This document outlines the various holidays celebrated in a fictional city throughout the year, including religious holidays for different races as well as secular festivals. Many of the holidays involve religious ceremonies and events sponsored by guilds and districts within the city to celebrate their respective cultures and traditions.
This document outlines the various holidays celebrated in a fictional city throughout the year, including religious holidays for different races as well as secular festivals. Many of the holidays involve religious ceremonies and events sponsored by guilds and districts within the city to celebrate their respective cultures and traditions.
This document outlines the various holidays celebrated in a fictional city throughout the year, including religious holidays for different races as well as secular festivals. Many of the holidays involve religious ceremonies and events sponsored by guilds and districts within the city to celebrate their respective cultures and traditions.
This document outlines the various holidays celebrated in a fictional city throughout the year, including religious holidays for different races as well as secular festivals. Many of the holidays involve religious ceremonies and events sponsored by guilds and districts within the city to celebrate their respective cultures and traditions.
of course, are collected bv the temples and divvied up).
A11 puildsmen are entitled (even errnuraged by their
guilds) to take the day off from work, and the guilds sponsor games at the colosseum. 8th nionth, 30th day- Festival ofthe s~>u.This is a secular hoIiday sponsored largely by the Sailors, Maritime Officers, Longshoremen and Fishermen Guilds to improve the image ofThe Docks and those who rely on the sea for their livelihood. The port closes for most of the day, and local taverns spruce themselves up as best they can. The guilds hold boat races, ;ind the Fiqhermen Guild holds an exhibit of exceptional and exotic catch- es. The Nmy also partkipates by staging maneuvers and even mock battles. 3rd month, ~ o t day h -E I U ~~ n l nu).y For the Elves,this 9th month, 5th day - Human &Iy Dnv. I n theory, all is supposed to be a day of meditation and communion humans should spend this day in worship and religious with their god. All Elves are supposed to stav home cont.pmp1ation.But in truth, humans. by virtue ofbeing and spend their time in contemplation and/or attend the most numerous race, cannot stop working en masw reIigioiIs services, the largest of which are herd in the without shutting down the city. So it is largely a matter Hall of the Elements (location P3)and in the Temple of of individual discretion whether or not one treats this The sh,(location )IO). The services are led by the senior day a3 a true holiday. Nevertheless, bcth the Children of clerics of Ladp ofthe Heavens. the Creator and t h e Tnie Children hoId well-attended 4th moiith, 19th day - Fool’s Cap. Fool”sCap is a folk tra- ceremonies in their temples by the Spire, and humans dition rathyr than an official holiday but it is tolerated who cannot devote this day to woiship are strongly as relativety harmless by the city’s secular and religious encouraged to donate money to the temple^. authorities. On ~ool’sCap, alI adults must wear motley . ?wh month, I & day - ~ d r s n n sFestiivl. This i s nor so or othcnvise silly-looking headgear as a light-hearted much a holiday as ;inannual fair held in The Pavilions renunciation of their sober duties as mernbes of the (localion LIO), sponsored by the artisans guilds to community. Men who defy the custom are supposed popularize their various trades. Select representatives to receive a hearty pounding between the shoulder from each artisans guild sets up shop and gives public blades, Iadics a tug of the hair. Nowadays, even mem- demonstrarions o f their craft. bers of the City Council play along, wearing silly hats 12th rvonth, ~ 2 n day- d Uwnwen Holy Day. The Dwarven II ro the Council Chambers. Rut it shoriid also be noted District completely shurs down on this dav. The Gate of that a h hough the precise origins of Fool’s Cap are now the Srane Fathers is barred, except to dwarves who wish forgotten, it is largely a human custom. Elves, dwarves to enier, and the Great Smithy is shut down and locked and humanoids who h e to go along to get d o n g join in up. Dwarves who work outside o f the Dwarven District the merriment, but other non-humans can be grumpy must close their shops or athenvise refrain from work about ir and don’t take kindly when they are aqsaulted (only City Guardsmen receive &per sation;. Religious for their refusal to play along with the gag. services are held in the Stone God Fellowship Temple 6th rnovth, ~M!Idav - Humanoid Holy Day. The human- (location JII), and also in the !-idof the Ancestors oids rewnt the fact that the other main religious sects (location A ~ o )The. latter is led by priests and the clan gave them this day of worship by default, and some lead ess. humamlid sects express thar resentment by celebrating as manv several days before or after the 30th day of the 6th month. Other than that, the day cunforms more or less to I he practice a i the other sects. Humanoids may akstain from work (unless they perform an essential service, such as working in the Colosseum), and the various tribal shamans perform their most important religious service of the year on this day. v- I - .
7th month, 15th dov - nay o j h e . T h i s is a secuIar holi-
day ore mized by the g d d s and informally recognized by the city goveri~ment.Representatives from each guiId gather in the’l’ravelers District in the morning and parade rlown the main thoroughfaarc to the Spire, where they 1e;rve offerings TO their racial gods (the offerings,