along the same path with the same velocity.
with different velocities at a point, will complete their circular
paths due to component velocities perpendicular to the 3. If charged particle is moving perpendicular to the direction
magnetic fields in the same time. G
of B , it experiences a maximum force which acts
For component velocity v1 vcos T , there will be no force perpendicular to the direction B as well as v . Hence this
on the charged particle in the magnetic field, because the force will provide the required centripetal force and the
charged particle will describe a circular path in the magnetic sufficiently high energy with the help of smaller values of
oscillating electric field by making it to cross the same electric
mv 2 field time and again with the use of strong magnetic field.
field of radius r, given by Bqv .
This time is independent of both the speed of the ion and in a conductor is due to motion of electrons, therefore,
radius of the circular path. In case the time during which electrons are moving from the end Q to P (along X’ axis).
the positive ion describes a semicircular path is equal to the
time during which half cycle of electric oscillator is completed,
then as the ion arrives in the gap between the two dees, the
polarity of the two dees is reversed i.e. D1 becomes positive
and D2 negative. Then, the positive ion is accelerated
towards D2 and it enters D2 with greater speed which remains
constant in D2. The ion will describe a semicircular path of
greater radius due to perpendicular magnetic field and again G
Let, vd drift velocity of electron
will arrive in a gap between the two dees exactly at the
instant, the polarity of the two dees is reversed. Thus, the – e = charge on each electron.
positive ion will go on accelerating every time it comes into Then magnetic Lorentz force on an electron is given by
the gap between the dees and will go on describing circular
path of greater and greater radius with greater and greater f e vd u B
speed and finally acquires a sufficiently high energy. The
accelerated ion can be removed out of the dees from window If n is the number density of free electrons i.e. number of
W, by applying the electric field across the deflecting plates free electrons per unit volume of the conductor, then total
E and F. number of free electrons in the conductor will be given by
Maximum Energy of positive ion N = n (AA) = nAA
Let v0, r0 = maximum velocity and maximum radius of the ? Total force on the conductor is equal to the force acting on
circular path followed by the positive ion in cyclotron. all the free electrons inside the conductor while moving in
the magnetic field and is given by
mv 02 Bqr0 G G G G G G
Then, Bqv0 or v0 F Nf nAA ª e v d u B º nAAe v d u B ...(7)
r0 m ¬ ¼
We know that current through a conductor is related with
1 2 1 § Bqr0 · B2q 2 r02 drift velocity by the relation
? Max. K.E. mv0 m¨ ¸
2 2 © m ¹ 2m I = n A e vd
Cyclotron Frequency ? IA nAev d .A
If T is the time period of oscillating electric field then G
We represent IA as current element vector. It acts in the
T = 2t = 2S m/Bq G G
direction of flow of current i.e. along OX. Since I A and vd
1 Bq have opposite directions, hence we can write
The cyclotron frequency is given by v
T 2Sm G G
I A nAAevd ...(8)
It is also known as magnetic resonance frequency.
From (7) and (8), we have
The cyclotron angular frequency is given by G G G
F IA u B ...(9)
Zc 2Sv Bq / m
F I Au B
were T is the smaller angle between I A and B .
Expression for the force acting on the conductor carrying
current placed in a magnetic field Special cases
Consider a straight cylindrical conductor PQ of length A, Case I. If T = 0° or 180°, sin T= 0,
area of cross-section A, carrying current I placed in a uniform From (10), F = IAB (0) = 0 (Minimum)
magnetic field of induction, B . Let the conductor be placed It means a linear conductor carrying a current if placed parallel
along X-axis and magnetic field be acting in XY plane making to the direction of magnetic field, it experiences no force.
