RM Research Paper Online Learning
RM Research Paper Online Learning
RM Research Paper Online Learning
With the emergence of Covid-19, the world shifted its working from offline to
online. Everything nowadays is done on laptops, computers or mobile phones, so
is the case with education. Education has taken a new turn and now has sifted
itself towards online classes, typed assignments, on-call meetings and whatnot.
Students are both happy and distressed about the online situation that has been
going on. For some, online classes are better suited while for others, they are just
a headache and they can’t wait for things to be normal again. This research paper
tries to shed some light on the efficiency of online education from the point of
view of students, the main stakeholders of the online education situation. This
paper will study the negative as well as the positive impact of online education
and what do the actual students think about it. Since education is one of the most
crucial of the sectors hit by Covid-19, studies on it are of utmost importance as
the impact of Covid-19 on education cannot be ignored. Hence, the major impact,
the shift of classes from offline to online mode, is a very interesting yet crucial
subject of study to carry out.
Both primary and secondary data has been used for this study. The data was
collected with the help of Google forms and several webpages that are mentioned
in the reference section of this paper. SPSS (statistical package for the social
sciences) is the software which has been used to analyze and interpret data. Its
various tools are also used to compute the data for the analysis and
Research Design:
Primary Data:
Primary data refers to the first hand data gathered by the research himself. It
means someone collection the data from the first original source first hand. Data
collected this way is called primary data.
Secondary Data:
Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily
available from other sources. Such data are cheaper and more quickly obtainable
than the primary data. Source used are books, internet, newspaper.
Due to the corona virus pandemic, the world shifted from offline to online.
Along with the world, education also adopted the online platform. This
asked for a thorough research through students’ point of view on the
effectivity of online learning
The world might adopt online learning as the main form of learning if
positive outcomes appear with respect to it.
Sampling Area:
Sampling Method:
The data was collected through a google form and also via google and hence,
the sampling method so used is simple random sampling. The questionnaire
was distributed and filled randomly.
A systematic search of the research literature from 1996 through July 2008
identified more than a thousand empirical studies of online learning. Analysts
screened these studies to find those that a) contrasted an online to a face-to-face
condition, b) measured student learning outcomes, c) used a rigorous research
design, and d) provided adequate information to calculate an effect size.‖
―Earlier studies of distance learning concluded that these technologies were not
significantly different from regular classroom learning in terms of effectiveness.
Policymakers reasoned that if online instruction is no worse than traditional
instruction in terms of student outcomes, then online education initiatives could
be justified on the basis of cost efficiency or need to provide access to learners in
settings where face-to-face instruction is not feasible.
Shachar M., & Neumann, Y., (2010). Twenty Years of Research on the Academic
Performance Differences Between Traditional and Distance Learning:
Summative MetaAnalysis and Trend Examination, MERLOT Journal of Online
Learning and Teaching, Vol. 6, No. 2.
This meta-analysis research estimated and compared the differences between the
academic performance of students enrolled in distance education courses,
relative to those enrolled in traditional settings, as demonstrated by their final
course grades/scores, within the last twenty year (1990-2009) period, further
broken down to four distinct sub-periods.
Schachar, M., & Neumann, Y., (2003). Differences Between Traditional and
Distance Education Academic Performances: A meta-analytic approach, The
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol. 4, No.2.
This meta-analysis research estimated and compared the differences between the
academic performances of students in distance education courses relative to
those enrolled in traditional settings, as demonstrated by their final course
grades/scores within the 1990–2002 period.
In this study the investigator compared two sections of the same course—one
section was online and asynchronous; the other was face-to-face—by examining
gender, age, learning preferences and styles, media familiarity, effectiveness of
tasks, course effectiveness, tests grades, and final grades. The two sections were
taught by the same instructor and used the same instructional materials.
From 1989–2004, there were 15 studies published that met strict criteria for
internal experimental validity comparing online courses with conventional
courses. Cavanaugh, Gillan, Hess and Blomeyer (2005) published the first meta-
analysis of online education outcomes focused entirely on K–12 education, The
Effects of Distance Education on K–12 Student Outcomes: a Meta-Analysis. The
meta-analysis found that virtual instruction produced results measuring student
achievement that were ―as good or better than‖ traditional face-to-face
“Has online learning been a boon or a bane?” is one of the biggest questions now-
a-days. For some it has been a rescue from boredom and a swift towards
education but for others it has been a burden, a sack full of stress in disguise.
According to Huang et al., a novel corona virus, known as Covid-19, was
discovered in the last month of the year 2019, in a seafood market in Wuhan.
