User Manual tt3771 Alarm Panel Doc NR 98 133687 B
User Manual tt3771 Alarm Panel Doc NR 98 133687 B
User Manual tt3771 Alarm Panel Doc NR 98 133687 B
User manual
Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS)
User manual
Any responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection with the use of this
product and the accompanying documentation is disclaimed by Thrane & Thrane.
The information in this manual is provided for information purposes only, is subject
to change without notice and may contain errors or inaccuracies. Manuals issued by
Thrane & Thrane are periodically revised and updated. Anyone relying on this
information should acquire the most current version e.g. from or from the distributor. Thrane & Thrane is not
responsible for the content or accuracy of any translations or reproductions, in whole
or in part, of this manual from any other source.
Thrane & Thrane A/S trading as Cobham SATCOM.
© 2013 Thrane & Thrane A/S. All rights reserved. Printed in Denmark.
Trademark acknowledgements
• Thrane & Thrane is a registered trademark of Thrane & Thrane A/S in the
European Union and the United States.
• Inmarsat is a registered trademark of the International Maritime Satellite
Organisation (IMSO) and is licensed by IMSO to Inmarsat Limited and Inmarsat
Ventures plc.
• Other product and company names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks
or trade names of their respective owners.
Safety summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all
phases of operation, service and repair of this equipment. Failure to
comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this
manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture and intended
use of the equipment. Thrane & Thrane assumes no liability for the
customer's failure to comply with these requirements.
Do not operate the equipment in the presence of flammable gases or
fumes. Operation of any electrical equipment in such an environment
constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Operating personnel must not remove equipment covers. Component
replacement and internal adjustment must be made by qualified
maintenance personnel. Do not service the unit with the power cable
connected. Always disconnect and discharge circuits before touching
Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not
substitute parts or perform any unauthorised modification to the
Voice Distress calls
About the manual
Intended readers
This manual is a user manual for the Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS)
system. This manual is intended for anyone who is using or
intends to use this system. No specific skills are required to
operate the system. However, it is important that you observe all
safety requirements listed in the beginning of this manual, and
operate the system according to the guidelines in this manual
and in other manuals that come with your system.
Manual overview
Note that this manual does not cover installation of the system.
For information on installation refer to the installation manual.
Part numbers for related manuals are listed in the next section.
This manual has the following chapters:
• Introduction contains a brief description of the system
and of the FleetBroadband Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS)
• Getting started explains how to insert SIM card and start
up the unit. It also contains a short guide to making the first
• Using the system explains how to use the system.
• Troubleshooting contains a short troubleshooting guide
and explains how to update software.
In this manual, typography is used as indicated below:
Bold is used for the following purposes:
• To emphasize words.
Example: “Do not touch the antenna”.
• To indicate what the user should select in the user interface.
Example: “Select SETTINGS > LAN”.
Italic is used to emphasize the paragraph title in cross-
Example: “For further information, see Connecting Cables
on page...”.
Related documents
The below list shows the documents related to this manual and
to the Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS) system.
Title and description
Table of contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
The Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS) system .................................. 2
The Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS) service .................................. 6
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting
Status signalling .................................................................................. 22
Event messages .................................................................................. 25
Troubleshooting guide .................................................................... 28
Service and repair .............................................................................. 31
Glossary ..................................................................................................................... 33
Index ..................................................................................................................... 35
Table of contents
Chapter 1
Introduction 1
This chapter introduces the Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS) and gives an
overview of the system and services. It has the following sections:
• The Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS) system
• The Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS) service
Chapter 1: Introduction
S150 / Optional
S250 / External Ringer
S500 Terminal
System components
The system includes the following system components:
SAILOR 3771 Alarm Panel (TT-3771A)
Thrane IP Handset
The Thrane IP Handset is used in the Voice Distress
system to make Distress calls initiated by the Alarm
When the Thrane IP Handset is designated for
Voice Distress by the FleetBroadband terminal, the
top of the display shows .
When the FB Distress button on the Alarm Panel is
pressed, the Distress IP Handset rings and when you
answer it you are automatically put through to the
nearest Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre
Additional IP Handsets may be used for normal
voice communication (non-Distress).
a b c d
1. Test. Used for testing the Alarm Panel (buttons, light and sound).
2. Mute. Mutes the sound from the buzzer in the Alarm Panel until a new
event activates the buzzer again.
3. Dim h. Increases the light in the display.
ordination Centre (MRCC).
For a more detailed description of the function of the buttons, see General
functions in the Alarm Panel on page 14.
a. FB . Shows that the Alarm Panel is connected and associated with the
FleetBroadband system.
b. Distress. Shows that there is a Distress call - either incoming or
c. Fault. Shows that there is a fault in the system. This can be a network
problem, a fault in the equipment or wrong configuration.
d. Test. Shows that there is a Distress test in progress (Distress test is
activated from the IP Handset).
The Alarm Panel also has a buzzer, which sounds when there is a Distress
call or a fault. For the behaviour of the buzzer, see Buzzer on page 14.