an angle T with X-axis. Suppose the current I flows through Case II. If T = 90°, sin T= q ;
the conductor from the end P to Q, figure. Since the current
From (10), F = IAB × 1 = IAB (Maximum)
Special cases 1. The lower end of the coil is connected to one end of a hair
If the coil is set with its plane parallel to the direction of spring S’ of quartz or phosphor bronze. The other end of this
magnetic field B, then highly elastic spring S’ is connected to a terminal T2. L is soft
iron core which may be spherical if the coil is circular and
T 0q and cos T 1 cylindrical, if the coil is rectangular. It is so held within the
? Torque, W = nIBA (1) = nIBA (Maximum) coil, that the coil can rotate freely without touching the iron
core and pole pieces. This makes the magnetic field linked
This is the case with a radial field.
with coil to be radial field i.e. the plane of the coil in all positions
2. If the coil is set with its plane perpendicular to the direction remains parallel to the direction of magnetic field. M is concave
of magentic field B, then T = 90° and cos T = 0 mirror attached to the phosphor bronze strip. This helps us to
? Torque, W= nIBA (0) = 0 (Minimum) note the deflection of the coil using lamp and scale
arrangement. The whole arrangement is enclosed in a non-
7. MOVING COIL GALVANOMETER metallic case to avoid disturbance due to air etc. The case is
provided with levelling screws at the base.
Moving coil galvanometer is an instrument used for detection The spring S’ does three jobs for us : (i) It provides passage
and measurement of small electric currents. of current for the coil PQRS1 (ii) It keeps the coil in position
Principle. Its working is based on the fact that when a current and (iii) generates the restoring torque on the twisted coil.
carrying coil is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a torque. The torsion head is connected to terminal T 1. The
Construction. It consists of a coil PQRS1 having large galvanometer can be connected to the circuit through
number of turns of insulated copper wire, figure. The coil is terminals T1 and T2.
wound over a non-magnetic metallic frame (usually brass) Theory. Suppose the coil PQRS1 is suspended freely in the
which may be rectangular or circular in shape. The coil is magnetic field.
suspended from a movable torsion head H by means of Let, A = length PQ or RS1 of the coil,
phosphor bronze strip in a uniform magnetic field produced
b = breadth QR or S1P of the coil,
by two strong cylindrical magnetic pole pieces N and S.
n = number of turns in the coil.
Area of each turn of the coil, A = A × b.
Let, B = strength of the magnetic field in which coil is
I = current passing through the coil in the direction PQRS1
as shown in figure.
Let at any instant, D be the angle which the normal drawn on
the plane of the coil makes with the direction of magnetic field.
As already discussed, the rectangular coil carrying current
when placed in the magnetic field experiences a torque whose
magnitude is given by W = nIBA sin D.
If the magnetic field is radial i.e. the plane of the coil is
parallel to the direction of the magnetic field then D= 90°
and sin D= 1.
? W= nIBA
Due to this torque, the coil rotates. The phosphor bronze
strip gets twisted. As a result of it, a restoring torque comes
into play in the phosphor bronze strip, which would try to
restore the coil back to its original position.
Let T be the twist produced in the phosphor bronze strip
due to rotation of the coil and k be the restoring torque per
unit twist of the phosphor bronze strip, then total restoring
torque produced = k T.
In equilibrium position of the coil, deflecting torque
= restoring torque
the unit of VS is rad V–1 or div. V–1.
Conditions for a sensitive galvanometer
A galvanometer is said to be very sensitive if it shows large
deflection even when a small current is passed through it.
or R G
Initial reading of each division of galvanometer to be used as If this value of R is connected in series with galvanometer, it
ammeter is Ig/n and the reading of the same each division works as a voltmeter of the range 0 to V volt. Now the same
after conversion into ammeter is I/n. scale of the galvanometer which was recording the maximum
The effective resistance R P of ammeter (i.e. shunted potential Ig G before conversion will record and potential V
galvanometer) will be after conversion in two voltmeter. It means each division of
the scale in voltmeter will show higher potential than that of
1 1 1 S G GS the galvanometer.
or R P
RP G S GS G S Effective resistance RS of converted galvanometer into
voltmeter is
As the shunt resistance is low, the combined resistance of
the galvanometer and the shunt is very low and hence RS = G + R
ammeter has a much lower resistance than galvanometer. An For voltmeter, a high resistance R is connected in series
ideal ammeter has zero resistance. with the galvanometer, therefore, the resistance of voltmeter
is very large as compared to that of galvanometer. The
resistance of an ideal voltmeter is infinity.
A voltmeter is a high resistance galvanometer. It is used to 10. BIOTSAVART’S LAW
measure the potential difference between two points of a
circuit in volt. According to Biot-Savart’s law, the magnitude of the
magnetic field induction dB (also called magnetic flux
A galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter by density) at a point P due to current element depends upon
connecting a high resistance in series with the galvanometer. the factors at stated below :
The value of the resistance depends upon the range of
voltmeter and can be calculated as follows : (i) dB v I (ii) dB v dA
Let, G = resistance of galvanometer, 1
(iii) dB v sin T (iv) dB v
n = number of scale divisions in the galvanometer, r2
K = figure of merit of galvanometer i.e. current for one scale Combining these factors, we get
deflection of the galvanometer.
? IdA sin T
Current which produces full scale deflection in the dB v
galvanometer, Ig = nK. r2
Let V be the potential difference to be measured by IdA sin T
galvanometer. or dB K
To do so, a resistance R of such a value is connected in
series with the galvanometer so that if a potential difference
V is applied across the terminals A and B, a current Ig flows
through the galvanometer. figure
and the current element. When there is free space between 8. If T = 0° or 180°, then dB = 0 i.e. minimum.
current element and point, then Similarities and Dis-similarities between the Biot-Savart’s law
for the magnetic field and coulomb’s law for electrostatic field
In SI units, K and In cgs system K = 1 Similarities
where P0 is absolute magnetic permeability of free space (i) Both the laws for fields are long range, since in both the
laws, the field at a point varies inversely as the square of the
and P0 4Su107 Wb A1m1 4Su107 TA 1m distance from the source to point of observation.
(ii) Both the fields obey superposition principle.
(' 1 T = 1 Wb m–2)
(iii) The magnetic field is linear in the source Id A , just as the
P0 IdA sin T
In SI units, dB u ...(3) electric field is linear in its source, the electric charge q.
4S r2
P0 I P0 I
ªsin I2 sin I1 º¼ sin I1 sin I2 ...(10)
4S a ¬ 4S a Right hand thumb rule. According to this rule, if we imagine
the linear wire conductor to be held in the grip of the right
Special cases. (i) When the conductor XY is of infinite length
and the point P lies near the centre of the conductor then hand so that the thumb points in the direction of current,
then the curvature of the fingers around the conductor
I1 I2 90q will represent the direction of magnetic field lines, figure
(a) and (b).
P0 I P0 2I
So, B sin 90q sin 90q ...(11)
4S a 4S a
(ii) When the conductor XY is of infinite length but the point P
lies near the end Y (or X) then I1 = 90° and I2 = 0°.
P0 I P0 I
So, B sin 90q sin 0q ...(11 a)
4S a 4S a
Thus we note that the magnetic field due to an infinite long
linear conductor carrying current near its centre is twice
than that near one of its ends.
(iii) If length of conductor is finite, say L and point P lies on
right bisector of conductor, then
L/ 2 L
I1 I2 I and sin I
a2 L / 2 4a 2 L2
According to sign convention, for the closed path as shown As per sign convention, here I is positive,
in figure, I1 is positive and I2 is negative. Then, according to Using Ampere’s circuital law
Ampere’s circuital law G G
G G v³B.d A P 0I or B2 Sr P 0 I
v³ B.d A P 0 I1 I2 P0 Ie
P0 I P 0 2I
where Ie is the total current enclosed by the loop or closed path. or B ...(21)
2Sr 4S r
I Ir 2
I' u Sr 2
SR 2 R2
Magnetic field induction at a point P on conductor C2D2
Applying Ampere’s circuital law, we have
due to current I1 passing through C1D1 is given by
v³B.d A P0P r I '
P0 2I1
4S r
P0P r Ir According to right hand rule, the direction of magnetic field
or 2SrB P 0P r I '
R2 G
B1 is perpendicular to the plane of paper, directed inwards.
or B12 S r1 = 0 or B1 = 0
Let B3 be the magnitude of magnetic field along the loop 3.