Clinical analysis results of the virus showed person-to-person transmission The
Director General of WHO in March 2020 declared Covid-19 as a pandemic after
assessment of the rapid spread and severity of the deadly virus across the globe
with additional announcement of social distancing as a means of curbing the
spread of the pandemic. This research paper seeks to find an answer for this
question. With the emergence of Covid-19 pandemic, the world has shifted its
functions from offline, face to face, to online. With everything, education has also
been shifted to the online platform across the world. Online learning is the use of
internet and some other important technologies to develop materials for
educational purposes, instructional delivery and management of program.
Teachers and students now-a-days connect with each other through online
applications and software such as zoom, google meet, Microsoft Teams, etc. but
is this mode of learning effective? Students as well as teachers, across the world,
have been facing a lot of issues in attending and taking lectures online, be it
connection issues, environmental stress or lack of adequate technological
knowledge. Even before the pandemic, a slight shift of academics towards the
online learning could be seen. Would it have been efficient or not is surely tested
by the Covid-19. It is very clear that Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the
education system (which was already believed to be losing its relevance by some).
Online education sure has some merits and it also has some demerits, it is like the
two sides of a coin. But do the merits overweight its demerits or does the
demerits overweight its merits is the purpose of this study. The effectivity of
online learning through the students’, the main stakeholders, perception.
Online learning is seen as an aid to education during the Covid-19 pandemic. This
pandemic disrupted the flow of education when sudden outbreak lead to
lockdown and a momentary full stop on learning. When everything seemed to
have been paused, online mode of learning came to the rescue. While some
consider online learning to be the solution of a problem, others consider online
learning to be the problem itself. Let’s take a look at the advantages and
disadvantages of online learning.
1. Efficiency
Since online classes can be taken from home or location of choice, there are
fewer chances of students missing out on lessons.
4. Suits a Variety of Learning Styles
Every student has a different learning journey and a different learning style. Some
students are visual learners, while some students prefer to learn through audio.
Similarly, some students thrive in the classroom, and other students are solo
learners who get distracted by large groups.
The online learning system, with its range of options and resources, can be
personalized in many ways. It is the best way to create a perfect learning
environment suited to the needs of each student.
For many students, one of the biggest challenges of online learning is the struggle
with focusing on the screen for long periods of time. With online learning, there is
also a greater chance for students to be easily distracted by social media or other
2. Technology Issues
3. Sense of Isolation
Students can learn a lot from being in the company of their peers. However, in an
online class, there are minimal physical interactions between students and
teachers. This often results in a sense of isolation for the students.
4. Teacher Training
Many parents are concerned about the health hazards of having their children
spend so many hours staring at a screen. This increase in screen time is one of the
biggest concerns and disadvantages of online learning. Sometimes students also
develop bad posture and other physical problems due to staying hunched in front
of a screen.
A google form was also circulated among the students for the purpose of this
research paper. Many of the students responded too. The sample space for this
research is 101. The google form contained questions regarding the efficiency and
effectivity of online learning during the Covid-19 times. The data so obtained was
then analyzed using the software SPSS, i.e., statistical package for the social
sciences. It is a software that is used to analyze and conclude data and also helps
in performing statistical operations on the data so provided to it.
The following was the google form circulated among the students:
Following were the results of research and analysis:
According to the research, majority, i.e., 71.29% of the students prefer learning
offline or in face to face classes due to various reasons.
The preferred device should be a Laptop or a desktop, vision and screen-wise, but
still 19.80% students use smartphones for taking classes, whereas the majority
uses a laptop.
The data shows that the majority of students attend classes for about 4-6 hours a
day but they would much rather attend classes for 1-3 hours a day in order to
lessen their burden.
Teachers are seen to be quite helpful during the pandemic in guiding and aiding
It has been difficult for students to attend online classes according to the data
The pandemic has been very stressful for everyone, including students, and
hence, the graph shows that it has been very stressful for students to attend
online classes.
Students according to this data consider online learning only slightly effective.
In conclusion, online classes have been quite a comfort to some students but
majority of students are not happy with the classes. According to some students
the time spent on online lectures is too much and too tiring while the others are
finding it difficult to overcome the stress of pandemic and hence, are getting
away from the focus. Although the classes have come off as burden to students, I
won’t declare it a complete fail. Some students are really happy about the classes
and are also enjoying them. Even though the classes drain out twice the energy,
they are the only solution that can be seen in the rear view mirror. According to
me, with just a little bit tweaks and with less stress and pressure, online learning
will be just the blend of perfect learning. Online learning was adopted in haste
and hence the planning that was required to pull it off didn’t quite happen. With a
little bit of planning and by taking students’ opinion into the circle, online learning
can be made to compete with offline learning but sadly, we are not quite there
yet. So, all in all, while online learning is not totally a disaster, it is also not quite
the perfect companion when it comes to learning and studying. Little changes and
tweaks would really go a long way.
Covid 19 pandemic and online learning: the challenges and opportunities
(research paper)