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Annexe 1 :

JSA standard des opérations avec Crawler crane

and RISKS Residual
(Break to job down into steps) (What can harm you?)
A Community Disruption to the 2 Hours as noted in the planning approval 1
community Community around work area notified about works to be
If approached by members of the public refer them to
the company spokesperson.
B Environmental Pollution of Waterways 2 No refuelling of vehicles near water way 1
Jerry cans to be stored in bunds.
Spill kits to be available on site and on vessels.
Any spillages of fuels or oils to be immediately cleaned up

C Organisation Accidents –time loss - 4 Appoint a site supervisor 2

stress Crane operator present during assembly
Avoid change of rigging team
Method statement to be defined in advance
D General ● Failure of persons to 2 Ensure that all personnel have undergone the project 1
be inducted onto site induction and marine induction prior commencing
Reviewed JSERA to be read, understood and signed
off prior to work commencing.
Ensure that all personnel are aware of the
different work zones on the day
Failure to provide 3 First Aider to be onsite at all time 1
emergency equipment, PPE required to be worn at all times – Safety Hat,
PPE or amenities Safety Boots, High Visibility Clothes are mandatory.
Gloves and ear protection must be worn where
Fall harness is obliged in the man basket, cherry picker.
Noise 3 Isolate plant from majority of employees in the areas. 1
Rotate workers who are exposed to the noise source
Insulate the noise source
Wear hearing protection(obligatory ≥ 85 dB(A))
Heat Stress 4 Access to cool drinking water and adequate intake of it 1
Regular rest breaks
Hot heavy tasks to be carried out in early morning or
late afternoon
Awareness of signs of heat illnesses
Education about personal factors that effects their
ability to cope with heat such as:

SAR.F.QEHS.431-003 E Job Safety and Environmental Risk Assessment v1.0


and RISKS Residual
(Break to job down into steps) (What can harm you?)

Cardio-vascular disease or metabolic disorder
Heat acclimatization
E Adverse weather UV Radiation 4 Provision for overhead shade protection 1
Provision for Personal Protective Equipment such as:
Safety hat with brim and flap
Long sleeve shirt
Long pants
Sunscreen to be applied regularly to all exposed
areas of the body as recommended

Cold weather 4 Wear thermic clothing 1

Wear protective gloves
Prevent Frostbite
Take a break for the body to warm up
Failure to communicate 2 Pre-start meeting to be conducted every day prior to 1
safety information work commencing

High Winds, Rain 4 Assessment of weather conditions to be carried 2

Poor light out daily
Damage to equipment Forecasts to be obtained from two or more
and property independent and recognized meteorological
Injury to members of the institutions
public and site personnel These windspeeds are measured at a height of 10m
above the ground. For crane operations the wind
speed is measured on the top of the boom, which are
higher than the windspeed measured at a height of
10m above the ground (EN 13000 – 2004 Annex N1)
Crane operator to check the wind speed by using
cranes anemometer or a hand held air speed
Anemometer if the cranes is faulty.
Check the cranes load chart and or Operators
Manual and make yourself aware of the limitations
and shutdown point.
Re-evaluate risk ratings if activities are impacted
by weather conditions
Cancel operations if deemed unsafe (HOLD procedure)
The minimum illumination level must be ≥ 20 lux
(Belgium: ARAB Art. 62)
F Manual Handling Sprains 3 Before you start moving, lifting or carrying 1
Muscle strains heavy loads ensure that:
Tendon and Ligament You are fit for the job
damage Have warned up stretches before starting any

SAR.F.QEHS.431-003 E Job Safety and Environmental Risk Assessment v1.0


and RISKS Residual
(Break to job down into steps) (What can harm you?)
Spinal damage manual work
The use of all available mechanical methods to move
the load have been considered
Assess the area
- Try not to lift in a restricted area
- Ensure there is nothing you can trip over when
carrying something
Size up the load
Only lift to your own capabilities. Don’t lift
more then you can comfortably handle Remember the
10 metre rule when carrying a load: After 10 metres
your muscles will fatigue rapidly and the chances of
injury will increase rapidly
Team lifts
Ensure the load is close to your body
Keep your feet shoulder width apart
Lift with your legs and not your back
Continue to do regular stretches during your shift to
stay flexible
Seek assistance if required

G Communication Loss of communication 3 Explain procedures 1

Failure to understand Ensure everyone understands
direction Use hand and whistle signals
Use two way radios in necessary
Check that the batteries are fully charged
Do a radio check
Charging of batteries must be done at the end of shift
or sooner if required
Batteries must be fully discharged prior to being
recharged to retain battery lift

H Access and egress Slips, trips, falls 3 Housekeeping – ensure that construction materials are 1
– General kept in designated areas
Take care on uneven/wet/slippery grounds
Ensure safe, stable and hard access ways are
Access ways must be clear at all times
I Pre-start inspection 3 Inspection of plant to be carried out prior to starting on 1
Safety walk
of plant site
Daily pre-start inspection to be carried out by operator
Untrained personnel, 3 Operators certificate to be sighted before using plant 1
incompetent and and experience noted
inexperienced operator
Oïl spills 3 Inspection of plant to be carried out prior to starting 1
on site

Spill kit must be kept on site


SAR.F.QEHS.431-003 E Job Safety and Environmental Risk Assessment v1.0



and RISKS Residual
(Break to job down into steps) (What can harm you?)