The line integral of magnetic field B3 along the loop 3 is
v³ B3 .d A v³ B3dA cos 0q B3 2 Sr3
loop 3 loop 3
or B3 2Sr3 P 0 u 0 0 or B3 0
Let B the magnitude of magnetic field along the loop 2. Line
integral of magnetic field along the loop 2 is 1. The earth behaves as a magnet.
G G 2. Every magnet attracts small pieces of magnetic substances
v³ B.d A B2Sr2
like iron, cobalt, nickel and steel towards it.
loop 2
3. When a magnet is suspended freely with the help of an
Current enclosed by the loop 2 = number of turns × current unspun thread, it comes to rest along the north south
in each turn = 2 S r2 n × I direction.
According to Ampere’s circuital law 4. Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each
G G other.
v³ B.d A P0 u total current
5. The force of attraction or repulsion F between two magnetic
loop 2
poles of strengths m1 and m2 separated by a distance r is
or B2 S r2 P 0 u 2Sr2 nI or B P0 nI directly proportional to the product of pole strengths and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between
their centres, i.e.,
P0 m1m 2
? F ...(1)
4S r 2
This is called Coulomb’s law of magnetic force. However, in
cgs system, the value of K = 1.
m m
107 107 u or m 2 1 or m = +1 ampere-metre
(Am). Therefore, strength of a magnetic pole is said to be
one ampere-metre, if it repels an equal and similar pole, when
placed in vacuum (or air) at a distance of one metre from it,
with a force of 10–7 N.
6. The magnetic poles always exist in pairs. The poles of a
magnet can never be separated i.e. magnetic monopoles do
not exist.
R sin V V
or tan ...(26)
R cos H H
The value of horizontal component H = R cos G is different
at different places. At the magnetic poles, G = 90°
? H = R cos 90° = zero
At the magnetic equator, G = 0°
? H = R cos 0° = R
Horizontal component (H) can be measured using both, a
vibration magnetometer and a deflection magnetometer.
The value of H at a place on the surface of earth is of the
order of 3.2 × 10–5 tesla.
Retain in Memory
Memory note
1. The earth’s magnetic poles are not at directly opposite positions
on globe. Current magnetic south is farther from geographic Note that the direction of horizontal component H of earth’s
south than magnetic north is from geographic north. magnetic field is from geographic south to geographic north
above the surface of earth. (if we ignore declination).
2. Infact, the magnetic field of earth varies with position and
also with time. For example, in a span of 240 years from 1580 24. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MATTER
to 1820 A.D., the magnetic declination at London has been
found to change by 3.5° – suggesting that magnetic poles To describe the magnetic properties of materials, we define
of earth change their position with time. the following few terms, which should be clearly understood
3. The magnetic declination in India is rather small. At Delhi,
declination is only 0° 41’ East and at Mumbai, the declination 24.1 Magnetic Permeability
is 0° 58’ West. Thus at both these places, the direction of
geographic north is given quite accurately by the compass It is the ability of a material to permit the passage of magnetic
needle (within 1° of the actual direction). lines of force through it i.e. the degree or extent to which magnetic
field can penetrate or permeate a material is called relative
23.2 Magnetic Dip or Magnetic Inclination magnetic permeability of the material. It is represented by Pr.
Relative magnetic permeability of a mterial is defined as the
Magnetic dip or magnetic inclination at a place is defined as ratio of the number of magnetic field lines per unit area (i.e.
the angle which the direction of total strength of earth’s flux density B) in that material to the number of magnetic
magnetic field makes with a horizontal line in magnetic meridian. field lines per unit area that would be present, if the medium
were replaced by vacuum. (i.e. flux density B0).
23.3 Horizontal Component
It is the component of total intensity of earth’s magnetic i.e., Pr
field in the horizontal direction in magnetic meridian. It is B0
represented by H.
Relative magnetic permeability of a material may also be
In figure, AK represents the total intensity of earth’s magnetic defined as the ratio of magnetic permeability of the material
field, BAK = G. The resultant intensity R along AK is (P) and magnetic permeability of free space (P0)
resolved into two rectangular components :
Horizontal component along AB is P
? Pr or P P rP0
AL = H = R cos G ...(23) P0
Vertical component along AD is We know that P0 = 4S × 10–7 weber/amp-metre (Wb A–1 m–1)
AM = V = R sin G ...(24) or henry/metre (Hm–1)
magnetic field, they get feebly magnetised in the direction inversely proportional to the temperature (T) of the material.
of the magnetising field.
When placed in a non-uniform magnetic field, they tend to i.e., I v B, and I v
move from weaker parts of the field to the stronger parts.
When a specimen of a paramagnetic substance is placed in B
a magnetising field, the magnetic field lines prefer to pass Combining these factors, we get I v
through the specimen rather than through air.
As B v H , magnetising intensity
From the SI relation, P r 1 F m , as P r ! 1 , therefore, F m
I 1
must be positive. Hence, susceptibility of paramagnetic ? Iv or v
substances is positive, though small. T T
Susceptibility of paramagnetic substances varies inversely I
But Fm
as the temperature of the substance i.e. F m v i.e. they
lose their magnetic character with rise in temperature. 1 C
? Fm v or Fm
25.3 Ferromagnetic substances where C is a constant of proportionality and is called Curie
Ferromagnetic substances are those in which each individual constant.
atom/molecule/ion has a non zero magnetic moment, as in a
paramagnetic substance. 26. HYSTERISIS CURVE
When such substances are placed in an external magnetising
The hysterisis curve represents the relation between
field, they get strongly magnetised in the direction of the field. G G
magnetic induction B (or intensity of magnetization I ) of
The ferromagnetic materials show all the properties of
paramagnetic substances, but to a much greater degree. For a ferromagnetic material with magnetiziing force or magnetic
example, G
intensity H . The shape of the hysterisis curve is shown in
(i) They are strongly magnetised in the direction of external figure. It represents the behaviour of the material as it is
field in which they are placed. taken through a cycle of magnetization.
(ii) Relative magnetic permeability of ferromagnetic materials is G
very large ( | 103 to 105) Suppose the material is unmagnetised initially i.e., B 0
(iii) The susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials is also very and H 0 . This state is represented by the origin O. Wee
large. ' Fm P r 1 place the material in a solenoid and increase the current
That is why they can be magnetised easily and strongly. through the solenoid gradually. The magnetising force H
(iv) With rise in temperature, susceptibility of ferromagnetics G
increases. The magnetic induction B in the material
decreases. At a certain temperature, ferromagnetics change
increases and saturates as depicted in the curve oa. This
over to paramagnetics. This transition temperature is called
curie temperature. For example, curie temperature of iron is behaviour represents alignment and merger of the domains
about 1000 K. of ferromagnetic material until no further enhancement in B
is possible. Therefore, there is no use of inreasing solenoid
current and hence magnetic intensity beyond this.
Next, we decrease the solenoid current and hence magnetic The hysterisis loops of soft iron and steel reveal that
G (i) The retentivity of soft iron is greater than the retentivity of
intensity H till it reduces to zero. The curve follows the
G G steel,
path ab showing that when H 0 , B z 0 . Thus, some
(ii) Soft iron is more strongly magnetised than steel,
magnetism is left in the specimen.
G (iii) Coercivity of soft iron is less than coercivity of steel. It
The value of magnetic induction B left in the specimen means soft iron loses its magnetism more rapidly than steel
when the magnetising force is reduced to zero is called does.
Retentivity or Remanence or Residual magnetism of the (iv) As area of I-H loop for soft iron is smaller than the area of
material. I-H loop for steel, therefore, hysterisis loss in case of soft
It shows that the domains are not completely randomised iron is smaller than the hysterisis loss in case of steel.
even when the magnetising force is removed. Next, the (a) Permanent Magnets
current in the solenoid is reversed and increased slowly.
Permanent magnets are the materials which retain at room
Certain domains are flipped until the net magnetic induction
G temperature, their ferromagnetic properties for a long time.
B inside is reduced to zero. This is represented by the The material chosen should have
curve bc. It means to reduce the residual magnetism or (i) high retentivity so that the magnet is strong,
retentivity to zero, we have to apply a magnetising force =
OC in opposite direction. This value of magnetising force is (ii) high coercivity so that the magnetisation is not erased by
called coercivity of the material. stray magnetic fields, temperature changes or mechanical
damage due to rough handling etc.
As the reverse current in solenoid is increased in magnitude,
we once again obtain saturation in the reverse direction at (iii) high permeability so that it can be magnetised easily.
d. The variation is represented by the curve cd. Next, the Steel is preferred for making permanent magnets.
solenoid current is reduced (curve de), reversed and (b) Electromagnets
increased (curve ea). The cycle repeats itself. From figure,
The core of electromagnets are made of ferromagnetic
we find that saturated magnetic induction BS is of the order
materials, which have high permeability and low retentivity.
of 1.5 T and coercivity is of the order of –90 Am–1.
Soft iron is a suitable material for this purpose. When a soft
From the above discussion, it is clear that when a specimen iron rod is placed in a solenoid and current is passed through
of a magnetic material is taken through a cycle of the solenoid, magnetism of the solenoid is increased by a
magnetisation, the intensity of magnetisation (I) and thousand fold. When the solenoid current is switched off,
magnetic induction (B) lag behind the magnetising force the magnetism is removed instantly as retentivity of soft
(H). Thus, even if the magnetising force H is made zero, the iron is very low. Electromagnets are used in electric bells,
values of I and B do not reduce to zero i.e., the specimen loudspeakers and telephone diaphragms. Giant
tends to retain the magnetic properties. electromagnets are used in cranes to lift machinery etc.
Specific example
In the above circular loop tension in part A and B.
The Phenomenon of producing a transverse emf in a current
In balanced condition of small part AB of the loop is shown below
carrying conductor on applying a magnetic field perpendicular
to the direction of the current is called Hall effect.
Hall effect helps us to know the nature and number of charge
carriers in a conductor.
Consider a conductor having electrons as current carriers.
The electrons move with drift velocity vG opposite to the
direction of flow of current
dT dT
2Tsin dF BidA 2T sin BiRdT
2 2
dT dT dT
If dT is small so, sin | 2T. BiRdT
G G 2 2 2
Force acting on electron Fm e v u B . This force acts
along x-axis and hence electrons will move towards face (2) BiL
T BiR, if 2SR L so T
and it becomes negatively charged. 2S
Fcos T mgsin T BiA cos T mgsin T B tan T
P 0 ev v
path B rv
4S r 2 B
7. The line integral of magnetising field H for any closed
path called magnetomotive force (MMF). It’s S.I. unit is amp.
8. Ratio of dimension of e.m.f. to MMF is equal to the dimension
of resistance.
9. The positive ions are produced in the gap between the two
dees by the ionisation of the gas. To produce proton,
hydrogen gas is used; while for producing alpha-particles,
helium gas is used.
§ Bq ·
Deviation in terms of time t ; T Zt ¨ ¸t
© m¹
T sin 1 ¨ ¸ . This relation can be used only when x d r .
For x > r, the deviation will be 180° as shown in the following figure 19. In the previous case if direction of currnet in movable wire
is reversed then it’s instantaneous acceleration produced is
20. Electric force is an absolute concept while magnetic force is
a relative concept for an observer.
21. The nature of force between two parallel charge beams
decided by electric force, as it is dominator. The nature of
force between two parallel current carrying wires decided
by magnetic force.