Getting started 2
This chapter describes how to make sure the system is ready for making a
call. For information on how to install the system, insert SIM card and
connect cables, refer to the installation manuals for the SAILOR 3771 Alarm
Getting started
Panel and for the FleetBroadband system.
This chapter has the following sections:
• Service activation
• Checking the system
Service activation
Before you can use your Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS) system, you must
make an airtime subscription with your airtime provider and acquire a SIM
card for your FleetBroadband terminal. The airtime subscription must
include the supplementary services Voice Distress (eMLPP) and Call
Waiting. The terminal can only access the satellite network and use the
Voice Distress service when the right type of SIM card is installed. For
information on how to insert the SIM card, refer to the installation manual
for the FleetBroadband system.
Chapter 2: Getting started
In IP Handset
In Alarm Panel
Check that the display of the SAILOR 3771 shows FB (the dot after FB is
flashing during startup until the system is ready for use). This indicates that
the Alarm Panel is connected and associated with a FleetBroadband
Check that the display does not show Fault.
Using the system 3
This chapter describes how to make Distress and Urgency calls and explains
the functions of the Alarm Panel. It also describes how to configure the
system (FleetBroadband terminal and IP Handset) for Voice Distress and
how to test the system.
Note This manual only describes functions related to Voice Distress. For
information on other functions of the IP Handset and/or the
FleetBroadband system see the user manuals for these products.
Chapter 3: Using the system
Making an Urgency call
Note You can only make Urgency priority calls from the Distress IP
Handset, not from any other connected Handsets.
The following short codes are available for Urgency calls:
• 32: Urgency Medical Advice
• 38: Urgency Medical Assistance
• 39: Urgency Maritime Assistance
To make an Urgency call from your Voice Distress system, do as follows:
Displaying faults
If there is a fault in the connected equipment or network, the buzzer in the
Alarm Panel sounds and the display of the Alarm Panel shows Fault.
Note The Fault indicator is also lit if Voice Distress is disabled in the
connected FleetBroadband terminal.
If the Alarm Panel loses connection to the FleetBroadband terminal, the dot
after FB disappears and FB and Fault are flashing.
You can also see a list of active events and an event log in the built-in web
interface of the FleetBroadband terminal. For details, see the user manual
for your FleetBroadband system.
Displaying faults 13
Chapter 3: Using the system
The Alarm Panel has a buzzer, which has the following behaviour:
Event Behaviour
Apart from the FB Distress button, the front panel has four other buttons:
Test, Mute, Dim h and Dim i. The functions of all the buttons are
described in the following sections.
FB Distress button
For how to make a Distress call, see Making a Distress call on page 10. The
behaviour of the button (for Distress as well as Distress test) is as follows:
Event Behaviour
Distress call has been Button lights, but is briefly off every 20
Note This test only verifies the function of the Alarm Panel itself, not of
any connected equipment or the total system. For information on
how to test the system, see Testing the Voice Distress (Non-
SOLAS) system on page 19.
To test the light and sound indicators in the Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS), do
as follows:
Note The light always goes to full intensity if there is an event such as a
Distress message, a fault or the Test button is pressed.
You can always use the Dim buttons to dim the light again if you
want to.
Configuring the system for Voice Distress
To configure the system for Voice Distress, do as follows:
Testing the Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS)
Apart from checking the displays of the Alarm Panel and the IP Handset as
described in the previous section and testing the Alarm Panel itself as
described in Testing the SAILOR 3771 Alarm Panel on page 15, you can
test the Distress function for the total system.
To test the Distress function, do as follows:
Troubleshooting 4
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
Status signalling
Both the Alarm Panel, the IP Handset and the FleetBroadband terminal have
means of signalling the status of the system.
Alarm Panel
The Alarm Panel display can show:
Event/Status Display
Connected to FB
FleetBroadband terminal
22 Status signalling
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
Distress IP Handset
The Distress IP Handset can show warnings and
display a list of active events in the total
FleetBroadband system.
To see the list of events, select Menu > BGAN >
Active alarms. For a list of the event messages
related to Voice Distress, see the next section,
Event messages.
For further information on the IP Handset, see the
user manual for your IP Handset. Related manuals
are listed in Related documents on page vi.
FleetBroadband terminal
Light indicators
The FleetBroadband terminal has a number of light indicators (LEDs) that
signal the status of different parts of the system. For details, refer to the
user manual for your FleetBroadband system.
Status signalling 23
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
For a list of the event messages related to Voice Distress, see the next
section, Event messages.
For further information on the FleetBroadband terminal, see the user
manual for your FleetBroadband system. Related manuals are listed in
Related documents on page vi.
24 Status signalling
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
Event messages
In the IP Handset and in the web interface of the FleetBroadband terminal
you can see events/alarms that are currently active.
The list below shows the events messages that may appear in connection
with the Voice Distress function
Displayed event
Explanation Remedy
troubleshoot errors.
Event messages 25
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
Displayed event
Explanation Remedy
Voice Distress call Voice Distress call has See call log for further
failed failed. details.
Voice Distress test call Voice Distress test call None - information
initiated has been initiated. only.
Voice Distress test call Voice Distress test call None - information
established has been established. only.
Voice Distress test call Voice Distress test call See call log for further
failed has failed. details.
26 Event messages
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
Displayed event
Explanation Remedy
Voice Distress urgency Urgency call has failed. See call log for further
call failed details.
Event messages 27
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting guide
The below table provides information on some of the problems that might
occur, including possible causes and remedies to solve the problems.
28 Troubleshooting guide
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
Problem Possible Cause Remedy
No connection 1) The PIN code has not 1) Enter the menu system of the
to the BGAN been entered in the IP Handset and select BGAN >
network. FleetBroadband terminal. Enter PIN code. Then enter
the PIN code.
2) There is an error in the 2) See the manual for the
terminal or the BGAN FleetBroadband system for
network. information on how to
troubleshoot errors.
The Alarm Panel 1) The cable is damaged 1) Check the cable connection
does not show or not connected between the Alarm Panel and
that it is properly. the terminal.
connected to a
2) There is an error in the 2) See the manual for the
terminal. FleetBroadband system for
information on how to
troubleshoot errors.
Troubleshooting guide 29
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
30 Troubleshooting guide
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
Service and repair
Should your Cobham SATCOM product fail, please contact your dealer or
installer, or the nearest Cobham SATCOM partner. You will find the partner
details on where you also find the Cobham
SATCOM Self Service Center web-portal, which may help you solve the
Your dealer, installer or Cobham SATCOM partner will assist you whether
the need is user training, technical support, arranging on-site repair or
sending the product for repair.
Your dealer, installer or Cobham SATCOM partner will also take care of any
warranty issue.
Should you need to send the product for repair, please read the below
information before packing the product.
The shipping carton has been carefully designed to protect the Voice
Distress (Non-SOLAS) and its accessories during shipment. This carton and
its associated packing material should be used when repacking for
shipment. Attach a tag indicating the type of service required, return
address, part number and full serial number. Mark the carton FRAGILE to
ensure careful handling.
Glossary A
DNS Domain Name System. A system translating server names
(URLs) to server addresses.
eMLPP Enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption. A
supplementary service used to deliver Maritime Safety Priority
Voice Calls as defined by Inmarsat.
IMSO International Mobile Satellite Organisation. An
intergovernmental organisation that oversees certain public
satellite safety and security communication services provided
via the Inmarsat satellites.
LAN Local Area Network. A computer network covering a small
physical area, like a home, office, school or airport. The defining
characteristics of LANs, in contrast to wide-area networks
(WANs), include their usually higher data-transfer rates, smaller
geographic area, and lack of a need for leased
telecommunication lines.
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity. A series of nine digits which
are sent in digital form over a radio frequency channel in order
to uniquely identify ship stations, ship earth stations, coast
stations, coast earth stations, and group calls. These identities
are formed in such a way that the identity or part thereof can
be used by telephone and telex subscribers connected to the
general telecommunications network to call ships
Non-SOLAS Not covered by the SOLAS convention
SIM Subscriber Identity Module. The SIM provides secure storing of
the key identifying a mobile phone service subscriber but also
subscription information, preferences and storage of text
Index B
A display
Alarm Panel, 4, 5
Alarm Panel Distress button, FB, 15
buttons, 4 Distress call
buzzer, 5 making, 10
description, 4 receiving, 12
display and controls, 4
Distress function
functions, 14 test, 19
alarm sound document number
mute, 16 this manual, i
list of, 25
B error
displaying in Alarm Panel, 13
buttons events
Alarm Panel, 4 list of, 25
Dim, 16 see list, 22
FB Distress, 15
Mute, 16
Test, 15 F
Alarm Panel, 5
displaying in Alarm Panel, 13
function, 5
FB Distress button, 15
features, 2
C FleetBroadband system
configuring, 17
call description, 3
Distress, 10 functions in Alarm Panel, 14
receiving Distress, 12
Urgency, 11
components of the system, 2 G
configuration, 17
getting started, 7
Dim buttons, 16
I system components, 2
system test, 19
IP Handset
description, 3
L test
Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS) system,
LEDs in FleetBroadband terminal, 22 19
light Test button, 15
adjusting, 16 test of Alarm Panel, 15
troubleshooting, 28
typography used in this manual, vi
manual U
document number, i
mute alarm sound, 16 Urgency call
making, 11
receiving Distress call, 12
repacking for shipment, 31 Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS)
repair, 31 configuring, 17
returning units, 31 service, 6
service activation, 7
system components, 2
S system overview, 2
safety summary, iii
buttons and display, 4
buzzer, 5 warranty, 31
description, 4
service activation, 7
service and repair, 31
service description
Voice Distress (Non-SOLAS), 6
status signalling, 22
support, 31