Any spillages of fuels or oils to be immediately cleaned up

J Adequate Collision with 4 Coordination between cranes in same work area 1

operational zones other cranes
Must take into consideration the sites traffic control plan and
have adequate control measures in place for traffic control
Personnel in Must discuss with drivers routes to be used and
danger zones loading area

Check for overhead obstructions (eg. Powerlines,

Overhead obstructers

K Loading/unloading 4 Working at heights performed by trained personnel 2

of crawler crane Fall from heights For all elevated work platforms operators must be fully licensed
components with
Ladders must be in good working order and periodically
assist crane
checked. Three points of contact must be maintained at all
times (three limbs in contact) and equipment/tools must be
hoisted separately
Safety harness to be used where necessary Approved
static line and anchoring system to be utilised if
Must use appropriate PPE

3 Tool lanyards are to be used when working at height. Tools have 1

Falling objects to be stored safely in their correct place. Equipment and
materials must be stored and installed safely.
Loose items are to be secured.

Collisions, contact 4 Toolbox meeting discussing hazards and procedures prior to 2

with vehicles and loading
personnel Assist crane crew set up according to riggers
instructions as per assembly plan
Assist crane crew is responsible for proper set up of
assist crane
Inspect all lifting gear needed for assembly process

L Inspect and select Uncompacted soil Traffic 4 Early planning must take place and restrictions must be 2
site for crane problems Unauthorized addressed (working load limits, over head power
assembly/ person in area lines, underground services, load bearing capacity of
dismantle soils/ground, access etc).
Must have enough available open area to
assemble/dismantle crane and have adequate
exclusion zones to keep none authorized personnel out
of danger

Coordination with the appointed competent person



and RISKS Residual
(Break to job down into steps) (What can harm you?)

must take place at all times

Relevant information is to be passed to the crane
operator by the lift supervisor prior to commencing
Transporters movement procedure to be explained to
all persons involved with the process in the form of
Must take into consideration the sites traffic control
plan and have adequate control measures in place for
traffic control
M Changes to JSERA JSERA no 3 Consult with workforce on changes or amendments to 1
required or job longer compliant be made to JSERA
Toolbox the changes with workforce and
ensure everyone has signed off
Document to be sent to safety team

N Transport of the 4 Preliminary inspection of the site 2

Traffic accidents
crane parts Briefing the drivers
Follow the traffic plan on site
Drive at low speed – max. 15km/h – 4 * indicator
Assistance of the driver by a second person
while manoeuvring

Damage or missing 3 Inspection of the equipment when loading 1

equipment Inspection of the equipment upon arrival
Complete the bill of loading
Appoint a loading supervisor for the equipment
Check the test certificates
5 Wear safety shoes (anti skid) 2
Fall from trailer
Use ladder or step
(operator) Safety harness at all times (above 2m)

Fall from trailer 4 Immobilisation of the load on the trailer / lashing 1

(Material, crane parts) Inspection

Injuries/material 5 Qualified personnel 3

Follow manufacturer’s instructions
damage caused by
Use of the lifting equipment according to the
incorrect manipulations instructions
Visual inspections of the slings, chains and
shackles using the test certificates
Appoint one superintendent only
Wear a safety helmet
O Handling of the Foot injuries 4 Wear safety shoes 2
crane parts (sprain, fracture)

SAR.F.QEHS.431-003 E Job Safety and Environmental Risk Assessment v1.0



and RISKS Residu
(Break to job down into steps) (What can harm you?) al

Hand injuries (cut) 4 2

Wear safety gloves

General risks 4 Appropriate use of slings according to the instructions 3

Provide an auxiliary crane
Check the official test certificates.

