Annexe 1 :
Cardio-vascular disease or metabolic disorder
Heat acclimatization
E Adverse weather UV Radiation 4 Provision for overhead shade protection 1
Provision for Personal Protective Equipment such as:
Safety hat with brim and flap
Long sleeve shirt
Long pants
Sunscreen to be applied regularly to all exposed
areas of the body as recommended
H Access and egress Slips, trips, falls 3 Housekeeping – ensure that construction materials are 1
– General kept in designated areas
Take care on uneven/wet/slippery grounds
Ensure safe, stable and hard access ways are
Access ways must be clear at all times
I Pre-start inspection 3 Inspection of plant to be carried out prior to starting on 1
Safety walk
of plant site
Daily pre-start inspection to be carried out by operator
Untrained personnel, 3 Operators certificate to be sighted before using plant 1
incompetent and and experience noted
inexperienced operator
Oïl spills 3 Inspection of plant to be carried out prior to starting 1
on site
L Inspect and select Uncompacted soil Traffic 4 Early planning must take place and restrictions must be 2
site for crane problems Unauthorized addressed (working load limits, over head power
assembly/ person in area lines, underground services, load bearing capacity of
dismantle soils/ground, access etc).
Must have enough available open area to
assemble/dismantle crane and have adequate
exclusion zones to keep none authorized personnel out
of danger
Working with telescopic See risk analysis: working with telescopic cranes
auxiliary crane
Q Assembly of 4 Preliminary inspection of the site 2
crawlers/supports Inform the drivers
Follow the traffic plan on site
Drive at low speed
Assistance of the driver by a second person while manoeuvring
R Lifting A frame Working with See risk analysis: working with telescopic cranes
auxiliary crane
Collision with personnel / 5 Qualified personnel/crane operator 3
equipment Use of the lifting equipment according to the
Preliminary inspection of the slings, chains
damage caused by
incorrect manipulations and shackles using the test certificates
Appoint one lifting supervisor only
(Communication instruction: SOP Lifting A-frame
for LR1800)
S Positioning 5 Instruction: 2
Collision with personnel /
counterweight No people under boom, support, load
No people between the load and the crane or an obstacle
Injuries/material (pinch points)
damage caused by Qualified personnel
incorrect manipulations Wear safety harness as of 2m height fixed/attached to
assembled boom part.
Wear safety gloves
T Closing guy ropes of Fall of objects 5 Mark out, indicate and forbid access to the periphery of the 3
SL boom crane
Wear safety helmet
Do not walk/work under pending load
Secure all pins and check
Material damage caused 4 Check crane drawing 2
by wrong rope length Qualified personnel
Damage to the load or 5 Crane driver has a valid crane driver license Discuss the 2
surroundings caused by work method beforehand (Start Work Meeting)
Appoint one supervisor
incorrect handling
Only the supervisor gives directions to the crane driver.
AC Lifting of the load Drop of the load 5 Check the load for small objects left behind (welding 2
or objects electrodes, bolts, nuts,...) before lifting
Wear a safety helmet
Clear the lifting area.
Tipping of the crane 6 Do not use the manual override key during lifting 3
Fall from height 6 Slingers wear safety harness 3
Use cherry picker (with fall harness in the basket)
AD Unslinging the load Hand injuries 4 Wear safety gloves 3
AE Demobilisation of 4 Determine working method 2
Clamping of body parts
the crane Safe positioning of operator/rigger
Wear PPE’s (Safety shoes and safety gloves)
Work only with skilled people (training & education)
Bumping to the load 4 Use guidance rope (working above shoulder level) 1
Wear PPE’s (Safety shoes, helmet)
Only authorized people are allowed in the work area
5 Never use your hands (other body parts) to guide the hosting 2
Clamping of body parts
cable during reefing
Distribution of safety alert concerning this topic
Keep off workers out of the operating zone
3 Qualified personnel 1
Clean-up lifting area
Annexe 2: