Integration Baseband 52xx Ericsson Manual Method

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Integration Baseband 5212 / 5216 Ericsson Manual


Integration Baseband 52xx Ericsson Manual Method


1. Web Browser (recommended use Firefox or Chrome)

2. Latest Moshell or minimum Moshell 17.0c ( Moshell 17.0e )
3. RJ-45 LAN cable straight
4. SFTP application
5. Software 17A SW R5E74 706 MB or any SW updated. Creation the folder in any portion in
your PC and put the SW in it

6. Cable for EC bus 77701/1500 from SHU to BASEBAND

7. Cable CUT-6 from TMR to BASEBAND

Baseband Configuration Files

1. RBS Summary Script

2. Site Basic Script
3. Site Equipment Script
4. Transport Network Script
5. Radio Network Script

6. Put all Script in PC apply to Note five above

1. Power Up Baseband 521x

Connect Laptop to port LMT Baseband using RJ45 cable straight
IP Laptop Setting
Firewall and antivirus should be disabled in the local PC

Setting SFTP Server or freeFTPd Software

- IP Address Baseband :

- User : ftp
- Password : ftp
- Root path : Directory to Software 17A SW R5E74 and script folder or any SW Software
updated from Korek or any operator company

2. Open IE/Chrome/Firefox
Log in to Auto Integration Web GUI :
- Host : (IP Laptop)
- Username : ftp
- Password: ftp
- Site Installation File: /<RBS_Summary>.xml

3. Press button ‘Download Files’ until download complete.

Proses download will appear in Auto Integration log

After download files complete, press button “Integrate” for starting integration. Baseband will
restart before integration, process started (estimation 15 minutes).
Make sure transmission cable already connect to TRM Equipment (mandatory)

After Auto Integration complete, in Auto Integration Web

GUI will appear “Welcome to RBS”.
Open Moshell, log in to RBS using default IP

If Integration process failed/error, Baseband will automatically restore to factory setting.

Details error check in Emergency Access for format BaseBand
select Board restore if you received the BASEBAND used

Prepared by engineer Ehab ALQAYSI +

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