Material damage 4 Toolbox meeting Inspection lifting area 2

Check with lifting scheme
caused by unprepared
working space
Lack of personnel 3 Coordinate with the project manager in order to provide 2
and/or unqualified enough personnel
personnel Presence of the crane driver during the assembling of the crane
If necessary, have a crane driver standby
All personnel have the relevant qualifications and training

Foot injuries 5 Wear safety shoes 2

(sprain, fracture) Good housekeeping in working area
P Positioning the 4 Wear safety gloves 2
Hand injuries (cut)
chassis Check the material for sharp edges
Damage underground 5 Use supporting “load spread materials” 3
Check lifting plans

Collision with 6 Qualified personnel 3

personnel and/or Use of the lifting equipment according to the instructions
equipment Inspections of the slings, chains and shackles using the test
Appoint one superintendent only
Escort the chassis by a flag man
Cordon off life equipment
Be aware of body position and avoid pinch points
Only authorized personnel in the working area

Fall of a height 6 Provide collective or personal protection 2

Safety harness (above 2m)

Working with telescopic See risk analysis: working with telescopic cranes
auxiliary crane
Q Assembly of 4 Preliminary inspection of the site 2
crawlers/supports Inform the drivers
Follow the traffic plan on site
Drive at low speed
Assistance of the driver by a second person while manoeuvring


and RISKS Residual
(Break to job down into steps) (What can harm you?)

Collision with personnel / 5 Qualified personnel 2

equipment Use of the lifting equipment according to the
Inspections of the slings, chains and shackles using
the test certificates
Appoint one superintendent only
Escort crawlers/supports
Cordon of life equipment
Check the crawlers/supports beforehand
Check the conditions of the hammers beforehand
Wear safety gloves
Be aware of body position and avoid pinch points

6 Wear safety harness as of 2m height. (Attach to 3

Fall from height
assembled boom part)
It is forbidden for persons to be on the boom parts
or other crane parts which are in the hook of the
auxiliary crane.
Fall of objects 6 Mark out, indicate and forbid access to the 3
periphery of the crane
Wear safety helmet
Do not walk/work under pending load
Lack of space 4 Assemble the crane according to the instructions of 2
the supervisor or the crane driver
Discuss the assembling with the responsible of
the client beforehand.

Injuries/material 4 Qualified personnel 3

damage caused by Use of the lifting equipment according to the
incorrect manipulations instructions
Inspections of the slings, chains and shackles
using the test certificates
Appoint one superintendent only
Wear a safety helmet
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions

R Lifting A frame Working with See risk analysis: working with telescopic cranes
auxiliary crane
Collision with personnel / 5 Qualified personnel/crane operator 3
equipment Use of the lifting equipment according to the
Preliminary inspection of the slings, chains
damage caused by
incorrect manipulations and shackles using the test certificates
Appoint one lifting supervisor only
(Communication instruction: SOP Lifting A-frame
for LR1800)

Guiding of the boom parts by guiding ropes



and RISKS Residu
(Break to job down into steps) (What can harm you?) al
Cordon of life equipment
Check the boom parts beforehand
Check the condition of the hammers and the pins beforehand
Wear safety gloves
Use boom supports
Wear safety harness as of 2m height fixed/attached to assembled
boom part.

S Positioning 5 Instruction: 2
Collision with personnel /
counterweight No people under boom, support, load
No people between the load and the crane or an obstacle
Injuries/material (pinch points)
damage caused by Qualified personnel
incorrect manipulations Wear safety harness as of 2m height fixed/attached to
assembled boom part.
Wear safety gloves

T Closing guy ropes of Fall of objects 5 Mark out, indicate and forbid access to the periphery of the 3
SL boom crane
Wear safety helmet
Do not walk/work under pending load
Secure all pins and check
Material damage caused 4 Check crane drawing 2
by wrong rope length Qualified personnel

U Pulling up the SL Material damage caused 4 Clear area 2

boom by incorrect Qualified personnel
manipulation or failing of Use of the lifting equipment according to the instructions
lifting gear Inspection of the slings, chains and shackles using the test

Material damage 4 Clear area 2

caused by Qualified personnel
incorrect Use of the lifting equipment according to the
manipulation or failing instructions
of lifting gear Inspection of the slings, chains and shackles using the
test certificates


and RISKS Residual
(Break to job down into steps) (What can harm you?)

V Assembly Collision with personnel / 6 Qualified personnel 3

equipment Use of the lifting equipment according to the
Inspections of the slings, chains and shackles
damage caused by
incorrect manipulations using the test certificates
Appoint one superintendent only
Communication instructions
Guiding of the boom parts by guiding ropes
Cordon of life equipment
Check the boom parts beforehand
Check the condition of the hammers and the pins
Wear safety gloves
Use boom supports
Wear safety harness as of 2m height fixed/attached to
assembled boom part.

Fall from height 6 Wear safety harness as of 2m height fixed/attached 3

to assembled boom part.
W Closing guy ropes Material damage 3 Check crane drawing 1
caused by wrong rope Qualified personnel
Fall of objects 4 Cordon off, indicate and forbid access to the periphery of 3
the crane
Wear a safety helmet
Do not work under a pending load
Secure all pins & check

Rope damage caused 3 Check crane instruction book 2

Qualified personnel
by twisted ropes

Collision with personnel / 5 Qualified personnel 3

Use of the lifting equipment according to the
Inspections of the slings, chains and shackles
damage caused by
incorrect manipulations using the test certificates
Appoint one superintendent only
Wear safety gloves
Secure pins & check
X Reefing the hook 4 Do not touch twisted ropes 2
Hand injuries
block Wear safety gloves

Transport 4 Preliminary inspection of the site 2

Briefing the drivers
Follow the traffic plan on site
Drive at low speed – max. 15km/h – 4 * indicator
lights. Assistance of the driver by a second person
while manoeuvring


and RISKS Residual
(Break to job down into steps) (What can harm you?)
Y Work preparation Tipping of the crane 6 3
Calculate the max. Ground pressure under the
crane mats. Check whether the calculated ground
pressure does not exceed the bearing capacity of the
Arrange a sand bed and adequate load
spreading under the crawlers of the crane
Check the crane position area for underground voids
Check whether the crane has been set up level, within
tolerance of max 0.3°
Check the setting of the correct crane program.
Z Crane set up Use of unsafe 5 Check whether the crane has CE certification 3
lifting devices Check the validity of the crane certification
Arrange functional testing of the crane after set up
Arrange certification by a notified body, according to
national legislation
Uncontrolled crane 5 The sail area of the load may not exceed 1.2m² 2
movements due to per ton capacity
excessive wind speed. In case the max. Sail area of the load exceeds 1.2m²
per ton capacity, the max. Admissible wind speed has
to be reduced accordingly.
Assessment of weather conditions to be carried out
Forecasts to be obtained from two or more
independent and recognized meteorological
institutions. These windspeeds are measured at a
height of 10m above the ground. For crane operations the
wind speed is measured on the top of the boom, wich
is higher than the windspeed measured at a
height of 10m above the ground (EN 13000 – 2004
Annex N1)
Crane operator to check the wind speed by using
the cranes anemometer or a hand held air speed
anemometer if the cranes is faulty.
Check the cranes load chart and or Operators Manual
and make yourself aware of the limitations and
shutdown point.
Re-evaluate risk ratings if activities are impacted by
weather conditions
Cancel operations if deemed unsafe (HOLD procedure)
AA Start lifting Communication loss 3 Explain procedures 2
Operations Ensure everyone understands
Use hand and whistle signals
Use two way radios in necessary
Check that the batteries are fully charged
Do a radio check
Charging of batteries must be done at the end of


and RISKS Residual
(Break to job down into steps) (What can harm you?)

shift or sooner if required

Batteries must be fully discharged prior to being
recharged to retain battery lift
Drop of load 6 Slinging of the load only by qualified riggers 3
Slinging of the load according to plan
Check of the position of the centre of gravity (COG) of the load
before lifting.
Discuss the work method beforehand (Start Work
AB Slinging of the load Use of unsafe 5 Check the certificates of the rigging gear 2
slinging equipment Visual inspection of the rigging gear before use

Damage to the load or 5 Crane driver has a valid crane driver license Discuss the 2
surroundings caused by work method beforehand (Start Work Meeting)
Appoint one supervisor
incorrect handling
Only the supervisor gives directions to the crane driver.

AC Lifting of the load Drop of the load 5 Check the load for small objects left behind (welding 2
or objects electrodes, bolts, nuts,...) before lifting
Wear a safety helmet
Clear the lifting area.
Tipping of the crane 6 Do not use the manual override key during lifting 3
Fall from height 6 Slingers wear safety harness 3
Use cherry picker (with fall harness in the basket)
AD Unslinging the load Hand injuries 4 Wear safety gloves 3
AE Demobilisation of 4 Determine working method 2
Clamping of body parts
the crane Safe positioning of operator/rigger
Wear PPE’s (Safety shoes and safety gloves)
Work only with skilled people (training & education)

Falling, slipping 3 Order and cleanliness on site 1

of persons Do not leave about equipment on site
Keep entrances and exits clear
Wear PPE’s (Safety shoes)

Bumping to the load 4 Use guidance rope (working above shoulder level) 1
Wear PPE’s (Safety shoes, helmet)
Only authorized people are allowed in the work area
5 Never use your hands (other body parts) to guide the hosting 2
Clamping of body parts
cable during reefing
Distribution of safety alert concerning this topic
Keep off workers out of the operating zone
3 Qualified personnel 1
Clean-up lifting area

Annexe 2:

Du 1er Janvier au 31Mars Jaune

Du 1er Avril au 31 Juin bleu

Du 1er Juillet au 31 Septembre marron

Du 1er Octobre au 31 Décembre blanc

Code couleur des inspections trimestrielle

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